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Surveying has to do with the determination of the relative spatial location of points
on or near the surface of the earth. It is the art of measuring horizontal and vertical distance
between objects, of measuring angles between lines, of determining the direction of lines,
and of establishing points by predetermined angular and linear measurements.(James
M.Anderson and Edward M.Mikhail (1985) Introduction To Surveying ;America) Surveyors
do different types of work. Some measure land, air space, and water areas. They describe
where a certain area of land is. They explain what it looks like, and how much is there. They
put these facts in deeds, leases, and other legal documents. They also define air space for
airports. In addition, they measure construction and mineral sites. Surveyors might lead
survey parties (or surveying projects). Land surveying has been defines as the art and
science of determining the position of natural and artificial features on, above and below
the earth’s surface and representing this information on paper plans, as figures in report
tables or on computer based maps. According to NOAA 200th: Surveying (2006) “accuracy”
refers to how closely a measurement or observation comes to measuring a "true value,"
since measurements and observations are always subject to error. “Precision” refers to how
closely repeated measurements or observations come to duplicating measured or observed

The word 'accurate' is important in land surveying. It is because it means how

similar the real value of the amount is to a given measurement, because it demonstrates the
degree of perfection achieved in measurements.(Blog Home,2014) Some measuring failures
can cost you cash and will affect the career if anything has occurred in the project you
managed. Surveyor needs to take notes of this and have to take it seriously as a negative
mood will result in some errors. This may also impact the financial position of your
company.(Glendenning,2017) During calculations, we have to eliminate mistakes. Because
of certain defects, the precision of the calculation can occur. Some of the mistakes, for
example, are instrumental errors; this mistake can occur because of the defective
modification and imperfection of the instrument in which the calculation is made. The
second is a personal mistake, typically the kind of mistake triggered by the human himself. It
would cost you at the end of the day, once you are sloppy when taking the calculation. The
natural error that happens due to natural processes such as temperature, humidity, gravity,
wind, refraction and declination is the next mistake. For one, unintended errors and
compensation errors are triggered by inattention, inexperience and carelessness. Accidental
errors are those that remain following the removal of errors and routine errors that are
triggered by a variety of factors outside the observer's capacity to monitor. The form of
error that happens in both ways, and is both positive and negative, is the compensating
error. The resulting compensation would also be paid. They are cancelled immediately.
Examples include imprecision bisecting, imprecision centering, and reckless labelling of
chain lengths. The last mistake is systemic error, which will still be the same under a
particular circumstance and can have the same scale and the same symbol. The cause for a
systemic mistake is a difference in temperature, humidity and strain. (Glendenning,2017)

It is important that the calculation procedure is carried out accurately and precisely.
It's because it's a way to save time and resources.(A.Ruch,1994) We are all people; the fact
is that human beings can never run through errors, they cannot be independent from us
human beings. Yet there are also avenues we should find them less likely to happen. First,
make sure that every form of calculation is taken seriously while performing the job, we
should also repeat the measurement and ensure sure that the data is accurate. If there is
something odd about the calculation, be sure to take a look at it and continue to use the
same procedure, tools and habits when testing the measurement. It may take a lot of time,
but I will save you from any mistake in gathering the info. You just ought to take care of
what you're doing, because it will give you the rewards of your career. We need to teach
ourselves on the programs we provide; we need to know all kinds of issues, we need to
discuss the tips included in our scope of work and how to manage them. By knowing how
issues occur, we can quickly monitor them to ensure sure they are fixed. We also have to
use the instruments correctly when doing the measurement, It can helps us to obtain the
actual and correct data . Having all the data correct, It can prevent the project from
reconstruction and we have to start all over again from the start. It also will be a big loss for
our company as It usually will costs to start over the project again. We also can save our
time if we have the correct measurement, it is because we can undergoes the project
without any issues that cause from the collected data.
In conclusion, consistency and precision are very critical for land surveying. Any error
in the calculation can create a problem in our project. As a surveyor, we need to eliminate
all issues that we can and at all costs. Through avoiding difficulties, the results of the project
would be outstanding. Errors such as instrumental error, human error, natural error, error,
accidental error, error compensation and even systemic error must be stopped. When
gathering our details, make sure there are no such errors. Through taking care of the
mistakes, not just mitigate them, but we can also save the resources used by the
organization. Getting a good job will show our good viewpoint and other viewpoints against
us and the company that will attract them to apply the project to us. We will also save our
resources by providing reliable and accurate data so we will avoid restoration and other
issues with the project. But providing reliable and accurate data also benefits you from any
kind of angle, and we as a surveyor will mitigate the problems in the project.

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