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Edgaras Tribė 3A

Changes occurring in Lithuania – positive or negative?

Due to the influence of a vast array of contributory factors such as political

reforms and economic fluctutation, Lithuania is undergoing many changes, as is par for the
course for most independent countries. These changes permeate directly into our daily lives,
which is why it’sIT IS important to pinpoint and acknowledge them. Their effects on the
future of Lithuania can be perceived in many different ways. So, are these fluctuations
leading our country on its way to reachING the level of progress seenWITNESSED in
western European countries despite the handicaps of THE forced soviet rule In THE PAST ,
or are Lithuanians fighting an uphill battle to merely keep the country from falling apart?
To begin with, one of the most notable achievements the government has been
able to achieve is staggering economic growth. Lithuania’s GDP has been on a steady
growth since 2015, growing faster than even Germany’s and the United Kingdom’s.
However, the ones who benefit from this are corporate giants and already well-paid workers,
which might be a solid reason as to why the risk of poverty is also on the rise in our country,
for both lower and middle class working adults and the elderly alike. This is, of course, a
major plight in the social well-being of Lithuania’s citizens and leads to another
important/CONSEQUENT change that has been happening for a long time.
Economic instability is the main cause of mass emigration from Lithuania, and
itWHICH isHAS BEEN happening at a much brisker pace than in other European countries.
As more people leave the country, birth rates decrease and the Lithuanian population
experiences a fast downfall. This situation is quite unfavourable from a cultural perspective,
as population decline leads to erosion of traditional values such as our language, heritage and
customs. On the other hand, this lack of demographic surges grants the government time to
devise optimisations to accommodation while the current concepts suffice.(CLUMSY
Lastly, the recent emergence of a deadly virus has proven to be a considerable
setback to Lithuania’s economy as well asTHE quality of life. However, this disease is also
acting as a wake-up call that pushed the government to invest in healthcare facilities as well
as equipment to tackle both current and future emergency events. Not only will these
investments stem the flow of damage caused by disastrous widespread occurrences but also
improve the lives of people with well-known, yet hard to treat illnesses.
TO SUM UP,The reason many changes in aspects of our lives are adverse is
because there are many intricacies and factors that lead to various consequences and that
makes it hard to eliminate hurdles of progress while maintaining the upsides. What is clear,
though, is that Lithuania as well as any other country can be improved upon in many ways,
but this improvement only comes with both positive and negative change.

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