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Assignment On: what do you think is one of the best communicators that you have

Course Title: Marketing Management

ever seen or heard of and known?

Course Title: Business Communication

Course Code: (BUS402)
Semester: Fall-2020

Submitted to:
Mr. Md. Shibli shahriar
Submitted by: Id No:
Associate Professor
Fahimul Haq 201-14-3118
Department of business administration
Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship Section: A
Daffodil International University

Date of Submission: 20-10-2020

Best Communicator:

There are many people in the world who are best communicator. In my eyes Teachers are best
communicator because they always communicate the students. But I will not give them example.

I think five very effective way to become a great communicator Great communicator are better
liked, more successful, and produce more value for their organizations. Isn't it time to become a
great communicator?

Great communicators are highly respected and trusted. To them, it is very important to first build
relationships--both personal and professional--as a way to create successful communication.
Great communicators appreciate all their relationships and all the interactions they have. They
are successful people who become the go to secure the other people within an organization.

One of the advantages that great communicators have is the big opportunity to get promoted
and recognized in their careers more frequently as a result of their great communication
competencies. Below are five successful practices of great communicators:

They know what they are talking about: Great communicators are competent and have vast
knowledge about their areas of expertise. They are prepared to show people that their
communication is valuable. Great communicators appreciate the time people spend listening to
them and interacting with them.

They listen more than they speak: Great communicators listen more than they speak. They won't
dominate a discussion or a presentation. Great communicators frequently ask question to give
people an opportunity to share their knowledge and express their opinions. Great
communicators give themselves permission to listen to others; in this way, they understand what
people are thinking. They know how to balance speaking and listening effectively. This makes
people feel that what they say truly matters.

They focus on understanding what people say: Great communicators focus intensely on
understanding what people are communicating; otherwise, they find themselves arguing and
losing focus. They continually check their understanding to avoid miscommunications,
misunderstandings, and assumptions.

They pay attention to nonverbal communication: Great communicators are aware that what
people say isn't the most important thing in their communication. Great communications
acknowledge the power of nonverbal communication and keep an eye on the tone of voice, body
language, and facial expressions of people. Great communicators know that nonverbal
communication speaks louder than verbal communication they listen with their eyes and ears,
and pay attention to people's posture, hand movements, and eye contact because these also
send very powerful messages.

They are aware of misunderstandings: Great communicators watch differences in patterns (how
a person usually reacts), inconsistencies (different reactions from a person), and consistencies
(the expected from a person.) Great communicators also watch for alignment of words, message,
tone of voice, and body language. If any of these verbal and nonverbal communication aspects
lack consistency, communication becomes a disaster. This is generally an overlooked factor that
can be easily prevented.

Now todays in this world for new generation in media line I think Jimmy Fallon is the best

Jimmy Fallon

James Thomas Fallon is an American comedian, actor, television host, writer, and producer. He
is known for his work in television as a cast member on Saturday Night Live and as the host of
late-night talk show The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and before that Late Night with
Jimmy Fallon. viewers will invite you into their homes if they trust you and Jimmy Fallon comes
across as sincere, authentic, and trustworthy. Humble, engaging and conversational Fallon is an
attentive and encouraging listener in interviews (watch how he leans in with a wide-open
expression wanting the person sitting in the other chair to succeed). He used his nice-
guy authenticity to win the audience, and it landed him on this list.
He is extremely enthusiastic about what he does & uses that in order to captivate his audience.
Fallon is also well aware of his intended audience which means he knows his boundaries as far
as what he can & cannot say. Jimmy lets his audience in on his goals (to make them laugh & enjoy
their night) that allows his audience to get to know him on a more personal level than the usual
talk show host. One of Fallon’s segments on his show features him dressed up as a teenage girl
with a guest, it is a funny segment which allows you to just not think while watching it but still
enjoying his show whole heartily, this allows him to captivate his audience even more.

In conclusion, to be a good communicator you must make the audience feel like they’re a part of
what you’re actually saying & that it is relevant to them. Don’t drag on talking about unimportant
information, be specific & make sure all your facts are accurate.

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