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Prof. Corina Chire Rosas


◉ Dependent Prepositions
◉ Language
◉ Gerunds
◉ Internet tools and skills

Dependent Prepositions

1 What is a preposition?

What is a preposition?

A preposition is a word used to The most common prepositions in

link nouns, pronouns, or phrases English are: of, to, for, with, on,
to other words within a sentence. and at.

Prepositions connect people, Do you know how many

objects, time, and locations of a prepositions are there in English?

What is a preposition?

A preposition is a word used to The most common prepositions in

link nouns, pronouns, or phrases English are: of, to, for, with, on,
to other words within a sentence. and at.

Prepositions connect people, There are about 150 prepositions

objects, time, and locations of a in English whereas in Spanish there
sentence. are only about 20.

Some examples

Quick Quiz

◉ I’ll meet with my colleagues tonight.

◉ I’ll meet my colleagues tonight.

◉ The presenter arrived to Arequipa at 6:00 a.m.

◉ The presenter arrived in Arequipa at 6:00 a.m.

◉ They entered classes very late.

◉ They entered to classes very late.
Quick Quiz

◉ I’ll meet with my colleagues tonight.

◉ I’ll meet my colleagues tonight.

◉ The presenter arrived to Arequipa at 6:00 a.m.

◉ The presenter arrived in Arequipa at 6:00 a.m.

◉ They entered classes very late.

◉ They entered to classes very late.
Quick Quiz

◉ I’ll meet with my colleagues tonight.

◉ I’ll meet my colleagues tonight.

◉ The presenter arrived to Arequipa at 6:00 a.m.

◉ The presenter arrived in Arequipa at 6:00 a.m.

◉ They entered classes very late.

◉ They entered to classes very late.
Quick Quiz

◉ I’ll meet with my colleagues tonight.

◉ I’ll meet my colleagues tonight.

◉ The presenter arrived to Arequipa at 6:00 a.m.

◉ The presenter arrived in Arequipa at 6:00 a.m.

◉ They entered classes very late.

◉ They entered to classes very late.
Types of Prepositions

◉ Time: in, on, at, before, after

✓ The test is on Monday at 9:00 a.m.

◉ Place: in, on, at, under, over, inside, outside, below, above.
✓ The doctor’s diplomas are hanging on the wall.

◉ Direction: to, across, through

✓ The main lawyer went to Chicago for a couple of days.

Use Dependent Prepositions with

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

Prepositions with Nouns

◉ The presenter had great knowledge of international affairs.

◉ The trouble with Jack is that he’s getting addict to drugs.
◉ In some countries, 21 is the age at which you are allowed to drink.

Prepositions with Verbs

Prepositions can link a verb and a noun or a gerund, giving extra meaning to
the sentence. The prepositions most commonly used with verbs are: to, for,
about, of, in, at and from.

◉ He must apologize for his actions.

◉ I’m sorry. I don’t agree with you.
◉ You arrived at your destination!
◉ We should really concentrate on our studies now.

◉ Dependent Prepositions
◉ Language
◉ Gerunds
◉ Internet tools and skills

Prepositions with Adjectives

◉ I am happily married ___ David.

◉ Everyone is crazy _______that actor.
◉ Milagros and Ruth are interested ____ law.
◉ Are you still angry ____ me?
◉ The entire company was astonished ____ the election results.

Any questions ?


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