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Najbrži vodeni sport koji se temelji na ljudskoj snazi, specifičan je zbog posebnog stila

plivanja: plivači perajama drže ruke ispružene ispred sebe i s obje noge istovremeno izvode
snažne udarce i tako uz pomoć donjeg dijela tijela pokreću monoperaju koja omogućuje
znatno veću brzinu od  plivanja. Plivači perajama koriste posebnu disalicu, koja je fiksirana na
glavi te se za vrijeme plivanja nalazi između dvije ruke. Disalica uz fiksni čelni dio ima i
nesavitljivi usnik. 
Razlikuju se discipline koje se plivaju s monoperajom i one koje se plivaju s dvije gumene
peraje (tzv. stereo-peraje ili bifins). Discipline su sortirane u 4 grupe. Cilj na natjecanjima je
preplivati dionicu u najkraćem vremenu.

Održavaju se ova glavna natjecanja

- izmjenično svake 2 godine Svjetsko i Europsko prvenstvo, i za Seniore i za Juniore; na ovim
prvenstvima sudjeluje samo reprezentacija;
- svake godine između 5 i 7 kola Svjetskog kupa, na kojima mogu sudjelovati i klubovi;
- svake četiri godine ovaj je sport dio programa Svjetskih igara (iduće su u Poljskoj 2017.),
Mediteranskih igara na plaži (prošle su bile u Italiji 2015.), Europskih olimpijskih igara (prošle
su bile u Azerbajdžanu 2015.), Sveučilisnih olimpijskih igara (prošle su bile u J. Koreji 2015.);
- u Hrvatskoj se održavaju Državno prvenstvo za Seniore, Juniore i Kadete; državno ekipno
prvenstvo, Hrvatski kup u daljinskom plivanju perajama.

Kao jedini od podvodnih sportova, plivanje perajama je često bio kandidat za ulazak u
Olimpijske igre, ali još nije uspio postati službenim. Idući pokušaj će biti za OI 2024.

(Stil) plivanje perajama

Pliva se po površini, zato je njegova međunarodna kratica SF[surface], dok je na

hrvatskom PP, koristeći naočale ili posebnu masku za plivanje perajama, disalicu i
monoperaju. Discipline na prvenstvima u bazenima su 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500, štafete
4 × 100 i 4 × 200 relay (metres), dok u otvorenim vodama su 6000 i štafeta 4 X 3000. Plivači
perajama moraju uvijek imati dio tijela van vode, osim nakon skoka i okreta kad je
dozvoljeno preroniti do 15m. 
50 finswimming žene
100 finswimming muški
200 finswimming muški
400 finswimming žene
800 finswimming žene
1500 finswimming žene
4x50 štafeta (na međunarodnim se natjecanja pliva mješana, 2 muška 2 žene)
4x100 relay muški
4x200 relay muški
Long distance finswimming


Za podvodno plivanje perajama, poznato i kao apnea (kratica AP) koriste se naočale ili masku
i monoperaju. Nije predviđena disalica, obzirom da se cijelo vrijeme pliva ispod površine
vode: točnije lice mora biti cijelo vrijeme pod vodom, dok ostali dijelova tijela mogu biti van
vode.Jedina disciplina je 50m, obzirom da duže zadržavanje daha spadau sport ronjenje na
dah. Zbog sigurnosnih razloga, ova disciplina nije predviđena u otvorenim vodama. 

50 apnea muški

Brzinsko ronjenje

Razlog zbog kojega plivanje perajama pripada ronilačkim sportovima lezi u disciplinama
brzinskog ronjenja (međunarodna kratica IM = immersion, hrvatska kratica BR), što
uključuju korištenje male boce pune zrakom, koje plivači drže u rukama tijekom plivanja.
Ostali rekviziti su naočale ili maska i monoperaja. Pliva se u bazenima, dok srodna disciplina u
otvorenim vodama se zove Podvodna orijentacija. Boca omogućuje da se plivaju duže
dionice pod vodom bez zadržavanja daha: brzine koje je moguće dostići su veće nego kad se
pliva po površini. U zadnjim godinama sve manje ima natjecatelja u ovim disciplinamai sam
međunarodni savez (CMAS) ih je počeo otkazivati sa službenih programa svjetskog i
europskog prvenstva, svjetskog kupa i sl. U Hrvatskoj, i još samo par  zemaljasvijetapotrebno
je imati položeni R1 da bi se plivale ove discipline.
100 immersion žene
400 immersion žene
800 immersion muški (više nije službena disciplina na međunarodnim natjecanjma)


Bi-fins (kratica, BF) je plivanje po površini koristeći naočale ili masku, disalicu i par gumenih
stereoperajaodređenih dimenzija. Stil plivanja liči na kraul iz običnog plivanja. Ove discipline
plivaju se u bazenima i u otvorenim vodama (4 do 6 km). Ovu grupu disciplina je
međunarodni savez (CMAS) uveo 2006. Bifins je uvedenkako bi privukao više običnih plivača
u plivanje perajama. Dozvoljeno je preroniti 15m nakon skoka i nakon okreta.

50 bifins žene
100 bifins muški
200 bifins muški
400 bifins muški
4*50 štafeta 
4*100 štafeta (na međunarodnim se natjecanja pliva mješana, 2 muška 2 žene)
Rules to play Finswimming
1 . Finswimming
Finswimming is an underwater sport consisting of four techniques involving swimming
with the use of fins either on the waters surface using a snorkel with either monofins or
bifins i.e. one fin for each foot or underwater with monofin either by holding ones breath
or using open circuit scuba diving equipment. Events exist over distances similar to
swimming competitions for both swimming pool and open water venues. Competition at
world and continental level is organised by the Conf

Vodeni sport koji se sastoji od četitri teknike: uz uporabu peraja na površini vode s monoperajom ili
bi-fins (dvije peraje) , tj. jednom perajom za svaku nogu

plivanje pod vodom s držanjem daha (ap) ili korištenjem opreme za ronjenje s otvorenim krugom (Im)

2 . Classes of competition

Competition is divided in two classes: swimming pool and long distance also called open
A swimming pool must be 50 m long by 21 m wide and 1.8 m deep, i.e. an Olympicsize
swimming pool also known as a long course pool suitable for the holding of swimming
races for either the Olympic Games and a FINA world championships.The International
Rules do not permit the use of 25m length pools known as short course although these
are used in regional and national competition.
Long distance sites include both the sea and natural water bodies such as freshwater
rivers and lakes. Site selection criteria include low current and tides and water quality
appropriate for swimming as certified by a local authority. The site, when in use for
competition, will be marked by buoys, patrolled by safety boats and will have observation
points or additional boats for judges to oversee any turns present in the course.
3 . Surface swimming

Surface swimming also known by its acronym, SF is swimming on the surface of water
using mask, snorkel and monofins. SF races are held for distances of 50, 100, 200, 400,
800, 1500, 4 ? 100 relay and 4 ? 200 relay metres in swimming pools and over various
long distances in the openwater environment. Swimmers must remain on the surface of
the water at all times for the duration of the race except when starting or make a turns at
the end of a swimming pool where an immersion over a distance of 15m is permitted.

4 . Apnoea finswimming

Apnoea finswimming also known by its acronym, AP, and as apnoea or apnea is
underwater swimming in a swimming pool using mask, monofin and holding ones breath.
AP races are held for the distance of 50m. A swimmers face must be immersed for the
duration of the race or risk disqualification. AP races are not conducted in open water for
safety and security reasons.

5 . Immersion swimming with breathing

Immersion swimming with breathing apparatus also known by its acronym, IM, and as
immersion is underwater swimming using mask, monofin and underwater breathing
apparatus conducted in a swimming pool. While there are no requirements on how a
breathing apparatus is carried, it cannot be exchanged or abandoned during a race. IM
races are held for distances of 100 and 400 m. A swimmers face must be immersed for
the duration of the race or risk disqualification. IM races are not conducted in open water
for safety and security reasons.Historically, IM swims were conducted in openwater up to
distances of 1000m.

6 . Bi fins
Bifins also known by its acronym, BF or as stereofins is swimming on the surface of
water with mask, snorkel and a pair of fins using a crawling style. BF races are held for
distances of 50, 100 and 200 m in swimming pools and over various long distances in
the openwater environment such as 4 km and 6 km. It is reported that BF was introduced
in 2006 to provide the opportunity for competition by swimmers who cannot afford to
purchase a set of monofins. Swimmers must remain on the surface of the water at all
times for the duration of the race except when starting or make a turns at the end of a
swimming pool where an immersion of a distance of 15m is permitted.

7 . Equipment

Finswimming which is often compared to sports swimming differs from that sport in the
use of masks, fins, snorkels and underwater breathing apparatus. This reflects the sports
origins in the underwater diving techniques of snorkelling, breathhold diving and open
circuit scuba diving.
Apart from requiring the use of a mask for protection of the eyes and for the ability to see
underwater, the international rules have no requirements regarding selection.
Centremounted snorkels also known as front snorkels are the only type approved for use
subject to meeting minimum and maximum sizes. Fins are also regulated by the
international rules. Monofins have a maximum size which can be checked by the use of a
template while bifins must be one of the brands certified i.e. homologated by CMAS.
Underwater breathing apparatus is restricted to open circuit scuba using compressed
atmospheric air as the breathing gas. The use of oxygen enriched mixtures is forbidden.
Cylinders are limited by maximum cylinder pressure rating of 200 bar and a minimum
cylinder capacity of 0.4 litres. While there are no requirements for regulators, swimmers
appear to be free to modify these to remove any unnecessary parts

8 . Appeal

The main appeal of finswimming is reported by some as being the speed that a swimmer
can reach.The world record for the 50 m freestyle, Long Course in sports swimming see
World records in swimming, is 20.91 seconds by Cesar Cielo of Brazil. In finswimming it
is 13.89 seconds for 50 m Apnea by Mauricio Fern

9 . Training

Unlike most sports swimming training programmes, finswimming training tends to be far
more specific and more like systems used for track running in athletics.In addition,
finswimming training tends to have more dryside work, including a huge amount of core
stability as core strength, plyometrics and weight training.It has been recorded that
sports swimmers tend to approach finswimming with preconceptions on technique, which
can limit their success.

10 . World Championship
The World Championship is held every two years in odd numbered years for senior
swimmers starting with the year 2007 and in even numbered years for junior swimmers
starting with the year 2008. Pool competition held over five days while open water
competition is held over a maximum of three days

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