Quiz #1 Marketing Management Section E and F: Circle The Correct Option

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Quiz #1

Marketing Management
Section E and F
Date:__________________ Roll No:_____________________

Circle the correct option.

1) Marketing stimuli consist of the four Ps. Which of the following is NOT one of these?
A) product
B) packaging
C) price
D) promotion
E) place

2) Which of the following statements is true of cultural factors that influence consumer behavior?
A) Cultural influences on buying behavior are identical across countries.
B) Social classes show distinct product and brand preferences in areas such as clothing and travel.
C) Subcultures include nationalities and racial groups, but exclude religions.
D) Subcultures are groups within which each individual has a unique and distinct value system.
E) Hispanic Americans and African Americans are examples of racially-segregated groups and not subcultures.

3) In the model of buyer behavior, which of the following is NOT a major type of force or event in the buyer's
A) economic
B) technological
C) social
D) political
E) cultural

4) Which of the following statements is true of social classes?

A) Social classes are society's temporary divisions.
B) Members of a social class have unique and distinct values, interests, and behaviors.
C) People within a social class tend to exhibit similar buying behavior.
D) Income is the single factor that determines social class.
E) Social classes universally exhibit identical product and brand preferences.

5) ________ is the most basic determinant of a person's wants and behavior.

A) Culture
B) Brand personality
C) Cognitive dissonance
D) Caste
E) Selective perception

6) Family is one of the ________ factors that influence consumer behavior.

A) regional
B) social
C) personal
D) psychological
E) business
7) ________ are groups to which an individual wishes to belong, as when a young basketball player hopes to
play someday for the Los Angeles Lakers.
A) Membership groups
B) Aspirational groups
C) Leading adopters
D) Laggards
E) Disassociative groups

8) ________ are people within a reference group who, because of special skills, knowledge, personality, or
other characteristics, exert influence on others.
A) Opinion leaders
B) Innovators
C) Surrogate consumers
D) Stealth marketers
E) Laggards

9) What is the most important consumer buying organization in society?

A) family
B) social class
C) membership group
D) subculture
E) reference group

10) A ________ consists of the activities an individual is expected to perform according to the people around
A) motive
B) role
C) lifestyle
D) life cycle
E) perception

11) A buyer's decisions are influenced by ________ such as the buyer's age and life-cycle stage, occupation,
economic situation, lifestyle, personality, and self-concept.
A) personal characteristics
B) stereotypes
C) perceptions
D) attitudes
E) psychographics

12) ________ refers to the unique psychological characteristics that distinguish an individual or group.
A) Groupthink
B) Belief
C) Perception
D) Personality
E) Self-awareness
13) Which of the following terms refers to a specific mix of human traits that may be attributed to a particular
A) brand perception
B) brand identity
C) brand personality
D) brand concept
E) brand equity

14) Shoez Inc., a manufacturer of shoes, has recently launched a brand of sturdy shoes ideal for hiking and other
outdoor activities. Which of the following brand personalities could be best associated with the new brand?
A) sincerity
B) excitement
C) sophistication
D) competence
E) ruggedness

15) Many marketers use the self-concept premise that people's possessions contribute to and reflect their
identities—that is, "we are what we consume." According to this premise, consumers ________.
A) buy products to support their self-images
B) rarely identify with brand personalities
C) are affected by opinion leaders
D) compare product brands
E) conduct primary research

16) A person's buying choices are influenced by four major psychological factors. Which of the following is
NOT one of these factors?
A) motivation
B) perception
C) association
D) learning
E) beliefs

17) A ________ is a need that is sufficiently pressing to direct a person to seek satisfaction.
A) stimulus
B) perception
C) culture
D) motive
E) tradition

18) Maslow's theory is that ________ can be arranged in a hierarchy.

A) marketing stimuli
B) personal beliefs
C) perceptions
D) human needs
E) decisions

19) Which of the following is NOT part of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

A) physiological needs
B) safety needs
C) spiritual needs
D) esteem needs
E) social needs
20) According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of the following is the LEAST pressing need?
A) physiological needs
B) social needs
C) esteem needs
D) self-actualization needs
E) safety needs

21) People cannot focus on all of the stimuli that surround them each day. A person's tendency to screen out
most of the information to which he is exposed is called ________.
A) subliminal retention
B) selective distortion
C) cognitive dissonance
D) selective attention
E) cognitive inertia

22) People tend to interpret new information in a way that will support what they already believe. This is called
A) selective retention
B) selective distortion
C) cognitive dissonance
D) selective attention
E) cognitive bias

23) ________ means that consumers are likely to remember good points made about a brand they favor and
forget good points made about competing brands.
A) Selective attention
B) Selective retention
C) Cognitive dissonance
D) Selective distortion
E) Cognitive bias

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