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Personality disorders form a class of mental disorders that are characterized by long-lasting

rigid patterns of thought and behaviour which cause serious problems with relationships and
work (Grohol, 2015)

Millon and Davis (1996) entitled Disorder of Personality: DSM-IV and Beyond, the word
personality comes from the Greek word meaning 'Person.' Additionally, personality is a
complex psychological trait. It is something that is unknowable and difficult to change.

According to Azizi Yahaya and Tan Soo Yin (2007), personality is a clear set of behaviors.
Personality is also a style of behavior that shapes a person's personality. Anxiety or
personality disorder is a disorder related to the way thoughts and feelings about oneself affect
how an individual functions in various aspects of life (American Psychiatric Association,

Personality disorders also focus on aspects of one's thoughts, behaviors, habits, feelings and
emotions in a stable state or not (Azizi Yahaya and Jamaludin Ramli, 2007).Individuals who
struggle with personality disorders are the ones who belong in a group of people who have
difficulty interacting with others.The behavior of individuals with personality disorders is
considered rigid and cannot be making making adjustments to change and desire in life (Azizi
Yahaya and Tan Soo Yin, 2007).

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, Fourth
Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR, 2000) defines a personality disorder like “an enduring
pattern of inner experience and behavior that differs markedly from the expectations of the
individual's culture, is pervasive and inflexible, has an onset in adolescence or early
adulthood, is stable over time, and leads to distress or impairment”. Those who struggle with
a personality disorder tend to be inflexible, rigid, unable to respond to the changes and
demands of life and find it difficult to participate in social activities.

Personality disorders usually begin in the teenage years or early adulthood and causes
significant problems and limitations in relationships and social

DSM-IV-TR has organized clinical assessment into five axes, addressing the different aspects
and impact of disorders and personality disorders were designated to Axis II. Later, the
mental health specialists considered that that there is no fundamental difference between
disorders described on DSM-IV’s Axis I and Axis II and DSM-5 has shifted to a single axis
system, which combines the first three axes outlined in past editions of DSM into one axis
with all mental and other medical diagnoses ( Personality disorders fall
within 10 distinct types: paranoid personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder,
schizotypal personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality
disorder, histrionic personality, narcissistic personality disorder, avoidant personality
disorder, dependent personality disorder and obsessive compulsive personality disorder

The categories for personality disorders according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders IV (DSM-IV) published by the American Psychological Association in
1994 are divided into three groups.

First, group A is paranoid personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder and schizotaipal
personality disorder.

To group B is antisocial personality disorder, personality disorder margins (Boarderline),

histrionic personality disorder and personality disorder narcissistic

The third group, group C, is Avoidant personality disorder, Dependent personality disorder
and Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

b. Causes of

In the past, some believed that people with personality disorders “were just lazy or even
evil”, but researchers are beginning to identify some possible factors behind personality
disorders (

The most common etiologies for personality disorders are multifactorial, but these conditions
may also be secondary to biologic, developmental, or genetic abnormalities (Bienenfeld,

American Psychological Association identified the following etiologic factors in developing a

personality disorder ( - Genetics, such as a malfunctioning gene that may be a
factor in obsessivecompulsive disorder or genetic links to aggression, anxiety and fear —
traits that can play a role in personality disorders.

- Childhood trauma, which is associated with borderline personality disorder (Gunderson et.
al, 2000);

- Verbal abuse in the childhood, which is associated with borderline, narcissistic, obsessive-
compulsive or paranoid personality disorders in adulthood; Huff (2004) underlined the fact
that the role of abuse is particularly controversial among family members of people with a
borderline disorder;

High reactivity children are more likely to develop shy, timid or anxious personalities; a
study conducted by Kagan (2002) concluded that a temperamental bias for high reactivity in
infancy is predictive of a personality profile marked by shyness, timidity and anxiety to
unfamiliar events; - Peers: a strong relationship with a relative, teacher or friend can offset
negative influences. A study conducted by Klein, Roniger, Schweiger, Späth & Brodbeck
(2015) concluded that the presence of avoidant personality pathology may interact with the
effect of childhood trauma in the development of chronic depression.Mental disorders mean
abnormal behaviors — mental disorders, mental illnesses, psychological disorders (Azizi
Yahaya, et al., 2006), mental disorders (Library Language Council, 2017; Syed Hassan Al-
Mashoor & Raihanah Haji Abdullah, 1993), temperament changing, clutter, fog, chaos.

Mental disorders are also referred to as mental illness, irregularity of mind and emotions,
inability to control thoughts, feelings, behaviors, personal interactions and causing stress
(merriam-webster dictionary, 2017). Anxiety is a syndrome or psychosis usually associated
with symptoms of anxiety, impairment or impairment of brain function and thinking (Library
Language Council, 2017).

Clinically a mental disorder is a mental disorder that has a significant relationship with an
individual's behavior or psychology in which the individual is unable to control his or her
mental illness which can lead to various risks such as illness, disability and death (Maisel,
2013). Mental disorders are a variety of problems with different symptoms. Generally
characterized by a combination of some abnormal thoughts, emotions, behaviors and
relationships with others (World Health Organization, 2016).

The individual is in a state of madness, mentally ill, psychiatric disorders characterized by

behavior and psychology associated with pain or sadness (Britannica, 2017).

Mental disorders are a type of mental disorder known as mental illness / mental retardation,
psychopathic disorder, or any mental disorder

mental deficiency (mental defective) that requires mental healing (Collins English
Dictionary, 2017).

Therefore, a healthy mind is the antithesis of mental disorders. Mental health is a state of
well-being, a perfect state of mind, emotion and behavior that enables the individual to
function in the work that achieves physical, mental and spiritual goals (Mohammad Jamil
Yaacob, 2007).

Causes of mental illness

a. Developmental crisis

Individuals who are experiencing a significant transition moment in their lives (Arieff Salleh
Rosman & Wardah Mokhtar, 2006). For example, when there is a change in the school /
school setting, the transition of age achievement (adolescence into adulthood and into middle
age), or after establishing a home and first glance (in early married adolescents). At every
moment of the transition, there were various conflicts and challenges. If they fail to control
the changing situation, teens will face many obstacles and complexities.

b. Environmental factors

The environment is an important element of mental disorders. Social Environment

(Socioeconomic disadvantages (narrow housing, no playground, sewerage system, water and
electricity), Environment and poor neighborhoods (alcohol addiction, drug abuse,
prostitution) narrow housing conditions, lack of infrastructure, community and different
cultures (Rack, 1993) can contribute to social problems and thus make adolescents incapable
of thinking normally to overcome the challenges they face. Society, 2015).

c. Family Crisis

There is a conflict of clash between family members. If a family member has serious
problems involving crime, drug overdose, serious physical or mental illness, parental conflict,
siblings crisis, domestic violence victim family members and so on it will affect the harmony
and stability of the family. When the crisis is prolonged and its operations ineffectiMental
disorders mean abnormal behaviors — mental disorders, mental illnesses, psychological
disorders (Azizi Yahaya, et al., 2006), mental disorders (Library Language Council, 2017;
Syed Hassan Al-Mashoor & Raihanah Haji Abdullah, 1993), temperament changing, clutter,
fog, chaos.

Mental disorders are also referred to as mental illness, irregularity of mind and emotions,
inability to control thoughts, feelings, behaviors, personal interactions and causing stress
(merriam-webster dictionary, 2017). Anxiety is a syndrome or psychosis usually associated
with symptoms of anxiety, impairment or impairment of brain function and thinking (Library
Language Council, 2017).

Clinically a mental disorder is a mental disorder that has a significant relationship with an
individual's behavior or psychology in which the individual is unable to control his or her
mental illness which can lead to various risks such as illness, disability and death (Maisel,
2013). Mental disorders are a variety of problems with different symptoms. Generally
characterized by a combination of some abnormal thoughts, emotions, behaviors and
relationships with others (World Health Organization, 2016).

The individual is in a state of madness, mentally ill, psychiatric disorders characterized by

behavior and psychology associated with pain or sadness (Britannica, 2017).

Mental disorders are a type of mental disorder known as mental illness / mental retardation,
psychopathic disorder, or any mental disorder

mental deficiency (mental defective) that requires mental healing (Collins English
Dictionary, 2017).
Therefore, a healthy mind is the antithesis of mental disorders. Mental health is a state of
well-being, a perfect state of mind, emotion and behavior that enables the individual to
function in the work that achieves physical, mental and spiritual goals (Mohammad Jamil
Yaacob, 2007).

Causes of mental illness

a. Developmental crisis

Individuals who are experiencing a significant transition moment in their lives (Arieff Salleh
Rosman & Wardah Mokhtar, 2006). For example, when there is a change in the school /
school setting, the transition of age achievement (adolescence into adulthood and into middle
age), or after establishing a home and first glance (in early married adolescents). At every
moment of the transition, there were various conflicts and challenges. If they fail to control
the changing situation, teens will face many obstacles and complexities.

b. Environmental factors

The environment is an important element of mental disorders. Social Environment

(Socioeconomic disadvantages (narrow housing, no playground, sewerage system, water and
electricity), Environment and poor neighborhoods (alcohol addiction, drug abuse,
prostitution) narrow housing conditions, lack of infrastructure, community and different
cultures (Rack, 1993) can contribute to social problems and thus make adolescents incapable
of thinking normally to overcome the challenges they face. Society, 2015).
c. Family Crisis

There is a conflict of clash between family members. If a family member has serious
problems involving crime, drug overdose, serious physical or mental illness, parental conflict,
siblings crisis, domestic violence victim family members and so on it will affect the harmony
and stability of the family. When the crisis is prolonged and its operations ineffective, family
duties and functions are affected, which in turn affects the mental health of children. Children
/ adolescents who experience this type of risk are at risk for criminal activity (Robins, 1993).
This is more common in young men than in women (Syed Hassan Al-Mashoor & Raihanah
Haji Abdullah, 1993).

d. Culture and Belief

Trust in the supernatural still prevails in the Asian region. When something unusual happens
to a person, usually the person being searched is a shaman or a shaman.

an attack is caused by a person who has a grudging and malicious intent to destroy someone.
There is no denying that such things exist as spirits and demons, magic and so on. Categories
of diseases caused by “creature” disorders

this has to do with beggingve, family duties and functions are affected, which in turn affects
the mental health of children. Children / adolescents who experience this type of risk are at
risk for criminal activity (Robins, 1993). This is more common in young men than in women
(Syed Hassan Al-Mashoor & Raihanah Haji Abdullah, 1993).

d. Culture and Belief

Trust in the supernatural still prevails in the Asian region. When something unusual happens
to a person, usually the person being searched is a shaman or a shaman.

an attack is caused by a person who has a grudging and malicious intent to destroy someone.
There is no denying that such things exist as spirits and demons, magic and so on. Categories
of diseases caused by “creature” disorders

this has to do with begging

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