Kluyveromyces Fragilis: Mechanism of Ethyl Acetate Synthesis by

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FEMS Microbiology Letters 111 (1993) 207-212 207

© 1993 Federation of European Microbiological Societies 0378-1097/93/$06.00

Published by Elsevier

FEMSLE 05540

Mechanism of ethyl acetate synthesis

by Kluyveromyces fragilis

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H61a Kallel-Mhiri and Andr6 Miclo

Laboratoire de Biologie industrieUe et alimentaire, ENSAIA, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France

(Received 2 April 1993; revision received 30 April 1993; accepted 1 May 1993)

Abstract: The enzymes implicated in ethyl acetate synthesis and the catabolism of ethanol by Kluyveromyces fragilis were
investigated under varying growth conditions. The culture was grown continuously to D = 0.25 h - i on diluted whey permeate. The
results showed that ethyl acetate synthesis by Kluyveromyces fragilis is catalysed by both an esterase and an alcohol acetyltrans-
ferase. The esterase is a constitutive enzyme, while alcohol acetyltransferase is inducible. The catabolism of ethanol by
Kluyveromyces fragilis resulted in production of ethyl acetate, acetate and acetaldehyde. The glyoxylic shunt is totally inactive in
these conditions. The production of acetaldehyde is only governed by an alcohol dehydrogenase.

Key words: Kluyveromyces fragilis; Whey permeate; Ethyl acetate; Esterase; Alcohol acetyltransferase

Introduction Anderson [2], Yoshioka and Hashimoto [3], Mal-

corps and Dufour [4] and Ramos-Jeunehomme et
In previous work [1] we have studied the syn- al. [5], ethyl acetate synthesis is only due to an
thesis of ethyl acetate by Kluyveromyces fragilis alcohol acetyltransferase (condensation of acetyl-
on diluted whey permeate. We have shown that CoA with ethanol). However, Schermers et al. [6]
the synthesis of ethyl acetate by this yeast re- and Suomalainen [7] demonstrated the existence
quires in the broth both ethanol and lactose. To of an esterase activity in Saccharomyces cere-
further optimize ethyl acetate synthesis by this visiae, which allowed the synthesis of ethyl ac-
yeast, the elucidation of the possible pathways for etate from ethanol and acetate. Thomas and
ester production is necessary. The mechanism of Dawson [8] showed that ethyl acetate synthesis by
ethyl acetate synthesis by yeasts is not yet eluci- Candida utilis is governed by an alcohol acetyl-
dated. Most of the studies were carried out with transferase. In Hansenula anomala ethyl acetate
the brewer's yeast. According to Howard and production is due to an esterase [9].
The aim of this paper was to elucidate the
mechanism of ethyl acetate synthesis by Kluyver-
Correspondence to: A. Miclo, Laboratoire de Biologic indus- omyces fragilis grown on diluted whey permeate
trielle et alimentaire, ENSAIA, avenue de la for~t de Haye 2, supplemented with ethanol. The activities of sev-
54500 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France. eral enzymes implicated in the synthesis of ethyl

acetate and the catabolism of ethanol (alcohol Preparation of cell extract

acetyltransferase, esterase, alcohol dehydroge- Cells were harvested from the continuous cul-
nase, alcohol oxidase and isocitrate lyase) were ture, washed twice with distilled water then sus-
investigated. pended in 0.02 M phosphate buffer (pH = 7.4)
containing 0.1 M 2-mercaptoethanol and 20 mg
Pronase (Merck, Darmstadt, F R G ) per g wet
Materials and Methods weight cells. This suspension was incubated at
30°C for 30 min with slight shaking. The pre-
treated cells were washed with an osmotic solu-

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Kluyveromyces fragilis isolated from a dairy tion containing 1.4 M KCI and suspended in the
product was maintained on yeast malt agar slopes same solution. Then 22 mg Cytohelicase (I.B.F.,
at 4°C. Villeneuve-la-Garenne, France) per g wet weight
cells was added to the suspension and the mix-
ture was incubated at 30°C under slight stirring
Growth conditions
for 2.5 h. Lysis of sphaeroplasts was obtained by
The yeast was grown continuously at a dilution
suspension in 0.1 M phosphate buffer containing
rate of 0.25 h - 1 in a 2-I Biolafitte fermentor (LSL
0.01 M KCI adjusted to p H 7. The homogenate
Biolafitte, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France). The
obtained was treated with a sonic desintegrator
working volume was 1 1. The medium contained
for 2 min then centrifuged at 20 000 x g for 20
whey permeate diluted to a lactose concentration
min. The supernatant obtained was used for the
of 15 g 1-1 supplemented with 1 g 1-1 of yeast
enzyme activity assays.
extract and ammonium sulfate at a concentration
of 1 g 1-1 . Temperature was kept at 35°C, a
Enzyme assays
condenser was placed at the gas outlet to mini-
Alcohol dehydrogenase. The assay mixture con-
mize the stripping of the volatiles, pH was regu-
tained glycine-KOH buffer (pH 10, 0.1 M), NAD +
lated at 4.5 by N a O H 2 N. Dissolved oxygen was
(1 mg m1-1) and the extract. The reaction was
recorded by a polarographic probe.
started with 200 mM ethanol. Enzyme activity is
expressed in /zmol N A D H produced min -1 (mg
Residual lactose protein)- 1.
Culture samples were filtered through a 0.22- Isocitrate lyase. This activity was measured fol-
/~m Millipore filter. Lactose was determined us- lowing the method of Dixon and Kornberg [10].
ing an enzymatic kit (Boehringer, Meylan, France, The assay mixture contained phosphate buffer 0.1
ref. 176-303). M (pH 7.0), phenylhydrazine 0.1 M, MgC1 z 0.1
M, cysteine 0.06 M and the extract. The final
Dry weight volume was 3 ml. The reaction was started by
10 ml of cell suspension were centrifuged at addition of isocitrate 0.1 M. Enzyme activity is
7000 × g for 10 min, washed with distilled water, expressed as /xmol of glyoxylate formed min -~
centrifuged again then dried at 105°C for 24 h. (mg protein)- 1.
Alcohol acetyltransferase. Alcohol acetyltrans-
Analysis of volatiles ferase activity was determined following the
Ethanol, acetaldehyde and ethyl acetate were method of Yoshioka and Hashimoto [3]. The re-
detected by a gas membrane sensor as described action mixture contained 0.8 mM acetyl-CoA, 15
in previous work [1]. Acetate was assayed by a gas mM isoamyl alcohol and the cell extract sus-
chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization pended in phosphate buffer M / 1 5 (pH 7.5), in a
detector and 2 m x 2 mm nickel column packed 10-ml reaction flask with a silicone rubber stop-
with Porapak Q 80. The carrier gas used was per. The final volume was 2 ml. This mixture was
nitrogen. The temperature of the oven was set at incubated for 30 min at 30°C. The reaction was
170°C, the injector and the detector at 220°C. stopped by adding 10/zl of H2SO 4 6 N. 20/xl of

acetone were added as an internal standard. Then The stripping coefficients of acetaldehyde,
2 g of NaC1 were added. The vials were then ethyl acetate and ethanol were determined exper-
heated at 45°C for 30 min. The isoamyl acetate imentally. They are respectively 0.035, 0.09 and
content was determined by head space gas liquid 0.016 h - 1.
chromatography under the following conditions:
column 4 m × 0.0032 m stainless steel packed
with 10% Carbowax 20 M on chromosorb W Results
80/100 mesh AW-DMCS, oven temperature
80°C; injector and detector temperatures 220°C. We have shown in previous studies [1] that

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The carrier gas was nitrogen, head space sample ethyl acetate synthesis by Kluyveromyces fragilis
size was 0.5 ml. Alcohol acetyltransferase activity required the presence of ethanol in the medium.
is expressed in /xmol of isoamyl acetate formed For the degradation of ethanol by this yeast,
m i n - 1 (mg protein)- ~. three pathways are possible, all summarized in
Esterase. The esterase activity was assayed in 2 Fig. 1. In order to quantify the contribution of
ml of 0.1 M acetate buffer containing 15 mM of each pathway in the catabolism of ethanol by
isoamyl alcohol, 7 mM MgCI 2 and cell extract. Kluyveromyces fragilis, the activities of the enzy-
The reaction mixture was incubated for 30 min at matic markers of each pathway have been fol-
30°C. The isoamyl acetate content was deter- lowed.
mined in the same manner as for the ~dcohol The first pathway leads to ethyl acetate synthe-
acetyltransferase assay. sis by condensation of ethanol with acetyl-CoA
Alcohol oxidase. Alcohol oxidase was assayed (alcohol acetyltransferase) or with acetate (ester-
following the method used by Glenwyn et al. [11]. ase). The second consists in the transformation of
The assay contained in 1.5 ml: 50 mM Na 2 ethanol to acetaldehyde. For this pathway, the
H P O 4 / N a H 2 P O 4 buffer, 0.8 mM 2,2'-azino-bis- activity of alcohol dehydrogenase and alcohol oxi-
[3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid] (ABTS), dase are investigated. As a last possibility, ethanol
60 tzg peroxidase and cell extract. The reaction can be used via the glyoxylic shunt, therefore the
was started with 50 mM ethanol. activity of isocitrate lyase is followed.
The activities of these enzymes were studied in
Proteins a continuous culture at D = 0.25 h -~ (Fig. 2).
Protein concentrations in cell-free extracts The environment of the yeast was varied to favour,
were determined by Lowry method [12] with successively, ethanol production, ethyl acetate
bovine serum albumin as a standard.

Carbon balance Lactose

Carbon balance for ethanol was calculated ac-
cording to:
C metabolites + Cstripping of metabolites
Cethanol -- Cstripping of ethanol

where Cmetabolites, Cstripping of metabolites a r e the

ethanol carbon transformed in the different
metabolites (ethyl acetate, acetate and acetalde-
hyde) and the carbon of metabolites lost by the
stripping, respectively. Cethano I represents the
ethanol carbon which disappears from the culture
medium and Cstripping of ethanol is the ethanol car- Fig. 1. Possible pathways for ethanol metabolism in Kluyver-
bon lost by the stripping. omyces fragilis grown on whey permeate.

~120 a I tion were varied to have in each case only one of

the three pathways mentioned above.
~ go-
0 °
Ethanol production
"g~ 40-
The production of ethanol by Kluyveromyces
fragilis on diluted whey permeate is enhanced by
N o • 1,2
b limiting the level of dissolved oxygen. For D =
• 1,0 0.25 h-1, at the steady state, the activities of the
$ -0,8 five enzymes mentioned above were determined.

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The results are presented in Table 1.
d~ These results indicate that despite low levels
"~ 4 ~ ' 0,4 .~ of ethyl acetate (0.1 g 1-1) and acetaldehyde (0.1
~ 2 ~ ' 0,2 g 1-1), alcohol acetyltransferase and esterase ac-
tivities (ethyl acetate synthesis) are at a high
level. The same observation is reported for alco-
hol dehydrogenase activity (acetaldehyde synthe-
sis). Neither activity for alcohol oxidase (acet-
aldehyde synthesis) nor for isocitrate lyase (glyo-
4 -8
xylic shunt) was detected in these conditions•
! 2 -,'i Ethyl acetate production
To favour ethyl acetate production, ethanol at
0 -0
4 g 1-1 was added to the feed, oxygen level was
20 40 60 80 100 120
maintained at 40%. At the steady state, ethyl
T i m e (hours)
acetate level reached 3 g 1-1. The activities of the
Fig. 2. Continuous culture o f Kluyverornyces fragilis at D =
0.25 h - i on diluted whey permeate. (a) Evolution of dissolved
five enzymes were measured. Table 1 shows that
oxygen; (b) evolution of volatiles products; and (c) evolution both alcohol acetyltransferase and esterase were
of biomass and residual lactose. The arrows indicate the time active. Nevertheless, compared to the results ob-
of cells harvesting for the enzymatic assays. tained in the case of ethanol production, the
activity of alcohol acetyltransferase was higher,
whereas the activities of esterase and alcohol
synthesis, acetaldehyde accumulation or yeast dehydrogenase had the same levels.
growth without any accumulation of metabolites. The activities of alcohol oxidase and of isoci-
The level of dissolved oxygen and broth composi- trate lyase were not detected.

Table 1
Specific activities (/zmol (mg protein)-1 m i n - I) of alcohol dehydrogenase, alcohol oxidase, alcohol acetyltransferase, esterase and
isocitrate lyase measured in Kluyveromyces fragilis grown continuously at D = 0.25 h - 1 on diluted whey permeate under different
growth conditions
Growth stage Specific activity (U mg protein - 1)
Alcohol Alcohol Alcohol Esterase Isocitrate
dehydrogenase oxidase acetyltransferase lyase
Ethanol production 3.5 nd a 4.5 4.3 nd
Ethyl acetate synthesis 3.6 nd 5.2 3.6 nd
Acetaldehyde accumulation 36 nd 2.9 3.7 nd
Times of cells harvesting are indicated by arrows in Fig. 2.
a nd, not detected.

Ethyl acetate and acetaldehyde production a carbon balance. The carbon balance indicates
To,favour acetaldehyd6 accumula'tiOn, the level that in the case of ' e t ~ l acetate production77%
of dissolved oxygen was naaintaine~i a t 100%. of the carbon supplied as ethanol was converted
Both ethyl acetate and acetaldehyde were synthe- to ethyl acetate and acetate. When growth condi-
sized by Kluyveromyces fragilis. At the .steady tions allowed an accumulation of acetaldehyde,
state, their levels were 1.5 and 0.4 g l -l, respec- 99% of the carbon provided from ethanol was
tively. The activities of the five enzymes have converted to ethyl acetate, acetaldehyde and iac-
been characterized. etate. ~
Table 1 shows that alcohol acetyltransferase The analysis of acetaldehyde synthesis by

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and esterase are still active. However, the activity Kluyveromyces fragilis revealed that this pathway
of alcohol acetyltransferase was reduced by 44% is governed by alcohol dehydrogenase. No activitY
and the esterase activity remained unchanged. of alcohol oxidas~ was observed. The ~ame result
In these growth conditions, a high increase in was reported in Candida utilis and ~Saccha-
alcohol dehydrogenase activity (10-fold) was romyces cerevisiae [3,14]. In contrast, in meth-
noted, no activity of alcohol oxidase and isoci- ylotrophic yeasts such as Pichia pastoris acetalde-
trate lyase was detected. hyde synthesis results from an alcohol oxidase
activity [13].
Biomass production The evolution of alcohol acetyltransferase and
In previous work, we showed that iron esterase activities indicated that the first enzyme
markedly decreases ethyl acetate synthesis and is inducible whilst the second enzyme is constitu-
favours an oxidative catabolism of lactose [1]. The tive. Esterase activity remained coilstant for all
activities of the enzymes responsible for ethyl the cases studied whereas alcohol acetyltrans-
acetate synthesis in Kluyveromyces fragilis w e r e ferase changed with growth Conditions. Com-
followed. This yeast was cultivated in batch cul- pared to the results obtained by Ramos-Jeune-
ture on the medium mentioned in Materials and homme et al. [5] for the brewer's yeast, the activ-
Methods supplemented with 4 mg 1'-1 of FeCI 3. ity of alcohol acetyltransferase in Kluyveromyces
At the end of the exponential growth, cells were fragilis is 100-fold,higller.
harvested to measure the activities of the two The synl;hesis o~,ethyl acetate occurred on
enzymes. We obtained 2.6 U mg-1 of protein for both lactose and ethanol. Lactose supplies acetyl-
alcohol acetyltransferase activity and 3.8 U mg-1 CoA to produce ethyl~ acetate by condensation
of protein for the activity of esterase. with ethanol. This result was confirmed by the
These results show that in spite of presence of evolution of the alcohol acetyltransferase activity
iron, which strongly reduces ester synthesis, the and residual lactose (Fig. 2). We observed that
activity of esterase was at the same level as in the when the ethyl acetate concentration is high, the
conditions of ethanol production and ethanol level of residual lactose was low and alcohol
catabolism. Nevertheless, the alcohol acetyltrans- acetyltransferase activity was high. In the case of
ferase activity was reduced by 50%. a high concentration of residual lactose in the
broth, both the synthesis of ethyl acetate and the
activity of alcohol acetyltransferase were low.
Discussion The comparison of the mechanism of ethyl
acetate synthesis by Kluyueromyces fragilis to that
Our results show that the activity of isocitrate already known for other strains, Candida utilis,
lyase was not detected, so growth of Kluyver- Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Hansenula anomala,
omyces fragilis did not occur on ethanol via the indicated that each strain has a specific mecha-
glyoxylic shunt. Ethanol degradation serves mainly nism.
to ethyl acetate, acetaldehyde or acetate synthesis In Candida utilis [8,14] and Saccharomyces
and slightly for energy production via the tricar- cerevisiae [3] ethyl acetate is governed by an alco-
boxylic acid cycle. This hypothesis was verified by hol acetyltransferase, whilst in Hansenula ano-

mala the synthesis is related to an esterase activ- (1989) The relationship of subcellular localization/ester
ity. In Kluyverornyces fragilis the two enzymes are synthesizing activity of alcohol acetyltransferase in brewery
fermentations. In: Proceedings of the European Brewery
implicated in the process of ethyl acetate synthe- Convention Congress, Ziirich, pp. 513-519. IRL Press,
sis. London.
6 Schermers, F.H., Duffour, J.H. at/d MacLeod, A.M. (1976)
Studies on yeast esterase. J. Inst. Brew. 82, 170-174.
7 Suomalainen, H. (1981) Yeast esterases and aroma esters
Acknowledgements in alcoholic beverages. J. Inst. Brew. 87, 296-300.
8 Thomas, K.C. and Dawson, P.S.S. (1978) Relationship
between iron-limited growth and energy limitation during

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The authors thank Dr. M. Ghoul for critically phased cultivation of Candida utilis. Can. J. Microbiol. 24,
reading the manuscript. They are also grateful to 441-447.
the Institut de Biotechnologie de Nancy (Prof. 9 Ranadive, K. and Tamhane, D.V. (1985) Flavour produc-
J.-M. Engasser) for financial support. tion by Hansenula anomala by directed fermentation. In:
Newer approaches of biological applications, Bombay, pp.
10 Dixon, G.H. and Kornberg, H.L. (1959) Assay methOds for
key enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle. Biochem.~J. 72, 3p.
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2 Howard, D. and Anderson, R.G. (1976) Ceil-free synthesis R.J. (1951) Protein measurement with folin phenol reagent.
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