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Jodi Bahrijczuk


ET662 Lessons Learned Write Up

Let me start off by saying what a great overall experience having my first webinar

experience was and the huge appreciation I now have for adult learning. This course opened my

eyes to the great growth professional development can start for teachers in the education field.

To dive more into my actual feelings towards our webinar, I want to state that this webinar was a

great and fun experience for me and I would do another webinar, given the chance.

I do not want to sound over-confident but I felt that our webinar did not have any slip ups

and went extremely well. Our group practiced a mock webinar on multiple occasions which

helped our webinar flow smoothly. We delegated who would have each role in our presentation

to make the audience comfortable and show off our skills in addressing educators to take self-

care seriously. The biggest thing that I thought that went well in our webinar was the audience's

participation and engagement. People did not turn away from yoga. I figured that everyone

would turn off their screens and they did not! The participation and collaboration that occurred in

the breakout rooms were great to gauge our audience care towards our topic. I do not think we

had any barriers in our work together or in our webinar. I feel that since our topic of self-care

could relate on a personal level with each level, the participants were motivated to contribute and

plan for their action of self-care.

When looking at our surveys completed at the end of our webinar, we got an overall

approval of our session. People said that they felt stronger in implementing a plan of self-care

after our webinar. The only statements of negative opinions were towards people who did not

fully love yoga. Only two or three people out of the total participants did not like the yoga but
were able to create and give their own suggestive self-care ideas. We realized as a group that

yoga would not be loved by all, but to still show the option. I would not have changed anything

with our presentation as it still gave our learners an outlet to bring in their own self-care ideas.

My group members, Emily R. and Emily B. were amazing! We have worked together in

the past and this is probably one of our best presentations yet! Each of us from an early stage

took on equal roles and I did not feel that any of us worked harder than another. I was proud of

the way Emily R. led the yoga session and I was proud of Emily B. for her beginning thoughts

and organization to keep us all on track. We were constantly texting ideas and working together

which showed in our webinar. I would love to collaborate with my group members again, as they

were the best!

Something I was happy with on my contribution end was the actual format of our

webinar presentation. I was the one to make the slide outline and design the format of our

webinar. I felt like the presentation was fun yet professional and not your typical boring looking

Google Slide. I added in engaging colors, pictures and text to capture the viewer's eye. I also

created all the Canva images that were shared on Twitter and throughout our presentation. I hope

people viewed it in the same eye that I had.

Through watching our webinar and also reflecting on our own gave me ideas I would use

in planning and constructing another webinar in the future. I would keep the format of what we

did in our webinar and really make sure that I give learners the chance to get up and move. I feel

that people are happy to have an informal outlet, such as getting up or taking a break. It makes

the learners have a break and refocus when you need them to. Learning sinks in better when

there are breaks and times to contribute present.

I cannot tell you how happy I am with this project. Again, I do not want to sound overly

confident and not name any troubling issues but during this time there were not any negative

contributions. The surveys really did all have positive feedback and my group kicked butt!

Thank you for teaching us the importance of professional development so we could show the

importance of self-care during these chaotic times for us all as online educators.

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