The LL Research Channeling Archives Excerpt

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The L/L Research Channeling Archives

The The
L/L Research L/L Research
Channeling Archives Channeling Archives
March, 1972 - Hatonn Transcripts of
You might ask how it is possible to select thoughts of value from thoughts that are meaningless, or
of little value. It is very simple, my friends. All that is necessary is for you to analyze the thought
the Meditation Sessions
with respect to the real objectives of your person. If the thought has true consequence, if the
thought is of a true developmental nature—that is to say, if it develops either your consciousness or
the consciousness of someone else with whom you are communicating—then it is a worthwhile
thought. If it does not develop the consciousness, then it is probably of very little value.

January 31, 1975 - Hatonn

I and my brothers who are visiting this planet at this time are not strangers to this planet. We have
been here many, many times in your past, and we will continue to visit your planet, and we will

Elkins McCarty Rueckert

continue to work with your peoples. We are working with your peoples at this time in many ways.
It is not necessary that we communicate with your people in this fashion to help them. Most of our
work is done in a manner that you would call below the level of consciousness. Most of your people
are not aware of our contacts. We simply present ideas. These ideas may be accepted or rejected by
your people. We hope that in time we will be able to lead your people out of the darkness in which
they dwell. This darkness is not necessary. Your peoples may join ours in the light of the infinite
Father, as you would call that state of consciousness which is the oneness of the creation.
We are here to help you understand. And, my friends, your peoples need this understanding. In
truth, my friends, this is all your peoples need, for in truth, this is all that there is. For when this
understanding is acquired, all that there is is acquired. For all that there is is a state of mind.
Your thinking, my friends, is in truth all that there is, for without your thinking there is nothing.
Your thinking governs all that you experience. And we are here to aid you with your thinking.
Volume 1
Volume March, 1972 to February 15, 1976
ISBN 978-0-945007-75-3
90000 >

9 780945 007753
L/L Research L/L Research L/L Research

L/L Research
Channeling Archives

Transcripts of
the Meditation Sessions

Volume 1
March, 1972 to February 15, 1976

Don Jim Carla L.

Elkins McCarty Rueckert
Copyright © 2009 L/L Research
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means—graphic,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or information storage and retrieval systems—without
written permission from the copyright holder.
ISBN: 978-0-945007-75-3
Published by L/L Research
Box 5195
Louisville, Kentucky 40255-0195
About the cover photo: This photograph of Jim McCarty and Carla L. Rueckert was taken during an L/L
Research channeling session on August 4, 2009, in the living room of their Louisville, Kentucky home. Jim always
holds hands with Carla when she channels, following the Ra group’s advice on how she can avoid any possibility of
astral travel.

These archive volumes are dedicated to Hal and Jo Price, who faithfully and lovingly
hosted this group’s weekly meditation meetings from 1962 to 1975,

to Walt Rogers, whose work with the research group Man, Consciousness and
Understanding of Detroit offered the information needed to begin this ongoing
channeling experiment,

and to the Confederation of Angels and Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator,
for sharing their love and wisdom with us so generously through the years.
Table of Contents

Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................8
Year 1972 ................................................................................................................................................ 10
March, 1972 ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Year 1973 ................................................................................................................................................ 14
August, 1973............................................................................................................................................ 15
December 18, 1973 ................................................................................................................................... 17
Year 1974 ............................................................................................................................................... 20
January 4, 1974 ....................................................................................................................................... 21
January 6, 1974 ....................................................................................................................................... 23
January 7, 1974 ...................................................................................................................................... 26
January 8, 1974....................................................................................................................................... 28
January 10, 1974 ..................................................................................................................................... 30
January 12, 1974 ...................................................................................................................................... 33
January 13, 1974 ......................................................................................................................................37
January 14, 1974 ...................................................................................................................................... 38
January 15, 1974...................................................................................................................................... 40
January 16, 1974 ......................................................................................................................................43
January 17, 1974 ..................................................................................................................................... 44
January 21, 1974 ..................................................................................................................................... 47
January 21, 1974 ..................................................................................................................................... 49
January 23, 1974 ...................................................................................................................................... 51
January 25, 1974 ...................................................................................................................................... 53
January 26, 1974 ......................................................................................................................................54
January 27, 1974 ...................................................................................................................................... 58
February 1, 1974 ......................................................................................................................................59
February 2, 1974 ..................................................................................................................................... 61
February 3, 1974..................................................................................................................................... 63
February 4, 1974 .....................................................................................................................................65
February 9, 1974 .................................................................................................................................... 66
February 10, 1974 ................................................................................................................................... 70
February 11, 1974 .................................................................................................................................... 71
February 11, 1974 ................................................................................................................................... 74
February 13, 1974 ................................................................................................................................... 76
February 15, 1974 ................................................................................................................................... 79
February 17, 1974 ................................................................................................................................... 80
February 18, 1974 ................................................................................................................................... 82
February 18, 1974 ................................................................................................................................... 87
February 20, 1974 ...................................................................................................................................88
February 21, 1974 ................................................................................................................................... 89

Table of Contents

February 22, 1974 ....................................................................................................................................91

February 23, 1974 ................................................................................................................................... 92
February 23, 1974 ................................................................................................................................... 99
February 25, 1974 .................................................................................................................................. 102
February 25, 1974 ..................................................................................................................................104
February 25, 1974 ..................................................................................................................................107
February 27, 1974..................................................................................................................................109
February 27, 1974.................................................................................................................................. 114
March 2, 1974 ....................................................................................................................................... 117
March 4, 1974 ....................................................................................................................................... 119
March 5, 1974 ....................................................................................................................................... 120
March 6, 1974 ....................................................................................................................................... 122
March 8, 1974 ....................................................................................................................................... 124
March 9, 1974 ....................................................................................................................................... 127
March 10, 1974...................................................................................................................................... 130
March 11, 1974 ...................................................................................................................................... 133
March 17,1974 ....................................................................................................................................... 137
March 18, 1974 ...................................................................................................................................... 139
March 19, 1974 ...................................................................................................................................... 142
March 19,1974 ....................................................................................................................................... 144
March 23, 1974 ......................................................................................................................................146
March 24, 1974 ..................................................................................................................................... 148
March 28, 1974 ...................................................................................................................................... 151
April 2, 1974 .......................................................................................................................................... 154
April 3, 1974 .......................................................................................................................................... 156
April 8, 1974 .......................................................................................................................................... 158
April 10, 1974 ....................................................................................................................................... 160
April 12, 1974 ......................................................................................................................................... 162
April 13, 1974 ......................................................................................................................................... 165
April 14, 1974......................................................................................................................................... 168
April 14, 1974......................................................................................................................................... 171
April 15, 1974 ......................................................................................................................................... 173
April 16, 1974 ........................................................................................................................................ 175
April 17, 1974......................................................................................................................................... 177
April 19, 1974......................................................................................................................................... 179
April 20, 1974 ........................................................................................................................................ 181
April 21, 1974 ......................................................................................................................................... 183
April 22, 1974 ........................................................................................................................................ 184
April 23, 1974 ........................................................................................................................................ 186
April 24, 1974 ........................................................................................................................................ 188
April 25, 1974 ........................................................................................................................................ 191
April 26, 1974 ........................................................................................................................................ 193

Table of Contents

April 27, 1974 ........................................................................................................................................ 197

April 29, 1974 ....................................................................................................................................... 200
April 30, 1974 ........................................................................................................................................ 203
May 1, 1974 ............................................................................................................................................ 205
May 2, 1974........................................................................................................................................... 208
May 5, 1974 ............................................................................................................................................ 210
May 8, 1974............................................................................................................................................ 212
May 11, 1974 ........................................................................................................................................... 214
May 12, 1974 .......................................................................................................................................... 216
May 13, 1974........................................................................................................................................... 218
May 14, 1974 ......................................................................................................................................... 220
May 15, 1974........................................................................................................................................... 223
May 16, 1974 .......................................................................................................................................... 225
May 17, 1974 .......................................................................................................................................... 228
May 18, 1974 .......................................................................................................................................... 230
May 19, 1974 .......................................................................................................................................... 232
May 23, 1974 .......................................................................................................................................... 235
May 24, 1974 .......................................................................................................................................... 237
May 25, 1974 ......................................................................................................................................... 240
May 26, 1974.......................................................................................................................................... 243
May 27, 1974 ......................................................................................................................................... 246
May 28, 1974 ..........................................................................................................................................248
May 31, 1974........................................................................................................................................... 251
June 1, 1974............................................................................................................................................ 254
June 2, 1974 ........................................................................................................................................... 256
June 2, 1974 ........................................................................................................................................... 258
June 5, 1974 .......................................................................................................................................... 260
June 5, 1974 ........................................................................................................................................... 263
June 6, 1974 ........................................................................................................................................... 265
June 6, 1974 .......................................................................................................................................... 267
June 7, 1974 .......................................................................................................................................... 269
June 8, 1974 ........................................................................................................................................... 271
June 9, 1974 .......................................................................................................................................... 274
June 11, 1974 ......................................................................................................................................... 277
June 12, 1974 ......................................................................................................................................... 279
June 13, 1974 .......................................................................................................................................... 282
June 21, 1974 ..........................................................................................................................................287
June 22, 1974 .........................................................................................................................................289
June 23, 1974.......................................................................................................................................... 291
June 29, 1974 ........................................................................................................................................ 294
July 2, 1974 ........................................................................................................................................... 297
July 3, 1974 ........................................................................................................................................... 299

Table of Contents

July 14, 1974.......................................................................................................................................... 302

July 23 1974 ........................................................................................................................................... 305
July 28, 1974 ......................................................................................................................................... 309
July 30, 1974 ...........................................................................................................................................311
August 6, 1974 ...................................................................................................................................... 315
August 6, 1974 ...................................................................................................................................... 318
September 21,1974 ................................................................................................................................ 320
September 22, 1974 ................................................................................................................................ 323
October 4, 1974 ....................................................................................................................................327
October 13, 1974 ...................................................................................................................................329
October 31, 1974 ................................................................................................................................... 331
November 1, 1974 .................................................................................................................................. 336
November 10, 1974 ................................................................................................................................ 339
November 12, 1974 ................................................................................................................................342
November 15, 1974................................................................................................................................ 344
Year 1975............................................................................................................................................... 347
January 31, 1975 ..................................................................................................................................... 348
November 2, 1975 .................................................................................................................................. 351
November 23, 1975 ................................................................................................................................ 352
November 30, 1975 ................................................................................................................................ 354
December 7, 1975 .................................................................................................................................. 356
December 21, 1975 ................................................................................................................................. 359
December 21, 1975 .................................................................................................................................362
December 28, 1975 ................................................................................................................................ 364
Year 1976 .............................................................................................................................................. 368
January 4, 1976..................................................................................................................................... 369
January 11, 1976 ..................................................................................................................................... 373
January 11, 1976 ..................................................................................................................................... 375
January 18, 1976 ....................................................................................................................................378
January 25, 1976 .................................................................................................................................... 382
February 1, 1976 ....................................................................................................................................386
February 1, 1976 .................................................................................................................................... 391
February 15, 1976 ................................................................................................................................. 397

Welcome to this volume of the L/L Research Channeling Archives. This series of publications represents the
collection of channeling sessions recorded by L/L Research during the period from the early seventies to the
present day. The sessions are also available on the L/L Research website,
Starting in the mid-1950s, Don Elkins, a professor of physics and engineering at Speed Scientific School,
had begun researching the paranormal in general and UFOs in particular. Elkins was a pilot as well as a
professor and he flew his small plane to meet with many of the UFO contactees of the period.
Hal Price had been a part of a UFO-contactee channeling circle in Detroit called “The Detroit Group.”
When Price was transferred from Detroit’s Ford plant to its Louisville truck plant, mutual friends discovered
that Price also was a UFO researcher and put the two men together. Hal introduced Elkins to material called
The Brown Notebook which contained instructions on how to create a group and receive UFO contactee
information. In January of 1962 they decided to put the instructions to use and began holding silent
meditation meetings on Sunday nights just across the Ohio River in the southern Indiana home of Hal and
his wife, Jo. This was the beginning of what was called the “Louisville Group.”
I was an original member of that group, along with a dozen of Elkins’ physics students. However, I did not
learn to channel until 1974. Before that date, almost none of our weekly channeling sessions were recorded
or transcribed. After I began improving as a channel, Elkins decided for the first time to record all the
sessions and transcribe them.
During the first eighteen months or so of my studying channeling and producing material, we tended to
reuse the tapes as soon as the transcriptions were finished. Since those were typewriter days, we had no
record of the work that could be reopened and used again, as we do now with computers. And I used up the
original and the carbon copy of my transcriptions putting together a manuscript, Voices of the Gods, which
has not yet been published. It remains as almost the only record of Don Elkins’ and my channeling of that
We learned from this experience to retain the original tapes of all of our sessions, and during the remainder
of the seventies and through the eighties, our “Louisville Group” was prolific. The “Louisville Group”
became “L/L Research” after Elkins and I published a book in 1976, Secrets of the UFO, using that
publishing name. At first we met almost every night. In later years, we met gradually less often, and the
number of sessions recorded by our group in a year accordingly went down. Eventually, the group began
taking three months off from channeling during the summer. And after 2000, we began having channeling
meditations only twice a month. The volume of sessions dropped to its present output of eighteen or so each
These sessions feature channeling from sources which call themselves members of the Confederation of
Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator. At first we enjoyed hearing from many different voices:
Hatonn, Laitos, Oxal, L/Leema and Yadda being just a few of them. As I improved my tuning techniques,
and became the sole senior channel in L/L Research, the number of contacts dwindled. When I began asking
for “the highest and best contact which I can receive of Jesus the Christ’s vibration of unconditional love in a
conscious and stable manner,” the entity offering its thoughts through our group was almost always Q’uo.
This remains true as our group continues to channel on an ongoing basis.
The channelings are always about love and unity, enunciating “The Law of One” in one aspect or another.
Seekers who are working with spiritual principles often find the material a good resource. We hope that you
will as well. As time has gone on the questions have shifted somewhat, but in general the content of the
channeling is metaphysical and focused on helping seekers find the love in the moment and the Creator in
the love.
At first, I transcribed our channeling sessions. I got busier, as our little group became more widely known,
and got hopelessly behind on transcribing. Two early transcribers who took that job off my hands were Kim


Howard and Judy Dunn, both of whom masterfully transcribed literally hundreds of sessions through the
eighties and early nineties.
Then Ian Jaffray volunteered to create a web site for these transcriptions, and single-handedly unified the
many different formats that the transcripts were in at that time and made them available online. This
additional exposure prompted more volunteers to join the ranks of our transcribers, and now there are a
dozen or so who help with this. Our thanks go out to all of these kind volunteers, early and late, who have
made it possible for our webguy to make these archives available.
Around the turn of the millennium, I decided to commit to editing each session after it had been
transcribed. So the later transcripts have fewer errata than the earlier ones, which are quite imperfect in
places. One day, perhaps, those earlier sessions will be revisited and corrections will be made to the
transcripts. It would be a large task, since there are well over 1500 channeling sessions as of this date, and
counting. We apologize for the imperfections in those transcripts, and trust that you can ascertain the sense
of them regardless of a mistake here and there.
Blessings, dear reader! Enjoy these “humble thoughts” from the Confederation of Planets. May they prove
good companions to your spiritual seeking. 
For all of us at L/L Research,
Carla L. Rueckert
Louisville, Kentucky
July 16, 2009

Year 1972
March, 1972

L/L Research is a subsidiary of Rock Creek is a non-profit
Rock Creek Research &
Development Laboratories, Inc.

P.O. Box 5195

L/L Research corporation dedicated to
discovering and sharing
information which may aid in
the spiritual evolution of
Louisville, KY 40255-0195 humankind.
ABOUT THE CONTENTS OF THIS TRANSCRIPT: This telepathic channeling has been taken from transcriptions of the
weekly study and meditation meetings of the Rock Creek Research & Development Laboratories and L/L Research. It is offered in
the hope that it may be useful to you. As the Confederation entities always make a point of saying, please use your discrimination
and judgment in assessing this material. If something rings true to you, fine. If something does not resonate, please leave it behind,
for neither we nor those of the Confederation would wish to be a stumbling block for any.
CAVEAT: This transcript is being published by L/L Research in a not yet final form. It has, however, been edited and any
obvious errors have been corrected. When it is in a final form, this caveat will be removed.
© 2009 L/L Research

Maturity Meditation
March, 1972

(The day of this channeling is unknown.)1 Maturity, my friends, is in truth a maturity of the
spirit, for in truth there is nothing but the spirit.
(Don channeling)
Physical illusion which you appreciate in your daily
I am Hatonn. I greet you, my friends, in the love lives is of no consequence other than for its result in
and the light of our infinite Creator. It is a great action upon the spiritual self.
privilege to be with you once more. I am always
Maturity, my friends, is first the realization of this
privileged to be with you. These are the thoughts of
fact. Secondly, maturity is the ability to control one’s
the one known as Hatonn.
own consciousness in such a way so as to propagate
I am speaking through this instrument. I will speak the continuance of this maturing process.
to you on the subject of maturity, for this you have
Maturity, my friends, then is realized in the ability
requested. As you have already indicated, this
to control one’s consciousness. Unfortunately, upon
concept may be somewhat different from that which
the planet which you now enjoy, there is but very
is generally appreciated by your peoples.
little true control of the basic consciousness. And,
Carla: I was writing a paper on Maturity for an educational therefore, there is very, very little maturity. It is
and developmental psychology class I was taking at Spalding necessary first to realize the value of each thought
College while pursuing an advanced degree. It was a direction I you have, and then to reject those of little or no
did not pursue, but it was in order to take a job with the school value. Most of the thoughts that we are able to
system of the whole county of Louisville and surrounding areas discern occurring in the daily lives of those who
as the AV Librarian, and I needed three courses, which I got,
for my emergency certification. dwell upon this planet lack maturity. For this reason,
This channeling took place after I had done extensive research you might consider the planet upon which you live a
on what the people in the field said about maturity. It all had planet of children. Their daily thoughts,
to do, for the normal psychologists, with behavior, how you communicated to one another, hold them in this
behaved. I felt that was unacceptably shallow, as maturity has state. It is a self-propagating thing, communicated
so many levels, not all of them behavioral. But nothing in the from one to the other.
literature covered this. So I turned to Hatonn.
This channeling was perfect in that it agreed with my feelings, It is necessary to reject thoughts that continually
and I used it to write my paper. The poor professor! She gave infringe upon your mind from your present
me an A, but said please don’t share the paper with anyone, as environment and to carefully select each thought
she could get into trouble for allowing a discarnate source. I
put this channeling in as an appendix to my paper.

© 2009 L/L Research 11

Maturity Meditation, March, 1972

that you generate in order to reach a state of true There is a separation of maturity into primarily two
mental maturity. aspects: intellectual and spiritual maturity. They go
hand in hand, and one generates the other.
You might ask how it is possible to select thoughts of
However, it is not necessary to acquire intellectual
value from thoughts that are meaningless, or of little
maturity in order to acquire spiritual maturity. It is,
value. It is very simple, my friends. All that is
however, necessary to acquire spiritual maturity in
necessary is for you to analyze the thought with
order to acquire intellectual maturity, for the
respect to the real objectives of your person. If the
intellect cannot accurately evaluate concepts without
thought has true consequence, if the thought is of a
a true spiritual basis.
true developmental nature—that is to say, if it
develops either your consciousness or the There are three more things which I would like to
consciousness of someone else with whom you are speak about concerning maturity: the concept of
communicating—then it is a worthwhile thought. If infantile maturity; the concept of general or induced
it does not develop the consciousness, then it is maturity; the concept of absolute or total maturity.
probably of very little value. The concept of infantile maturity is highly
Now, how will a thought or concept develop into misunderstood upon this planet. An infant, upon
consciousness? There are several ways. One incarnating into your environment, has a certain
technique of development is simply evolving the amount of maturity that he normally brings with
ability of analyzing the merits of your thoughts. him. It is not necessary to induce this quality of
After this has been done, the thoughts themselves maturity through any system of education to the
will act as generators of the maturing process. infant. It is only necessary that he be alerted to the
possibility of generating a continuance, through his
Each thought you have is important. It is important
own intellectual processes, of his own spiritual
either in a negative or a positive sense. If it is a
evolution and, consequently, spiritual maturity.
thought that is of no consequence, it is important to
Unfortunately, your religious systems do not
recognize this thought as being of no value. If it is a
provide, for the most part, this stimulus.
thought of consequence, then it is necessary that you
amplify it and utilize it and communicate it, or it It is recommended that, in order for infantile
too will be of very little value. maturity to progress at an acceptable rate, the infant
be made aware at the earliest age possible of his
Maturity, my friends, is first the ability to think in
responsibility in creating an intellectual
this manner. It is second to act in the manner in
communication with his total self. This is usually
which you think.
done through techniques of ritual and appreciation
There are millions and millions of thoughts of the natural forces of the universe. The ritual that
generated by the people of your planet each day. A is employed by most of your religious systems upon
very, very small percentage of these thoughts have to your planet is highly ineffective, since it is generated
do with maturity. That is, a very, very small primarily by force, and is not freely offered, to be
percentage of them have to do with creating a better accepted or rejected.
environment for the growth of the spiritual self. By
Those, even in an extreme infantile state, who are
this I mean actively causing spiritual development.
appreciative, due to their previous growth of the
What is spiritual development? It is the process of proper ritualistic communications, will accept them,
maturing; the process of maturing, the process of and continue, at their own pace, and should not be
analyzing everything that you are aware of in a true forced to attend weekly meetings at specific hours
and unbiased sense. In order to do this, one must be for these purposes, since they reach a peak of
able to recognize truth. It is only possible for one to spiritual attunement that is a function of their own
recognize truth by the process of allowing truth to cyclical activities, and therefore should be able to
communicate the absolute base for truth which is seek out, at any time, spiritual communications and
ever present throughout the universe. This should be provided with a place for seeking. And
communication is accomplished primarily through this should be the limit of that which is expected of
the technique of meditation. them. Your present system drives most of your
people from spiritual seeking at a very early age due

© 2009 L/L Research 12

Maturity Meditation, March, 1972

to the aspect of force which should be totally development of spirit. It is of little consequence until
removed. This is what we have experienced, and this state of communication between the two is
what we have found to be most beneficial. mastered. Therefore, my friends, all is of no avail
until receptivity is made possible through daily
The second aspect of which I speak is that of
meditation. This not only breaks down the barrier
induced maturity, occurring in most unusual aspect
between the intellect and the spirit, it also breaks
among the peoples of your present society. This
down all other barriers between the spirit and the
maturity, which is a false maturity, is induced by the
one great All.
social systems which are presently in effect upon
your planet. Each system intellectually I hope that I have been of some service to you in this
communicates an aspect of assumed maturity, which discussion. I realize that it is difficult to speak to you
has nothing to do with real or absolute maturity. on this subject because it is a difficult subject if one
Therefore, much strife and confusion is realized by is to use the parameters of your present society. We
those who attempt to orient their thinking so as to consider it very, very simple. Therefore, any true
reach the accepted state or level of the assumed discussion of the subject should require no more
concept of the mature mind. This concept is usually than a few sentences.
heavily intellectual, for your society at present is It has been a privilege to speak with you. Adonai, my
primarily an intellectual society, with very, very little friends. I am Hatonn.
awareness of the existence or function of what you
would call a spiritual society. (At the end of this transcript is the following
Therefore, to mature within the boundaries of your
present society and be accepted as a mature person, LOUISVILLE SPACE MEDITATION GROUP
it is necessary to be able to communicate with it in MEETING
its accepted intellectual jargon, which includes Sunday—Introductory meeting
primarily a ridiculously long list of totally
meaningless concepts. These should be, if one is to 8:30 p.m.—Talks questions, films, et cetera on
attain true maturity, rejected as meaningless, for they meditation and the space story.
are extreme transients and have nothing to do with 9:30 p.m.—Meditation (Name, address and phone
spiritual maturity. number).
The last aspect of maturity upon which I wish to If you have any questions about the time or
speak is that of real maturity. My friends, there is location of this meeting, please call the number
only one way to reach real maturity: that is through given above.
meditation. We have said this many times. You
cannot get there by intellectual mechanisms. You (Tape ends.) 
cannot get there by analyzing each of your thoughts,
and labeling it either worthwhile or worthless. All of
these things are aids, but with the foundation of
daily meditation you cannot use this analysis, for the
result of this analysis is insulated from the total self
by a boundary. This boundary is permeable, but this
boundary is only permeable when the mind is
conditioned through meditation. Lack of meditation
reduces this boundary to an impermeable state, all
intellectual functions occurring on the surface, and
having little effect upon the growth of the true self.
So you see, my friends, there is a dual process
occurring. However, the meditation is always of the
primary and greater importance. Once, however the
art of meditation has been fully mastered, the
intellectual mind becomes a useful tool in the

© 2009 L/L Research 13

Year 1973
August, 1973 to December 18, 1973

L/L Research is a subsidiary of Rock Creek is a non-profit
Rock Creek Research &
Development Laboratories, Inc.

P.O. Box 5195

L/L Research corporation dedicated to
discovering and sharing
information which may aid in
the spiritual evolution of
Louisville, KY 40255-0195 humankind.
ABOUT THE CONTENTS OF THIS TRANSCRIPT: This telepathic channeling has been taken from transcriptions of the
weekly study and meditation meetings of the Rock Creek Research & Development Laboratories and L/L Research. It is offered in
the hope that it may be useful to you. As the Confederation entities always make a point of saying, please use your discrimination
and judgment in assessing this material. If something rings true to you, fine. If something does not resonate, please leave it behind,
for neither we nor those of the Confederation would wish to be a stumbling block for any.
CAVEAT: This transcript is being published by L/L Research in a not yet final form. It has, however, been edited and any
obvious errors have been corrected. When it is in a final form, this caveat will be removed.
© 2009 L/L Research

Sunday Meditation
August, 1973

(The day of this channeling is unknown.) somewhat less simple and therefore more time-
consuming. I am sorry to be, shall we say, in a joking
(Don channeling)
mood this evening, but I am afraid I find the subject
I am Hatonn. I am with this instrument. I greet you somewhat of a humorous one.
in the love and in the light of our infinite Creator.
I will leave you at this time. Adonai.
I am aware of your problem. It is an understanding
of time. I will attempt to instruct you as to the
nature of time. It is not very simple to you, I am I am Oxal. I am with this instrument. I have been
sure, but it is very simple to us. simply because we called for the purpose of speaking to you on the
are aware of time in a different way than you are nature and reality of time. Time is a field, like unto
aware of time. your electric field, your magnetic field. But what is a
field, my friends? A field is an effect. A field is in
Time, my friends, is in your mind. There is only
your minds. A field has different effects at different
now, and there is only here. The reason that there
distances. So does time. As you have recently stated,
appears to be a reciprocal nature between space and
time and space are dependent, one upon another. It
time in your world is because your world is, shall we
has also been stated that they are totally
say, designed to produce this illusion. It is an illusion
independent, and have no relationship.
necessary for certain catalytic actions that you enjoy
in your present state for the purpose of your Both of these statements are true. It simply depends
continued spiritual growth and evolution. on your point of view. The people of your planet at
present do not appreciate the number of dimensions
Time, however, is totally independent of space, and
that are available for one to experience the creation.
space is totally independent of time, for in truth they
All of these dimensions are made up of a single place
have no relationship—for in truth neither has
and a single time, and, for that matter, a single
meaning. There is one place, and there is one time.
dimension, which has no dimension. But it is
Therefore, there is no interdependent relationship
necessary to go from where you are to where you will
between the two.
be. Therefore, we shall speak of time as you know it
I am going to at this time, if you will excuse the pun, and try to lead you to that place where you will
call on another to speak to you, for it may be of know it.
some help to hear his words, as they will be

© 2009 L/L Research 15

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