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waves of migration into North America; later waves brought the ancestors of present-day

Athabaskans, Aleuts, and Eskimos.[41]

Over time, indigenous cultures in North America grew increasingly complex, and some, such as
the pre-Columbian Mississippian culture in the southeast, developed advanced agriculture,
architecture, and complex societies.[42] The city-state of Cahokia is the largest, most complex pre-
Columbian archaeological site in the modern-day United States.[43] In the Four
Corners region, Ancestral Puebloan culture developed from centuries of agricultural
experimentation.[44] The Haudenosaunee, located in the southern Great Lakes region, was
established at some point between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries. [45] Most prominent along the
Atlantic coast were the Algonquian tribes, who practiced hunting and trapping, along with limited
Estimating the native population of Nor

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