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The International Independent Schools

Academic Year: 2012-2013

Second Assessment / Term 2

Subject: Science
Dear students, read the following before you answer:

1. Read and understand the questions very well.

2. Answer the most convenient questions first.
3. Keep your work neat, tidy and clear.
4. Revise your work before handing in your paper.

Grade: 8 International (Boys)

No. of Pages: + Cover

Duration : 40 Minutes

Date: 7/3/21013 Thursday

Teachers’ Names: Deemah Wafa

For Official Use:

Question Student’s mark Maximum mark

Part 1 9

Q1 9

Q2 12

Q3 8

Q4 7

Total 45

Part 1: Multiple Choice [9 marks]

Circle the correct answer:

2. According to the binomial system, how should a human be named?

A. Homo Sapiens B. Homo sapiens C. homo Sapiens D. homo sapiens

3. Which of the following is NOT a chemical of life?

A. mineral B. water C. nucleic acid D. carbohydrate

4. Animals are___________

A. autotrophic B. unicellular C. eukaryotes D. without a nucleus

5. Bacteria and Achaea are placed in different domains because:

A. They both are prokaryotes

B. their structure and chemical makeup differ

C. Bacteria are autotrophs and Achaea is heterotrophs

D. Bacteria are prokaryotes are eukaryotes

6. __________ is a whip – like structure that helps bacterial cells to move.

A. Pseudopods B. Cilia C. Flagella d. ribosomes

7. An animal – like protist is called:

A. A protozoan B. A bacteria C. A Euglena D. A protophyte

8. When a fungus and an alga live together and they provide essential life needs for each
other they form:

A. Protists B. Lichens C. hyphae D. Fruiting body

9. Which of the following groups are made of eukaryotes?

A. Bacteria, Archaea, Protists B. Archaea, Protists, Fungi

C. Bacteria, Protists, Fungi D. Fungi, Plants, Animals

Part 2:

Answer the following questions:

1. [9 marks]

a. A car may share some characteristics with a bird like their ability to move, but
they are not living things because there are other characteristics they do not have.

i. List 2 OTHER characteristics that cars and birds share:



ii. Why don’t we consider a car as a living thing?



b. Fill in the table to distribute the following organisms on their kingdoms. [5]

Mushroom, Horse, Paramecium, dandelion, Yeast,

Dog, Human, Pine tree, Amoeba, Bread mold

Protist Fungi Plants Animals

2. [12 marks] The figure below shows the structure of a virus.

a. In the spaces provided in the figure fill the blanks with the suitable labels [3]

b. Describe how a virus would reproduce. [5]







c. You are a doctor; a kid comes to you to get a vaccine against smallpox virus. Your
patients are kind of curious; & so, this kid had the following questions for you.
i. What might this vaccine needle contain? [1]


ii. How would this needle protect me from smallpox? [3]




3. (8 marks)
According to the following figure, answer the questions below.




a. Label the figure in the spaces provided above. [4]

b. How does organism reproduce asexually? [1]

c. What is the function of part D? [1]


d. According to their feeding mechanism, this organism is classified as …………………………..[1]

e. To which kingdom does this organism belong? …………………………………………………………..[1]

4. (7 marks)

This figure represents a bacterial cell. Answer the related questions below.

a. This organism performs conjugation. Explain what happens during this process?[2]


b. This organism has no nucleus (T, F). [1]

c. According to its shape, what is the type of this bacterium? [1]

d. State two ways in which this organism is different from a Paramecium.



e. Explain, using one example only, how this bacteria can be useful to us. [3]




 Good Luck 

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