Dictionary (Theatre and Cinema)

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Тематический словарь по ПКРО (театр и кино)

Кокорева Ангелина
студентка 31 группы
Word Definition Example
1. (theatre-) house Theaters which do not Find picture
produce their own representing a
material are known as theatrehouse.
receiving houses.
2. acting n the job of performing Whose acting
in films or plays impressed the
3. Actor n someone who What leading actors of
pretends to be the British theatre do
someone else while you know?
performing in a film,
play, or television or
radio programme
4. amateur theatre n theatre performances Are there any amateur
organized by a group of theatres in Great
people who are not Britain?
paid but take part for
their own enjoyment
5. Audience n the group of people What kind of people
together in one place did the audience
to watch or listen to a consist of?
play, film, someone
6. Backstage adj in the area behind the We went backstage
stage in a theatre, after the show to meet
especially the rooms in the actors.
which actors change
their clothes or where
equipment is kept:
7. balcony n Balconies: one or more The theatre holds an
raised seating audience of 600 and
platforms towards the has two balconies.
rear of the auditorium.
8. box n is a small, separated Perhaps, you'd care to
seating area in the take a box?
auditorium or audience
for a limited number of
people for private
viewing of a
performance or event.
9. cast n the actors in a film, Was the cast good?
play, or show
10. Cinema n a theatre where people What's on at the
pay to watch films cinema?
11. company n a company that By the cast of the play
produces plays we mean all the actors
belonging to the
theatrical company.
12. costumes n the set of clothes Creation of set and
typical of a particular costumes for the
country or period of theatre.
history, or suitable for
a particular activity
13. director n someone who So, the director said
supervises the actors that all the girls were
and directs the action backstage before the
in the production of a recital.
14. dramatic society n an amateur dramatics There are several
club thousand amateur
dramatic societies in
15. dress-circle n the first level of seats I don't like to sit in the
above the main floor in dress-circle.
a theatre
16. drive-in-theatre An outdoor movie A drive-in theater is a
theatre where vehicles form of cinema
park next to poles structure consisting of
attached with speakers a large outdoor movie
to hear the movie on a screen, a projection
humongous size screen booth, a concession
stand, and a large
parking area for
17. full-length film is a film with a running Three active film
time long enough to be importing and
considered the distributing companies
principal or sole film to imported 79 full-length
fill a program. feature films in 1999:
57 from the United
States, 21 from Europe
and one from the
Commonwealth of
Independent States.
18. gallery n is a form of balcony, an I’m afraid the only
elevated platform thing that remains is
generally supported by the gallery.
columns or brackets,
which projects from
the interior wall of a
theatre, in order to
additional audience.
19. intermission n An intermission, also The Sonics led by only
known as an interval in two points at
British and Indian intermission.
English, is a recess
between parts of a
performance or
production, such as for
a theatrical play, opera,
concert, or film
20. light and sound effects combining sound How were the light and
effects or music with sound effects used?
unusual lighting
21. lighting n Stage lighting is the In the Theatre we are
craft of lighting as it proud to serve, ideas
applies to the merely play like
production of theater, summer lightning over
dance, opera, and a deep lake of feeling
other performance
22. matinee n a film shown or a play Matinee or evening
performed during the performance?
day, especially in the
23. off-screen voice is used when the The dynamic video
character is in the sequence and an
scene location, but not announcer's off-screen
currently on screen. voice allows to find out
many interesting things
about brewing on the
biggest brewery in
24. orchestra-pit n the area of a theatre in These seats are near
which musicians play the orchestra-pit. My
their instruments, wife can’t stand loud
usually in front of the music.
25. Performance n the action of What kind of
entertaining other performances are
people by dancing, staged in the Royal
singing, acting, or Opera House?
playing music
26. pit n the seats at the lowest I could find you some
level, or the orchestra seats in the pit.
27. produce v to organize the Most of these are let to
practical and financial producing managem
matters relating to the ents on a commercial
preparation of a film, basis but some of them
play, or television or are permanently
radio programme occupied by subsidised
28. producer n is a person who The role of the
oversees all aspects of producer is not very
mounting a theatre important.
29. production n the activity of Did the general spirit of
organizing the practical the production satisfy
and financial matters the demand of the
relating to the play?
preparation of a film,
play, or television or
radio programme
30. professional theatre A “professional” He was one of the
theatre is one that is founders of
staffed with such professional theatre in
individuals, regardless Estonia.
of what that theatre
pays them.
31. properties(props) n is an object used on I always insisted on
stage or screen by authentic props.
actors during a
performance or screen
32. repertoire n all the music or plays, The Royal Shakespeare
etc. that you can do or Company presents
perform or that you Shakespearean plays at
know Stradford-upon-Avon
and a mixed repertoire
in London.
33. repertory company a theatrical company Recently there has
that performs plays been a growth in the
from a repertoire, esp activity of repertory
at its own theatre companies which
receive financial
support from the Arts
34. row n A number of people or The theatre, which has
things in a more or less never been built over,
straight line. still has 50 rows of
35. Scenery n the large painted Did you like the
pictures used on a scenery?
theatre stage to
represent the place
where the action is
36. screen version(of the a cinematic or I saw something like
novel) television adaptation this in screen versions
of an artistic or non- of Graham Grin novels.
artistic literary work.
37. Screenwriter n a person who writes “You used to be big,”
screenplays says the B-movie hack
screenwriter Joe Gillis
(William Holden)
38. Seat n a piece of furniture or I want four seats for
part of a train, plane, Sunday, please.
etc. that has been
designed for someone
to sit on
39. stage-manager n the person who is Laura Keene (20 July
responsible for the 1826 - 4 November
equipment and the use 1873) was a British
of the stage during a stage actress and
play or performance theatre manager.
40. stalls n Stall seats are on the Well, you can have very
ground level of the good seats in the stalls.
theatre. Row F.
41. stunt man n is a man whose job is You shall be a stunt
to do dangerous things, man who is an actor,
either for publicity, or who is a character in a
in a film instead of an movie, who is an
actor so that the actor enemy soldier.
does not risk being
42. Subtitle n a. a written translation It's in Russian, with one
superimposed on a film subtitle every half
that has foreign hour.
b. explanatory text on
a silent film
43. the minor role a small role. bit part. Courage of Lassie was
Elizabeth Taylor's
second "Lassie" film;
she first had appeared
in Lassie Come Home in
the minor role of the
Duke of Rudling's
44. the setting of a scene The place in which the To be found unique in
action of a play, movie, the setting of a scene.
novel, or other
narrative occurs
45. To act v to perform a part in a He started to act in
film, play, etc. amateur theatre
performances, where
he discovered a
passion for acting.
46. To dub v to change the sounds She was watching the
and speech on a film or “Gentleman” dubbed
television programme, in Russian.
especially to a different
47. to go into production start being produced So, we are hoping to go
into production in 12
48. to produce a play A work of theatre, such Then I became a
as a staged play, dancer and a showgirl,
musical, comedy or and now I'm trying to
drama produced from produce my first play.
a written book or script
49. understudy n an actor who learns the An understudy took
parts of other actors in over for the rest of the
a play, so that he or performance and the
she can replace them if evening show.
necessary, for example
if they are ill
50. Viewer n a person who watches With hours and hours
something, especially every week, the viewer
television can have a bellyful of

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