In The Name of GOD: Listen

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In the name of GOD

As you can see , My communication skill is not acceptable, therefor I should do something to
improve my communication skill. These specific items are:

I should listen and listen and listen .Active listening involves paying close attention to
what the other person is saying.

To improve my communication skill I should use body language. By this item I can have a good
communication with other parties.

Respect: People will be more open to communicating with me if i convey respect for
them and their ideas.

Empathy: Even when you disagree with an employer, coworker, or employee, it is

important to understand and respect their point of view. We can say “I understand what
are you talking about” or sometimes repeat their phrases as a question.

Think before speak: It is a rule to speak better than before.

Confidence: it is very important to be confidence with others. Confidence ensures your

coworkers that you believe in and will follow through with what you are saying.

Also we can see that my emotional skills are weak. So I should do the following to
improve my EQ.

1. Self-awareness –recognizing emotions and their affect in thoughts and behavior.

You know your strengths and weaknesses, and have self-confidence.
2. Self-management – by this skill we can able to control impulsive feelings and
behaviors, manage emotions in healthy ways, take initiative, follow through on
commitments, and adapt to changing circumstances.
3. Social awareness – You can understand the emotions, needs, and concerns of
other people , feel comfortable socially, and recognize the power dynamics in a
group or organization.
4. Relationship management – By yhis skill we know how to develop and maintain
good relationships, communicate clearly, inspire and influence others, work well
in a team, and manage conflict.

The above skills are emotional skills that I should have to improve my EQ.

With the best wishes

Hassan Mottaghi Mahmoudi

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