Earthquake in Haiti Measured Magnitude 7.0

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Earthquake in Haiti
measured magnitude
Along the
HOW Caribbean plate and
the North American

Haiti Earthquake

WHO 12 January 2010 at

It was a movement felt
along the boundary at
the Caribbean and
North American plate
when these two plates
slid past one another The rocky slabs of the
The pressure built up
mountains were shook
with the movement
vigourously resulting
along this new fault line
to an earthquake of
was released as an
magnitude 7.0 on the
Richter scale


As the land was rocky,

The break of the land
the pressure built up
caused tremors and it
heightened the stress
covered a large area in
which caused the land
Haiti devastating
to slip when the
earthquake happened The epicentre was
25km to the southwest
of Haiti capital city, Port
Au Prince happened in
a shallow focus in
depth of 13km
The Dominican Republic
provided emergency
water and medical
supplies as well as heavy
machinery to help and
Rescue teams from rescue underneath the Electronic maps were
different countries rubble. used to provide satellite
arrived, namely Iceland. images identify places
Medical aid camps were affected to send aids.
set up to cure the injured Many people donated
people. Food provisions money for those who
were made. suffered from this.


Many organisations and Small farmers were

government pledged to encouraged so as they
assist in reconstruction could cultivate and earn
and to provide financial a living in order to cater
support to Haiti. for their needs

There were still around

1,300 camps one year
later. Schools were being
Haitians who live
abroad and send
money back contribute
one-fifth of the
country’s gross
More than 230,000 Small farmers got job
domestic product.
people were killed. opportunities when
Another 300,000 were the government
injured. More than encouraged crop
600,000 people left planting as a main
Port-au-Prince. source of living


The quake displaced 1.5 The whole community

million people. worked as a team to
Makeshift camps recover from the damages
sprung up to shelter of this disaster and
them. And even today everyone contributed to
the camps exist. The main airport, rebuilt the area
roads, 294,383 homes
and 80% of the
affected schools were
damaged or by this
Case Study Name: Haiti Earthquake Location: Haiti
A case study of an earthquake in Haiti, its location, its causes, primary and secondary effects, LEDC MEDC
Positive and negative impacts, immediate and long term responses. 
WHEN 12 January 2010 at 16:53
WHY It was a movement felt along the boundary at the Caribbean and North American plate when these two plates slid past
one another. The pressure built up with the movement along this new fault line was released as an earthquake.
The rocky slabs of the mountains were shook vigourously resulting to an earthquake of magnitude 7.0 on the Richter
The epicentre was 25km to the southwest of Haiti capital city, Port Au Prince happened in a shallow focus in depth of
13km underground.
As the land was rocky, the pressure built up heightened the stress which caused the land to slip when the earthquake
The break of the land caused tremors and it covered a large area in Haiti devastating properties.
Primary effects/ More than 230,000 people were killed. Secondary People were left homeless.
short term effects Emergency medical aids had to be provided effects/ long There was eventually a lack of food in camps as the
and medical camps were set up. term effects government could not cater for all the refugees.
There were more than 300, 000 people
Roads and houses were destroyed.
Immediate The Dominican Republic provided emergency Long term Electronic maps were set up to detect any affected
responses (WHO) water and medical supplies as well as heavy responses places and satellite pictures could be sent so as rescuers
machinery to help and rescue underneath would know where to send aids.
the rubble.
Rescue teams from different countries Small farmers were encouraged to cultivate the land so
arrived, namely Iceland. Medical aid camps as they could learn a living.
were set up to cure the injured people.
Food provisions were made through Haiti received international financial help.
international help.
Emergency refugee camps were built to Schools, roads and other damaged buildings were being
provide shelter to those people. rebuilt.
Small farmers got job opportunities when the impacts The main airport, roads, 294,383 homes and 80% of the
government encouraged crop planting as a affected schools were damaged or by this earthquake.
main source of living.
The whole community worked as a team to More than 230,000 people were killed. Another 300,000
recover from the damages of this disaster were injured.
and everyone contributed to rebuilt the area.
Haitians who live abroad and send money More than 600,000 people left Port-au-Prince. The
back contribute one-fifth of the country’s quake displaced 1.5 million people. Makeshift camps
gross domestic product sprung up to shelter them. And even today the camps
Positive impacts
Organisations abroad provided financial Refugee camps were overcrowded and there was
support to Haiti victims. shortage of food and other aids.

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