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1 Choose the correct answers.

1 I try to avoid lunch in the school cafeteria. The food is awful.
a eat b to eat c eating d eaten
2 There have been burglaries in this area recently.
a much b any c a little d a few
3 Many tourists who come to Britain visit capital city because London is so famous.
aa b– c the d at
4 Jamie is not as intelligent his brother.
a than b of c as d to
5 This is entertaining film I have ever seen.
a the most b the more c the better d too
6 ‘Has Dad to the supermarket?’ ‘Yes, we’ve run out of bread.’
a went b gone c been d was

2 Complete the sentences and questions. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Listen! Someone (play) the violin upstairs. Can you hear it?
2 The Berlin Wall (come) down in 1989.
3 My brother played a practical joke on me while I (sleep).
4 I hope to see Jane this weekend. I (not see) her since last Christmas!
5 In the future, the energy people use in their homes (not come) from oil.
6 Ice cubes melt if you (put) them in warm water.
7 If you listen to your MP3 player so loud, you _ (damage) your ears.

3 Rewrite the sentences.

1 I have made plans to go to the cinema with Toby on Friday.
I am .
2 It isn’t necessary to give that book back.
You .
3 People don’t switch their lights off, so they waste energy.
If people .
4 I like dogs a lot, but I don’t have one.
I wish .
5 Monica left the café and I arrived a minute later.
When I arrived .
6 ‘I can’t see my car,’ said Diana.
Diana said .
7 They will send the invitations tomorrow.
The invitations .
4 Read the notice and complete the words.

School trip to France

The school exchange trip is to a small 1 v_ _ _ _ge. There is a 2 b______’s selling bread and
snacks, and a newsagent’s for things like 3 n_ _ _p______s and magazines, but there isn’t a
c_________’s, so please make sure you take any medicine you need with you.
Students will stay with French families. Be 5 p_ _ _ _e and 6 q_ _e_, and help around the house.
Remember: in France it is normal to greet someone by 7 k_____ing them on the cheek. Please
make sure you have a French 8 d____________y with you so that you can look up words you don’t

The village is near the sea, so there will be a chance to do water sports like 9 s_ _f_____and
r_ _ing. Please bring suitable clothes and shoes.

5 Complete the dialogue with the words/phrases below. There are five words/phrases you do
not need.

audience audition buskerscamcorderdigital radiojazz MP3 playerreceipt

return shoplifter thief updates uploads wallet

Boy Hi. I’m looking for a present for my sister’s birthday. She’s really into music.
Assistant OK, what about this 1
? It receives hundreds of stations.
Boy Hmm. I think she’d prefer to record her own music. She loves 2 . She
sings and she her own songs to the Internet.
Assistant Well, how about this 4 ? She can save hundreds of songs and share
them with her friends.
Boy That sounds great. Can I 5 it if she doesn’t like it?
Assistant Of course. Just keep your 6 .
Boy OK, brilliant. I’ll take it. Oh no! I can’t find my 7 .
Assistant Where did you last have it?
Boy At the market. I was watching some 8 . There was probably a(n)
in the 10 .
Assistant I’ll call the police.
Use of English
6 Complete the text. Choose the correct options, A, B, C or D.

Ronnie Biggs is probably one of the most famous 1 in Britain. In August 1963,
with 14 other gang members he stole 2.6 million pounds from a mail train travelling
Glasgow and London. This was an 3 large amount of
money at the time. However, the police caught him in September and he to
prison for 30 years. But Biggs only stayed in prison July 1965, when he
escaped and eventually ran away to Australia with his wife and sons. They 6
there for 3 years when the police found out that they were in the country. So Biggs had to run
away again, this time to Brazil, but without his family. Biggs lived a relatively 7
life in Brazil for over 30 years but returned, voluntarily, to the UK in 2001. The police
him as soon as he got off the plane and sent him back to jail. Since then he
various health problems and, as a result, he 10 from prison
in 2009.
1 A arsonists B burglars C murderers D robbers
2 A between B from C in D at
3 A absolutely B definitely C deliberately D extremely
4 A has been sent B had sent C sent D was sent
5 A for B from C since D until
6 A had been living B have lived C lived D were living
7 A enjoy B enjoyable C enjoying D enjoyment
8 A arrested B asked C flew D invited
9 A had B had had C has D has had
10 A has been released B has released C released D was released

× 7  Listen to the people talking about where they live. Complete the sentences with the
correct speaker, A, B, C, D or E. There is one extra sentence you do not need.

1 Speaker lives in a place with a lot of natural disasters.

2 Speaker lives in a place where crime is a problem.
3 Speaker wishes he/she could go to cultural events more often.
4 Speaker would like to move to the countryside.
5 Speaker was too late to buy his/her ideal home.
6 Speaker has recently moved to a big city.
8 Match the topic sentences A–F with the film reviews 1–5. There is one extra sentence you
do not need.
They said nothing could be better than the original, but I think they were wrong! The latest
film in the Darkness series is just as gripping as the first story. If the epilogue wasn’t enough for
you and you wanted more, you’ll love this next story.

If you’re already a fan, you’ll absolutely love it! If you don’t like musicals, you won’t
choose this film. But you ought to see it anyway, and you might be surprised. A moving story
about the challenges of life. Don’t miss it!

Her projects are famous for their amazing scenery and serious message. This film follows
in the path of hurricane Leila, which brought so much destruction to the coast of China last year. It
will really make you think.

The fast-moving new film from director Seth Goldblum is going to be a hit this winter.
White-out tells the story of a group of skiers who are caught in an avalanche. It’s gripping from the
first minute, and the scenes on the mountain are really scary. You must see this!

If that’s enough for you, you’ll enjoy this ridiculous romantic comedy. If you’re looking
for a gripping story, a funny script or you just want some entertainment, you won’t find it here! It
was so dull, my friend asked for a refund.

A. Angel from the inner city is a film biography of a great jazz singer.
B. This film has no plot, no characters, just a handsome male lead.
C. Can a sequel ever be a real success?
D. This is another stunning documentary from Jane Armathwaite.
E. Fans of the disaster movie will not be disappointed!
F. This is a spectacular horror film that will keep you awake all night.

9 Your American friend is coming with you to a special family occasion. Write him/her
an email to tell him/her what to expect.

 Say that you are happy he/she can come to the event and tell him/her when and where it is.
 Briefly explain who will be there and what will happen.
 Recommend what to wear/not to wear and explain why.
 Mention one other custom or tradition that he/she should be aware of.

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