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Scope and Sequence

    Grammar   Building Better  Original student 

Unit Writing for Writing Vocabulary Writing
1      p. 2 • What is a
• using the Simple
present tense
• Word
Original student Writing:
Write a paragraph of your
pArAGrAphs  • Four with Facts • using choice.
Features of a • using the Collocations
photo Topic: Write about
paragraph imperative
something thrilling.
• Working with in process
paragraphs paragraphs Timed Writing Topic:
• using the Simple describe the daily life of a
past tense police officer.
in narrative
• Checking for
verbs and

2    p. 32 • brainstorming
• how
• Subject-verb
• Word
Original student Writing:
Write a paragraph of your
deVelOpinG  brainstorming • using choice.
ideAs fOr  Works Collocations
WriTinG A  photo Topic: Write about
pArAGrAph  something very scary.
Timed Writing Topic: is
English easy or difficult to

3    p. 46 • the topic

• using Commas in
• Word
Original student Writing:
brainstorm and write
TOpic  • Features of a • avoiding three • using a paragraph about
senTences good topic Common Collocations animal communication,
Sentence Sentence Errors international flights,
pollution, or smart phones.
photo Topic: Write about
learning something new.
Timed Writing Topic: Why
do so many people want to
learn English?

4    p. 70 • Supporting
• using pronouns
in place of Key
• Word
Original student Writing:
Write a paragraph of your
sUppOrTinG  • Concluding nouns • using choice.
And  Sentences Collocations
cOnclUdinG  photo Topic: Write about
senTences  place to visit in your town
or city.
Timed Writing Topic: is it
a good idea to require all
students to wear a school

94905_fm_ptg01_i-xvii.indd 4 01/10/13 9:29 PM

    Grammar   Building Better Original Student
Unit Writing for Writing Vocabulary Writing
5     p. 94 • Review
• Working
• Reviewing
• Word
Original Student Writing:
Write a paragraph of your
Paragraph with the • Using choice.
Review Structure of a Collocations
Photo Topic: Write about
something interesting to do.
• Analyzing
Paragraphs Timed Writing Topic: What
are the best snack foods?

6    p. 116 • What Is a

• Using Adjective
• Word
Original Student Writing:
Write a definition
Definition Paragraph? • Creating • Using paragraph.
Paragraphs  • Quotation Sentences with Collocations
Photo Topic: Define an
Marks Variety
• Putting the
Paragraph Timed Writing Topic: What
Together: does the word courage
Sequencing mean to you?

7    p. 138 • What Is

a Process
• Using Sequence
Words and
• Word
Original Student Writing:
Write a process paragraph.
Process Paragraph? Chronological • Using
Paragraphs  Photo Topic: Write about a
Order Collocations
process or how something
Timed Writing Topic: What
are the steps in correcting
an error on a bill?

8    p. 154 • What Is a

• Using Adjectives
in Writing
• Word
Original Student Writing:
Write a paragraph that
Descriptive Paragraph? • Using • Using describes something.
Paragraphs  • Describing Prepositions Collocations
Photo Topic: Describe a
with the Five of Location to
national monument that is
Senses Describe
important to you.
• Using Positive • Using Correct
and Negative Word Order with Timed Writing Topic:
Adjectives for Prepositions of Describe your ideal teacher.
More Precise Location

9    p. 180 • What Is an

• Recognizing
Word Forms
• Word
Original Student Writing:
Write an opinion
Opinion Paragraph? and Common • Using paragraph.
Paragraphs  • Facts and Suffixes Collocations
Photo Topic: Write your
opinion about the best
• Topic
kinds of zoos.
for Opinion Timed Writing Topic: What
Paragraphs minimum age should be
• Choosing required to get a driver’s
a Topic for license?
an Opinion

Scope and Sequence  v

94905_fm_ptg01_i-xvii.indd 5 01/10/13 9:29 PM

    Grammar   Building Better Original Student
Unit Writing for Writing Vocabulary Writing
10   p. 198 • What Is a
• Maintaining
Verb Tense
• Word
Original Student Writing:
Write a narrative
Narrative Paragraph? Consistency • Using paragraph about an
Paragraphs  • Working Collocations experience that you have
with Ideas had.
for Narrative
Photo Topic: Write about
a surprising, frightening,
happy, or funny experience
you have had.
Timed Writing Topic: Write
about a specific event from
your childhood.

11   p. 222 • From

Paragraphs to
• Word
Original Student Writing:
Write a narrative,
Paragraphs Essays • Using comparison, cause-effect,
in an Essay: • Getting to Collocations or argumentative essay.
Putting Know Essays
It All Photo Topic: Write about
• What Does
Together  the effect of technology in
an Essay Look
Like? rural places.
• Putting Timed Writing Topic: What
an Essay should happen to students
Together who are caught cheating
on an exam?

vi  Scope and Sequence

94905_fm_ptg01_i-xvii.indd 6 01/10/13 9:29 PM

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