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personal Possessive Objective Absolute

I my me mine
You your you yours
we our us ours
They their them theirs
he his him his
she her her her
it its it its

Any/ anything/ anybody/ anywhere

This(1) – These(2……) That(1)- - Those(2….)
Few – a few
Little --- a little
Nothing/ nobody/ nowhere



AT 10/00
ON 23/06 JUNE


Аби правильно виконати завданя необхідно засвоїти наступні розділи курсу англійської мови :

1. Порядок слів англійського розповідного речення .

Питальні речення.
2. Займенники : особисті, присвійні , питальні , вказівні , невизначені і негативні.
3. Відмінювання дієслів to be , to have вPresent , Past та Future Indefinite .
4. Часи группи Indefinite в активному залогу.
5. Прийменники місця і часу.

Варіант 1
1. Make up the sentences with the given words. Remember about the word order in
English sentence.
1. has, buildings, our, several, institute.
2. subjects, students, many, the third-year, study.
3. the third-year, had, last, industrial, students, training, summer.
2. Put in, at, on, into, under, near, to into the space. Translate the sentences.
1. There are three rooms…our flat.
2. Entrance exams are held … summer.
3. She put her keys… her bag.
4. He came up ….the bus stop.
5. I get up …7 o’clock and leave…8.
6. Railway station is …. Metro station.

3. Choose the proper pronoun and translate the sentence.

1. (we, us) all went with (their, them) to the dean’s office.
2. They were (you, your) former students.
3. A friend of (my, mine) is reading for (his, him) exam.
4. (Our, us) teacher likes ( we, us).
5. Will you see (his, him) .
6. Look at (I, me).

4. Fill the gaps below with the correct form of the verb to be

1. London … the capital of Russia.

2. There … many universities in Moscow.
3. It … an old and new building.
4. They …… born the same date.
5. I… at home and doing English.
6. My mother and father …. my parents.

5. Write the sentences in negative and interrogative forms. Translate them.

1. The students often have interesting discussions after lectures.
2. The course at the University lasts from five to six years.
3. The students of our group will meet in the laboratory.
4. He usually has three or four lessons a day.
5. Children sometimes made breakfast themselves.
6. They will show the new film tomorrow.

6. Use Present, Past или Future Indefinite.

Translate the sentences .
1. Tomorrow our lectures (begin) at 8 o’clock in the morning.
2. We (take) all necessary books from the library yesterday.
3. The students (find) it difficult to translate such a text without a dictionary.
4. I (go) to the skating rink yesterday.
5. My friend (not smoke).
6. The sun (shine) brightly in summer.

University. Education.

I. Read and translate the text.

Lugansk National Agrarian University was founded on the basis of an agricultural school in 1921. Now
it is one of the oldest and largest higher agrarian educational establishments in Ukraine. The University is about
hundred years old. It trains specialists for various branches of our agriculture.
Our Agrarian University is situated in the suburbs of Lugansk. It occupies several buildings. Our
campus is rather spacious and picturesque, especially in spring and autumn. But nowadays we are forced
temporally moved to Kharkov because of our political situation. We hope soon come back home.
At present our University has seven faculties with 17 departments. They are the Agronomy and Forestry
Science Faculty, the Ecology Faculty, the Zoobiotechnological Faculty, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the
Farm Mechanization Faculty; the Faculty of Food Technologies with two specialities: the Technology of
Production and Processing of Dairy Products and that is of Meat Products; the Economic faculty with six
departments: Management of Organizations, Accountancy and Auditing , the Economy of Enterprises,
Finances, Cybernetics and Marketing; and the Civil Engineering Faculty with three specialities: Civil
Engineering, Land Use Planning, Aerodrome and Highway Engineering. Besides the day-time department there
is also a correspondence department where hundreds of people can get higher education without leaving their
work. Our University has also Post- graduate center where our students can get the second higher education.
The University is headed by the Rector and faculties are run by Deans. The students' body of the University is
less then there were before, but among them there are students from foreign countries. All advanced students
get state grants. The course of study lasts five years. The University is staffed by highly qualified lecturers and
Our students have all opportunities for their studies as they share their disposal with the students of different
high educational establishments.
The academic year at our University begins in September and runs till July. It is divided into two terms.
During these two terms our students attend lectures, seminars, practical classes and do laboratory works. At the
end of each term they take credit tests and examinations. As for the practical training, our students have it, first,
in specially equipped labs and workshops, then on the Experimental Training Farm and leading farms and
enterprises of our region. Some students have the chance to go abroad for their practical training. There they
can develop their skills in crop growing, gardening, animal husbandry, book-keeping, building and other trades.
At the final year of study our graduates have to present and defend their diploma papers and pass state exams.
After graduation young specialists are assigned to jobs according to the needs of our state. The best
graduates can take a post-graduate course to be engaged in agrarian scientific research.

Active Vocabulary

Words and expressions to be learnt:

1. Higher educational establishment - ВНЗ

2. Higher school – вища школа
3. to found – to establish – to set up –заснувати,організувати
4. to train – to teach –готувати, навчати
5. various branches – різні галузі
6. suburbs –передмістя, околиця
7. to occupy – займати (місце), розташовуватися
8. dairy and meat products - молочна та м`ясная продукція
9. campus- університетське містечко
10. accounting and auditing book-keeping- облік і аудит
11. civil engineering—цивільне будівництво
12. land use planning- землеустрій
13. economic cybernetics — cybernetics — економічна кібернетика
14. day-time — full-time ( department )-денне відділення
15. correspondence — extra-mural ( department) — заочне відділення
16. academic year— study year—навчальний рік
17. study—1) навчання; 2) заняття; 3) навчальна кімната 4) to study—навчатися, займатися 5)the
course of study—курс навчання
18. term — semester— семестр
19. opportunity— possibility— можливість, зручна нагода
20. to have at one’s disposal- мати в розпорядженні
21. out-of-town ( student)—іногородній студент
22. up-to-date— modern— сучасний
23. to attend practical classes—відвідувати практичні заняття
24. to develop—розвивати, вдосконалювати
25. to equip—оснащувати, добре оснащенний well-equipped, specially equipped
26. workshop — майстерня
27. enterprise— підприємство
28. Experimental Training Farm—учбове господарство
29. skills—навики, вміння, майстерство
30. to get a grant — to get a stipend—отримувати стипендію
31. crop growing— рослинництво
32. animal husbandry— тваринництво
33. gardening— horticulture— садівництво
34. public activities — social work— громадська робота( діяльність)
35. to go in for sports—займатися спортом
36. to present graduation paper — to defend diploma paper—захищати диплом
37. to take a post-graduate course—навчатися в аспірантурі
38. to be engaged in ( scientific research)—займатися науковими дослідженнями
39. students' body—контингент студентів

II. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

educational establishment; to be situated; higher school; to train specialists; various branches;

picturesque campus; day-time department; a study room; the course of study; practical studies; attend
lectures; to carry on research work; to take an active part in public activities; amateur art group; to take a
credit test; to pass an examination; to get a stipend; to work according to the appointment; to graduate
from the university; to present a diploma paper; students’ body; out of town students; to have a unique
chance; to be proud of.

III. Answer the following questions:

1. Are you a worker (farmer) or a student?

2. Where do you study?
3. Are you a full-time or a part-time student?
4. What year are you in?
5. Where is your University situated?
6. Is your University an old educational establishment?
7. When was it founded?
8. What specialists does your University train?
9. What departments are there at your University?
10. Is there an evening department at your University?
11. How many faculties are there at your University?
12. Who heads the University?
13. Who runs the faculty?
14. What is the students’ body of your University?
15. Do the students have every opportunity for their studies? Prove it.
16. When does the academic year begin and end at your University?
17. When do the students take credit-tests and exams?
18. Do all the students get state stipends? So you get one?
19. Are there any societies and clubs at your University?
20. Do you take part in their work?
21. When do the students defend their diploma papers?
22. What exams are you to take at the end of the course of study?
23. Where will you work after graduating from the University?

My Future Speciality is an Agronomist

I. Read and learn the words

student body - контингент студентів

wealth - багатство
master - оволодіти
crop growing - рослинництво
animal breeding - тваринництво
pay attention - звертати увагу
wind and water erosion - вітряна та водна ерозія
disease - хвороба, захворювання
devote - присвячувати
determine - визначати
farming - рільництво, землеробство
plant areas - посівні площі
crop rotation - сівозміна
storage - зберігання
soil fertility - родючість землі (грунту)
evaluation - оцінка
fertilizer placement - розміщення добрив
seeding practices - методи висіву
treating seeds - обробка насіння
measure - міра, вимірювання
crop variety test - сортотестування
yielding capacity - урожайність

II. Read and translate the text.

My name is.... Now I am a first - year student of the Agronomy faculty. It seems to me I
have always wanted to be an agronomist. My father is an agronomist and thanks to him I have
learnt a lot about soil and plants and how to take care of them. I liked to work in our kitchen
garden helping my parents. So after leaving school I didn't hesitate what career to choose and
made up my mind to enter our Agrarian University.
First of all I would like to say some words about our faculty. The faculty of Agronomy was
set up in 1921, the same year as our Institute was founded. Now about 60 specialists of high
qualification are engaged in teaching process, many of them being Doctors and Candidates of
Sciences. The students' body of the faculty is about 450 persons. The period of training lasts 5
Naturally much time is devoted to study of general and special subjects, determining our
future speciality, such as Botany, Biochemistry, Physiology of Plants, Genetics, Soil Science,
Farming, etc. Senior students also get practical training on the Experimental Training Farm or on
advanced farms of our region.
So during the course of study the future agronomist has to master: the methods of increasing soil
fertility; the methods of crop cultivation; seedbed preparation; the methods and time of fertilizer
application and treating seeds for seeding; soil types and soil conserving practices; agrotechnical
fundamentals of crop rotation; erosion, drought and weed control measures and so on. Land is
the main wealth of the society.
I am fully aware of my responsibility and know that after graduating from the University I
should be able to organize the production of crops, to determine rational structure of planted
areas, to work out systems of crop rotation and intensive use of fertilizers, to organize the
technology of storage, to analyze dynamics and structure of yielding capacity and use the results
in practical work, to use modern electronic computers and what not.
That is why I try to be a diligent student and will do my best to become a real expert in the field
of agronomy.
III. Get ready to retell the text according to the plan:
1. Give your reasons why you have chosen a profession of an agronomist.
2. Some words about the Agronomy faculty.
3. The subjects you take during the course of study.
4. Say what future agronomists have to master.
5. Say what you should be able to do after graduating from the University

Ukraine. Agriculture in Ukraine

I. Read and translate the text:

Agriculture has always been one of the most important sectors of Ukraine’s economy.
It’s due to geographical location and climatic conditions of the country. Steppes and plains
compose the most part of the territory of Ukraine. Mountains are found only on the fringes, the
Crimean Mountains in the south and the Carpathians in the west. The climate of Ukraine is mild
as it lies in the temperate belt. The topsoils are mainly black but there are also chestnut and
podzolic soils.
All these factors have facilitated the growth of agriculture in Ukraine. Now it is possible to
pick out two major farming branches: crop growing and animal husbandry.
The fertile black soil and favourable climate are good for cultivating different agricultural
plants. Farming areas occupy 41.9 million hectares of Ukraine's arable soils. The basis of grain-
growing is cultivating of winter wheat, maize, barley, winter rye, buckwheat and millet. Among
industrial crops the most important are sugar beet, sunflower, fiber flax, hop, hemp, medical and
volatile oil-bearing plants. Horticulture, melon growing and viticulture are mostly developed in
southern parts of the country. Here the food industry is allied with cultivation of grapes, fruit,
soft fruit and vegetables. Some of the fruit and soft fruit cultivated in Ukraine are apples, pears,
plums, cherries, peaches, apricots, strawberries, raspberries, currents, etc. Close to 40 types of
vegetable crops are grown in Ukraine: cabbage, tomato, cucumber, red beet, carrot, onion, garlic,
etc. Potatoes occupy 6 per cent of total area under cultivation.
Animal husbandry is the second major farming branch. The most important branches of
animal husbandry are dual-purpose cattle-breeding and pig-breeding. Sheep-breeding, poultry-
breeding, bee-breeding, breeding of animals for furs, fishery, horse-breeding, rabbit-breeding are
widely spread in Ukraine as well.
The main branches of Ukraine's food industry are sugar refining, butter, meat and meat-
packing industries, dairy products, tinned, fruit and vegetable industries, wine-making, baking,
fish-proceeding and egg industries. So Ukraine's main agricultural products are meat, some kinds
of fruit and vegetables, dairy products, cereals, honey and many others.
About 4 million persons are employed in the agrarian sector of Ukraine. Unfortunately,
now our country is through a period of great difficulties in its economic system. Ukraine's
economy is being transformed from planned-centralized to market-controlled and its agrarian
sector is being restructured as well. These and other problems are to be solved in the course of
new economic reforms aimed at creating an open effective market type economy.

II. Learn active vocabulary of the text:

1. plain - рівнина
2. to compose - складати
3. to facilitate - сприяти, полегшувати
4. to pick out - виділяти
5. farming branch - галузь сільського господарства
6. crop growing - рослинництво
7 animal husbandry - тваринництво
8. black soil (chestnut, podzolic soil) - чорнозем (каштановий, пізолистий грунт)
9. fertile - родючий
10. arable soils - орні землі
11. grain-growing - зернове господарство
12. wheat - пшениця
13. rye - жито
14. barley - ячмінь
15. buckwheat - гречиха
16. millet - просо
17. maize - кукурудза
18. industrial crops - технічні культури
19. fiber flax - льон-довгунець
20. hop - хміль
21. hemp - конопля
22. volatile oil-bearing plants єфірооліцні культури
23. horticulture - садівництво
24. viticulture - виноградарство
25. melon-growing - баштанництво
26. cabbage - капуста
27. potatoes - картопля
28. cucumber - огірок
29. carrot - морква
30. red beet - буряк
31. onion - цибуля
32. grapes - виноград
33. pear - груша
34. plum - слива
35. cherrу - вишня
36. peach - персик
37. apricot - абрикос
38. strawberrу - полуниця
39. raspberrу - малина
40. currаnt - смородина
41. to be allied with - бути тісно пов`язаним з
42. food industry -харчова промисловість
43. dual-purpose cattle breeding - молочно-м`ясне скотарство
44. pig-breeding - свинарство
45. sheep-breeding - вівчарство
46. poultry-breeding - птахівництво
47. bee-breeding - бджолярство
48. breeding of animals for furs - звіроводство
49. fishery - рибне господарство
50. horse-breeding - конярство
51. rabbit-breeding - кролівництво
52. dairy products - молочні продукти
53. cereals - крупи
54. sugar refining industry - цукрова промисловість
55. butter industry - маслоробна промисловість
- м`ясна та м`ясопереробна промисловість

57. tinned industry - консервна промисловість

58. fruit and vegetables industry - плодоовочева промисловість
59. wine-making industry - виноробна проммисловість
60. baking industry - хлебопекарська промисловість
- рибопереробна промисловість
- промислове виробництво яєць
63. to employ - наймати
64. unfortunately - на жаль

III. Complete the following sentences.

1. The top soils are mainly …
2. Agriculture has always been one of the most …
3. It’s due to …
4. The climate of Ukraine is …
5. Now it is possible to pick out …
6. The fertile black soil and favourable climate are …
7. The basis of grain-growing is …
8. Among industrial crops …
9. Close to 40 types of vegetable crops are …
10. The most important branches of animal husbandry are …
11. Ukraine’s main agricultural products are …
12. The main branches of Ukraine’s food industry are …
13. About 4 million persons are …
14. Ukraine’s economy is being transformed …

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