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South Asian J Exp Biol; 9 (5): 185-192; 2019

ISSN: 2230-9799 Vol. 9, Issue 5, Page 185-192


Effects of Myrtus communis leaf extracts on CdCl2-induced metabolic

disturbance in male wistar rats
Hafsa Dellaoui1, Abdelkrim Berroukche*2, Bakhta Bouzouira3, Narimen Taibi1, Mohamed
Zouidi2 , Belkacem Belatbi4
Laboratory of Bio Toxicology, Pharmagnosy and Biological Valorization of Plants, Biology Department, Faculty of
Science, Tahar-Moulay University of Saida, Algeria
Laboratory of Water Resources and Environment, Biology Department, Faculty of Science, Tahar- Moulay University
of Saida, Algeria
Laboratory of Experimental Histopathology, Hospital-University Youssef Damerdji of Tiaret, Algeria.
Laboratory of Anatomo-Pathology, Benzerdjeb Hospital, Ain Temouchent, Algeria

Article History: Cadmium (Cd) is widespread in the environment. Cd toxicity targets liver and
Received: 22 Oct 2019 renal tissues and generates oxidative stress. Medicinal plants produce anti-
Revised: 22 Nov 2019 oxidants scavenging reactive oxygen species (ROS) and chelate heavy metals.
Accepted: 29 Nov 2019 This study aimed to investigate the preventive effects of Myrtus communis
leaves hydro-methanol extract (HME) and aqueous extract (AE) on Cd-
*Corresponding Author: induced toxicity. The experiments were carried out, during 30 days, on male
Email: rats; GR1 (controls), GR2 treated with CdCl2 (18 mg/kg), GR3 co-treated with
Telephone: 00213555972162 HME (1 g/kg) and Cd (18 mg/kg), GR4 co-treated with AE (1 g/kg) and Cd (18
mg/kg), GR5 with HME and GR6 with AE. Cd induced changes in biochemical
Keywords: Cadmium, toxicity, Liver, parameters (transaminases, urea, creatinine and blood sugar)related to
renal tissue, Myrtus communis hepato renal function, increased tissue mortification and decreased animals’
body weight. While the treatment animals, with M. communis leaves (HME)
or (AE), regulated blood sugar levels. Hepatic steatosis and loss of glomeruli
were particularly induced either by Cd or a co-treatment with Cd and plant
extracts. M. communis extracts (HME and EA) can regulate blood sugar levels
and prevent cadmium accumulation.

1. Introduction 2014). According to WHO, Cd is considered carcino-

genic (Choong et al., 2014). Cd intestinal absorp-
Cadmium (Cd) is a toxic heavy metal widely spread tion is lower in physiological case (3 to 10 %)
in the environment. Its level increases in smoking,
whereas become higher in martial deficiency in
metallurgical industry, air pollution and consump- iron, calcium and zinc (Olsson et al., 2005). Cd is
tion of nutrients such as shellfish, seafood and rice carried by bloodstream to cells and tissues imi-
(Berroukche et al., 2014). In 2005, the World tating trace elements (Zn, Ca and Fe) (Rousselet-
Health Organization (WHO) reported that Northern Russo and Estelle, 2007). Cd biological half-life, in
Africa was the World’s leading region using Cd and humans, ranging 15-20 years and promotes Cd ac-
polluting environment. Cd toxicity induced adverse cumulation and toxicity in tissues (Jin et al., 2003;
effects on human and animal health (Choong et al., Suwazono et al., 2009). Liver and kidney are Cd tox-

Dellaoui et al., South Asian J Exp Biol; 9 (5): 185-192; 2019
icity-targeted tissues. In liver tissue, Cd induced the cal and Plant Biology Research Laboratory, Univer-
synthesis of metal transport proteins as metallothi- sity of Murcia, Spain. A specimen file bearing the
onein (MT). Cd-MT complexes could neutralize the code number (voucher LBPBVP 067) was deposited
Cd toxic effects. Almost half of the Cd-MT remains at the Research Laboratory of Bio-toxicology, Phar-
accumulated in the liver and kidneys. Cd induced macognosy and Biological Valorization of
cell damage and tissue necrosis (Berroukche et al., Plants,Biology Department, Faculty of Sciences,
2017). Drugs, used to treat chronic cadmium tox- University of Saida, Algeria.
icity, could aggravate a patient’s health status dur-
ing Cd toxicity. Synthetic chemical substances add- 2.1.4. Preparation of M. communis leaves aqueous
ed its toxicity to Cd poisoning. In addition to their and hydro-alcoholic
high cost, drugs also caused side-effects (Ngamdee M. communis leaves hydro-methanol extract (HME)
et al., 2019). The folk medicine encouraged people was prepared. Dry leaves were crushed and pow-
using a traditional Algerian pharmacopoeia, which dered. Amount (10 g) of leaves powder was dis-
considered as a local reservoir of medicinal plants solved in volume (100 mL) of a water-methanol
with potential pharmacological properties. The mixture (20 / 80). HME was stored for 3 days at
plant species selected for this scientific report was room temperature in an obscure environment un-
M. communis belonged to Myrtaceae family. This der stirring. M. communis leaves aqueous extract
aromatic plant is known for its antiseptic, antipara- (AE) was prepared according to the protocol of
sitic, antimicrobial, disinfectant and astringent ac- Djenane et al. (2011). Amount (10 g) of leaf powder
tivities (Aleksic et al., 2013). M. communis L. (family was added to a volume of boiled water (100 mL).
Myrtaceae) aerial plant parts are known for their Infusion was left to settle for 24 hours in obscurity
hypoglycemic, lipid-lowering and anti-infective under the same experimental conditions. Both
properties (Mimica-Dukić et al., 2010; Ines et al., HME and AE were filtered using Wattman No. 1
2012; Issa and Bull, 2015). Regarding to the litera- paper. Filtrates obtained were evaporated
ture, this project was among others aiming to in- (Rotavapor® R-300, BÜCHI Labortechnik AG) and
vestigate the preventive effects of M. communis dry residues were stored at 4°C until they were
leaf extracts against cadmium-induced liver and used.
renal toxicity at an experimental animal model.
2.2. Animal experiments and biological study
2. Materials and Methods
2.2.1. Preparation of animals
2.1. Plant material and chemical analysis
Sixty adult male wistar rats (140-160 g) were used
2.1.1. Chemicals in vivo study. This study was conducted during 30
Methanol and Cadmium chloride CdCl2 were pro- days. The animals were kept and raised in a room
vided by Biology Department, Faculty of Science, according to a photoperiod cycle (12 hours day / 12
University of Saida, Algeria. Glucose oxidase and hours night) and at a constant ambient tempera-
peroxidase enzymes and reagents for assaying en- ture (22 to 25 °C) within the Biology Department,
zymes as transaminases (Labo Bio-Merieux, Lyon, Faculty of Science, University of Saida, Algeria. Ani-
France) were provided by Biological-Medical Anal- mals were housed and separated in six metal cages.
ysis Laboratory, Saida, Algeria. Animals had free access to water and food accord-
ing to the Guidelines for Laboratory Animal Care
2.1.2. Plant leaves collection and Use (Oechler et al., 2008). Animal studies were
approved (No.: FS/UTMS/15), at June 18, 2018 by
M. communis leaves were collected during January the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Science of
2016 in Chreaa mountains, located in South-East the University of Saida, Algeria.
Blida area of central Algeria (Altitude 158-1627 m,
latitude 36° 25′ 32″ North and longitude 2° 52′ 36″ 2.2.2. Cadmium chloride toxic dose used
East). M. Communis leaves were stored and dried
in open air. Cadmium chloride CdCl2 (180 mg) was dissolved in
1000 mL of distilled water. Toxic dose used was 18
2.1.3. Plant identification and authentication mg /kg body weight (ANSES, 2012).
The genus and species of the plant were identified 2.2.3. Experimental design
by Professor Pedro Sànchez Gomez at the Botani-
Animals were divided into six groups. GR1: controls

Dellaoui et al., South Asian J Exp Biol; 9 (5): 185-192; 2019
received standard food and tap water, GR2 : re- reactions was measured at 340 nm. Urea and cre-
ceived CdCl2 ( 10 mL / kg / day ~18 mg / kg / day ~ atinine were determined using colorimetric meth-
1/10 LD50), GR3: animals were given both CdCl2 od. The staining intensity of the reaction between
(18 mg/kg/day) and the HME (10 mL / kg / day ~ 1 urea and diacetylmonooxine was measured at
g/kg/day) simultaneously , GR4 : received CdCl2 wavelength 580 nm. Creatinine reacts with picric
and AE (10 mL / kg / day ~ 1 g / kg/day), GR5 : re- acid by generating a colored complex whose inten-
ceived HME alone and GR6 : received AE alone. sity has been measured at wavelength 492 nm.
The experiments took 30 days. The animals' body
weight was measured every five days (figure 1). 2.3. Histological study

2.2.4. Biochemical analysis After their removal, liver and kidney tissue samples
were fixed in 10 % formalin for 48 hours for macro-
Animals were anaesthetized and sacrificed at the scopic and microscopic examination. Tissue sam-
end of the experiments. Blood samples were col- ples were introduced into paraffin and then cut
lected and centrifuged at a rate of 4,000 rpm for 15 into thin pieces 6 mm thick. Preparations were
minutes. Plasma obtained was used to determine treated in a xylene alcohol series. Samples were
biochemical parameters such as blood glucose, he- stained with hematoxylin eosin (H & E) and exam-
patic transaminases (GOT and GPT), urea and cre- ined under the Olympus BH-2 optical microscope
atinine (Labo Bio-Merieux, Lyon, France). Glycae- (Magnification × 100 and × 400).
mia was measured by the enzymatic and colorimet-
ric method in the presence of glucose oxidase and 2.4. Statistical analysis
peroxidase enzymes (kit Chronolab, Spain) (Berger Results were analysed using Sigma Plot software
et al., 1977). The degree of staining in the oxidation version 11.0 and expressed as mean ± SEM. Statisti-
reaction is proportional to the glucose concentra- cal analysis was carried out by the ANOVA test
tion. Reading results was performed at a wave- based on the comparison of the means of the
length 505 nm (SECOMAM-Prim’Advanced, La- different variables studied between all groups, fol-
borantin, Evreux, France). Glutamate pyruvate lowed by Tukey test. Significance of the results was
transaminase (GPT) and glutamate oxalate trans- appreciated at the p-value < 0.05.
aminase (GOT) were determined using the
Wróbleswski and La Due colorimetric enzyme 3. Results
method and the Karmen method, modified by Ber- According to table 1, the accumulation of cadmium
ger et al. (1977) (kit Chronolab, Spain)(Wannes et in rat organisms (GR2) resulted in a significant de-
al., 2010). The staining intensity developed by both

Figure 1: Scheduled experimental methodology followed in vivo study.

Dellaoui et al., South Asian J Exp Biol; 9 (5): 185-192; 2019

crease in body weight compared to control animals aminase levels. Blood GPT levels slightly increased
(GR1). The body weights’ values were respectively in GR3, GR4, GR5 & GR6 (33.62±2.95, 35.40±2.16,
173.22 ± 1.96 and 219.05 ± 0.19 g (p<0.05). Rats 35.24±2.35 & 42.28±2.06 IU/L respectively) com-
simultaneously administrated with the Cd, (HME or pared to GR2 and GR1 (26.24 ±2.77 and 26.53±2.85
AE) have slow down the fall of animals’ body IU/L respectively) that almost showed similar GPT
weights. The groups (GR3 and GR4) displayed non- levels (figure 2). GOT showed fluctuating blood
significant body weights (181.97±3.05 and concentrations. It was higher in rats administered
180.04±1.06 g respectively) compared to Cd empoi- with Cd (GR2) compared to controls (GR1) as follow
soned GR2 (173.22 ± 1.96 g). Furthermore, animals 27.21±2.85 vs 17.78±2.00 IU/L respectively. In ani-
treated only with plant extracts HME and AE did mals treated with plants extracts (HME & AE), with
not show increased body weights (GR5 & GR6), or without Cd, showed an increase in GOT levels as
their weight were respectively 170.80±4.55 and follow GR3 (42.10±3.85 IU/L), GR5 (31.06±2.67 IU/
188.77±4.02 g compared to GR2 (173.22 ± 1.96 g) L) and GR6 (63.78±2.84 IU/L) except GR4 which
and controls (219.05 ± 0.19 g). kept a low GOT level (26.40±8.67 IU/L) (figure 2).
For metabolic wastes, urea levels showed non-
Table 1 also summarizes the different results re- significant values whereas creatinine have been
garding the biochemical parameters. In GR2, Cd moderately increased in animals exposed to Cd
induced an increased blood sugar (1.26±0.01 g/L) (GR2) compared to other groups that displayed cre-
compared to controls (1.03±0.03 g/L). GR3 and GR4 atinine’s low concentrations (figure 2). Table 2 dis-
Animals, fed simultaneously with Cd and HME or plays tissue weight. animals treated with Cd
AE, displayed low blood glucose levels compared showed a slight decrease in liver and kidney tissue
to controls (1.05±0.03 & 1.08±0.12 vs 1.03±0.03 g/ weight compared to controls. Animals co-treated
L respectively). Blood glucose remained lower in simultaneously with Cd and HME or AE prevented
GR5 animals treated only with HME (1.05±0.03 g/
tissue weight reduction.
L), unlike rats treated only with GR6 AE displayed
high blood glucose (1.23±0.11 g/L) (figure 2). Figure 3 shows a histological examination of renal
tissue. In normal controls (GR1), histological study
Liver activities had been illustrated by serum trans- showed glomeruli with dense structures surround-
Parameters GR1 GR2 GR3 GR4 GR5 GR6
(controls) (Cd) (Cd / HME) (Cd / AE) (HME) (AE)
Weight 219.05±0.19 173.22±1.96 181.97±3.05 180.04±1.06 170.80±4.55 188.77±4.02
(g± SEM)
Glycaemia 1.03±0.03 1.26±0.01 1.05±0.03 1.08±0.12 1.05±0.03 1.23±0.11
(g/L ± SEM)
GPT 26.24±2.77 26.53±2.85 33.62±2.95 35.40±2.16 35.24±2.35 42.28±2.06
(IU/L ± SEM)
GOT 17.78±2.00 27.21±2.85 42.10**±3.85 26.40±8.67 31.06±2.67 63.78**±2.84
Urea 0.35±0.03 0.50*±0.05 0.37±0.03 0.58±0.01 0.36±0.03 0.39±0.05
(g/L ± SEM)
Creatinine 8.53±1.93 10.84±1.23 5.37±0.57 4.58±0.22 5.63±0.57 5.63±0.57
(mg/dL ± SEM)
Table 1: Body weight and biochemical parameters changes in controls and experiment animals.
* : p < 0.05 ( significant difference of results )
SEM: standard error of mean; IU: international unity GPT: Glutamic pyruvic transaminase , GOT : Glutamic oxaloacetic trans-

Parameters GR1 GR2 GR3 GR4 GR5 GR6

(controls) (Cd) (Cd / HME) (Cd / AE) (HME) (AE)
Liver weight (g± 9.64±0.84 6.93±1.26 7.52±1.49 12.27±0.75 10.37±0.96 9.88±1.08
Kidney weight 2.35±0.15 1.87±0.18 1.67±0.22 2.26*±0.22 2.06±0.15 2.22±0.16
(g± SEM)
Table 2: Tissue weight changes (liver and kidney).
SEM: standard error of mean; * p< 0.05 : difference of results are signficant

Dellaoui et al., South Asian J Exp Biol; 9 (5): 185-192; 2019



Blood sugar (g/L)

1,0 GR1
0,8 GR3
0,6 GR6




14 GR1 0,7
12 GR4 0,6 GR3
Creatinine (mg/dL)

10 0,5 GR6
Urea (g/L)

8 0,4

6 0,3

4 0,2

2 0,1

0 0,0

70 * GR1
GR4 60 GR4

* GR5


20 20


Figure 2: Changes of biochemical parameters in controls (GR1), animals treated with Cd (GR2), co-treated (Cd and HME /
AE) and treated with HME or AE.

Dellaoui et al., South Asian J Exp Biol; 9 (5): 185-192; 2019
ed by a clear narrow space. However, in animals al., 2015) and parsley (Allam et al., 2016). Accord-
treated with cadmium (GR2), renal tissue were ing to the literature, this project is the preliminary
characterized by congestions, messy organization investigation carried out on M. communis leaf hy-
of cells, fibrosis and glomeruli atrophy. Whereas in dro-alcoholic extract effects on cadmium-induced
co-treated animals with Cd and HME (GR3) or with toxicity in rats. This study showed that Cd (18 mg/
Cd and AE (GR4), it was suggested a slight tubular kg) was associated with toxically signs leading to a
regeneration and a lack of lesions. Moreover, the decreased body weight and moderately loss of liver
renal tissues (GR5) did not show any changes. and renal weights. In addition, Cd induced anorexia
Whereas GR6 did not have a subnormal appear- and stomach inflammation through acting on neu-
ance. Figure 4 shows, in controls, an organized ar- rotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, nore-
chitecture of liver tissue with hepatocytes separat- pinepherine and glutamate involved in regulating
ed by narrow sinusoids associated to a visible cen- food intake. Cd toxicity triggered slow growth and
tral vein. In Cd-exposed rats (GR2), it was suggested alteration of molecular structures (lipid and pro-
that sinusoids were dilated; fibroses vascular con- tein). Cd interacts with proteins and enzymes acti-
gestions (VC) and nuclear condensations were with vating and inhibiting signaling pathways related to
extra hepatocyte steatosis foci. GR3 and GR4 a cellular apoptosis (Erdogan et al., 2005; Layachi et
showed steatosis foci, lack of nuclear lesions and al., 2012). Cd toxicity resulted in increase of trans-
condensation. Furthermore, animals treated only aminases like GOT. These enzymes were released
with HME or AE (GR5 and GR6) showed normal in the blood due to a necrosis of liver tissue, dam-
cellular arrangements or well-preserved hepato- age of cell membrane and disturbance of cell per-
cyte architecture in the liver tissues. Controls (GR1) meability induced by Cd (Pari et al., 2012). Cd tox-
showed a normal structure of liver lobules with a icity increased blood urea and creatinine levels thus
uniform pattern of hepatocytes. Animals exposed leading to tissue necrosis and renal dysfunction. Cd
to Cd (GR2) showed disturbance of hepatocyte dis- toxicity also revealed a hyperglycemia in this study.
position around and degeneration of hepatocytes. This result is similar to those of other studies
GR3 and GR4 showed a conservation of the cellular (Erdogan et al., 2005). The treatment of animals,
arrangement with only steatosis. GR5 showed a previously exposed to Cd, with M.communis leaves
normal structure. Furthermore, GR6 displayed a hydro-methanolic extract allowed recovering nor-
steatosis development. mal body and tissue weights. That may be due to
the action of bioactive natural compounds, such as
4. Discussion phenolic acids and flavonoids, found in the plant
This study mainly focused on assessment of M. extracts. HME and AE showed hypoglycemic
communis leaf extract effects on metabolic and effects. These results suggested that M. communis
histological parameters in animals treated with leaves hydro-methanolic extracts would have
cadmium. The study suggested both plant extracts effects on either Cd toxicity or pancreatic β cell
(HME and AE) used at 1 g/kg having hypoglycemic function. Issa and Bule (2015) and Malekpour et al.
effects. These findings were in accordance with the (2012) showed that HME supplemented to the diet
recent studies (Zerriouh 2016; Johari et al., 2014). made diabetic rats by streptozotocin having a low-
At high level, Cadmium toxicity targeted a wide er blood glucose. The dose of HME, or AE, (1 g /kg/
range of tissues. Cd naturally is found in trace day) was used as a normal regulating concentration
amounts in fruits, vegetables and cereals against a hyperglycemia and increased urea and
(Milovanović et al., 2009). Toxicological literature creatinine blood (Issa and Bull, 2015 and Zerriouh,
suggested that Cd accumulates in the liver and kid- 2016). These findings illustrated how the balance of
neys. These tissues are the main targets of MT all biochemical factors was established by the aro-
(mettalothionoien) accumulation that has a strong matic and medicinal plant namely M. communis.
affinity for Cd more than other physiological metals The aerial part of plant (leaves) revealed a crucial
(Berroukche et al., 2014). It can alter the cell biolo- prevention against cadmium toxicity through its
gy leading to disruption metabolic pathways and bioactive molecules content. Phenolic acids and
physiological process (Ammamou et al., 2015). flavonoids were involved in chelating process of Cd
Thus, this research interested to new chelators pre- into the tissues. The results of this study could be
sent in medicinal plants. Investigations highlighted debated for various reasons; the period of experi-
the potential of phytochemicals in retaining cadmi- mentation was short and insufficient to achieve
um such as olive and coloquine oil (Ammamou et credible results, cadmium dose used was unique,

Dellaoui et al., South Asian J Exp Biol; 9 (5): 185-192; 2019

Figure 3: Photomicrographs of renal tissue sections (HE x 10). GR1 : controls with normal parenchyma, glomerulas and tu-
bules appearing as dense rounded structures, surrounded by a clear narrow space; GR2 : Cd toxicity induced mortem con-
gestion (C) and changes in renal tissue characterized by congestions, tissue disorders, fibrosis and glomeruli (G) atrophy;
GR3 : co-treated with Cd and HME of Myrtus communis leaves; GR4: co-treated with Cd and AE of Myrtus communis leaves;
GR5 : treated with HME; GR6: treated with AE.

Figure 04. Photomicrographs of liver tissue sections (HE x 10 and x 40). GR1 : controls; GR2 : Cd toxicity induced mortem
congestion (C), nuclear condensation (NC) and tissue lesions (L); GR3 : co-treated with Cd and HME of Myrtus communis
leaves marked by appearance of steatose (S); GR4: co-treated with Cd and AE of Myrtus communis leaves; GR5 : treated
with HME; GR6: treated with AE.

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