New York

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that was actually why sandy was so bad

is because of the phase of the moon it

was already a very large high tide as

well as the storm surge coming in with

the the wind and the tide lining up

perfectly to give us 14-foot sides

instead of 8 foot

the most shocking part

of hurricane sandy was the fact that it

exceeded expectations

I think the sheer magnitude of it caught

a lot of people off-guard

when hurricane

sandy came we were not prepared at all I

mean not even the slightest

yeah it was

like an alien invasion of water and not

the good kind of water

so yeah I mean it

came right in front where there was

literally boats on 14th Street floating

in front of our in front of our window

we had a sub basement level office a

block from here and it was totally

covered in water for two days and we

lost everything everything

we're really

concerned about another storm and the

flooding that's possible and we think

that the next time it's gonna come even

further inland

I'd like to see some type

of flood protection in this area that's

going to happen we're vulnerable

obviously being this close to the water

something that just brings like more

walks different walks of life

another escaping the busyness and hustle bustle

there's this great space that

could really become community space

cultural space and active uses

everyone enjoys space and in New York

and other congested cities it's hard to come by

anything that makes the city's greener

is just such a wonderful thing for not

only the environment that people that

live in the city to to be able to be

around that space

the plans the berming

the sense of how it can be come into the

natural landscape itself how we want a

program that is is really the next


we are the link we're the tip and this

is the big you it's important that the

entire waterfront of floorman build in

the plans that have been put forward

because we can not only fortify this

great city of New York but be a model

City all over the world.

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