Hipcouch Questionnaire - Interior Designer

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Hipcouch Questionnaire – Interior Designer

1. What do you think you should know while designing a bed?

2. What is the height of a typical study table? Is it ok to give drawers under

along the length of the table?

3. Where is the ideal location of a light on the ceiling when provided near
the study?

4. What is the ideal height of WC, WB, Spout, Shower head and Divertor in
a bathroom?

5. If there is a ledge in a bathroom, where will the start tile be?

6. What is the depth of a sliding wardrobe? Is it more than the depth of an

openable wardrobe?

7. What is the thickness of laminate and veneer?

8. What is the base for Duco/Pu?

9. What is the difference between using marble and tile on floor, which is
better and why?

10. Is mirror directly fixed on wall?

11. What information is needed while designing a wardrobe?

12. The wall is not aligned and we need to apply 2" of plaster. Is it advisable?
If it is not, what is the alternate solution?

13. The existing walls have been altered to remove and re-fix doors. There
are cracks developing at the junction at the new and old blockwork. What
is the solution?

14. I- section is inserted into a blockwork wall as a waist beam that supports
cantilevered steps. Also, these stairs lead to a loft, for which the wall is
below. Overt time, cracks have developed on the wall. What is the issue
and what is the fix?

15. Modular wardrobes are delivered on site, and they don’t align with the
wall. What is the issue? What steps should have been taken care off prior
to ordering?

16. Kitchen has been built on site, and the dishwasher and washing machine
plumbing has not been executed. What should have been done to avoid
this situation and what can be done now to solve the problem?

17. The headboard paneling with laminate strips is done. The strip edges are
not neatly done and the client is unhappy with it. What is the best
solution to fix it with minimum cost impact?

18. Epoxy flooring was executed on site and developed a lot scratches within
a month of usage. What are the steps to fix it?

19. The client wants to re-locate the AC from wall A to wall B. What do you
think are the issues that can arise due to this shift? And what is the
impact due to those issues?

20. Wallpaper was to be ordered, cost in BOQ was per sqft., but material is
sold in metres. What are the next steps and how will you calculate and

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