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Component No.

2 – About Us (The Infomercial)

You are required to create a page in your website that explains your
company to the target market. The About us page needs to include:

1. A photograph of the company premises (food labs or kitchen) and

your staff (group members in your bay), the company owner (you)
and a paragraph to outline your company’s philosophy on the
importance of healthy eating for teenagers.

2. An infomercial that promotes your company’s products and

philosophy (nutritious food for teenagers). Your information must
include the following:

 Photographs
 Video footage
 Interview
 Sound effects, music or voice overs.
 Images of the product you are promoting and their
nutritional qualities.
 Company name and logo.

 Use the software ‘Movie Maker’ or ‘imovie’ to edit your infomercial.

Your infomercial should be 3 minutes in length and contain at least
6 different scenes. A scene may be a close up or a long shot of
the product or people consuming the product, an interview, a
snapshot of your company logo. NB: Each of the criteria listed
above can create a ‘scene’.

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