Public Health Administration in Bangladesh: Looking For A Pro-People Policy

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Public Health Administration in Bangladesh: Looking for a Pro-people Policy

Article · March 2008


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2 authors, including:

Mohammad Nashir Uddin

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology


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Choice of Leadership at Urban Local Government in Bangladesh View project

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v.l II. No l. January March 2008

I AmLson, L., Knudsen, ( . 2l)04. Pstchosocial carc and ecti p

in €nrctgcncies: A fickl guidc. Sale theChildlctr Fcdr.rion.l
2. .hrndra, v' ay ld,r,'\.l{Jt$l' Ol n Roucnco \rl'nlr. Public Health Administration in Bangladcsh:
L Choudhury, W A.. Qun'shi, F A.. Haquc, Looking for, Pro-peoplc Polict
psychosill aspecis ol rlielld prcparcdrcss
Mohammad Nashir tlddin'
Revicwo, lsy.lirtr. Vohrnc l8,Nunber6,p5
Dash, S. 2006 hych.sicir iinp.cls ol di d pros'! 1 initiatives. Asian
Disa$$ M msrno,l Ncws. Vol 12 .o. I
5 DnBli:006i Nlrntrl hulrh a.'l L'\p(rr of d'astd
prcn.RdNsl.t cmalnf llkview oa Peoplc ofBangladesh, mostly livins in rhc rurul a@s arc very hardworki B
Frcdcrict. ( l l9s5 Cl\iklr$ by carrslrophir siloiri{,ns.ln S. Elh
with pmven capacity to prcscrvc mcntal strcngth in the event ofunexpectcd
rDdll S l)y oos (eds), P(Nc ic Slrcsa D ( hildren: 73 99. extensive loss due to nalur0l cdlamitics (lloods, cyclones, eridcmic elc).
W.shi Ekni, D( An).rio n But unro.tunntely their basic nccds ollivelihoods incldding hcrhh care havc
7. Covc'iDerl ol l|c P.oplc\ r€mained largcly unm€t. Population explosion, trequent nntural disastcrs.
ol Annlladcsh Minisny ol Food and
Plan for D'snstcr D.n.goncnt 2007- incompelen.c ofpolilical lcadcrship, w@kness in public adminishtion and
20t5 aovemece arc held primarily eponsiblc which lead lo shorlage ol'
l,adsogh-D M resoudes for investitrg in sooial sector viz. litcracy, lcarl. sanitalion ctc
1985 r olnrc psycholosicrl cllsF oldisasrer.
rflry (eds.), Peapccrivcs on Disaslcr RNov€ry:22 60. lmproper distribution ol scarce .esources and sodous dcfcch if
manasement rre aho claimed to cxis0'. Bangladesh wiLh 142 ol'
populalion is one ol the world's mosi denscly populatcd countnes 'nillions
Shrnl!!!. N & Edwurds, G. 2004 Nalual disster and
Asia l'sychialry and Clinisl Ndrcscide. Vol,58, tl0 spend on US$ 7 pe. @pita ,br health. Surprisingly enough agaiDst this palc
backSround, Bangladesh has n good in{iast.ucturc for delivffing primary
Ndronal Ad.prdrron Potsrdm or A(tron (NAPA). wdte' .healtb care, )d sadly cnouglr rhlt the tirll polcr)tial olthis infmstructurc fias
Nalural Di$stcr& H€ltl Secto!, Warer Resourocs Planning
ncver bcen utilizcd due to lrck ol propc y implcmcntable hcalth servicc
policy and manflgement. 'lhc indcpcndencc of Bangladcsh l97l actcd as !
llodlrh orsanizarion (WHo) 2005. Manual ror Connruniry Lcvel
brealthroush li,r thc de\(lopm{ r or puhlic l,(ohh in rhis pafl ul land lhe
ro ltov'dc Psychowial Carc to Comrunnis Attirrnl by rhc
i l)isnsrd ResioDal ()llice ao. Soudlnjsl ,{si,. N* Dcltri. of Alm. ,ti'. ut-gradalior ol hqlrh inldsrtucrurc (rn 1982) xr
conneclion with the general administmrive rclbnns, adoption ofHcalth and
Population Sccror Prosramnlc (HPSP) wnh thc hclp of World Bank (wB)
was expected to significanlly reshape tle public health situation of thc

The health retwork includcd esrablashmcnr of incdical and dcnr.l

college, upazila health complex, postgmduatc institrte lbr higher sludiu\,
establishins aulonomous bodies likc Banglddcsn Medical and t)cDt l
Council (BMDC), Bangladcsh Nursing Council (BNC), Bansladcsh Shrc
Medical Faculty (BSMF) 10 rcgulale sta dard and quality ol nrcdierl,

telurcr, Dcpad'nenl orPublic Admi'risrdlioo, Shrhjalal Univcisity ol 1ii.n(c

& Tshnolosy. Sylhcl, Brrurladcsh.
Assooiatc Prolessor. Del)lnrrenr ol Busilrc$ Adnitrisrftti(nr, 1..r,| rf
Univesily, Modhuban, Sylhct, Ban!:lad€sh

42 43

Public H@llt Admin'stEtion iD Brnsladush

nursing and paramcdicdl cdtentnn. National Instiiule ol Prcveniive and "., ".",,,,,,,.:::;,i:';1,:,1'rllr;:,
Social Medicinc (NIPS()M) wrs csrablishcd L{) servc as the national focil cquilibrium (allowing tbt 8r()wth)- Hcalth also implics 8oo(L 1)rt)\ r(.Ls
point lbr highereduca{io,r in flbl,c healthr. tbr conlinucd survival. It scnticnl dealurcs such as hunans. rcallLr ,t iL
Bangladcsh expre$e{l il\ co,nmitmen{ with the world comhuniiy lo
rends minimum he'tth . ! scrvicc li,r ils people and fosnulated national . IIaXh is viewcd holistically as an interacling system with mcnl l
srraksics and plan olr.ri,D li'r {rrliniog Hcallh Fo. All (HFAf by fixing emotional and physical components lf rctuse lo 'a sralc ol co,nplorr
up a numb$ 01 nriJor lierllli iss,,.s rclatcd to national hcalth stalus, servicc physical, menlal and social well being and not herely the abscnce o
delivery, covcrrBc ni(l ,]! ily ol lifc. Accordnrgly. Primary Health Carc diseasc or infirmity" (wlJO I9941.
(PHC) rcoci!c(l Iighcn |ri(!ily,n ihc ncxt national fivc year plan Public health is community hcalth. lt has beerr said th.t: "Hcallh carc is
emph'si7.d or hu, nfiirr i'cns (viz. i preveme.t of hcalth slalos, vital to all ofus some of thc timc. but publi. Icallh is vital 1o all ofus rll ol
dc.vckDncor ('l lrxlrl, crre dclivc.y syslcrn, imprcvcmenl ofquality of lil!
rnd cxbrsidr or'eovcrr!c, tl r(.cssihility i rbrmrlation ofnational HFA
by thc yclr ?ol)l)) lhis .hu[( riu,scd on I re tcorSlnizatiol of the heallh On thc othcr hand Public llcalth Adminis$ation k a pan ol publie
inlr tIt ol rh( Ard$ l r(lnirislrdlivc rclb n prcgra'nnrc. l1 Adminisbationt havitrg ! molb b Jclivq scrviccs on one ol thc basi. ncod
wrs rls' noliecrble in ll,c lin rfhlrnr oi nrlitnul d ,g polic' Bul cv€n as well as a hunrrn right ol lhc pooPle. It is d sclicxplanatory concept bv lrs
now thc l rgctcd Borl hrs n(,1 bccn Nl,icvcd 'lh.rc wc.e somc imPorlanl name. All aspects of adNinistratios a.e dcalt with here like hunla!
s(ldies on rhc hc.llh scet,n nn{l hcrllh *-Niccs in l} ngladcsh Khan re$urcB manaS€mcnl ie. pc.sonnel managcmenl including rcduitmcnt
Ahmcd. Andnlccb, Mcndoz! ard srbir. Alrd r J lld(luc. lirincc and olhcr seleclion,lraining and dcvelopmcnt, Promolion, discipline, transfcr. wage &
highlighted some sisDills rr issucs nr thcir w{trks which nrainly cxplorcd salary adminiskation lor rcmunention. Iocal governtncnt i.c involvemenr
the cxisling struclural and firncli(tul tspccts. nr.t$ health programmcs, ol local bodics and local pcople ibr €nsuring their primary hcalthcalc
perfomancc of diffcrcDt scctors, and in,rbility of cole ng the total facilities at grassroots revcl, (rural and urban), linancial managcment for tlrc
population under hcalth carc seNae syslems. Awareness 6isin8 and very requn€mcnts offinancial base to delivcr lhc scn''6 smoothly through
cducalion were ako emphasiz.d here. 8ul none of the r€scl1rche prcvidld
impo.tancc on pro people policy. administmtion ard responsive redesign of ' Public lI€ahh administrution includest hcalrh services rclaling l()
health ir the changing rcalities and dillerenccs anong the beneficialics combinations of both curativc nd prcvcntive medici.c ir centrc anlt
bccause ol their stalus. gcographical location and acccss lo righl. In the pe.iphery, ervironmcnlal sanjlallon, pcBonal hcalth. conrnrLrnity heallh,
contexr of Bangladesh. it is an endcalor of the presenl sludy to make cont.ol of communicablc diseascs, vital statistics, prot-essional educalion
preliminrry ctlbrr a1 undcrslanding hcallh sector.
and tmining as well ds s@ial welfarc and social sdurity, labour welthrc.
On this hrckdrop this paper aims at idcnlitying thc rcul condilion ol nutrilion, recrcation, family pl0nning and olhcr h€alth relaled activilics (likc
exisling public hcrlth. public hcalth adninistration rn(l public hcdlth msss vaccinalion and checking of iood udultefttion.
practiccs. and rcconnncD(liirs Dcccss{y rnc su,cs tbr I foo. ftlendly4no-
Like other public agcncies, thc public hcallh administration rlso
people holllh p(ticl rdDrinisLrNli, rs wcll s r slurg rtrd sound heahh
r(qrre5 organi&ror. srruilurc. p1\nnne alJ Lheir derelopnren. flar'r''r't
serviccsvstc tur l|.oAlidcsh.
dnd manasemenl.'ll equaliy need pldnning. ortsdn,zrng, slarlinE. d,(cl,ni:
Conceploollrrncwork coordi.aling, repo.ring, budgeling. line and slaff posilnD of fic.lrl'
Health is rrctabolic olllciercy conxrslir)g t() sickncss as a mctabolic p(^onncl. lcalcr\. llncrionJ organrzarrnns. JdminrslrJ " rrnl
irelliciency. Nobody is trn lly herllhy or lolrlly sick. Edch ofus is a uniquc mdnaaemenl oper.tional iunction\
(ombinafiun or hulrh .rn,l \hhrcs. Arrl ,a.1,
^l u.i hac a _urique
combination ol ab,lrtr rntl rl'$r,ililks. ht{h cmor,onal rn.i phystcal'.
Brckground ofpublic he.lth administr|tion in Bangladesh
The historyol public hellh in Aansladesh (as part of the sub-conrincnr)
. Hcallh car bedefincd n.Balivcly. s lhc abscnce ofillncss, tuf,clionally, dates backlo tle colonial rul€ of British lndian eE, mearl lhc pnntcri,nr
as the abilily to copc with cvcryday activities. or positively. as fitncss and promotion of health oflhe personnel and thcir civili{ns l I
and well-bcing. 1n uy orsdnism, ltcAlth is a fom ol homeostasis. l his
administrative machinery was meani io govcnr as a policc sltile rri(l fLrhl .
is a stat0 of balaDce, with inpuls ird outputs ol- ener'gy and matter in
health was a transfered sullect.rrTbe real developNcrr ir fublie h.ilrl,


'-- *.*-"--- l-
Public Hcalth Administration nr IJ.ngL!dcsh
vol.Jl No l..r rLi ] Nttr,ri,r a

sdministration bcgan in 185, whcn thc rule were laken over... by thc tlrilish ahte t: L4ttts ol lubti ht|tth.n'? tn,'it'itrutiul
crownn Afterwa.ds, sigDillexrl trogrcss has becn made penaininS lo Lev€lG)
decisions a.d acts .s ecll rs building ol institutions. In the Pakislan
mrvlmcnr. rh<rr uJr ., r, plcrc breakoo$n ^f nJbl.( hcahh
adminislralion, but it was dc(.nlrilizcd with mdimum authorny aiven lo
rhc provincial govcnnncnrs. rhe govcnnnc r ofEasl Pakistan, through a fiec
year plan. anirialc{ ..r nnrs li)r ric inrrov€nent of the health adminisrralion.
'Ihat was a $hcmc wirh n vicw lo
Dn)viding integmted and comprchcnsive Dist
healih clrc t,) Lfic nnl F)nulrri(D. lirl ljasl Pakistan (lhtr independent
Bangladcsh) di(l nol rceci!c ertoihhlc shlre of central allocation and
supforr li)r lhc (lclcl.l ,cnl ol ils hcrlrh nanpower and be.llh servicestr.
{nd il wrs ,r)l w.l t)lxr,ed di(l (ln] r!'l keqr pace wilh the increased nccd
ol cw wcll:re sliL{c. lh s i!,)ss (lisprtrily ir thc dcvclopment ofheallh
scrvices r(lriiD(,rr!n rln) lil|,lllei st)hcrcs developed a scnsc of
doprivrli(n,:trn(n,g ll,. ((r, Lry,rtr Nheh rc$,ltcd inlo thc bidh ol
BanglLrdosh rs r rdclien(leirl !,!( .i8n slrlc. .rust atlcr independencc, a
good Iutrrbcr ol rri(rrli!cs liivc 1!a Lrl,eri itr lhe ilckl olfublic health with
righr cnnrsl lt s rarinsl llls brr\!,,rrn lhxl thc fros.trl oraanizalional Ar rhe lop (national) levcl, rbe hiAhesr admnristrativc (supervisory)
sel-up of hrahh scrvicL\ ir l).D8ln(l.s[.trrcr g.rl. auftorny lies ir lhe Ministry of Heallh and Family Weltitrc (MoHt:W)
-l-hc headed by lh€ mirister and assisred by a sccrelary, an administRrivc
hdhh scNiccs syslcnr n! lrrorh.lcsh cdltniscs tlrrcc orrponmls-
public, privale and NGo cuN voluntary scer('
lhc oqarizrtion structure _ sclion, one joinl secrehry for he.llth a'd famity ptannins divisior Thcy
of hcalth $crvicc nr BanEla{lcsh l('ll(Ni tic flcrd l dorioislralivc pattern are also assisted by dcputy s$rclarjcs and assjstanr sccrelaries. l.hc
ofthc counlry. Thc prcscnl struclLnc n(l li cli,!rin8 ol lhc hcaltfi services direclorale Sencml ol healrh sdvicc (DcHS) operalcs underlhe minisrry ji,r
is oricntcd toward dclivcry ol frirtriry hcrllll !rre (l'llC) to vast rural health seraicc only {in ocrrral lovcl) Thc DGHS is assisred by one dssistair
popllation through a netwo ol hcllth l cilrlics dtrlopctulioral lield stall' director seneral (ADC), 8 dirccros dnd I Dumbcr of deputy d;eckns,
to scrve th€ minimum nccds to bc solrr{l ,)i th( |eot)k.'5 nqrccrs of public assislant dircckxs and olhcr srppofling slatll
heallh administration can bc catcgolizcd irrlo lh,ee-li)l(l points- orsanizAl;on The ministry is responsible ti), Ibmulatjon ofpolicy, decision{aknr'l.
structur€, maopower and delelophelr1, . d hcxlth planning used egr'ldrion rn roordinario', siLh ,,rt"c, and bi,3rer.,t ..rii
development. The eftbrts of public hcrlllr rd rnisLrrtnJn are dircctcd intcrnational healh agencies and Dc js cntrusted wiih ptanniis.
towards raising the level ol health l)y Dhn ins- ortsanizin8- slaffing. irnpleDcntatior, moniloring aDd revicwing of progBmDre and proi.ds. ir
Jircctrng. (@rdrnatrng. hudgel'n8 !D,l r.,ll rl,ese pnn.ipic5 oI the national levcl. national speializcd inslirutioDs provide a widc mnBc ol
'{st({xl,,,a seni@s well known as super spcciatiz:diN healthcar€ tike cancer, tliabcrcs.
OrglnlHtion ind Management ol l'ul'li( Sc(lor health Senices i. cardiac sur8ery, onhopedic, ncurosurgcry erc
Brnglrdesh National lcvcl policy and progrannne includes srrcnAthcnin[
Ihc organization structure o{ healthMrc dcliv$y system is bascd on a ir ltulrucrJrc: ndlional tirLB nol,.v. narh,nu. p,,tir1 fcr rCrninrrrrr:,, ..
patcmalistic (bureaucratic/top down) mo(lcl rrthcr than potulist (bottom nredical studcnt and nsw incumbcntst Mcdicat Co cre Hospital (M(.lt) r d
up) onc. llerc is a top down pol;cy d€cisiurs rcs.rdnrs manpower planniirg lamily planningi Expanded Prosranme on Immunizatiol (Hpt); conlk,t ,,t
and developmenl, dcvelopment of thc syslem ilselt, cxtension ol lhcilitics diarrhoeal discAs€s and disaster managcrnent; nurririon prugr.nrnrci ,ri.r,
and allocation of rcsources and financc. Ilrsicrlly, policy is fomulated at baclerial diserse contfol. production and suppty oi druss, vrc.incs. sc,i,.
the central level and is caricd oul thc docisiors at va.ious levels liom tluids and reagcnts; supply of salc drinking warer n(t srn,rrry trtrL rds.
nationallo 8.ass roots level A.senic conhol nnd mitiSation proS.ammci Sexux y trrnsrni .(t t)is.Js.\

l,ublic Ilealth Administ@lio. n Bangladcsh

(STDS) and HIV/AIDS: ficrlth . rc qualily assurance; hcalth educatior; dnd ',",
,, ,,, , ,, i|i; ;,i 1,, l;t1it,
multlsectoral approach for s'ciocconohicdevelopmenr ULSS. The Union Setuicc Cenlre (tjSC) is srafied by ore n,c(tic.t 1,|.(.
or e n crnc., .r dno ore Vl \\
Ward is the lowest unit of pubtic heatth adminjstrarion lvsrcn $.h.,.
At thc divisional lcvcl. divisiLr!1 dircctor is responsible for supcrvision.
monitorirg aDd coordnhriof ol holth dctivitics in all dislricis under ilrc
lerlr\ soi",. pror de doo^,-o ,cr\ip. Lo te t(opp 'tr.. ,,. ,..
donlciliary seNices and ficld visils.
division. S/hc is rssislcl l)y llrc rssistdnl d;€otors- one lor administration
and the olher tbr Ccnr,e liir (liscrsc Ornttol (CDC) and by othei staft':o At the village levet, there are comnuniiy ctinics; sale ile ctintcs ds
There are tuedical colLer.ic h)stlilrLs rn dlvision, providing specialized ost perjpheral level heaith serices tacitities w h a view to prcvntc
and laboratlry lacijilics lir llrr lr..lrndrl 01 complicatcd diseases. lt also minimum ca.o. From time to timc, this seNices are delivered (say oncc I
takes up thc crses rclcnc(l lo by lhr oer rnd districl level hospitals. There nro,I ) lne pr..e1rs a-e r^ dn.r"o rd\c \er.1.c\ rhe.e t\( I t,l
is limitcd rdn,i,, slrrri\ c rL,(lr{r ily nl this lclcl Ordr R!-h) ora,,on I heidp) rOR L +, \ iccs. awdcneR raisins abour .c: tr .,
sanilation nutrilion conlnrunicable diseases ctc. The skffin; palter oJ. thc
l'h. (ivil su,sc,r, (( S). i,i llt rlislrieL Level, as thc team lcadcr ald .l.rL r. onc heJlr .
hcaltl uthorily, is ,!sIo,,sL rlc iir rll lrcr lh xclivitics- illsLitutional and'd r. on\ tJ it) trF.arc \rs,ror. A..r t,u.,t,
donriciliriy ci..tlinA fre(lic,rl collcgcs rr!L atlached. He is
assistcd br- oic dcDuty.iviL srilc,nr rn(i ,ni , edi.rl olliccr and other Health Services in Priv*e atrd NGO Secrors
lcchnicNl rn gcnctul sLali. Ihcsc hosJrihls [c sdvrig rs lhc rclirdl {br Pr;vaLe srctors arc in$easingly taking part jn heatrh secro. of thc colnrra
lowc. levcl heNllh conrtlc\cs (!trzild) liJr lirnhc, t,.rtiic l wilh bcd sl'ch s ea(il) \r,bl< ir ctrrc. dnd o"glo{r..rcrr-e A.uw- pa t, Jr,,l
liicilitics vlrying t.on 50 to 250. Sonrc dist,icLs [n!c nrcdic l college c\e1u\de lr ,sror nL.h o ta,,t,dr pn\drr.*, n,.dc ta) rs t..,t ,,;
hospilals. Herc, servioes provided atc ol spcciali(, l$oratoy and r. e he.Lr\ -are alrhurg\ 'h, rtrc oo^r parro r. gorc-nre,rL tro"p . rr,
.ri.l 'rrle mdior p,ovioeF A tdirt\ ."rgc ru-bi.r NuO J.a pdlr "
At the heart ol tire system Upazila fioalth Conplex (UHC) plays a Dnrpllil r^h nrm"l\ BRAr' con^ Ssr\)r K.nJro. VH\s. ta;,r,;r
pivotal role in public health delivery system providing scNioes diversified Planlrng dsso, iJr\.n ut Bangladc\h tn rod i {. ro r.)ar rhe ..prrdri,,.:l
:e1 .
a ,d LUmple\ rn .,luencild nr p'e\enr.(. .urJl p ( 1p.' :crr. Jul-pd donor agencies, viz. wHO. UNlCEF, UNDp, UN!-pA, ADB and WB. sonrc
arae ro.r;. t "na
prom 'r.. e'' lt Jc ' I 'e rcleadl scr\ iLd ro unrnr I edl l olher organizaiions iakc parr in bi laroal programmcs. viz. USAID, SIDA.
cenre. In the same timc, belongs 1o the hierarchical siruclure of the DANIDA,.JAICA, NORAD ct.. other inlernarional o.ganizalions also
secondary and tcrdary levels. It also extcnds sesices of management, de.enL nen,on.rIl .d\LI rI ILJI, . Lro,UK.Us.A-n.d,",,.,.,
training, technical supporl and coordination to ihe gmssroots level health D.\ Homnre.. ( ARL, Pd ht,nJd, Ht I D. u\t \M eLc {
senices agencies and pe$ons. The upazila health and fanily plann'ng Table 2: H.ahh ure sticeJbtilitia\ at t.qtu,ctls
officer plays role i$ the team leadd hlving assistance from medical
otlicers/specialists, denlal surgeon, sanitary inspccto (fbod & sanitation). Orernizltion & No. otR.di
hcalth inspectors, nurscs, laboratory technicians and odrcr are supporting Rcr,$erll docbn IMBBS FDsr
stafa This unit is enn!$ed with providing primary hcalthcate sewiccs.
Simultaneously. it prcvidcs some specialiTcd carc likc n nnjdicine, surgery.
dentishy and gynecology
Union lcvcl,1': as the ]ower lcvcl/gmsstrDts and sustainable
administrative unit p.ovid€s scrvices includiDs hcalthcf€ to pcople. This is Resisrcrcd hcahh insic.ror

the smallest and mosl peripheral healthcarc scrvicc unit havitg sub centrc The availablc heallh care seNicc facitiljes are not adequarc enough conrp e
which provides out patient seNices tbr injuries, woLurds and ailments and to the sjze ofpopulalion ol Bangladesh.
wiih no diagnostic. su.gical or bed lacilities. This unit is undcr lhe
leadership of one modical oilicer as in charsc and is assisred by onc
In 1998-1999. The Centre fbr Policy Diatoaue (CpD) condrerc(t I
.rudy on rhc parier.. g^.ng dbroJd and tolnJ abo r' 851. ,,t tn1,r
medical assistant, one phamacist, one family welfare assistant and one .t. , ,rJ
that the physicians did not concenlrate on them as much as thcy nccd ?6

Public Health Adminislraliu $ lld glidcsh
vol ll.No .Ja'0xyM (r.,u[
Per!onnel dministrAtirt, i Pr.cliccs ofpublic bealth
The dubhc hc.llh Dfl\r!'nLl J,lnrurrsl'ilron nrcludes virious lunerius 'rf
quch d\'hc rf(,1,r'ncnl irld
Dcrjonn(l r1 lhe h:a'.t.j(!r,,. ..t llr JounrD D$ignrtion
1.i"."- .*"a,. . t(...r1, , rri. .,1\. rl ri, rturniIA. ,o\ancene,,r rnrou;|, Male
.-.ot...,r'.t mtri\.,r ', rl'n{.!" $id(. salary and inccnri\c\' Jt{rrrulin 581 '72 651
l',"rr, a""'"r,'.'" .(rx lir( titln,'rrn\' translbr. Puorshment erc
' 65 55
-"n"i"..'r L.'"rr"*',r'rt'-'{,r'('. ;iscd in Dlblic hcdlrh'c1"r' The
..' t'..,"*' {(\'{rlllL, r". JJrrfirc' in Lhe recrlinlcn 608 608
an.l selcctior pn)ccdu,c i,i rht l)ubli( licrlth lcrsonncl
RecommcrdarioN rnd Conclodins Remrrks
The htrpolv.r tlrtrni,u Nl dcv.l'IDcrl lnlicv basicallv tbllows lhc
n,,t,.' ,,r ..'irrr. r'"'"'.r,:' ' ' t\', r,i.l rrr,rragLm(nl iD h(dlr!' Article 18 (l) of thc constitution of lhe pcople s Rcpublic of Bangladesll
l,-'a'.:..rr rr."'', 'r" r.", 'i"'tl"'L .r '.rri.'u' lc\r't lr'n r(co8rr/ed pdol,c.hcalrh a5 d llndJm<nlal ritsht a d !s lnraa durl or rhc
n.tntrrl r() t)crit,henl otres. sure lo ensurc ii'. h also rfl'vrded lo rais( the l€v<l ol nullr nn ard
Ar lnsi. s sc. llN syslc'n ol r.ertriln'trrl 'r'll( S (llcalth) and BCS rmpmving public hcal(h and in doing s lo adopt elfecrive measurcs. Sincc
,l ',,,1t l'-,",',u*, . u.t, llr' 'l\ '!\lr't hr'i rr'n r ir'( ld'-l Public indQendencc the govemment hs undenaken a iairly number of
ii. ,, i r' . , ..,t r-l.1r(
. . itr'r,,
r rru.l r"n rr 'rrrrr *r;r' hcaltI programmes lor €fticietrt delivery ofhealth care services as a ri8hr. A chunk"r- t"' "'"rv."u irr *r,,As (lL r '' li .'Pf' rrrrrrrrrrl: "r tl'(lori h rh(

ol ihe mass p€oplc remained out of proper health care faciliiies. llcalrh tin
minrsrri ot sr,rt't'strmcnr tM;Ur rr l ll(n xs .nlrrs'r' l"\lY n qu(s's lh'' all, (a commitment with wo.ld community) could nor be achievcd so far
( 't\ .ch1r lil:('l
llarrclafe.ll I'L,Orr Scr\rc urrrm..r^r' IBPS( ' " 'lu This rcalily rationalizes the necds to ex mine thc aspcct for adopring
c"naiAot* tlrrouglt a cobpelitive cxamiDalron rnd rccotrlncnd lnr inal sunable policies and plans lb.hcallh care dcvclopment ofrhc ciriz.ens.
- in the The early eflbrts of halth adminisrralion wcre dirocted to alleviare the
i' tL. "e*rv introduced svstcm, rhcrc is a slide chanae suffe.in8s of the peoplc due kr sickncss tnostly catcrinS to the needs of
oroces' br BPSC I-\crv (andi'lale has r' go under a pruecs\ ot
-,--,r'on *ut uhipic Jh',ice quelr^ns (\4cOl ol l00
urbatr elite class whicfi was subscquontly cxtcndcd to enall rowns.3': But
".'ril'. -ii.n rhrough 000 mJ*s wrrren'nd lu0 ndr k' vi\'
most ofthc people ot thc wholc cornlry r,e living in rural areas. t his aspect
o*'in"a.*. *'" to sia rr. should b€ addr6*d in thd hcnlrh r,olicy ol nation for rheir ovenll
HLe hcs rhe dilfcrence wirh seneral o'de *wicc
profcssional rhar
'oee. like health ro takc 200 nurks (2 paPcrs) written examirarion on
c;drc has
Thc government healrh carc scrvlces rc growing dissalisfacrion among
Fo' , , inslance, arc pr.'enling r{o r.hlcs c\plJin'ng llc nrdnpu$er the peoplc because ofunneccssary srowing ofcost without improvemenr of
"e quality or cxpmion offacilirics i,r consisrcnr wirh ev€rsrcwins need ofthe
ol hcalth ( doclors & nurss) ofDMCH he.c:
population. On the olhcr hand, privdlc ciirrics and hospitals are rather more
Tab\e : Ps snr/ oldocton" commcrcial than humanitarian. Thcy p,ovidc seoices only for wcll ollt of
the society wilh a hish cost which is olicn (. alibrdable fb. the poor mass.rl
DBianrlior Mal€ So, the s€nse of s.ial justice has Do$ bcen rclar€d to ihe hcahh ca.c
scnices, as il is a basic right of thc counrfmen which should be rcflecled
l0 29 39
in public hcalth administralion and poUcy.
2 0lt 27 :15
35 The wholecoudtry is conslilutcd with a variety of people from diiler€nl
_l geographical loqtion such as pcoplc living in hilly arcas, in the rcmore
t0 52 62
islands Iikc Swendip, Hatia and oihcr places out ofsound transportalion aDd
Hdnourarv nedical otfi c€. 80 r00 180
5 comnunication network. They desenc to have policics of propcr health
6 :15 53 88 care facilitics which they suit. Our study cmphasizes lhe significance of
50 r05 155 necesary policy chang€s of this aspecl by removing thc limitations ofthc
100 395 594 ex isting policy neasurcs identical for all of lhe citizens by the authonty.

50 5l
Public Helth Adninisfalion in Btnghdcsh ,, -" , ,, )t:,'t,)',]'rtii;i
The systematic inJlznnrcture ofthe public hcrllh catc scrviccs nctwork 1n the prevailiDg (nklilion health sector whcre arscnrc. adL lreLrl,Ltri ,,1
ofthc country could ncithcrclm l!ltsatisfaction ol ll fbod, bird nu, lllV/AIDS rrc coming with its alaming fom an.l ntrli,,ir r/r'
could conpletcly lrardle thc problems in this rcgrrd. Therc a.e scveral situation risky and lul|ci blc, therc is lationale to be carclul li)r nrlri!
opinions from vari([s quancrs. the previd.B $ually claim limitcd public hqllh adminisLration peple orientcd, Ixl
allostion ofresourccs Lo hc responsiblc whilc Polioy,nrkcB and recipient! mcaningful. Thc totrl systcm of public hcalth sector requires rc(lressinr r('
o! serviccs c'ainr hek ol lanspar€ncy, accounhbility, monlity and response to thc chanAing situalion.
mismanagrmcnr.r' Olhcrs claim extremcly ccnlrulizcd bur€aucracy and/or Considering the above mcntioned points. We conclude also by nr k,nA
incompclent tolilical lcadcrship as hindranccs ir lhc w.y ofcradicalion of strona rccommendation for conducling such kind of itr-depfi sludy r
such ptublcnr\ 'lhis nudy likes to suggest thc clinrinrlion ofthc causes empirioal one oD public heallh and administation with a view to h vc ir
behiftl l|c foor rnd incnoclive modc of dclivcry syslcnr ol Ptrblic hcallh pro-peoplepoor-fricndly public h@lth p<nicy and rc,rponsive aDd scosibl!
€rc scrviccs. lIc sovdnNcnt and relevart rulhorilics should kccp lhis adhinistrarion lor Bangladesh which will rcllect community l€adeBIiit,,
rnattcr h consi(lorntnn whil€ formation ol-policy. sharcd decisron makrnC. I'nkages w h orho ortsdn,ar'ons. p,'sir'vr
organizational climalc fbr peoplcs satisiaction and particlpalion. I i.
'lhc govcnnncrl ltrovides he.lth carc sdviccs coorFchcnsivcly and
Sovemmcnl along with privale slor and NCOS should conccnlralc lhrl
cxn ol,cratc il Iionr r macfo levcl which is inLe l|l.d (luc to inadcquate
atleniion in thjs regard
inliastruclurc, cquipmcntvitrputs, lack of iunds, suilnhlc sctvicc dclirerv
mcchunisnN. aDd lrarncd s(all] Blrt in case olfrivnlc scctff and NGOS it is a
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