Example Climate Change Questionnaire

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Ministry Officials Questionnaire on don’t know.

” If you are unable to answer a question,

leave it blank.
Climate Change and Nigeria
a. To what ministry or agency do you belong?
Climate change has become one of the most talked  Lagos State Ministry of Education
about environmental issues both nationally and  Lagos State Ministry of Environment
internationally. The purpose of this questionnaire is
 Lagos State Ministry of Rural Development
to obtain information about your perception of
climate change and how it relates to Nigeria.  Lagos Water Corporation

Consent  Akwa Ibom Ministry of Education

I am a researcher from the University of North  Akwa Ibom Ministry of Environment
Carolina at Chapel Hill and I am conducting a survey
to learn about perception of climate change and how b. What area(s) does your ministry serve
it relates to Nigeria. This survey will take primarily?
approximately 10 minutes. You are being asked to be  Rural (Village)
in the study because you a ministry official and thus,
 Urban (City)
a policy/decision maker. The information that I
collect will be used for research purposes and will be  Both
confidential. No personal information will be
c. What gender are you?
requested on this form and no information provided
will make any of the participants identifiable. There  Male
is no penalty for refusing to fill out the survey and  Female
there are no consequences to filling it out either. If
at any moment during completion of this d. How long have you worked at the ministry or
questionnaire you are uncomfortable or do not wish agency?
to respond to a question you have the right not to  0 to 5 years
respond. There are no risks or benefits from taking
part in the study. If you choose to take part, you will  6 to 10 years
be asked a series of questions about climate change  11 to 15 years
and how it relates to Nigeria. These questions are  15 years or more
below. If you agree to the information gathered
below being used, please read the instructions and fill
Climate Change information
out the questionnaire. By filling out this survey, you
are providing consent.
1. Human activity is responsible for climate
Instructions: change:
Please fill out the form below, to the best of your  Strongly Agree
knowledge by clicking boxes and providing short  Somewhat Agree
answers in the spaces provided. All answers are
relevant to this research even when the answer is “I  Don’t Know
 Somewhat disagree
 Strongly Disagree  I don’t know
 I don’t believe the global climate is changing
5. Which of the following do you think will
2. Natural variability is responsible for climate affect Nigeria as a consequence of climate
change: change? Tick all that apply.

 Strongly Agree  Sea level rise

 Somewhat Agree  Drought
 Don’t Know  Flooding
 Somewhat disagree  Coastal erosion
 Strongly Disagree  Rising temperatures
 I don’t believe the global climate is changing  Melting glaciers
 Desertification
3. Using the scale below, indicate the extent to  Increasing intensity and frequency of extreme
which human activity and natural variability weather events
are responsible for causing climate change:
Tick or circle option
 None
Solely Mainly
Mainly Solely  Other (explain): __________________________
Both natural natural
human human
equally climate climate  I don’t know
activity activity
responsible variability variability
responsible responsible
responsible responsible 6. What region of Nigeria do you think is more
vulnerable to the effects of climate change?
4. What do you think the effects of climate
change are? Tick all that apply
 Northern Nigeria. Why?
 Sea level rise
 Southern Nigeria. Why?
 Drought ___________________________________________
 Flooding  Both equally vulnerable. Why?
 Coastal erosion ___________________________________________
 Rising temperatures  Other (explain)___________________________
 Melting glaciers
7. What adaptation practices are currently in
 Desertification place to reduce the vulnerability of Nigeria’s
 Increasing intensity and frequency of extreme water resources to climate change impacts?
weather events Tick all that apply.
 None  Improved sanitation disposal to prevent
 Other (explain): contamination of water resources during floods
_______________________________________  Groundwater recharge
 Domestic water conservation promotion  No climate change adaptation measures are
 Surface water source protection needed for Nigeria

 Promotion of industrial and agricultural  Other (explain): __________________________

processes that minimize water demand  I don’t know
 None
10. To the best of your knowledge, are climate
 Other (explain): __________________________ change awareness campaigns carried out in
 I don’t know rural communities?
 Yes
8. What policies are currently in place to ensure
effective adaptation of Nigeria’s water
 No
resources to climate change impacts? Tick all If Yes, please proceed to the next question.
that apply. If No, please skip to Question 14

 Integration of climate change into water 11. How is climate change information
resource management disseminated in rural areas?
 Collaboration of different sectors to ensure  Pamphlets
effective response since water resources are utilized
by numerous sectors
 Radios
 Capacity building and institutional strengthening  Television
 Awareness campaigns about climate change and  Newspapers/magazines
its effects (Information dissemination)  Town criers
 Improved research on climate change adaptation  Others(Name):________________________
 Community mobilization/involvement
12. To the best of your knowledge, are climate
 None change awareness campaigns carried out in
 Other (explain): __________________________ urban areas?
 I don’t know  Yes
 No
9. Who should be responsible for financing If Yes, please proceed to the next question.
climate change adaptation measures? Tick all If No, please skip to Question 13
that apply.
 Nigerian government 13. How is climate change information
 Developed countries disseminated in urban areas?

 Donor agencies  Pamphlets

 Conservation Non-Governmental Organizations  Radios
(NGOs)  Television
 Industries  Newspapers/magazines
 Other (Name):________________________ 18. Of the ten environmental issues listed below,
please choose ONLY three you believe should
14. To the best of your knowledge, do the be the top priorities of the country.
schools in the state in which your ministry  Overpopulation
operates teach students about climate  Urbanization
 Deforestation
 Yes
 Climate Change
 No
If Yes, please proceed to the next question.
 Desertification
If No, please skip to Question 16.  Pollution
 Environmental Education
15. What schools have climate change in their
curriculum? Tick all that apply.
 Recycling
 Primary schools  Renewable Energy
 Secondary schools  Other (name): ____________________
 Universities 19. What are your THREE main sources of climate
 Polytechnics change information?
 Internet
16. To the best of your knowledge, are climate
change awareness campaigns carried out at
 Conferences and Workshops
the schools in the state in which your  Television
ministry operates?  Newspapers/magazines
 Yes  Radio
 No  Religious leaders
If Yes, please proceed to the next question.
If No, please skip to Question 18.
 Government agencies
 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
17. In what schools are climate change  International Organizations
awareness campaigns carried out? Tick all
that apply.
 No sources of climate change information
 Primary schools  Other: ____________________________
 Secondary schools
 Universities
 Polytechnics
Student Questionnaire on Climate 20. What does climate change mean to you? Tick
all that apply
Change and Nigeria
 Change in temperature
 Change in the environment
Climate change has become one of the most talked  Change in weather conditions
about environmental issues both nationally and
 Change in climate due to human pollution
internationally. The purpose of this questionnaire is
to obtain information about your perception of  Change in climate due to global warming
climate change and how it relates to Nigeria. No  I don’t know
personal information will be requested on this form
 Other:
and no information provided will make any of the
participants identifiable. There is no penalty for
refusing to fill out the survey and there are no
21. What do you think are the effects of climate
consequences to filling it out either. If you agree to
change? Tick all that apply
the information gathered below being used, please
read the instructions and fill out the questionnaire.  Sea level rise
You are not obligated to answer all questions and are  Drought
free to skip any question for any reason.
 Flooding
Instructions:  Global warming
Please fill out the form below, to the best of your  Rising temperatures
knowledge by ticking boxes and providing short  Increasing intensity and frequency of extreme
answers in the spaces provided. If you are unable to weather events
answer a question, leave it blank.
 Other:
e. What faculty are you in? _________________________________________

 Environmental sciences 22. Which of the following do you think will

 Engineering affect Nigeria as a consequence of climate
change? Tick all that apply.
 Law
 Sea level rise
f. In what area do you reside/live? (Choose  Drought
where you spend most of the year)  Flooding
 Rural (Village)  Coastal erosion
 Urban (City)  Rising temperatures
 Desertification
Climate Change information
 Increasing intensity and frequency of extreme
weather events
 None  Conservation Non-Governmental Organizations
 Other: ____________________________ (NGOs)
 Industries
23. Who do you think is most vulnerable to the  No climate change adaptation measures are
effects of climate change? needed for Nigeria
 Developed countries  Other: ____________________________
 Developing countries
 Both equally vulnerable 28. Of the ten environmental issues listed below,
please choose three you believe should be
24. What region of Nigeria do you think is more the top priorities of the country.
vulnerable to the effects of climate change?  Overpopulation
 Northern Nigeria  Urbanization
 Southern Nigeria  Deforestation
 Both equally vulnerable  Climate Change
 Desertification
25. What changes would you be willing to make
to increase your preparedness for the effects
 Pollution
of climate change? Tick all that apply.  Environmental Education
 Educating yourself more about climate change  Recycling
and its effects  Renewable Energy
 Promoting climate change awareness campaigns Are there any other environmental issues not
 Advocating for climate change adaptation mentioned above that you think should be top
integration into community projects priorities of the country? If Yes what? -
 None
 Other: ______________________________ 29. What are your main sources of climate
change information? Tick all that apply.
26. Which of the following adaptation measures  Internet
would you be willing to support? Tick all that
 School
 Government agencies
27. Who should be responsible for financing  Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
climate change adaptation measures? Tick all
that apply.
 International Organizations
 Nigerian government  No sources of climate change information
 Developed countries  Other: ____________________________
 Donor agencies
30. To the best of your knowledge are climate
change awareness campaigns carried out at
your university?
 Yes
 No
If Yes, proceed to Question 10
If No, skip to Question 11

31. Do you attend climate change awareness

campaigns at your university?

 Yes
 No

32. Were you taught about climate change in


 Yes
 No
If Yes, please briefly describe what you were taught.
If Yes, please proceed to question 33.

33. In what schools were you taught about

climate change? Tick all that apply.

 Primary school
 Secondary school
 University

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