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Orense Zen Liam V.


Adrenocorticotropic ACTH the pituitary gland It is needed for Adrenal cortex Cushing disease
hormone your adrenal glands to
work properly and help
your body react to stress.
Aldosterone ALD adrenal glands Its main role is to Distal tubule of the Hyperaldosteronism
regulate salt and water in kidney
the body, thus having an
effect on blood pressure.
Antidiuretic hormone ADH the posterior pituitary helps to control blood tubular cells of the Syndrome of
gland pressure by acting on kidneys inappropriate
the kidneys and the blood antidiuretic hormone
vessels. secretion
Calcitonin CT Thyroid gland is involved in helping to Bone medullary thyroid
regulate levels cancer
of calcium and phosphate
in the blood, opposing the
of parathyroid hormone.
Corticosteroid CORT adrenal gland are used to provide relief stress response Elevated pressure in the
for inflamed areas of eyes (glaucoma)
the body
Epinephrine EPI adrenal gland hormone that is secreted Muscles and blood Addison's disease
mainly by the medulla of vessels
the adrenal glands and that
functions primarily to
increase cardiac output and
to raise glucose levels in
the blood.
Estrogen E endocrine gland  helps control the uterus, ovary, breast, osteoporosis
menstrual cycle and is bone marrow and
important for childbearing. brain
Glucagon GCG exocrine gland is released to stop blood liver hyperglucagonemia
sugar levels dropping too
Glucocorticoids GC adrenal cortex are powerful medicines thymus depression
that fight inflammation and
work with your immune
system to treat wide range
of health problems.
Growth stimulating GH anterior pituitary The major role of growth liver and other tissues pituitary gland tumor
hormone gland hormone in stimulating bod
y growth is to stimulate the
liver and other tissues to
secrete IGF-I. IGF-
I stimulates proliferation of
chondrocytes (cartilage
cells), resulting in
bone growth.
Insulin INS exocrine gland is an anabolic hormone that adipose tissue, skeletal diabetes
promotes glucose uptake, muscle, and the liver
glycogenesis, lipogenesis,
and protein synthesis of
skeletal muscle
and fat tissue through the
tyrosine kinase receptor
Luteinizing hormone LH the anterior pituitary plays an important role in Ovaries in females; Polycystic ovary
gland sexual development and testes In males syndrome
Melatonin MEL pineal gland It appears that the function suprachiasmatic dementia
of melatonin is to mediate nucleus
dark signals and provide
night information, a
“hormone of darkness,”
rather than be the hormone
of sleep.
Norepinephrine NE adrenal gland increases heart rate and adrenergic receptors depression
blood pumping from the
Oxytocin OXT posterior pituitary is a hormone that acts on Mammary glands and Asperger syndrome
gland. organs in uterine muscles
the body (including the
breast and uterus) and as a
chemical messenger in the
brain, controlling key
aspects of the reproductive
system, including
childbirth and lactation,
and aspects of human
Parathyroid hormone PTH thyroid gland This hormone helps bone and kidney osteoporosis
maintain an appropriate
balance of calcium in the
bloodstream and in tissues
that depend on calcium for
proper functioning.
Progesterone P endocrine gland prepares the endometrium uterine autoimmune
for the potential of progesterone dermatitis
pregnancy after ovulation
Prolactin PRL pituitary gland contributes to hundreds of Mammary glands Prolactinoma
physiologic functions, but
the two primary
responsibilities are milk
production and
development of mammary
glands within breast tissues
Testosterone T Endocrine gland is a sex hormone that plays uterine sarcoidosis
important roles in the body.
In men, it's thought to
regulate sex drive (libido),
bone mass, fat distribution,
muscle mass and strength,
and the production of red
blood cells and sperm. A
small amount of circulating
testosterone is converted to
estradiol, a form of
Thymopoietin TMPO thymus Is a polypeptide hormone thymic hormone Inflammatory diseases
secreted by the thymus that
affects the rate at which
your skin ages.

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