Mixture and Allegration Part 1

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1. A Container contains 192 liter of Milk. A seller draws out x% of Milk and replaced it
with the same quantity of water. He repeated the same process for 3 times. And thus
Milk content in the mixture is only 81 liter. Then how much percent he withdraws every

81 = 192(1-x/100)³
x = 25


2. A Jar contains 30 liters mixture of Milk and Water in the ratio of x:y respectively.
When 10 liter of the mixture is taken out and replaced it water, then the ratio becomes
2:3. Then what is the initial quantity of Milk in the Jar?

x+y =30
(x-10*x/x+y)/ (y-10*y/(x+y) + 10) = 2/3
2x-4/3y = 20
x =18
3. A container contains 50 litres of milk. From that 8 litres of milk was taken out and
replaced by water. This process was repeated further two times. How much milk is
now contained by the container ?


4. A Container contains ‘X’ Liters of Milk. A thief stole 50 Liters of

Milk and replaced it with the same quantity of water. He repeated
the same process further two times. And thus Milk in the
container is only ‘X-122’ liters. Then what is the quantity of water
in the final mixture?


X-122 = X(1-50/X)³
X = 250 Liter
Milk = 250-122 = 128
Water = 122


5. In a 250 liter of a mixture of Milk and Water, Water is X%. The milkman sold 50 liters
of the mixture and replaced same quantity with water. If the percent of Milk in final
mixture is 64%, then what is the percentage of Milk in the initial mixture?


Milk = 250*(100-x/100)
50 liters replaced then
250*(100-x/100) – 50*(100-x/100) = 64% of 250
X = 20%
Milk = 80%
6. A Jar contains ‘x’ liters of Milk, a seller withdraws 25% mixture of it and sells it at tk.20
per liter. He then replaces it water. He repeated the process total three times. Every
time while selling he reduces selling price by tk.2. After this process Milk left in the
mixture is only 108 liters so he decided to sell the entire Mixture at tk. 15 per liter.
Then how much profit did he earned if bought Milk at tk.20 per liter?

Solution :

Seller sells Milk at Rs.20,18 and 16 respectively for three times

= 25*(20+18+16) = 1350
108 = x(1-25/100) 3
x =256 liter
He sold entire 256 at Rs.15 =256*15 = 3840
Cost price = 256*20 = 5120
profit = 5190-5120 = 70


7. A Jar contains 200 liters of Milk a thief stole ‘X’ liters of Milk and replaced it with
water. Next, he stole 40 liters of Milk and replaced it with water. Again he stole 50 liters
of Milk and replaced with water. If the quantity of water in the final mixture is 92 liters.
Then what is the value of X?


Milk = 200-92 =108

108 = 200*(200-x)/200*160/200*150/200
x = 20 Liter

8. From a container, a thief has stolen 10 liters of Milk and replaced with the same
quantity of water. He repeated the process for three times, then the ratio of Milk to
water became 343:169.The initial amount of Milk in the container is?

Solution: 343x = 512x(1-10/y)

y = 80


9. A Jar contains a mixture of Milk and Water 18 and 12 Liters respectively. When ‘x’
liter of the mixture is taken out and replaced with the same quantity of Water, then the
ratio of Milk and Water becomes 2:3. Then what is the quantity of Water in final


(18-x*18/30)/(12- x*12/30+x) =2/3

x = 10
Water = 12+3/5*10 = 18


Aptitude Practice:
1. A Container contains 192 liter of Milk. A seller draws out x% of Milk and
replaced it with the same quantity of water. He repeated the same process for 3
times. And thus Milk content in the mixture is only 81 liter. Then how much
percent he withdraw every time?
2. A Jar contains 30 liters mixture of Milk and Water in the ratio of x: y
respectively. When 10 liter of the mixture is taken out and replaced it water,
then the ratio becomes 2:3. Then what is the initial quantity of Milk in the Jar?

3. A Container contains „X‟ Liters of Milk. A thief stole 50 Liters of Milk and
replaced it with the same quantity of water. He repeated the same process
further two times. And thus Milk in the container is only „X-122‟ liters. Then
what is the quantity of water in the final mixture?

4. A Jar contains 100 liters of Milk a thief stole 10 liter of Milk and replaced it
with water. Next, he stole 20 liter of Milk and replaced it with water. Again he
stole 25 liter of Milk and replaced with water. Then what is the quantity of water
in the final mixture?

5. In a 250 liter of a mixture of Milk and Water, Water is X%. The milkman sold
50 liters of the mixture and replaced same quantity with water. If the percent of
Milk in final mixture is 64%, then what is the percentage of Milk in the initial

6. A jar contains „x‟ liters of Milk, a seller withdraws 25 liter of it and sells it at
Rs.20 per liter. He then replaces it water. He repeated the process total three
times. Every time while selling he reduces selling price by Rs.2. After this
process Milk left in the mixture is only 108 liters so he decided to sell the entire
Mixture at Rs. 15 per liter. Then how much profit did he earned if bought Milk at
Rs.20 per liter?
7. „X‟ Liters of the mixture contains Milk and Water in the ratio 4:3. If 13 liters
of Water is added then the ratio becomes 1:1. Then what is the final quantity of
water in the mixture?

8. A Jar contains 200 liters of Milk a thief stole „X‟ liters of Milk and replaced it
with water. Next, he stole 40 liters of Milk and replaced it with water. Again he
stole 50 liters of Milk and replaced with water. If the quantity of water in the
final mixture is 92 liters. Then what is the value of X?

9. From a container, a thief has stolen 10 liters of Milk and replaced with the
same quantity of water. He repeated the process for three times, then the ratio
of Milk to water became 343:169.The initial amount of Milk in the container is?

10. A Jar contains a mixture of Milk and Water 18 and 12 Liters respectively.
When „x‟ liter of the mixture is taken out and replaced with the same quantity of
Water, then the ratio of Milk and Water becomes 2:3. Then what is the quantity
of Water in final Mixture?

11. Vikram covered 180 km distance in 10 hours. The first part of his journey
he covered by Car, then he hired a Rickshaw. The speed of the car and rickshaw
is 25 kmph and 15 kmph respectively. The ratio of the distances covered by the
car and the rickshaw is

12. A mixture of wheat is sold at Rs.3 per Kg. This mixture is formed by mixing
the Wheat of Rs.2.10 per kg and Rs.2.52 per kg. What is the ratio of price of
cheaper to the costlier quality in the mixture if the profit of 25% is being earned
13. From the 50 liters of a chemical solution, 5 liters of chemical solution is
taken out and after it, 5 liters of water is added to the rest amount of chemical
solution. Again 5 liters of chemical solution and water is drawn out and it was
replaced by 5 liters of water. If this process is continued similarly for the third
time, the amount of chemical solution left after the third replacement

14. From a container of milk, which contains 200 liters of milk, the seller
replaces each time with water when he sells 40 liters of milk (or mixture). Every
time he sells out only 40 liters of milk (or mixture). After replacing the milk with
water 4th time, the total amount of water in the mixture is

15. A jar was full with Milk. A person used to draw out 20% of the Milk from the
jar and replaced it with water. He has repeated the same process 4 times and
thus there was only 512 gm of milk left in the jar, the rest part of the jar was
filled with the water. The initial amount of milk in the jar was:

16. From a container of Milk, a thief has stolen 15 liters of milk and replaced it
with same quantity of water. He again repeated the same process. Thus in three
attempts, the ratio of Milk and water became 343:169. The initial amount of
Milk in the container was:

17. The ratio of Solution “A” and Solution “B” in the container is 3:2 when 10
liters of the mixture is taken out and is replaced by the Solution “B”, the ratio
become 2:3. The total quantity of the mixture in the container is:

18. From a container, 6 liters Solution “A” was drawn out and was replaced by
water. Again 6 liters of the mixture was drawn out and was replaced by the
water. Thus the quantity of Solution “A” and water in the container after these
two operations is 9:16. The quantity of the mixture is:

19. The diluted Milk contains only 8 liters of Milk and the rest is water. A new
mixture whose concentration is 30%, is to be formed by replacing Milk. How
many liters of the mixture shall be replaced with pure Milk if there was initially
32 liters of water in the mixture?

20. In a school, the average weight of boys in a class is 30 kg and the average
weight of girls in the same class is 20kg. If the average weight of the whole
class is 23.25 kg, what could be the possible strength of boys and girls
respectively in the same class?

Solution Given later,,,,,,

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