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2017 – II

Is a film by the director ROMAN POLANSKI, which was premiere in 2002, the
scenence this film located in the second world war is based on the survival of a pianist
who seeks to escape the nightmare he faces during the events of jewish oppression, in
his solitude and suffering he finds music and tolerance, the essential qualities that kept
him safe and sane during the worst experiences of his life. this film tells us one of the
most tragic and important events in history, the social context of this film is poses in the
second world war and unlike other movies deguerra this if it becomes raw but still has
moments of tranquility.
Wladyslay Szpilman Polish, Jewish and one of the best pianists of the time and was
playing the piano on the radio when the war broke out. He lived in Warsaw had to
endure the "Nazi" humiliation towards the Jews since some German population saw
them as the worst, they did not care about the rights that they had. The escaping
deportation, the Jews were no longer allowed to work so Szpilman's family had to save
the zlotys they had because they would need to be able to eat. The Jews were relocated
to an isolated neighborhood in the city of Warsaw by a brick wall and were only
allowed to go out to buy food at a certain time and were watched by guards, people
were starving, soldiers were doing what they wanted with them. they wanted to, beat
them and killed them for no reason, an officer offers Szpilman and his brother to
become soldiers and they reject him. Szpilman worked in the bars playing the piano
where black market collaborators and dealers met. Some time passed and again the Jews
were relocated but this time out of the city, they chose the healthiest and strongest Jews
to work for them and they took Szpilman along with his family where they would be
taken to their death in concentration camps and when they were getting on the train, the
same officer who had offered him the job takes him out of the group, he tries to re-enter
the group but the guards do not allow it. He hides in the ruins and days later he mixes
with the group of Jewish workers and the soldiers choose the older ones and kill them.
Days later, a worker tells Szpilman "we are 60,000 Jews of half a million" and tells him
that the Jews who remain in the ghetto are organizing to wage war against the Nazis.
Szpilman becomes a black market dealer and escapes from the group and looks for a
friend Dorota and goes to the husband to help him hide and he takes him to an official
friend and he leaves Szpilman sleeping in a weapons hiding place, tells him that he has
a floor for the fence of the ghetto wall but that is safe, the next day he takes him to the
apartment and the paper said an address and told him to go there when he had an
emergency. On April 19, 1943 the ghetto rebelled and shot the soldiers, the next day the
soldiers carried a cannon and fired at the wall and thus broke the barrier between them,
days later the ghetto was destroyed, on May 16, 1943 They took the remaining Jews and
riddled them, the next day Dorota went and brought her food. The next day the officer
arrives and tells Szpilman that he has to go because he is fleeing because his weapons
were discovered and that Dorota and her husband have already been arrested, and
Szpilman tells him not to go. Days later Szpilman no longer has food and looking for
food, breaks some dishes and the neighbor starts screaming "open the door" and when
he leaves, the lady starts shouting "he is a Jew!" And he runs away and decides to go to
the address and a lady opens and recognizes him and tells him that he looks for the
husband and tells him what happens to him and the husband arrives and tells him if he
can stay but that he has to stay on the sofa and when he wakes up he listens the lady of
the house playing the cello. Then the lord takes him to where he will hide and he locks
Szpilman so that no one notices that there is someone there. Days later the man arrives
with a friend who was the radio technician Warsaw and the gentleman tells him that he,
the technician will take care of him and come to bring him food and also tells him that
the allies are bombing Germany and he tells him that all this will end soon. On August
1, 1944 the allies took Warsaw and was bombed with tanks of war. He hides in the
hospital at the front and sees how they incinerate all the bodies of the dead. The city is
in ruins and Szpilman looks for something to eat, in a house he finds a can of pickles
but he does not have to open it, he tries with several utensils and finally he can but when
he opens it falls and when he turns to look there is an officer behind of him and they
Weeks later, the Germans are forced to withdraw from Warsaw due to the advance of
the Red Army. Before leaving the area, Hosenfeld comes to say goodbye to Szpilman
and gives him his coat, and promises to listen to him on Polish radio. The coat almost
turns out to be fatal for Szpilman when the Polish and Soviet troops appear, since they
confuse him with a German officer and shoot him and chase him in a building, where
they throw him a grenade. He only manages to stop shooting after convincing them that
he is Polish and that he only wears his coat because of the cold.
It is an excellent movie of real life, which occurred in those days, the director of this
film Roman Polaski identifies with it, since he is of Jewish and Polish origin, which
embodies the life of his friend a musician who takes the main character. The film
teaches us the colossal, the hatred and the genoside, of the Germans against the Jews,
during the second world war, that by the political and economic social systems of the
great powers, many innocent people who lived in that time died, also it shows the
human quality, of helping the neighbor, the sense of humanity of his friends of the
pianist in spite of being Germans. And the sense of struggle to survive, not to lose hope
for life.


Kafka with his work The metamorphosis (1915) proposes to see the frustration and
loneliness that an individual lives, as the vile transformation is this in a useless insect
that only fulfills the three basic functions of living beings: birth (unseen stage, because
Gregory Samsa dawned transformed into a monstrous insect), develop and die.
The metamorphosis is a single symbol, which those told in the book did not really
happen. Metamorphosis is spoken of as the passage of a person accepted and socially
required to be a dispossession or discarding of society. Thus, the insect is only the
graphic image of the process of alienation of the human being.
One of the themes that is most highlighted in the work "the metamorphosis" of Franz
Kafka (creator of the most influential works of universal literature) is human selfishness
to the welfare of others, where the main character, Gregory Samsa stops sustain his
family economically because of a physical transformation which makes it impossible to
continue working, so his family is forced to work to get what Gregorio has subsidized
them in recent years. In this lapse of time the feelings of their own family members are
also transformed, who stop seeing Gregorio as a human being and they start to see him
as an expense, having disgust and contempt for his appearance; When Gregorio realizes
what he now means for his family, he falls into a depression that ends up causing his

One of the familiar phrases of Jean Paul Sartre was: "Try to love your neighbor, you
will tell me the result", taking into account the context in which we situate ourselves,
the result of this appointment as most things in life, people manage a double morality
with a different facet in the situation they encounter, that is, if someone is in a good
situation, their loved ones will be surrounding him, but if on the contrary this person has
some adversity, few are those that help in these cases; this is what happens to Gregorio
when he feels rejected by his family because of his transformation; In spite of the
sacrifices and days of fatigue due to the hard hours of work that Gregorio has to receive
to support his family, he does not receive the gratification he deserves or the care he

Everything that Gregorio works for the love of his family, is not reflected in any of their
actions, who decide to leave him isolated from society so as not to cause discomfort; in
these cases it is where society shows itself as a materialistic society moving away from
ethics and morals, using our neighbor no matter how much it has done for our welfare in
a past time, it seems that the community only cared about the present and the own
feelings, having a selfish vision towards others, and even those who are supposed to be
the base of support in any type of situation, be it good or bad, where it would be
believed that both parties would have mutual help, however the only What results is the
bitter truth of an insatiable materialism.

Most people place their own wellbeing above all, making us locate in a harsh reality,
where the human being is viewed from a deplorable perspective, making it feel like a
serviceable object while it can be used, but as soon as it ceases. Doing this, it becomes a
negative charge for those around you; a comparison could be made with disposable
materials, which when in good condition are very useful to satisfy our needs, but when
they reach their point of expiration, it is nothing more than a simple waste.
Even when George dies, his family expresses a better life, is evidence of what can
change the value of a person in a matter of seconds, one day being an indispensable
person for others, and the next day being a nuisance and a problem more to face for
those around him

You can not be sure of who is next door if not only in situations of misfortune, we will
know where they are few that help, regardless of what they have meant for your life.
Sometimes we are mistaken about what people really are and how their reaction to
changes is going to be, because no one knows their own instinct. Nobody is safe from
being a materialistic person, because from an objective point of view no matter how
good human beings are on the outside, some of them carry a selfish spirit inside that
sometimes comes to light and we astonish those who least expect it as to their own
family and friends. The work "metamorphosis" is not only recorded in a few sheets, but
it tells the story of a society which every day is surprised more than what their actions
can really cause.

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