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CL 301 Tutorial 7 (Humidification & cooling)

Date : 09 Oct Submission date : 12 Oct

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2. Write Name, Roll no. and Tutorial no. clearly on first page.
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1. A moist air sample have a dry-bulb temperature 30°C and a humidity of 0.02 kg/(kg dry
air), Using the psychrometric chart.
a. Determine the psychrometric properties of dew point, adiabatic saturation temperature,
wet-bulb temperature, enthalpy and humid volume.
b. If the sample of air is heated to 40℃, what will be its wet-bulb temperature?

[10 marks]

2. A cooling tower is to be designed to cool water from 45℃ to 30℃ by countercurrent

contact with air of dry-bulb temperature 30℃ and wet-bulb temperature of 25℃. The
water rate is 5500 kg/h.m2 and the air rate is 1.25 times the minimum. Determine the
tower height.

𝑘𝑌 ′ 𝑎̅ = 5000 kg⁄(m3 )(h)(∆𝑌 ′ )

h𝐿 𝑎̅ = 0.06 𝐿0.51 𝐺𝑠 , in kcal/m3·h·K,

L and Gs are mass flow rates of water and air (dry basis).

[20 marks]

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