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The Past Unreal Conditional Google classroom/google Week 13 (Oct 26-30)

meet/ BB collaborate
SLOs SLO: Explain ideas in an extended discussion on abstract topics, Accurately use Level 7 Grammar,
Accurately produce Level 7 Pronunciation Concepts
ASSISTED Activities:
ASYNCRONOUS ⮚ Writing: “Tell a story of regret, or a time when someone lied to you or they told a
SESSION (HOUR 2) lie to you and why from the past – then make 3rd Conditional sentences to
describe the opposite. Or, Prepare a story you discovered about your role model ”
⮚ Grammar: “3rd Conditional – Complete the exercises”
⮚ Speaking: Prepare and practice telling your stories using correct
pronunciation /i/ and /I/
Instructions for Teachers´role: What will the facilitator be doing? Providing guidance(direct
teachers instruction, provide feedback, interact)

Students´ role: What will the learners be doing? Preparing and practicing their
stories individually(present to the class, etc)

Resources: What resources will the learners and/or the facilitator need? Google
classroom – 3rd conditional exercises in classwork assignments

Prepare a story from the past


You will prepare to tell a story of regret, or a time when someone lied to you or you told
a lie and why from the past – then you will make 3rd Conditional sentences to describe
the opposite. Or, you can prepare a story that you have discovered about your
investigated role model. It can be a positive or negative story and you then use the
conditionals to imagine the opposite of what really happened.


Practice telling your story using natural pronunciation of any /i/ and /I/ sounds, plus
with the ‘would have’ from the 3rd conditional, and get ready to say it to another group in
the 3rd hour without reading

Complete the following exercises on google classroom-Classwork-Assignments

3rd Conditional

Part 1. Complete the conditional clause using the past perfect form of the verb (had + past

1. If I __________________________(wake) up on time, I wouldn’t have been late for

2. If Mary __________________________(not, forget) her glasses yesterday, she would
have been able to see the board in class.
3. Robert wouldn’t have gone to the party if he __________________________(know)
that Jane was going to be there.
4. If you __________________________(be) at the party, you would have met my cousin.
5. If we __________________________(have) more time, we could’ve visited more

Part 2. Complete the result clause using would + have + past participle.
1. If it hadn’t been raining last night, we __________________________(go) to the beach.
2. If Chad hadn’t introduced himself to me, we __________________________(never,
become) friends.
3. Christina __________________________(cut) her hair if she hadn’t seen that picture in
the magazine.
4. My mom __________________________(buy) more milk if she had known that I had
already gotten some.
5. If I had known this meeting was going to be so long, I
__________________________(drink) more coffee.

Part 3. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the 3rd conditional.
1. If my brother __________________________(keep) his car, he
__________________________(be) able to drive me to the airport last week.
2. If I __________________________(not, eat) a whole tub of ice cream for lunch
yesterday, I __________________________(have) dinner with you last night.
3. If James __________________________(hear) his alarm clock, he
__________________________(not, arrive) late.
4. Carl __________________________(not, hurt) his ankle, if he
__________________________(not, play) soccer on a slippery field.
5. Mark __________________________(not, buy) a new pair of shoes, if he
__________________________(not, find) an envelope of cash.
6. If Jennifer __________________________(have) better friends,
they__________________________(remember) her birthday.

Part 4. Read the sentences below and change them to the 3rd condition. Follow the examples.

Example: There was bad traffic. We were late.

If there hadn’t been bad traffic, we wouldn’t have been late.
Example: We didn’t do the homework. We didn’t pass the class.
If we had done the homework, we would’ve passed the class.
1. There was a storm. We got wet.
2. I broke my phone. I had to buy a new one.
3. I didn’t eat breakfast. I was hungry during the exam.
4. I didn’t call my girlfriend. She was mad at me.
5. It rained. I didn’t go to the pool.

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