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CL 301 Tutorial 8 (Drying)

Date : 30 Oct Submission date : 3 Nov

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A wet solid having 20% moisture was dried at a rate of 1500 kg/h to 1% moisture in a continuous
counter-current dryer. The drying air enters at 110°C at a rate of 12000 kg/h (dry basis) with the
humidity of 0.02 kg per kg of dry air and dry solid leaves at 70°C. Assume the wet solid was at
adiabatic saturation temperature of air entering the dryer (Hint : directly use psychrometric chart
to determine the wet bulb temperature corresponding to given temperature and humidity condition
of air entering at 110oC and 0.02 humidity).
The critical moisture of solid was 8% and equilibrium moisture content was negligible. All
moistures were reported on wet basis. Calculate the heating and drying time required. Comment
on the relative importance on drying of bound and unbound moisture content.

Given :

Gas phase mass transfer coefficient for drying of solid, kY =150 kg/m .h;
Effective surface area of solid = 0.07 m /kg dry solid;
Specific heat of solid, Cps =1 kJ/kg K;

[20 marks]

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