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NAME: Julieth Katherine Cardenas

ES L / EF L RESOURCES Past Simple Review

A. Are the verbs below regular or irregular? Categorize the verbs. Then, write the
past simple form of the verbs.

go try visit wait eat drink decide read move

drive speak write think watch cook lift talk see fly call

Regular verbs Irregular verbs

Present simple Past simple Present simple Past simple
1. Try Tried 1. Go Went
2. Visit Visited 2. Eat Ate
3. Wait Waited 3. Drink Drank
4. Cook Cooked 4. Read Read
5. Move Moved 5. Drive Drove
6. Watch Watched 6. Speak Spoke
7. Lift Lifted 7. Write Wrote
8. Talk Talked 8. think Thought
9. Call Called 9. See Saw
10.Decide Decided 10.Fly Flew

B. Use the past simple verbs from Exercise A to complete the affirmative sentences.

1. Last summer, I went to Paris. I visited my brother there.

2. I drove my car to the city center last week and saw a horror film at the cinema.

3. My family and I watched to a new house a few months ago.

4. A few days ago, I flew a plane fly over my house. It lifted really low to the ground,

almost as if it were landing in my garden!

5. Last weekend, my friends and I ate Indian food at a new restaurant in town.

6. She drank a lot of coffee this morning because she was tired.

7. When Eric was a child, he tried playing football. He found out he was really good at it.

8. I read an interesting recipe in a magazine last week, and I cooked it for dinner last

night. It was delicious!

9. Claire waited a long time for Marcus to ask her out.

10. Last night, I called my mum on the phone and we talked for hours!

11. Eva moved her rug and thought to clean underneath it.

12. I spoke to my friend last night. She decided it was a good idea to send out

invitations to the party, so I wrote them out this morning.

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ES L / EF L RESOURCES Past Simple Review

C. Rewrite each sentence in its past simple negative form.

1. I ate a big breakfast this morning. I did not eat a big breakfast this morning

2. She called her boyfriend last night. she did not call her boyfriend last night

3. We went to the shop before it closed. we did not go to the shop before it closed

4. Raj cooked dinner for his family last night. Raj did not cook dinner for his family last night

5. He drove to work this morning. He did not drive to work this morning

6. I read Harry Potter when I was a child. I did not read Harry Potter when I was a child

7. Kate wrote an e-mail to her boss yesterday. Kate did not write an e-mail to her boss yesterday

8. I saw you wave hello this morning. I did not see you wave hello this morning

D. Write past simple 'Wh' questions to ask about the underlined information in each

1. Q: what did you cook last night?

A: I made beef lasagna for dinner last night. It was good, but I think I need a bit more
practice making it.

2. Q: where did they go for holiday?

A: We went to California for our family holiday. It was beautiful.

3. Q: who and why did they decide plan the birthday party?

A: My brother and I decided to plan the birthday party. Everyone else was busy.

4. Q: how much did they cost jeans?

A: These jeans cost $200. They were so expensive!

5. Q: when did you speak whit Melisa?

A: Melissa called me last Saturday. She wanted to talk about the exam.

6. Q: Why did she drink so much water?

A: She drank a lot of water because she felt dehydrated.

7. Q: where did he stay during your trip?

A: He stayed in a five-star hotel during his trip. His company paid for it.

8. Q: what did you this morning?

A: This morning, I flew my kite on the beach. It was a lot of fun.

Teach-This.com © 2020 Permission anted to reproduce for classroom use.

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