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Salma works as a sales manager at a telecom firm.

The company has recently launched a new product in

the market. Her work in the next few weeks involves sharing knowledge about the product with her
team members. She will also need to inspire them to reach their sales targets and clarify any doubts
about the new product. Which of the following roles is Salma playing? *

 leader
 liaison
 spokesperson
 disseminator

Jana recently joined her first job as a communication executive and is working on creating press releases
for an upcoming campaign. The campaign is getting launched publicly in the next week and Jana will
need to interact with the media and give sound bites on the issue. This is the first time she will be
interacting with the press and she is experiencing emotions of anxiousness, nervousness, and stress.
Which of the following mood dimensions is she experiencing? *

 low negative affect

 neutral affect
 low positive affect
 high negative affect

Raghida works at a software company and is in charge of the help desk. A short while ago, she received a
call from a discontented customer about a problem he is facing due to the company's software. Though
she tried to help the customer with the software, he refused to listen to her. He continued yelling at her
and finally banged the phone down. Raghida feels exasperated after hanging up the phone and goes for
a cup of coffee to calm herself down. What makes Raghida's anger an emotion, rather than a mood? *

 The response is void of action.

 The feeling of being angry is prolonged.
 The anger has a contextual stimulus.
 The cause of her behavior is unclear.

Raed is a graduate student helping to organize a study on individual job satisfaction. The study focuses
on the top five causes of satisfaction or dissatisfaction on the job. His department is surveying 200
individuals in 100 different types of organizations. Raed is most likely a graduate student in the
department of ________. *

 psychology
 entomology
 anthropology
 political science

Sally works as a manager at an environmental organization. She is currently working on a global

warming project and decides which tasks related to creating awareness about the issue need to be
done. In addition, she is also deciding which members of her team will work on engaging with the public
and which will work on lobbying with the government. She is also assigning people as team members to
ensure that tasks are undertaken on time. Which of the following categories of functions is Sally
undertaking? *

 organizing
 leading
 planning
 controlling

Joanna, a campaign manager at a child rights organization, recently started working on an illiteracy
project. During the project, she needs to motivate team members to attain their project milestones and
direct them through different phases of the project. Which of the following kinds of functions will these
tasks be covered under? *

 controlling
 leading
 organizing
 planning

Rana is currently working on a project to tackle climate change. During the project, she needs to find
different options to replace the use of non-renewable energy and check the feasibility of different
renewable energy options before choosing the most practical one. Which of the following skills does
Rana primarily need to use for these tasks? *

 human skills
 conceptual skills
 interpersonal skills
 communication skills

A research group recently conducted a survey among workers of a coal power plant to understand
emotions and their happiness quotient. Employees at the plant often complained about poor working
conditions and low insurance benefits. However, the group was surprised with the findings of the survey
because employees had a positive mood 70 percent of the time during work hours. Which of the
following concepts would best explain such findings? *

 butterfly effect
 positivity offset
 anchoring bias
 framing effect

Carine started her day with a cup of coffee while reading the newspaper. However, something about the
day makes her feel low. When she reaches the office, she feels upset and distracted from work although
she cannot pinpoint a reason for feeling this way. She continues to feel upset and distracted through the
rest of the day. Which of the following is she most likely to be experiencing? *

 a counteraction
 a mood
 a reaction
 a response

Hanan, who works as a receptionist at a finance firm, has been dissatisfied with her job for several
months now. She finds the job uninteresting because of its monotonous nature where all she needs to
do is receive calls. During work hours, she often experiences emotions such as tiredness, weariness, and
boredom. Which of the following mood dimensions is she most likely to be experiencing? *

 neutral affect
 low positive affect
 low negative affect
 high positive affect

When Lara is told that her dog has been killed by a car, she feels deeply saddened. Her feelings are then
overcome by a surge of anger at the car driver. However, minutes later, she is able to laugh and talk
about the good memories spent with her pet. What is one of the reasons that Lara's reaction can be
categorized as an emotion? *

 It is not action-oriented.
 It lasted for a brief time period.
 Its cause is general and ambiguous.
 It is a negative feeling.

Alma works as a campaign manager at a nonprofit organization. She was recently asked by her
supervisor to give a presentation on the progress of the ongoing climate campaign. However,
throughout the presentation, her colleague Karma interrupts her by asking irrelevant questions. In
addition, she tries to insult her by constantly criticizing key findings and objectives achieved. Though
Alma initially tried to be patient, she eventually loses her cool and retorts back, asking her to keep her
questions and clarifications for the end of the presentation. Which of the following is a reason why
Alma's reaction can be categorized as an emotion instead of a mood? *

 It is not action-oriented.
 It incorporates both positive and negative dimensions of affect.
 Its cause is general and ambiguous.
 It is caused by a specific event.

Jamil works as a fund raising executive at a human's rights organization. Though he has been with the
organization for only a year now, he has already been promoted and often gets excellent feedback from
his manager. His manager says that the key to Jamil's good performance is that he is happy with the
work he does and he is excited about the challenges in tasks, which he takes up with a lot of enthusiasm.
Which of the following mood dimensions is Jamil most likely to be feeling? *

 high positive affect

 neutral affect
 low positive affect
 low negative affect

Anna works for a fashion house in Paris and is preparing for the company's upcoming line of winter
clothing. She is currently researching online to know what is in vogue this season. In addition, she is also
networking with contacts from the press and fashion magazine editors to understand the changing
tastes of consumers. Which of the following roles is Anna playing according to Mintzberg's classification
of managerial roles? *

 figurehead
 leader
 monitor
 symbol head, an organization working toward curbing climate change, recently conducted an interview with
Jana for the position of a public relations officer. However, the interviewers Lama and Lina are divided
over whether Jana should be given the job. Lama believes that Jana does not have in-depth knowledge
about the issue of global warming and its impact. On the other hand, Lina feels that Jana would be
perfect for the job because she has strong networking and interpersonal skills. Which of the following, if
true, would strengthen Lina's argument? *

 Jana will need to prepare extensive reports about the issue of climate change.
 Jana had negligible experience in research and development.
 The role will require Jana to give presentations to environmental experts on renewable modes
of energy.
 Gaining the support of corporate giants would comprise a large part of the job.

Maya was recently hired as the campaign manager at an environmental organization. She has a degree
in environmental sustainability and possesses substantial knowledge about the issue of global warming.
She has the knowledge to lead the public relations team of the organization. However, a few months
later, the board of directors of the organization expressed dissatisfaction with Maya's performance and
asked her to resign. Which of the following, if true, best explains this situation? *

 Maya is not up-to-date about the feasibility of using different modes of renewable energy.
 Maya focused on the results her team achieved rather than how they achieved those results.
 Maya had no prior experience in research and development.
 Maya had weak interpersonal and networking skills to run the project.
Leila is a project manager for the campaign "Action against Deforestation." She recently faced a glitch
when the campaign could not be launched publicly according to schedule. Leila monitored the schedule
to find the cause of the delay before speeding up the implementation process by allocating more
members for the implementation phase. By doing this, which of the following functions is she
performing? *

 leading
 planning
 controlling
 organizaing

Rony woke up in the morning and felt a sense of joy and peace as he got ready for work. At work,
though challenges came his way, he tackled them without getting stressed about them. This feeling
lasted for several days that week. What is one of the reasons that Rony's feeling can be categorized as a
mood and not as an emotion? *

 It is more intense than emotions.

 It is brought about by a specific event.
 It is prolonged in nature.
 It is a positive feeling.

Rola works as a campaign manager in a not-for-profit organization. For the upcoming campaign against
genetic engineering, she is networking with managers who are working on the issue of food safety.
Through her network of contacts, she strives to gain information about the stakeholders in the food
industry and other lobby groups. Which of the following roles is Rola most likely to be playing according
to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles? *

 liaison
 figurehead
 entrepreneur
 leader

Joe works as a greeter at Walmart. One morning, his manager walks into his location and yells at him,
telling him that the he should perform his duties in a better effective way. After his manager leaves, Joe
goes to the backroom office and violently slams trash into the bin. Which of the following best describes
Joe's anger? *

 a recognition
 an emotion
 an insight
 a mood

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