Gridshell Structures in Laminated Bamboo: September 2017

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo

Thesis · September 2017

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14388.55688


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1 author:

Omar Elnagar
University of Bath


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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo

Omar Elnagar

Dr. Bhavna Sharma

The University of Bath

Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering

April 2017

MEng AR30315

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Bhavna Sharma for supervising this research. I would also
like to thank my parents Akram Elnagar and Amanda Salah, for their continuous support in everything I go
through. They have supported me in their ease and hardship, and have always been there when I needed
them. Finally, I want to thank all my friends who supported me, particularly my friend Ali Abubaker for his
continuous and staunch support.

Laminated bamboo has several applications in the construction industry and is excellent in its properties.
These applications range from hand built cranes to houses. However, the industry is not confident in
extending bamboo capabilities to further structures due to the lack of research which supports its use.
Laminated bamboo has exceptional mechanical properties; therefore, this research will study if building
gridshell structures can be enhanced by using of laminated bamboo as a material. The main purpose of
gridshells is to cover long span areas with low cost and light structures. Laminated bamboo can satisfy this

This research studies the strength of strained gridshell structures in the erection process. It also asses the
strength of unstrained and strained gridshells in resisting asymmetric load. Currently most gridshells are built
out of timber or steel. Hence, the behavior of laminated bamboo will be compared with western hemlock
timber and steel in their application to gridshell structures.

The tests will be made on a computer model built using a dynamic relaxation method and assessed using
non-linear analysis. This model represents a 10m by 10m simple gridshell in plan. Attention is given to the
deflection behavior of the models and analysis of bending actions.

Figure 1.1: (Princeton University , 2013) Forces in continues shell and gridshell............................................. 6

Figure 1.2: Raw bamboo (Zenbamboo, 2017) .................................................................................................. 8

Figure 2.1 Mannheim Bundesgartenschau Multihalle .................................................................................... 14

Figure 2.2 Savill Garden Pavilion ..................................................................................................................... 14

Figure 2.3 British Museum Great Court roof gridshell (Foster+Partners, 2000) ............................................. 15

Figure 2.4 ZCB Bamboo Pavilion (Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015) .................................................... 16

Figure 3.1 Grasshopper addition component (Picture from Grasshopper3D) ................................................ 18

Figure 3.2 Unstrained gridshell form finding procedure ................................................................................. 19

Figure 3.3 Grasshopper definition for 'Assemble Model component' and Large Deformation analysis' with
laths properties ....................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 3.4 Strained gridshell form finding procedure ..................................................................................... 20

Figure 3.5 Strained gridshell erection model boundary conditions (perspective) (Picture from Rhino3D).... 21

Figure 3.6 Strained gridshell mid-span lifting sequence, left to right (2 pinned, 2 rollers supports) (Picture
from Rhino3D) ........................................................................................................................................ 22

Figure 3.7 Erected gridshell showing lifting force at mid-span with initial positions shown as crosses (Picture
from Rhino3D) ........................................................................................................................................ 22

Figure 3.8 Unstrained gridshell form finding, showing hanging chain-like-model (Picture from Rhino3D) ... 23
Figure 3.9 Unstrained gridshell form found geometry in compression (Picture from Rhino3D) .................... 23

Figure 3.10 Unstrained gridshell initial model boundary conditions (perspective) (Picture from Rhino3D).. 23
Figure 3.11 Strained Method procedure ......................................................................................................... 25
Figure 3.12 Unstrained Method procedures ................................................................................................... 25

Figure 4.1 Front view of erected gridshell visualising maximum curvature as circle, erection loads and showing
curvture graph ........................................................................................................................................ 27
Figure 4.2 Curvature and height of both gridshells. (Blue) Laminated bamboo, (Red) Western Hemlock
(Picture from Rhino3D) ........................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 4.3 Load definition. Perspective view. (Picture from Rhino3D) ........................................................... 28

Figure 4.4 Load definition. Green arrows representing load. Blue lines represent the gridshell (Picture from
Rhino3D) ................................................................................................................................................. 28

Figure 4.5 Erected shape deflection and load results comparison ................................................................. 29

Figure 4.6 Comparison of deformed shapes with stress colours .................................................................... 29

Figure 5.1 Load definition for unstrained gridshell ......................................................................................... 30

Figure 5.2 Steel unstrained gridshell deformed shape (scale 4 times) ........................................................... 31

Figure 5.3 Western hemlock unstrained gridshell deformed shape (scale 4 times) ....................................... 32
Figure 5.4 Laminated bamboo unstrained gridshell deformed shape (scale 4 times) .................................... 32


Table 2.1 Material properties of raw bamboo, laminated bamboo and western hemlock timber. ............... 12

Table 4.1 Maximum bending stress calculations (for reference check Table 2.1) .......................................... 26
Table 4.2 Erection loads and curvature results comparison ........................................................................... 26

Table 5.1 Steel material properties ................................................................................................................. 30

Table 5.2 Deflection and load results .............................................................................................................. 31

List of Figures ......................................................................................................................................... 1

List of Tables .......................................................................................................................................... 2

Contents ................................................................................................................................................ 3

1. Introduction................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1. Engineers and architects’ relation to shells ............................................................................. 5

1.2. Form and environment........................................................................................................... 5

1.3. Forces and Gridshells motivation ............................................................................................ 6

1.4. Modelling + Form finding ....................................................................................................... 6

1.5. Fabrication and construction .................................................................................................. 7

1.6. Gridshell aesthetic ................................................................................................................. 7

1.7. Typical Materials .................................................................................................................... 7

1.8. Bamboo ................................................................................................................................. 8

1.9. Aims and Objectives ............................................................................................................... 9

2. Literature Review......................................................................................................................... 10
2.1. What is a gridshell? .............................................................................................................. 10
2.1.1. Strained Vs. Unstrained ......................................................................................................... 10

2.2. Materials ............................................................................................................................. 11

2.2.1. Laminated Bamboo Mechanical Properties .......................................................................... 11

2.3. Dynamic relaxation (form finding method) ........................................................................... 13

2.4. Timber gridshells (Case Study) .............................................................................................. 13

2.4.1. Mannheim Bundesgartenschau Multihalle ........................................................................... 13

2.4.2. Savill Garden .......................................................................................................................... 14

2.4.3. British Museum gridshell ....................................................................................................... 15

2.5. Bamboo gridshells (Case Study) ............................................................................................ 15

2.5.1. The Time Capsule and Pavilion .............................................................................................. 16

2.5.2. The ZCB Bamboo Pavilion ...................................................................................................... 16

2.6. Summary ............................................................................................................................. 17

3. Methodology ............................................................................................................................... 18

3.1. Parametric modelling ........................................................................................................... 18

3.2. Form finding ........................................................................................................................ 19

3.2.1. Method for form finding unstrained gridshells ..................................................................... 19

3.2.2. Method for form-finding strained gridshells ......................................................................... 20

3.3. Model specifications ............................................................................................................ 21

3.4. Structural analysis ................................................................................................................ 24

3.4.1. Unstrained ............................................................................................................................. 24

3.4.2. Strained ................................................................................................................................. 24

3.5. Results analysis .................................................................................................................... 24

3.5.1. Strained ................................................................................................................................. 24

3.5.2. Unstrained ............................................................................................................................. 24

3.6. Summary ............................................................................................................................. 25

................................................................................................................................................................ 25
4. Strained Gridshell analysis and results .......................................................................................... 26

4.1. Erection analysis .................................................................................................................. 26

4.2. Definition of asymmetric load .............................................................................................. 28

4.3. Erected gridshell analysis ..................................................................................................... 29

4.4. Discussion ............................................................................................................................ 29

5. Unstrained Gridshell analysis and results ...................................................................................... 30

5.1. Definition of asymmetric load .............................................................................................. 30

5.2. Results ................................................................................................................................. 30

5.3. Discussion ............................................................................................................................ 31

6. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 33

References ........................................................................................................................................... 35

Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Introduction


1.1. Engineers and architects’ relation to shells

As structure designs develop and novel geometry is aimed for by architects, the role of engineers can be
expressed as inseparable from architects. What distinguished a good project from a bad one is how engineers
and architect integrate their ideas and work together from when the project is initiated. Typical structures,
however, sometimes don’t require both. For example, infrastructures such as high way roads, bridges and
power plant don’t require architects. Similarly, a typical family house will not require engineers to design.

However, shell structures are one of those things that require the integration of engineers and architects
since the initiation of the project (Schlaich, 2014). The great coordination between architects and engineers
resulted in outstanding and revolutionary structures. With this collaboration, the cable net structure built in
Stuttgart won the international competition of the 1972 Olympic Games in 1967, the Museum of Hamburg
History was built by a steel gridshell, and the convertible roof built out of textile membrane in the Wolfgang
Meyer Sports centre Hamburg-Stellingen was built (Schlaich, 2014).

1.2. Form and environment

All built structures play a role on the environment. Thus, engineers and architects strive to find innovative
solutions in which materials and forms are utilized to produce form efficient and sustainable structures.

Carbo Dioxide emission CO2(e) from processing unsustainable materials, like concrete, steel and bricks, as
well as long construction processes, have a detrimental impact on the environment. Thus, sustainable
materials like timber, bamboo, clay, etc., are being explored. Form efficient structures are built with less
materials that requires short construction process and hence reduced CO2(e). Example of these lightweight
structures are shells.

The geometry of shells is dominated by its final form; yet the construction process is majorly taken into
consideration in the design phase (Ochsendorf & Block, 2014). Different load cases should be designed for.
For shells’ structural brilliance, when well formed, no out of plane bending stresses will be formed; leaving
all forces in axial compression. This can result in thickness of 80mm or as lows as 12mm depending on the
material used (Schlaich, 2014).

Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Introduction

The definition of a light weight structure does not necessarily mean the actual weight of the structure is light;
rather it means that the maximum load to weight ratio is high (Schlaich & Schlaich, 2017). Shells generally
play an important role for engineers; their honest form transfers load through membrane actions of in-plan
forces. This makes use of its material efficiently which results in a lighter, long-span, easy constructed and
cheaper structures. The rapid construction process of shells results in less CO2(e), which helps achieve more
sustainable environment. Thus, engineers and architects are driven to explore these novel structures for their
inherent characteristics and benefits.

1.3. Forces and Gridshells motivation

Shell structures can be built out of concrete, masonry or even steel. In shells, membrane actions are
transferred through the material normal plane, which makes the whole form of the shell acts in compression,
shear or tension (Heyman, 1977). Doing more with less is the fundamental aim when constructing sustainable
structures. Hence, designers use gridshells. Gridshells are shells but with portion of its membrane removed
[Figure 1]. They require extra bracing or cladding to complete the inherent of the shell shape. The efficiency
of gridshells comes from the fact that they can form the same shapes shells form, and bear similar loading,

Figure 1.1: (Princeton University , 2013) Forces in continues shell

and gridshell

while using less material and being lighter. This is because the forces are concentrated in the members of
the gridshell. Gridshells are shaped mainly in funicular forms. This idea has fundamentally started from the
catenary curve concept that was introduced in Antonio Gaudi’s hanging chains model. A 2D chain that is in
tension from the supports, can describe the forces in the funicular form of inverted gridshell in compression.
Yet the form depends on the applied load. This means that under different loads different shapes will be
formed. The perfect arch is one which accounts for different load cases. That concept originated from
Hooke’s law, where Hooke stated that ‘As hands the flexible line, so but inverted will stand the rigid arch’
(Ochsendorf & Block, 2014).

1.4. Modelling + Form finding

Before the foundation of CAD CAM technics, shells where form found by the hanging chain model. The
inverted shell shape is modeled by 3D chain, then nodes positions are photographed using stereo cameras
to determine the position of the members so the final form is found (Happold & Liddell, 1975). Now with the

Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Introduction

help of CAD CAM, many programs can be used to form find and even optimize gridshells. Confidently using
computers, mathematical representations of physics can be used to form find gridshells or shells. Using
computer aided techniques, form finding can be more efficient and effective than in the hanging chains
method. In computer models, boundary conditions, load cases, material properties and displacement
limitations are considered to form find the desired geometry. Computer techniques are indeed more efficient
as they can be used for a multi iterative process to find the most optimized shape to load form.

1.5. Fabrication and construction

Steel and concrete gridshells require expensive formwork or manufacturing to build the final form. Also, the
fabrication of connections and nodes requires precise tolerancing. This can be achieved by Computer Aided
Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM) (Dickson & Parker, 2015), yet they are expensive to
manufacture and have extended processing lead times. Sustainable materials are used, however, to reduce
the amount of materials used, to have light and material efficient structures, and to ease the construction
process. Timber is mainly used to resolve these issues. Timber gridshells are initially formed by bolting timber
laths together in grids or lattice shapes on the ground to form a grid-mat. The grid-mat is then lifted over on
cranes or by manpower, depending on the scale of the shell, to be fixed into final form. Some other methods
include inflating reusable construction balloons that are put initially under the grid-mate, then the gridshell
is fixed into place. In the case of low out plane bending, low torsional stiffness of the members, and free
rotation at intersection of members, transforming a grid-mat to gridshell is possible (Adriaenssens, et al.,
2014). The final form is finalized by putting bracing or cladding to provide in-plane shear strength (Dickson &
Parker, 2015).

1.6. Gridshell aesthetic

The beauty of gridshells is not only in their load to weight ratio, but also in their aesthetic possibility. Infinite
number of forms can be designed for the same gridshell, yet the form-finding and optimization of shells
depends on various aspects that are decided on per the purpose of the project. This can range from the lath
cross-sections’ bending strength and stiffness, to restrictions related to boundary conditions (ex.: height).
Gridshells have the ability to be formed in various free-form shapes while being structurally efficient.

1.7. Typical Materials

Timber laths represent the most common application in modern gridshells, as it overcomes many problems
in their construction and fabrication. Downland Gridshell, Multihalle Bundesgartenschau Mannheim

Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Introduction

Gridshell, Centre Pompidou-Metz and Pods Sports Complex, are all examples of gridshells that are made of
timber. Yet timber doesn’t solve all problems in the building and the designing of gridshells. For example, in
the construction of the Mannheim Multihalle, double layer was to be used instead of single layer gridshell.
This is due to the excessive out of plane bending from loads like wind, snow, etc., over long spans. Indeed,
the cross-section depth of the lath can be increased to provide more bending strength, yet this will increase
the stiffness of the members. Increasing the stiffness will restrict the final curvature of the structure to be
put into shape. In other words, bending lath during construction to a specific radius, can be impossible due
its stiffness. This can result in failure of some members, and this sometimes happens during the construction
of many gridshells. For structures which are built with the aim of sustainability, and maintaining lightness of
a gridshell, bamboo is the optimal choice.

1.8. Bamboo

Bamboo is a hollow cylindrical grass that grows mostly in Asia, South and Central America, Africa and the
Pacific islands. The fact that bamboo is fast growing, renewable and strong, has attracted people to use it in
construction. In some countries like China, using bamboo is part of its cultural heritage. Bamboo is very
sustainable; it has four times CO2 density per hectare of spruce forests. This is because it can grow up to
90cm in 24 hours (Sharma, et al., 2015), which results in frequent harvesting. Furthermore, bamboo trees

Figure 1.2: Raw bamboo (Zenbamboo, 2017)

don’t require replacing their roots to grow another tree (Sharma, et al., 2014). Bamboo’s mechanical
characteristics are unique compared to other grasses. It has a compression strength that is comparable to
concrete, tensile strength close to steel and flexure strength that exceeds timber. In regard to flexure
strength, bamboo can resist high wind loads at heights up to 30m (Rockwood, 2015). It is initially grown as
culms with nodes of similar length, and hollow cross-section. The variety in bamboo length, doesn’t fit the
industry practice of having standardized sizes and cross-sections. Thus, bamboo is processed to form Bamboo
scrimber or Laminated bamboo. The process of changing raw bamboo to Laminated bamboo starts with
splitting the bamboo culm, flattening, bleaching and caramelizing, then gluing and pressing to form the
laminated bamboo sheets.

Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Introduction

1.9. Aims and Objectives

In this research, tests are going to be conducted to assess the feasibility of constructing gridshells in
laminated bamboo compared to timber in strained gridshells, and compared to steel and timber in
unstrained gridshells. The problem of timber resisting high bending and asymmetric load in gridshells with
long spans, is thought to be solved by the usage of laminated bamboo for its mechanical properties. The
flexibility of bamboo is effective over its span. Hence, it will be tested if the flexure strength of laminated
bamboo will make it perform better than timber in transforming grid-mats to gridshells in a small scale
strained gridshells. Comparison of curvature and asymmetric loading will be compared between both:
laminated bamboo and western hemlock timber gridshells. This will assess the strength of both gridshells.

Consequently, the aims and objectives of this research can be stated as: To study the potential of building
gridshells out of laminated bamboo with respect to constructability and load resisting (material, process and

Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Literature Review


2.1. What is a gridshell?

By definition, gridshells are lightweight and long span structures that resist forces in membrane actions due
to their geometry (Naicu, et al., 2014). The strength of gridshells is derived by its double curvature funicular
form. As discussed in section 1.3 the actions in a gridshell are taken through its members. In some cases, it’s
necessary to provide diagonal members to provide extra strength and avoid diagonal movement of grids.
Gridshells are used to cover large areas. They indeed represent the lightest, most cost efficient and fastest
built solution to cover large areas. Gridshells are form found by the same process as complete shells. But
gridshells load carrying behavior is different as they resist load through laths’ axial forces (Naicu, 2012).
Different construction techniques of gridshells are used depending on the material chosen. One has to do
with continuous members overlapping each other at nodes; and the other is about short members connected
at nodes and then fixed at the final position. This research will address the former.

2.1.1. Strained Vs. Unstrained Strained
Strained or unstrained gridshells refer to different outcomes of the construction technique used. If a
gridmate is transformed to gridshell using cranes and manpower, the gridshell is called strained. This process
results in building bending stresses (Williams, et al., 2014). On the opposite side, unstrained gridshells refer
to shells that are prefabricated and then fixed into the final form. This means that any bending strains come
from asymmetric loading and self-weight, and not from the bending of members. In strained gridshells, it’s
crucial to have easy movement at nodes. The ease of rotation and sliding between members at nodal
intersection results in distorted grid shape and hence results in the final shape without extra bending due to
movement restriction (Williams, et al., 2014).

After having strained gridshell erected into the final shape, it’s important to make sure adequate out of plane
bending stiffness is provided. This is to resist asymmetric loading through increasing the axial stiffness by
adding diagonal bracing members (Williams, et al., 2014). As in the case of the Mannheim
Bundesgartenschau Multihalle, the number of layers used was doubled to increase the second moment of
area and hence increase the out of plane bending stiffness (Happold & Liddell, 1975). Unstrained
Unstrained gridshells are designed uniquely at the workshop as short members and then fixed into place.
Free-form gridshells are usually built unstrained, this is due to the excessive curvature in members and the
unique geometrical shapes they have. In the case of strained gridshells, it might be difficult to reach the final
shape without breaking members due to excessive bending, hence prefabricated members are used. The

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Literature Review

geometry of a gridshell must mean that bending is minimized or eliminated and only membrane actions are
presented (Williams, et al., 2014). This is a result of a good form-finding processes. Comparing unstrained
gridshells to strained gridshells, it can be seen that more complicated geometrical shapes and free-form
shapes can only be achieved using unstrained gridshells.

2.2. Materials

As discussed in section 1.5, the construction process and choice is fundamental to the choice of materials.
Indeed, both strained and unstrained gridshells (refer to section 2.1.1) have advantages and disadvantages
that affects material choice. The unstrained technique, as it is based on fabricating the members offsite then
connecting them onsite, allows more flexibility in the material choice.

Materials used in unstrained gridshells should mainly conserve the prefabricated shape and allow for curving
of shapes (Williams, et al., 2014). Yet the cost of fabrication must be taken into consideration as part of the
project. On the other hand, strained gridshells prefer materials that are more capable of bending into the
desired shape. This is one of the advantages which has encouraged research in laminated bamboo. For the
inherent properties of wood and bamboo, they both allow for visco-elastic relaxation which results in the
relaxation of members from bending stresses brought about from the initial construction process (Williams,
et al., 2014) (S. & S., 1997). For bamboo’s intrinsic microstructure, the fiber structure it holds results in low
torsional modulus (S. & S., 1997). As bamboo has low torsional stiffness this will result in easier bending
during the construction process (Williams, et al., 2014).

Choosing the type of timber in construction depends on different purposes. Designers can choose the type
depending on its mechanical properties or its availability. In the construction of Mannheim for example,
western hemlock was chosen for its long length; which was needed in this specific long span structure
(Happold & Liddell, 1975). Hemlock trees can reach a height of 60m (Happold & Liddell, 1975). On the other
hand, larch wood was chosen at Savill Garden for its availability and quality (Harris & Roynon, 2008). For this
research, western hemlock timber, that was used to build the Mannheim, is going to be compared to
laminated bamboo in the application of gridshells. As mentioned earlier, the application of wood in gridshell
is the most common due to its sustainability and mechanical properties compared to steel and concrete. It is
estimated that the ratio of carbon in wood to CO2 equivalent is around 25:36. This means that every kg of
carbon in wood is equivalent to 1.44kg of CO2 (Harris, 2005).

2.2.1. Laminated Bamboo Mechanical Properties

Laminated bamboo’s material properties are exactly what is needed for the application of gridshells. When
the strained gridshell construction technique is used, members should have adequate flexibility to allow the
bending into the final form. Yet the final shape must as well have adequate strength to resist loads. This
compromise can be best achieved using laminated bamboo because of the material’s high flexure, as well as
compression and tension loading, capability.

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Literature Review

The laminated bamboo used in this research was processed from Moso bamboo strips, also known as
Phyllostachys pubescens (Sharma, et al., 2015). Comparing laminated bamboo to bamboo scrimber, which
is basically a result of different processing method of raw bamboo, shows that laminated bamboo is 40% less
dense than bamboo scrimber as shown in Table 2.1. In compression, parallel to the grain laminated bamboo
has strength of 77 MPa. In flexure, it has modulus of rupture (MOR) of 78-83 MPa and modulus of elasticity
(MOE) of 11-13 (Sharma, et al., 2015). The strength of the material parallel to the grain is used for its
superiority over the perpendicular orientation.

Density Shear Flexure
Parallel to grain - Strength - Modulus - MOR - MOE -

Raw Bambooa 666 53 16 - 135 9

686d 77 16 5 77-83 11-13

Bamboo scrimbera 1163 86 15 - 119 13

500 28 12 3.60 49 9

(Sharma, et al., 2015)
(Green, et al., 2010)
(Happold & Liddell, 1975)
Moisture content 6% (Sharma, et al., 2015)
Table 2.1 Material properties of raw bamboo, laminated bamboo and western hemlock timber.

The excellence of laminated bamboo properties is reflected in its flexure strength. Bamboo has high MOE
compared to western hemlock, this is the measure of stiffness of the member under load. Yet we still need
to have a durable material that can stand high loads under this bending. Laminated bamboo, as well, has
high shear modulus. This shows the maximum elasticity the members can have in shear. In other words, the
properties of bamboo can make it bend more while taking high loads.

The application of laminated bamboo in gridshell is novel and yet to be explored. People use, however, raw
bamboo culms in building cranes, small-scale structure and gridshells. Section 2.5 will discuss the application
of raw bamboo in small scale gridshell structures. As mentioned earlier, this can depend on cultural reasons
or availability of the material locally. Yet for its great properties and suitability, people should consider
bamboo above other materials in different building purposes.

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Literature Review

2.3. Dynamic relaxation (form finding method)

As this research will form find the proposed structure using the nonlinear dynamic relaxation method, it must
be essential to first understand what dynamic relaxation is. Briefly dynamic relaxation is a numerical method
that is used to model the behavior of elastic materials like cables and fabrics (Otter, et al., 1966). The final
form should be in equilibrium under the stated arbitrary forces. This method numerically solves for small
time steps of the given nodal point under applied load (Williams, et al., 2014). The method can be described
as ‘converged’ when the structure comes in static equilibrium (Williams, et al., 2014). It can be said that the
structure is in static equilibrium when viscous or kinetic damping is applied to the initial numerical formula
and the maximum kinetic energy is represented at the small iteration of time. This can be represented by,
𝑡 𝑡
𝑅𝑖𝑥 = 𝑀𝑖 𝑣̇ 𝑖𝑥

where R is the force, M is the lumped mass and 𝑣̇ is the derivative of velocity, representing acceleration of
both the direction x and time t at node i (Williams, et al., 2014). Getting into more details about the definition
of dynamic relaxation method can be out of the scope of this research. However, it is important to
understand that the method of kinetic damping introduces a zero-nodal velocity at the kinetic energy peak
to reach the equilibrium form (Williams, et al., 2014). This method treats members as springs or splines with
specific bending stiffness and hence edge beams and internal members can have different geometry
(Williams, et al., 2014). This method was used in the nonlinear analysis of the British Museum Gridshell
(Williams, et al., 2014). The same concept numerical method will be used in building the model, this is
described in detailed in the Methodology section.

2.4. Timber gridshells (Case Study)

2.4.1. Mannheim Bundesgartenschau Multihalle

This structure served as a temporary pavilion in Germany [Fig. 2]. Impressively it is still in use today.
Construction began in 1973 and took the period from April to June to be erected (Happold & Liddell, 1975).
It was successfully built by November of 1973. The cross-section of the lath used is 50mmx50mm, made of
western hemlock wood. Initially the design was intended to be of a single layer. Yet for this large span of
60m, the designer found that with the chosen cross-section and the material bending properties, this can
cause some members to collapse during or after the construction process (Happold & Liddell, 1975). Hence,
a double layer technique was used instead. That makes 4 layers of lath on top of each other, two in each
direction. Wooden laths were bolted together using single bolt. Initially the bolts are not tied firmly until the
gridshell is erected into final form, this is to allow any torsional, bending or shear forces during the erection
process and to have a strained gridshell (section 2.1.1). Asymmetrical loading, like wind and snow, created
large deflection on the long span; hence, lateral bracing was provided every sixth node in form of steel
tension cables (Happold & Liddell, 1975). These cables increased the diagonal stiffness of the structure by
increasing the membrane stiffness to stop excessive diagonal deformations (Williams, et al., 2014).

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Literature Review

Figure 2.1 Mannheim Bundesgartenschau


Hanging chain models and stereo cameras, which photograph the position of nodes in space, were used to
determine the geometrical form. (Happold & Liddell, 1975). The resulting geometry was refined using a
program made by the Institut fur Anwendungen der Geodasie im Bauwesen (IAGB). IAGB worked with Buro
Linkwitz to determine the geometry of the form (Happold & Liddell, 1975). The model was taken and tested
by Atelier Warmbronn an Ove Arup & Partners using a non-linear program, which will be used in this research
(section 2.3) with physical model testing (Happold & Liddell, 1975).

2.4.2. Savill Garden

This structure was designed to act as a pavilion for the visitor’s center at Savill Garden complex [Fig. 3]. The
span is, interestingly, defined by a sin wave in changing amplitude of 25m length. This gridshell, like the

Figure 2.2 Savill Garden Pavilion

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Literature Review

Mannheim, was built in a four layer laths system. The cross-section of the lath is 80mmx50mm (Harris &
Roynon, 2008). Unlike the Mannheim, however, the form finding of this gridshell was done using a different
process. First, a small-scale model was built, then a larger wooden strip model was built to give a more
realistic representation. A computer model was then made to find the final form (Rockwood, 2015). The
Mannheim, however, used the hanging chain model to develop the form of the structure. Furthermore,
unlike the Mannheim, this form is not funicular. The construction process involved constructing an initial
grid-mat then lifting it up into the final shape (Harris & Roynon, 2008). This involved the bending of the lower
lath layers, fixing shear blocks into layers, then putting the upper two layers and forming the final shape.
Diagonal bracing of the system was provided by plywood covering. This acts in membrane action and takes
shear and diagonal forces. This also reduced the overall cost of the project, compared to steel cables, and
gave a more aesthetically pleasing structure (Harris, 2006). The structural analysis of the gridshell was carried
out using the finite element structure analysis program, Robot 3D (Harris & Roynon, 2008). In this research,
the package Karamba at Grasshopper, Rhino 3D will be used.

2.4.3. British Museum gridshell

The British museum gridshell acted as a roof system for the great court of the British museum. The
geometrical form was found using mathematical functions, and then dynamic relaxation was used for
optimization (Williams, 2014). The longest span of the structure is around 35 meters. Just like the Savill
Garden gridshell, non-linear analysis was used to structurally analyze the gridshell. Yet the material used for
this structure is steel which makes it an unstrained gridshell (section Individual steel members were
prefabricated then tied into place using cranes and labor force. As the roof of the original building couldn’t
take any horizontal loads, the gridshell was supported on rollers to provide only vertical reactions. The
stability of the whole structure was then supported by tension members, which makes the structure works
in tension and compression (Williams, 2014). Therefore, the form finding process couldn’t be initially used
due to the structure’s unique geometry.

Figure 2.3 British Museum Great Court roof gridshell (Foster+Partners, 2000)

2.5. Bamboo gridshells (Case Study)

As bamboo is still being explored as a building material, there are not many gridshells which use it. Only a
few were built out of raw bamboo; for example, The Time Capsule and Pavilion in Universidad Nacional
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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Literature Review

Autónoma de México, UNAM, a small-scale gridshell that was built in University of Hawai’i at Mānoa School
of Architecture, for research and further investigation, and The ZCB Bamboo Pavilion to promote low-carbon

2.5.1. The Time Capsule and Pavilion

This structure was built on the 100th anniversary of the university to promote “suitable and environmental
friendly construction industry” (Salinas, et al., 2011). The pavilion was built as part of two architecture
students’ thesis. The material used was raw bamboo. Initially the form was formed to “obey the principles of
sustainability” (Salinas, et al., 2011). This, so its form can attain efficiency and sustainability. This kind of form
is known as a transitional-grid shell (TGS). TGS is essentially derived by sweeping a specific profile on straight
line path. This forms a single curved catenary gridshell form. Bamboo members were tied together using
grade 5 steel threaded studs of thickness 9.53mm. Four metal supports are special prefabricated with hollow
cylindrical slots, to fix the roots of the gridshell in place. The supports allowed rotation and bending on the
local coordinated of the member. The purpose of building the pavilion in bamboo, was to propose a modern
traditional material which resulted in a lightweight and economical structure.

2.5.2. The ZCB Bamboo Pavilion

With referral to cultural background, the pavilion at Hong Kong’s ZCB was built with raw bamboo. This is to
promote low carbon living and construction. Bamboo is used more often in scaffolds and festival structures
in Hong Kong. This project was built from 437 bamboo members that were bent on site. The geometry of the
structure was found using digital form finding using the dynamic relaxation method. Also, the connection
doesn’t include any bolts, however, the nodes were hand tied together using metal wires (Architizer, 2015).
This is a traditional old Chinese technique that is used in building. The metal wires were used to ease the
rotation and sliding of members at the nodes’ intersection and to allow the relaxation of the structure
without building extra bending moments. The flexibility and strength of bamboo allowed for ease of
construction as well as zero carbon emission during the building phase. The raw bamboo sticks that were
used to build the pavilion was bent by hand. This shows the potential in using such a material to build
temporary, fast-build sustainable structures.

Figure 2.4 ZCB Bamboo Pavilion (Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015)

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Literature Review

2.6. Summary

By reviewing past projects and researches in building gridshells, it can be seen that using laminated bamboo
is highly efficient and sustainable. Engineered bamboo lath replaces timber in terms of its geometry and
aesthetic. With respect to mechanical properties, however, laminated bamboo surpasses timber due to its
outstanding flexure strength. The standardization of raw bamboo, by laminating it into boards, satisfies the
industry practice by having standard sections. This also mitigates the problems of node variation, and the
sizing and spacing of the bamboo culm. It also increases the buckling resistance more than the tube form of
raw bamboo as the thickness of the walls are eliminated by a solid section. Most importantly, however,
laminating raw bamboo increases the material strength because of the change in geometry. In other words,
it will reduce or mitigate the splitting of members when dowelled at connections. The splitting of raw
bamboo culm is very easy for its anisotropic characteristics and weak properties perpendicular to the grains.
The use of laminated bamboo will result in stronger and less stiff structure. This could potentially have
resulted in a single layered Mannheim Bundesgartenschau Multihalle, with two layers of laths, instead of
double layers, with 4 layers of laths. Further, the mechanical properties of bamboo will result in lighter
structures that are built using less materials; hence, less CO2(e) and lower cost.

The form finding process of shells is dependent on multiple factors. This ranges from the applied load on the
structure, the final desired geometry, the boundary conditions, the material used, and the nature of the
connection at the nodes. As a specific geometry is taken and the loading conditions or materials conditions
are changed, the form must change (or relaxes) accordingly to maintain the funicular geometry and hence
the most efficient action resistance. If the loads and geometry are not optimized this could result in excessive
bending in the members and potential failure at the final shape or before erecting the gridshell.

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Methodology


This chapter will discuss the methodology used to answer the points presented earlier in section 1.9. These
are namely, to test the nature of building gridshells with laminated bamboo compared to western hemlock
timber and steel, for strained and unstrained construction techniques. The topics the research will address
are stated as follows:

• For strained gridshells during erection (Timber and bamboo only):

o Comparison between construction of western hemlock and laminated bamboo gridshell
(maximum curvatures and erection load).
• For unstrained gridshell and erected strained gridshell (Timber, bamboo and steel):
o Load carrying strength between timber, laminated bamboo and steel gridshells (steel is only
for unstrained gridshell).
o Maximum load to the respective bending strength and buckling load factor.

All the previous questions will be tested on a single layer, square and equally spaced gridded gridshell
(described in section 3.3). This section will describe the details of the model, the ways of form finding and
the conduction of the structure analysis. This section will further explain the vital details of the computer
model set up used, to conduct further understanding to the reader.

3.1. Parametric modelling

Mcneel’s Rhinoceros 3D program with the Grasshopper plug-in will be used as the main research tool. This
parametric program is used as it offers more flexibility in working with the model, and allows variables to be
changed quickly and efficiently. Grasshopper uses C++ as the fundamental programming language. The
program, however, can bundle this code neatly into visual references and present them as ‘components’
(shown in Figure 3.1). This allows users with basic programming knowledge to interface easily with the
program. The built Grasshopper definition can be extracted to C++ code to make more detailed changes if
As a program, the main aim of Grasshopper is to build an algorithm which can convert an input into a desired
output. In Figure 1.1 for example, number 1 and number 2 are written in a panel and are taken as inputs in
an addition component to give 3 as an output. In this simple example, the algorithm is built to transfer the

Figure 3.1 Grasshopper addition component (Picture from Grasshopper3D)

data given from the left side to give the output on the right side. In all definitions shown in later sections, the
work flow will be as well from left to right and if necessary description of components will be provided.

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Methodology

3.2. Form finding

Many plug-ins can be installed on grasshopper to perform divergent functions. These plug-ins range from
simulating physics using mathematical functions, doing structure analysis, generating complicated
geometrical shapes, or modelling light performance and buildings energy performance. In this research, two
different methods will be used to generate the form finding of the gridshell using physics numerical engine
and structural analysis plug-in, described later.

3.2.1. Method for form finding unstrained gridshells

Unstrained gridshells will be form-found using the dynamic relaxation method explained in section 2.3. A
plug-in for Grasshopper will be used to simulate the physics of the structure, named Kangaroo. To form find
the structure using kangaroo, the geometry grid first needs to be specified using default grasshopper
components. Then, the lines are separated to be given spring characteristics so the model can dynamically
numerically relax. The stiffness for these lines at this stage is arbitrary; meaning that they will only depend
on the desired shape and not on the actual material stiffness, but must make sense to the final shape force
flow. The stiffness is arbitrary because in unstrained gridshells the initial shape is prefabricated then is tied
into place to form the final shell structure and not sprung into place. To have a funicular gridshell, this
geometry found by Kangaroo will need to be adjusted to reduce the bending stresses in the structures
resulted from asymmetric loading. This research will not look into the detailed process of optimizing the
geometry to reduce the bending stresses and to purely have membrane actions. This research will look only
at the structural analysis of this final desired geometry, specified later in this section. The found geometry
will be purely in compression or tension, yet the actual dead loads and asymmetrical loads will not be
considered at this stage. Anchor points are then specified as desired and finally lump loads (explained in
section 2.3) are applied at mesh vertices to simulate hanging chain-like shape. At this stage, the finer the
mesh is, the better form-found shape it will give. Figure 3.2 explains the procedures of form finding
unstrained gridshell. Furthermore, Figure 3.9 shows the final form found geometry.

Grid geometry Mesh to lines

Anchor points Stiffness

Form finding -
Arbitrary loads Kangaroo
Physics engine

Adjust variables
to have desired

Figure 3.2 Unstrained gridshell form finding procedure

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Methodology

3.2.2. Method for form-finding strained gridshells

Form finding of strained gridshells will be done according to the bending limit. This is simulated by the
structural analysis plugin Karamba. Karamba is a plug-in within Grasshopper that performs structural analysis
using first-order theory, second-order theory, or non-linear analysis.

For strained gridshells, it’s aimed to simulate the transformation of grid mats into gridshell. Therefore, actual
materials are assigned during the simulation of the erection process and then analyzed at final shape. Like
unstrained gridshells, first the grid geometry is specified then it is taken as beam components (laths)
connected at nodes (intersection of laths). Loads are applied to the mid-span nodes of the structure to reflect
the uplifting forces from a crane for instance (Figure 3.7). This force is also like pushing the grid mat from the
rollers support. Material properties and cross-section are then specified. All the later specifications are then
plugged into the ‘Assemble Model’ component to assemble the actual model and perform large deformation
analysis using non-linear theory. Large deformations will be analyzed according to material properties.

Figure 3.3 Grasshopper definition for 'Assemble Model component' and Large Deformation analysis' with laths properties

Grid geometry Descrete lines Lines to beams

Erection mid-span Boundry

Cross section
loads conditions

Karamba Large deformation

'Assemble' analysis (Non-
component linear)

AnalyzeThII Dissassembled

Figure 3.4 Strained gridshell form finding procedure

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Methodology

The outcome from the non-linear analysis for large deformations is then disassembled then assembled to be
plugged into AnalyzeThII component. Using the same loads deflections will be analyzed using second-order
theory for small deflections. This is used to refine the analysis against any further movements. As the load
applied to the mid-span node results in bending of the members, it is monitored carefully to check against
the maximum bending moment available according to the bending strength of the material. Also, buckling of
members during lifting is monitored to keep the buckling load factor under 1 in all modes. When the
maximum bending moment is reached or when the buckling factor is 1 or less, the model will be fixed into
place and structurally analyzed.

3.3. Model specifications

The gridshell that will be tested is square in plan with dimensions of 10m, and area of 10m2. Grid spacing will
be 11 by 9, meaning that the grids will be rectangular and very close to being a square. The model will be
supported from the four corners. The laths cross section is 5cm by 5cm, just like the cross section used in the
Mannheim Bundesgartenschau Multihalle; yet in this case it’s only 1 layer.

For the strained gridshell model, it will be initially free to move in the Y direction from two of the supports
to simulate sliding. All laths are free to rotate and the supports are only restricted for movement and not
rotations. This is to allow rolling of supports hence deformation of the laths while lifting the grid from the
middle. Laths connected to supports are free to rotate, hence the grid lifts. When the model is lifted into
place, all four supports will be purely pinned in X, Y and Z directions (shown in Error! Reference source not
found. and Figure 3.6).

Figure 3.5 Strained gridshell erection model boundary conditions (perspective)

(Picture from Rhino3D)

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Methodology

Figure 3.6 Strained gridshell mid-span lifting sequence, left to right (2 pinned, 2 rollers supports)
(Picture from Rhino3D)

Figure 3.7 Erected gridshell showing lifting force at mid-span with initial positions shown as crosses
(Picture from Rhino3D)

The unstrained model initial layout will use the same grid. But as the form-finding process is different than
that of the strained gridshell, the grid will be given more division to have finer form. The boundary conditions
are different for the unstrained gridshell as well. In all cases, it will be pinned in X, Y and Z directions (Figure
3.10 and Figure 3.10 ). Laths intersection is assumed to be free at local rotation and sliding in both models.

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Methodology

Figure 3.10 Unstrained gridshell initial model boundary

conditions (perspective) (Picture from Rhino3D)

Figure 3.8 Unstrained gridshell form finding, showing hanging chain-like-model

(Picture from Rhino3D)

Figure 3.9 Unstrained gridshell form found geometry in compression

(Picture from Rhino3D)

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Methodology

3.4. Structural analysis

3.4.1. Unstrained
The form found shape created using the process described in section 3.2.1, will be analysed in Karamba.
Using default Grasshopper components, the data tree output from Kangaroo will be filtered to give the form
found ‘Mesh’ data. The mesh is then discretized again to give separate lines which represent the actual laths
of the gridshell. Lines, or laths, are curved as they represent prefabricated elements. These lines are then
connected as beams to Karamba using ‘Line to beam’ components. Gravity loads, asymmetric loads, material
properties, supports and the laths cross-section are then applied. These components are analysed together
using the assemble component and then plugged into AnalyzeThI to be structurally analysed using first-order
theory for small deformation.

3.4.2. Strained
The form for strained gridshell is form found using the erection process for maximum bending moment, using
Karamba as explained in section 3.2.2. The model is then disassembled and assembled again to be plugged
into the second-order theory component AnalyzeThII for the second time, but with different loads. This step
is important as it reflects the crucial visco-elasticity properties of bamboo (S. & S., 1997). Just like timber,
when the gridshell is erected into place and then fixed, bending stresses that are built up while erecting will
dissipate with time (Williams, et al., 2014). By disassembling the model, it’s assumed that the bending
stresses are dissipated and now the laths don’t have any bending stresses in them. By assembling again, the
model will take back its properties and loads can be applied to analyse deformation and stresses according
to asymmetric loads. At this point, if no loads are applied, all bending moments and forces will be equal to 0.

3.5. Results analysis

3.5.1. Strained
As it’s hard to bend steel members into place, strained steel gridshells will not be considered. Hence,
comparison will be made only between western hemlock timber and laminated bamboo. Initially the
maximum curvature that can be formed from the erection process will be compared. Also, the load that is
required to lift the gridshells up will be compared. This is to compare the flexibility of each material and the
feasibility of building with. After disassembling and assembling the structure the maximum deflections and
load that can be carried by asymmetrical loading will be compared for both gridshells.

3.5.2. Unstrained
After loads are applied to the form found geometry and the structure undergoes stressing, results can be
obtained to feed the initial purpose of the research. For unstrained gridshells the maximum load the gridshell
can take at this geometry will be compared between the three materials, western hemlock timber, laminated
bamboo and steel. Maximum deflection resulting from the maximum load will also be compared. This is
obtained using Karamba’s results components ‘Beam Forces’ and ‘Utilization of elements’.

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Methodology

3.6. Summary

To summarize, strained and unstrained methods will be using different tools to form find and will be using
similar tools to structurally asses the structure. The strained model will use Karamba for both the erection
process and analysis. The unstrained gridshell will use Kangaroo for form finding and Karamba for structural
analysis. The procedure taken for this research’s method can be shown in Figure 3.11 and Figure 3.12.

Unstrained Strained

Target grid Target grid

-Grasshopper default components -Grasshopper default components

Target Shape -Karamba

-Maximum curvuture
-Target loads -Required Load
-Cross sections

-Target loads
-Cross section

Structural analysis

Structural analysis

-Maximum deflection
-Maximum load
-Maximum deflection
-Maximum load

Results evaluation Results evalutation

Figure 3.12 Unstrained Method Figure 3.11 Strained Method procedure


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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo


4.1. Erection analysis

As the loads (shown in Table 4.2) are applied at mid-span the gridshell is erected. The maximum load and
maximum allowed bending moment is decided based on the materials’ bending strength. Both materials’
mechanical properties can be shown in Table 2.1. The maximum strength for each material is calculated
according to the following equation:
× 𝑀𝑂𝑅 × 10−6 = 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 (𝑘𝑁𝑚)
Where I is the section second moment of area in mm4, y is the distance to the outer fibre or position of
centroid, and MOR is the modulus of rupture which is the bending strength of the material. Table 4.1 shows
the maximum allowed bending moment in kNm for both materials.

Cross Maximum
section I y allowable
Material Strength

mm mm4 mm MPa kNm

50 x 50 5.21x105 25 80 1.667

Western Hemlock 50 x 50 5.21x105 25 49 1.021

Table 4.1 Maximum bending stress calculations (for reference check Table 2.1)

As the load applied to the centre nodes results in bending stress close to the maximum bending stress,
incremental load application is stopped and it can be said that the load is converged. The model’s is then
analysed. In both cases bending failure will occur before buckling failure. Hence erection stops when
maximum bending stress is reached. For this research, no safety factors are used.
Maximum Applied load Maximum Curvature
Buckling Maximum
allowable at 10 mid- bending in smaller Mass
Material load factor height
stress span nodes erected shape circle radius

kNm kN (each) kNm BL>1 = safe m m kg

1.667 1.1 1.59 1.14 2.337 3.28 391.0

1.021 0.7 1.00 1.17 1.977 3.95 287.5

Table 4.2 Erection loads and curvature results comparison

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Strained Gridshell analysis and results

The maximum curvature is analysed by Grasshopper’s default tools and presented visually. The height of
each vertical line represents a higher curvature at that point. As expected, maximum curvature will be where
the applied force is located. This happens at mid-span (shown in Figure 4.1). Also, the radius of the maximum
curvature circle is taken to represent the maximum radius the laths can be bent before failing. As laminated
bamboo can be bent more without violating the maximum bending stress, it can also reach higher magnitude
at mid-span (Figure 4.2).

Figure 4.1 Front view of erected gridshell visualising maximum curvature as circle, erection loads and showing
curvture graph

(Picture from Rhino3D)

Figure 4.2 Curvature and height of both gridshells. (Blue) Laminated bamboo, (Red) Western Hemlock
(Picture from Rhino3D)

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Strained Gridshell analysis and results

4.2. Definition of asymmetric load

As described in the methodology section and as shown in Figure 3.7, the erected gridshell is now in its final
shape and pinned at all supports in X, Y and Z directions. Asymmetric loads and gravity loads are then applied
to the final erected structure. Asymmetric loads will be defined as uniform loads applied to the surface area
of the laths facing the load, in local to the element orientation. This will be applied to all elements. As shown
in Figure 4.4 the load is acting in some cases as uplifting force and on other elements as contrary force. In
both cases the loads is acting in the positive Y direction.

Figure 4.4 Load definition. Green arrows representing load. Blue lines represent the gridshell
(Picture from Rhino3D)

Figure 4.3 Load definition. Perspective view. (Picture from Rhino3D)

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Strained Gridshell analysis and results

4.3. Erected gridshell analysis

All bending stress from erection are dissipated, therefore without applying any loads to the gridshell it will
have no bending moments. As asymmetric loads are applied, defined in section 4.2, the gridshell deforms,
and deformation and maximum load can be analysed.

Asymmetric Maximum Buckling load Maximum
load bending factor deflection
Material stress

kN/m (each
kNm kNm BL>1 = safe m

1.667 0.169 1.33 1.13 0.4579

1.021 0.147 1.04 1.17 0.4511

Figure 4.5 Erected shape deflection and load results comparison

In both cases the maximum deflection is similar. This is expected as the shape is defined according to the
maximum bending strength of both materials. Yet the maximum load both gridshells can resist is different.
Laminated bamboo can take more load compared to western hemlock. Figure 4.6 shows the deformed shape
of both gridshells after applying asymmetric loads. As laminated bamboo was bent into shorter span and
taller height, it is shown in the figure as the higher curve.

Figure 4.6 Comparison of deformed shapes with stress colours

4.4. Discussion
This analysis was made according to the bending maximum stress to show the peak strength of both
gridshells. As shown in the previous section, it can be seen that laminated bamboo gridshells can be bent
into higher curvatures. However, laminated bamboo gridshell will require higher loads than western
hemlock, to be erected into shape. Also, laminated bamboo gridshells can reach higher without failing.
Furthermore, stable laminated bamboo gridshells can resist 16% more asymmetric load than western
hemlock timber, while deflecting the same distance. Generally western hemlock gridshells are also lighter
then laminated bamboo ones.

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo


In this section, the structural analysis and results of the unstrained gridshell will be looked at. Comparison
between laminated bamboo, western hemlock and steel gridshell will be discussed. Deflections and the
maximum load that can be resisted by the gridshell will be compared. All analysis will be performed on the
form found shape, using dynamic relaxation, shown in Figure 3.9.

5.1. Definition of asymmetric load

Loads for this case will be defined according to the global orientation. Uniformly distributed load (UDL) will
be applied in the Z axis to all laths, as well as gravity load. The asymmetric load applied to the gridshell can
represent constant pressure in the Z axis from any applied force. This can be snow, rain or wind loads.

Figure 5.1 Load definition for unstrained gridshell

5.2. Results
Materials properties used for the analysis is the same from Table 2.1. Steel material properties can be found
in Table 5.1.

Young’s Shear modulus Bending Yield strength
Density allowable
Material modulus (E) (G) strength (fy)

kN/cm2 kN/cm2 kN/m3 MPa kNm kN/cm2

Western 7.5
21000 8076 1.04 360 27.5

Table 5.1 Steel material properties

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Unstrained Gridshell analysis and results

Using the AnalyzeThI component, which analyses the structure using first-order theory for small deflections,
the maximum load that can be applied until failure is investigated. Laminated bamboo reflects more strength
in resisting loads by 45% than western hemlock. Deflection in laminated bamboo was 10% more than timber.
Furthermore, steel reflects even higher strength, as expected, with 7-9 times more load resisting capacity
than laminated bamboo and western hemlock and very minimal deflection of only 7.4cm.

allowable Asymmetric load Maximum bending
Material stress

kN/m (each
kNm kNm (m)

1.667 4.3 1.629 0.276

1.021 2.7 1.021 0.235

Steel 7.500 19.6 7.500 0.074

Table 5.2 Deflection and load results

5.3. Discussion
Laminated bamboo again excelled over western hemlock timber in load resisting for unstrained gridshells.
Also, laminated bamboo can resist twice the weight of western hemlock before failure. For the cost of
fabricating steel laths and designing them, it’s not the most efficient method of building gridshells for its
economic and environmental aspect over bamboo and timber.

Figure 5.2 Steel unstrained gridshell deformed shape (scale 4 times)

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Unstrained Gridshell analysis and results

Figure 5.3 Western hemlock unstrained gridshell deformed shape (scale 4 times)

Figure 5.4 Laminated bamboo unstrained gridshell deformed shape (scale 4 times)

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Conclusion


This research has considered the application of laminated bamboo in building gridshells. Comparison
between laminated bamboo and western hemlock timber was made to assess the viability of building
gridshells in laminated bamboo. Different construction techniques of gridshells were tested to assess the
gridshell in different conditions. First, an unstrained gridshell was tested using the three materials: laminated
bamboo, timber, and steel. Then, a strained gridshell was evaluated to study the behaviour of erecting
laminated bamboo gridshells compared to timber.

This research is based on a 10m by 10m gridshell, using 5cm by 5cm laths cross section. This is the same cross
section used in the Mannheim Multihalle. For the unstrained method, the form was found using dynamic
relaxation to find the funicular geometry for the grid. However, for the strained construction method,
maximum material bending strength and buckling limit were used to limit the erection forces. In both
techniques Grasshopper, along with Kangaroo and Karamba plugins, was used to form-find and structurally
analyse the models. Non-linear analysis, second order theory for small deflections, and first order theory for
small deflections were used as the fundamentals of Kangaroo and Karamba.

Bamboo trees can regrow without replacing their roots after being cut. The result is that bamboo forests
have one quarter of the C02 density of spruce forests. Therefore, C02(e) is reduced by using Laminated
bamboo in gridshells. Furthermore, Laminated bamboo has superior mechanical properties in compression
and bending than timber. This was reflected in the research results as laminated bamboo surpassed timber
performance in both unstrained and strained gridshells.

In strained gridshells, laminated bamboo can be erected to 20% more heights than western hemlock timber.
Moreover, laminated bamboo can form 17% smaller curves. This shows the ability of laminated bamboo to
form more rounded gridshells. This can give more freedom of designing free-form structures or double
funicular gridshells. Also, laminated bamboo demonstrates its ability to reduce the cross section while
performing structurally the same as timber. This can result in reduction of material usage, cost of the project
and project time. The force required to erect laminated bamboo gridshells are 36% higher than those
required to erect timber ones. This is due to the high density of laminated bamboo strips. Hence, western
hemlock timber gridshells are lighter than laminated bamboo ones. Laminated bamboo gridshells, however,
can resist 14% more asymmetric load laterally than western hemlock gridshells. Yet, both gridshells will have
the same deflection under asymmetric load.

In unstrained gridshells, laminated bamboo again showed better performance than western hemlock timber.
For its material flexibility, laminated bamboo gridshells deflects 15% more than timber under vertical
asymmetric loading. Furthermore, they can resist 38% more vertical load than timber. As expected, steel,

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Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo Conclusion

however, can resist more load while deflecting less. Yet, the process of fabricating steel is more expensive
than and not as sustainable as timer and bamboo.

Finally, the results suggest that it is feasible to make gridshell structures in laminated bamboo. The
implication of these findings is that laminated bamboo gridshells can generally be formed into tighter curves
while resisting higher asymmetrical loads and reaching higher. Furthermore, laminated bamboo gridshell
represents more eco-friendly solution than timber gridshells.

Future Work

This research confirms that laminated bamboo performs better than timber in the application of gridshells.
Hence, further research can include experimental analysis with physical models to confirm the findings.
Another natural continuation of the work could be the testing of different lattice formation. Also, more
research can be done to test different cross sections and study the variation of building gridshells with thinner
or thicker laths. Furthermore, the nature of laths connection can be further studied. This is to see the
possibility of bamboo resisting shear and torsion at the laths intersections. Finally, hybrid gridshell of
laminated bamboo and western hemlock timber can be studied. This is by having western hemlock laths at
areas of low curvatures and long spans. Therefore, the structure will be lighter and more material efficient.

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