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Headway Test.

Created on 19/11/20

Present Simple 2

Complete the sentences. Use short forms where possible.

1 I sometimes _______________ golf on Saturdays. (play)
2 My mum _______________ in a bank. (work)
3 We _______________ in a flat. (not live)
4 _______________ basketball? (you play)
5 They _______________ Spanish in Brazil! (not speak)

Complete the sentences. Use short forms where possible.

6 _______________ travelling? (he like)
7 That girl _______________ from India. (come)
8 What time _______________ work? (you start)
9 My dad _______________ TV. (not watch)
10 What _______________ on Sundays? (you do)

Present Continuous

Choose the correct answer.

1 Oh no! It ________________! [ 's raining, raining ]
2 I ________________ a suit today. [ 'm not wearing, not
wearing ]
3 Junya and Ken ________________ home [ are going, 's going ]
4 Yong ________________ hard this morning. [ 's working, working ]
5 ________________ to the party tonight? [ Are you coming,
You're coming ]

Complete the sentences. Use short forms where possible.

6 What _______________ next weekend? (you do)
7 Mark _______________ today. (not work)
8 Eri _______________ her new jacket. (wear)
9 I _______________ Kim at 12 o'clock. (meet)
10 What _______________ this evening? (Alice do)

Present Simple/Present Continuous

Choose the correct answer. 1/2
1 I ________________ four days a week. [ work, 'm working ]
2 What ________________ today? [ are you doing, do you
do ]
3 We ________________ much beer in my [ don't drink, aren't
country. drinking ]
4 ________________ a big breakfast? [ Do you eat, Are you
eating ]
5 I ________________ my teacher at 2.30 [ 'm seeing, see ]

Choose the correct answer.

6 ________________ tonight? [ Are you going out, Do
you go out ]
7 I ________________ coffee. [ never drink, 'm never
drinking ]
8 What's that book ________________ ? [ you're reading, you
read ]
9 I ________________ late on Saturdays. [ get up, 'm getting up ]
10 What time ________________ to the airport [ are you going, do you
tomorrow? go ] Copyright Oxford University Press 2010 2/2

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