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Strategic Learning: How to be Smarter than Your Competition

and Turn Key Insights into Competitive Advantage

by Willie Pietersen
Copyright © 2010 William G. Pietersen


1. Daniel Pink, A Whole New Mind, pp. 49–50 (New York: Penguin Group,

Chapter 1
1. Johnathan Katz, ‘‘Employees Unaware of Company Strategies.’’
IndustryWeek, February 13, 2006.
2. Stephen Covey, The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, pp.2–3
(New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc., 2004).
3. Edward E. Lawler III and Christopher G. Worley, Built to Change, p. 1
(San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006).

Chapter 2
1. Art Kleiner, ‘‘Pankaj Ghemawat: The Thought Leader Interview,’’
Strategy þ Business, Spring 2008,
2. Norman C. Berry, ‘‘Revitalizing Brands,’’ The Journal of Consumer
Marketing, Summer 1988, p. 16.
3. Warren Buffett as quoted by Janet C. Lowe, Warren Buffett Speaks,
p. 99 (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997).
4. ‘‘GM assumes 19%-plus U.S. market share, director says,’’ Reuters,
October 15, 2009,
5. Steve Lohr, ‘‘All May Not Be Lost for the American Car,’’ The New York
Times, January 31, 2009,


Chapter 3
1. Robert Lloyd quoting Marco Pierre White, ‘‘The Chopping Block,’’ Los
Angeles Times, March 11, 2009,
2. ‘‘Changes ExxonMobil has Made to Prevent Another Accident Like
3. Frederick Winslow Taylor, The Principles of Scientific Management.
(New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1911).
4. Henri Fayol, The Bulletin de la Societe de l’ Industrie Minerale,
printed his Administration, Industrielle et Generale – Prevoyance,
Ogranisation, Commandement, Coordination, Contr^ ole, 1916, trans-
lated by Constance Storrs in General and Industrial Management.
(London: Pitman Publishing, 1949.)
5. Michael Porter, ‘‘How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy,’’ Harvard
Business Review, March–April 1979, pp. 137–145.
6. Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species. (New York: Random House,
Inc., 1993, first published 1859).
7. Arie de Geus, ‘‘Planning as Learning,’’ Harvard Business Review,
March–April 1988, p. 71.
8. W. Edwards Deming, Out of Crisis. (Boston: The MIT Press, 2000).
9. Will Durant quoting Aristotle in The Story of Philosophy: The Lives and
Opinions of the Greater Philosophers. p. 98 (New York: Simon &
Schuster, 1926).
10. K Anders Ericsson, Michael J. Prietula, and Edward T. Cokely, ‘‘The
Making of an Expert,’’ Harvard Business Review, July–August 2007,
pp. 115–121.
11. Ibid.
12. Ibid, p. 119.

Chapter 4
1. Peter Drucker, ‘‘The Theory of the Business,’’ Harvard Business
Review, September–October 1994, p. 95.
2. Ian Davis and Elizabeth Stephenson, ‘‘Ten Trends to Watch in 2006,’’
The McKinsey Quarterly, January 2006,
3. Sun Tzu, translated and interpreted by Ralph D. Sawyer, The Essential
Art of War (New York: Basic Books, 2005).
4. Eugene Ionesesco, D ecouvertes (1970), as quoted by Stuart Wells,
Choosing the Future: The Power of Strategic Thinking, p. 15
(Massachussets: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1997).
Notes 221

5. William Gibson as quoted by Paul Saffo, ‘‘Six Rules for Effective

Forecasting,’’ Harvard Business Review, July–August 2007, p. 127.
6. Henry Ford as quoted by Nancy F. Koehn, ‘‘Steve Job’s Legacy,’’
Fortune, November 2009,
7. A.H. Maslow, ‘‘A Theory of Human Motivation,’’ Psychological Review
50(4) 1943:370–96.
8. Tzu, translated and interpreted by Ralph D. Sawyer, The Essential Art
of War (New York: Basic Books, 2005).
9. Jim Cappa, ‘‘Gold,’’ Rocktalk 6 no. 2,
10. Paul Saffo, ‘‘Looking Ahead: Implications of the Present,’’ Harvard
Business Review, September 1997, p. 30.
11. Mike McConnell interviewed on Charlie Rose, January 8, 2009, http://
12. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi quoted in I.J. Good, The Scientist Speculates, p. 15
(New York: Basic Books, 1963).
13. Dr. Maretha Prinsloo, Magellan Consulting, summary of research
furnished to author, November 20, 2009.
14. Brian Greene, ‘‘That Famous Equation and You,’’ New York Times,
September 30, 2005,

Chapter 5
1. Roger Enrico as quoted by Jeffrey E. Garten, The Mind of the CEO,
p. 147 (New York: Perseus Books Group, 2002).
2. Philip Bobbitt, ‘‘Today’s War is Against Tomorrow’s Iraq,’’ New York
Times, March 10, 2003,
3. Christopher Palmeri, ‘‘Sysco’s Hands-On Way of Keeping Restaurants
Going,’’ BusinessWeek, May 7, 2009,
4. Robert Southey as quoted by William Matthews, Oratory and Orators,
p. 100 (Boston: Adamant Media Corporation, 2006).
5. Howard Schultz, ‘‘What I Know to Be True,’’ Transformation Agenda
Communication #4, February 4, 2008,
6. Richard Koch, The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Success by Achieving
More with Less, p. 16 (New York: Doubleday, 1998).

Chapter 6
1. Frederick Henderson as quoted by John D. Stoll and Sharon Terlep, ‘‘GM
Takes New Direction,’’ The Wall Street Journal, July 11, 2009, p. B1.

2. GE 2004 Annual Report, Letter to Stakeholders, ‘‘Developing a

Generation of Growth Leaders,’’ accessed at also found
in ‘‘Growth as a Process,’’ Harvard Business Review, June 2006,
pp. 67–68.
3. Robert Slater, Saving Big Blue, p. 93 (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999).

Chapter 7
1. Will Durant, Caesar and Christ, p. 665 (New York: MJF Books, 1944).
2. Charles Handy, The Age of Paradox, pp. 50–67 (Boston: Harvard
Business School Press, 1994).
3. Howard Gardner, Changing Minds: The Art and Science of Changing
Our Own and Other People’s Minds, p. 56–57 (Boston: Harvard
Business School Publishing, 2006).
4. Lew Platt as quoted by Viv Shackleton, Business Leadership, p. 118
(London: Thomson, 1995).
5. Jack Welch, GE 2000 Annual Report, p. 4,
6. Andrew Martin, ‘‘At McDonald’s, the Happiest Meal is Hot Profits,’’ New
York Times, January 11, 2009.
7. Ibid. See also and
8. Margaret Thatcher as quoted in ‘‘Notable and Quotable,’’ Wall Street
Journal, (accessed October 6, 2009).

Chapter 8
1. Howard Gardner, Five Minds for the Future, p. 7 (Boston: Harvard
Business School Publishing, 2006).
2. Richard T. Pascale, Mark Millerman, and Linda Gioja, Surfing the Edge
of Chaos, p. 136 (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2000).
3. William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act I Scene 2, line 147.
4. George Bernard Shaw as quoted by Marlene Caroselli, Leadership
Skills for Managers, p. 71 (New York: McGraw Hill Publishers, 2000).

Chapter 9
1. Ellen Byron, ‘‘Tide Turns ‘Basic’ for P&G in Slump,’’ Wall Street
Journal, August 6, 2009.
2. Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert I Sutton, The Knowing-Doing Gap: How
Smart Companies Turn Knowledge into Action, pp. 15–23 (Boston:
Harvard Business School Press, 2000).
Notes 223

3. Professor Takahiro Fujimoto as quoted by Alex Taylor III and Jeremy

Kahn, ‘‘How Toyota Defies Gravity,’’ Fortune, December 8, 1997, http://
4. Larry Huston and Nabil Sakkab, ‘‘Connect and Develop: Inside Proctor
and Gamble’s New Model for Innovation,’’ Harvard Business Review,
March 2006, p. 60.
5. Tim Brown, Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms
Organizations and Inspires Innovation, p. 218 (New York: Harper-
Collins, 2009).
6. Marilyn Darling, Charles Parry, and Joseph Moore, ‘‘Learning in the
Thick of It,’’ Harvard Business Review, July 2005, pp. 84–92.

Chapter 10
1. Daniel Patrick Moynihan quoted by Robert A. Katzmann, Daniel
Patrick Moynihan: The Intellectual in Public Life (Baltimore: The
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998).
2. Matthew Boyle, ‘‘Wal-Mart Moves Upmarket,’’ BusinessWeek, June 3,
3. Tom Watson, Jr. as quoted Thomas J. Peters and Robert H. Waterman,
In Search of Excellence, p. 280 (New York: HarperCollins, 1982).

Chapter 11
1. Boyd Clark and Ron Crossland, The Leader’s Voice: How Your
Communication Can Inspire Action and Get Results!, p. 108 (New
York: SelectBooks, 2002).
2. Craig Lambert quoting Bobby Jones, ‘‘Bobby Jones: Brief life of a golf
legend: 1902–1971,’’ Harvard Magazine, March 2002, www.harvardma
3. Margaret J. Wheatley and Myron Kellner-Rogers, A Simpler Way, p. 49
(San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 1996).
4. Albert Einstein, Living Philosophies, p. 3–7 (New York: Simon
Schuster, 1931).
5. Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning, pp. 65–66 (Boston: Beacon
Press, 1959).
6. Art Horn, Beyond Ego: Influential Leadership Starts Within, p. 3
(Toronto: ECW Press, 2008).

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