Quiz:: Beginners

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Beginners –

1) Tell me English alphabet;

2) Please, count from 1 to 20; now in reversed order.

3) What colours in English do you know? What’s your favourite one?

4) What domestic and wild animals do you remember? Do you have any at home?

5) Tell me what school subjects that you learn at school (for students) / members of the family (adults)

6) Tell me a sentence in Present Tense. Change it into the past and future.

7) Give me an example of any motion verbs in English; make up an example.

8) What counties do you know in English? What country do you want to live in?

9) Tell me about your family/best friend/school/university/job.

10) Do you have free time? How do you like to spend your spare time? What’s your hobby?

Quiz: choose the correct item.

1) She __________ to play badminton and volleyball.

A. like

B. liking

C. likes

D. is like

2) I _________ my homework from 5 till 8 yesterday.

A did

B. were doing

C. made

D. was doing

3) I believe I _________ enter English Faculty Department next year.

A. will

B. would

C. do

D. am

4) He is not a good student. He __________ grammar mistakes too often.

A. does

B. creates
C. works

D. makes

5) I love my ________ classes: we learn our vocabulary, watch films and translate the sentences.

A. Biology

B. English

C. Maths

D. Physics

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