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On a 9 march 2012, Nur Elina Aini binti Muhamad, Azira Shareena binti Amat, Tengku
Nuraisyah Safiyah Jumat binti Tengku Abdul Rahman Ismail Jumat and Natasha Amirah
binti Nordin from the Faculty of Business Management, UiTM Shah Alam, were
instructed by Dr. Lim Peck Choo, the report writing lecturer (BEL 422) to write report on
the “Eating Habits Of BM229 4D Students From The Faculty Of Business Management
(UiTM Shah Alam)”. The report which includes the background information, findings
and conclusion has to be submitted on 22nd June 2012.


This section will discuss the background of the study, the statement of the problem, the
objectives of the study, the research questions, methods used and the limitations of the study.

2.1 Background of study

Particularly Malaysia has brought about significant changes in the lifestyle and dietary patterns
of Malaysians. Fast and modern living will facilitate unhealthy sedentary behaviours. According
to Buyukgoze-Kavas (as cited in Gan, Mohd Nasir, Zalilah, Hazizi, 2011), eating was the most
essential health topics since there were an increasing rates of eating disorders among different
groups of populations. During the school year, college newspapers usually publish articles on
students who generally do not eat as well as they should since they had a tight budget (Raven,
2009). Food and eating habits plays an important role in a student’s physical, mental and
emotional welfare. This is especially true since college and university students usually skip their
daily meals and experience great stress during this period (Kok, 2011).According to Khor,
Cobiac & Skrzypiec (as cited in Gan, Mohd Nasir, Zalilah, Hazizi, 2011), in Malaysia, the
increase of risk suffering from depression, anxiety, stress and academic pressure by the
university may caused by the pressure of living away from home. Besides that, it may also cause
by personal, family, social, financial and academic pressure.According to Sepulveda, Carrobles
& Gandarillas (as cited in Gan, Mohd Nasir, Zalilah, Hazizi, 2011), a high stress and anxiety in a
university environment may also influence the eating habits.

2.2 Statement of the problem

According to Segal et al. (as cited in Nur Aimi Mohamad, 2010), the choices of food may be
influenced by the availability, accessibility and palatability of different types of fast food offered
by different stores and restaurants. Changes in meal pattern may also cause young generation to
skip breakfast and cause more families to eat outside and depends too much on fast food.
Nowadays, more women preferred to eat outside and buy food from restaurant, food stalls and
fast food centers (Nur Aimi Mohamad, 2010). Based on our observation on BM229 4D students,
we found out when they were under stress they often eat sweet foods. According to an article
written by Scott (2010), stress can increase level stress hormone and can create craving for salty
and sweet foods. Most student faced weight problems and food intake problems since they take
their meals depends on class schedule every day. According to Rodriguez (n.d), college students
often skipped their meals and management of their weight and food intake is often disordered.
This is because their class and work schedules change daily in every semester. Another problem
faced by the students is they have tight budget or money to survive in each semester. Since they
have limited budget, they will buy food which is cheaper or sometimes they skip their meals.
This can cause their body to have low nutrient in the body. According to Rodriguez (n.d),
lifestyle changes, peer pressures, limited finances may also contribute to erratic eating patterns.
Besides that, college students also tend to have low intake of dietary fiber. Therefore, in this
research, we study about the current body weight of BM2294D students, what kind of food they
ate for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper, and how frequent they exercise per week. Besides
that, we also examine the differences in eating habits between male and female of BM2294D
students as well as their emotions such as depression, anxiety and stress that may influence their
eating habits. Therefore, the aim of the study is to examine the factors affecting eating habits
among students in order to know the body weights, gender, emotional and living arrangement
factors that may affect eating habits of BM2294D students from the Faculty of Business
Management, UiTM Shah Alam.

2.3 Objectives of the Study

The following objectives of the report:

i. To examine the eating habits of BM229 4D students from the Faculty of Business
Management, UiTM Shah Alam.
ii. To describe the types of food that BM229 4D students from the Faculty of Business
Management, UiTM Shah Alam like eat.
iii. To identify the place where BM229 4D students from the Faculty of Business
Management, UiTM Shah Alam usually eat.
iv. To evaluate the factors that influence BM229 4D students from the Faculty of Business
Management, UiTM Shah Alam to eat.

2.4 Research Questions

The following are research questions of the report:

i. What is the eating habits of BM229 4D students from the Faculty of Business
Management, UiTM Shah Alam?
ii. What types of food do BM229 4D students from the Faculty of Business Management,
UiTM Shah Alam like eat?
iii. Where do BM229 4D students from the Faculty of Business Management, UiTM Shah
Alam usually eat?
iv. What are the factors that influence BM229 4D students from the Faculty of Business
Management, UiTM Shah Alam to eat?

2.5 Method and Limitations of the Study

In carrying out this study, various printed resources and published reports on the issue were
looked into before data were analyzed.This cross-sectional study was conducted on the students
of BM229 4D from the Faculty of Business Management, UITM Shah Alam. Self-reported
questionnaire was used for data collection. A total of 34 students participated in the present
study. Besides that, other relevant text references were also used to justify the scope and focus of
the report. However, this study has several limitations. First, there is limited number of
respondents which is limited to 34 students. Besides that, there is an unbalance portion of
genders. In addition, the time given to complete the report is 14 weeks. As a result the study may
not be as through as it should be. Moreover, due to time constraints the scope of the report is


This section will present the findings from the various resources that we used. The
findings are divided into five sections; the first is the student profile. However, the remaining are
based on the objective of the study (research questions) which are the eating habits of BM229 4D
students, the types of food that students usually eat, the place where students usually eat and
lastly is the reasons of eating for BM229 4D students.

Actually, the number of BM229 4D students was 34, but as we gave choices to them to
tick more than one in our provided questionnaire, thus the number of students in each table of
our findings was more than the actual numbers.

3.1 Student’s Profile of BM229 4D Students

3.1.1 Gender

The table below shows the gender of BM229 4D students which include the number of
students and their percentage.

Table 3.1: Gender of BM229 4D Students


Male 8 23.53
Female 26 76.47

TOTAL 34 100%

The table shows the gender of BM229 4D students. The total number of BM229 4D
students was 34 and the gender was divided into two which are male and female. The majority of
BM229 4D students was female, which was 26 and their percentage was 76.47%. While the
number of male students was only 8 and their percentage was 23.53%.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the majority of the students BM229 4D was female.

3.1.2 Body Mass Index (BMI)

The bars chart below shows the Body Mass Index (BMI) of the BM229 4D students. Body mass
index (BMI) is measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to both adult men
and women. There are four categories of BMI which are underweight, normal, overweight and

Figure 3.1 : Body Mass Index (BMI) Of BM229 4D Students


20 22
No. of Students



Underweight Normal Overweight Obesity

Body Mass Index(BMI)

Underweight : < 18.5kg Normal : 18.5 kg - 24.9 kg

Overweight : 25 kg - 29.9 kg Obesity : > 30 kg

The bar chart above shows the body mass index (BMI) of BM 229 4D students. There are four
categories of BMI which are underweight, normal, overweight and obesity. Majority of the BM
229 4D students have normal BMI which was 22 students whereas the rest categories of
student’s BMI such as underweight, overweight and obesity shows the slightly differences on the
number of students which was 4 students, 5 students and 3 students respectively.

Therefore, we can conclude that majority of the BM 229 4D students have an ideal

3.1.3 Living Arrangement

The bar chart below shows the places where the students of BM229 4D currently lived. The
places include college, rented house, home and relative’s home.

Figure 3.2: Places Where Students Currently Lived


Percentage of Students

40% 32%


10% 0%

College Rented House Home Relative's Home

Places Where Students Lived

Figure 3.2 shows the places where BM229 4D students currently lived. The places
include college, rented house, home and relative’s home. 53% of the students currently lived in
rented houses. It was followed by college at 32%. The least number of students currently lived in
was home which was at 15%. However, there were no students who lived with their relatives.

Therefore, we can conclude that more than half of BM229 4D students currently lived at
rented house and there were few numbers of students who lived at home. However, there were
no students who lived with their relatives.

3.1.4 Money Spending on Foods

The table below shows the money spending of BM229 4D students on foods.

Table 3.2: Money Spending of BM229 4D Students on Foods


(PER DAY) Number of students Percentages number of
students (%)

Less than RM 5.99 None 0

RM 6.00 to RM 10.99 21 61.76
RM 11.00 to RM 15.99 13 38.24
More than RM 16.00 None 0
TOTAL 34 100%

The table above shows the money spending of BM229 4D students on foods. The money
spending that BM229 4D students spent were less than RM 5.99, RM 6.00 to RM 10.99, RM
11.00 to RM 15.99 and more than RM 16.00. Based on that table, the BM229 4D students were
spent in range of RM 6.00 to RM 10.99 and RM 11.00 to RM 15.99. Majority of them was spent
in range of RM 6.00 to RM 10.99 per day which was at 21 students or at 61.76%. Then, the
remaining which was another 13 students was spent in range of RM 11.00 to RM 15.99 per day
or at 38.24%.

Therefore, it can be concluded that majority of the BM229 4D students was not spent too
much in each day which is not more than RM 16.00 otherwise, they were spent in range of RM
6.00 to RM 10.99.

3.2 Eating Habits of BM229 4D Students

3.2.1 Frequency of Eating

The table below shows the frequency of eating BM229 4D students per day.

Table 3.3: Frequency of Eating of BM229 4D Students


EATING Number of students Percentages number of
(PER DAY) students (%)

1 Time None 0
2 Times 13 38.24
3 Times 21 61.76
More than 4 Times None 0
TOTAL 34 100%

The table shows the frequency of eating BM229 4D students. The frequency of eating per
day was one time, two times, three times and more than four times. Most of the student ate
three times per day, which was 21 students and the percentage was 61.76%. It is followed by
ate two times per day, which was 13 students and the percentage was 38.24%. But, it is none
number of students that ate for one time and more than four times per day.

Therefore, it can be concluded that majority of BM229 4D students ate three times per
day as compared to ate for one time and more than four times per day.

3.2.2 The Types of Supplement that Student Usually Take

The table below shows the various type of supplement that BM229 4D students usually take.

Table 3.4: Types of Supplement that BM229 4D Students Usually Take


Vitamins 9 26.47
Energy Drinks 1 2.94
Slimming Products 1 2.94
Medicine 0 0
Did not take supplement 23 67.65

TOTAL 34 100%

The table shows the types of supplement that BM229 4D students usually took in their
daily eating habits. The various types of supplement were vitamins, energy drinks, slimming
products, medicine and there is also students that did not took the supplement. Majority of the
students did not take the supplement, which was 23 numbers of students and their percentages
was 67.65%. This is followed by vitamins which were nine numbers of students and their
percentage was 26.47%. The lowest types of supplement that students took were energy drinks
and slimming products which was only one number of students and their percentage was 2.94%
respectively. However, there is none number of them that took the medicine as their supplement.

Therefore, it can be concluded that students prefer did not took any type of supplement as
compared to took the energy drinks and slimming products.

3.3 The Types of Food that BM229 4D Students Usually Eat

3.3.1 Types of Food that Student Take for their Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

The table below shows the number of students and what types of food that the BM229 4D
students eat for their breakfast, lunch and dinner. (The total number of BM 229 4D students are
34 students. In the questionnaire, the students can choose more than one types of food).

Table 3.5: Types of Food that BM229 4D Students Take for their Breakfast, Lunch
and Dinner

Types of Breakfast Lunch Dinner Total

No of Percentag No of Percentag No of Percentag No of Percentage
Students e Students e Students e
(%) (%) (%) Students (%)

Cereal 6 18.75 0 0 1 2.78 7 6.60

Rice / 2 6.25 31 81.58 31 86.11 64 60.38
Bread / 23 71.88 4 10.53 2 5.56 29 27.36
Fast Food 0 0 3 7.89 2 5.56 5 4.72
Fruit/ Salads 1 3.13 0 0 0 0 1 0.94
Total 32 100 38 100 36 100 106 100

The table above shows the types of food that UITM Students of BM229 4D take for their
breakfast, lunch and dinner. The types of food that they took were cereal, rice or noodles, bread
and sandwiches, fast food, fruits and salads. The UITM students of BM229 4D are likely to eat
rice or noodles rather than other types of food for their lunch and dinner which was at 31
students which are 81.58% for lunch and 86.11% for dinner that were indicated the highest
number among other types of food whereas bread and sandwiches have been the second highest
number of students who taken it during their breakfast which at 71.88% of students or 23 number
of students. While, foods like cereal, fast food and fruits or salads have never been eat by BM229
4D students for their lunch, breakfast and, lunch and dinner respectively. Therefore, we can
conclude that BM 229 4D students were more concern to take lunch and ate rice or noodles
rather than other types of food.

3.3.2 Types of Food that Student Take for their Tea Time and Supper

The table below shows the number of students and what types of food that the BM229 4D
students eat for their tea time and supper. (The total number of BM 229 4D students are 34
students. In the questionnaire, the students can choose more than one types of food).

Table 3.6: Types of Food that BM229 4D Students Take during Tea Time and Supper

Types of food Tea Time Supper Total

No. of Percentage No. of Percentage No. of Percentage
Students (%) Students (%) Students (%)

Biscuits 10 32.26 9 40.91 19 35.85

Fruits 2 6.45 0 0 2 3.77
Cakes 5 16.13 0 0 5 9.43
Pastries 4 12.90 0 0 4 7.55
Junk Food 9 29.03 8 36.36 17 32.08
Fast Food 1 3.23 5 22.73 6 11.32
Total 31 100 22 100 53 100

The table above shows the types of food that UITM Students of BM229 4D took during
their tea time and supper. The types of food that they ate were such as biscuits, fruits, cakes,
pastries, junk food, and fast food. The table above shows that the students were more prefer to
eat biscuits during their tea time which was 10 students or 32.26% of the BM229 4D students
whereas, fast food has been the least choice of food preferred by the students during their tea
time which at 3.23% or only 1 student. While, during supper, the most preferred food that
students like to eat was also biscuits which was at 40.91% or 9 students While, food likes fruits,
cakes and pastries were the most infamous foods that BM229 4D students never eat for their
supper. Therefore, we can conclude that students of BM229 4D students were prefer to eat
biscuits during their tea time and supper.

3.4 The Places Where BM229 4D Students Usually Eat

The table below shows the places where the students of BM2294D preferred to eat for their
breakfast, lunch and dinner meals.

Table 3.7: Places Where BM2294D Students Usually Eat for Their Daily Meals


No. of % No. of % No. of % No. of %

sts. sts. sts. sts.

Home 19 15.70 3 2.48 17 14.05 39 32.23

College 4 3.31 None - 1 0.83 5 4.13

Pak Mat Stall 7 5.79 21 17.56 None - 28 23.14

Menara SAAS None - 7 5.79 None - 7 5.79

Mamak Stall/ 4 3.31 11 9.09 11 9.09 26 21.49


Dataran Cendekia None - 5 4.13 9 7.44 14 11.57


Bring Own 2 1.65 None - None - 2 1.65


Fast Food Centre None - None - None - None -

TOTAL 36 29.76 47 38.84 38 31.41 121 100

Table 3.7 shows the places where BM229 4D students from Faculty of Business Management,
UITM Shah Alam usually ate for their daily meals. The places included home, college, Pak Mat
Stall, Menara SAAS, Mamak Stall, Dataran Cendekia (DC), bring own lunchbox and fast food

centre. The place where BM229 4D students most frequently chose to eat for breakfast and
dinner was home with 15.70% and 14.05% respectively. While the most frequent place where
the students went for lunch was Pak Mat Stall which was at 17.56%, followed by Mamak Stall
and restaurant which was 9.09%. Then, the second place for breakfast and dinner, BM229 4D
students prefer to eat at Pak Mat Stall and Mamak Stall or restaurant with a total of 5.79% and
9.09% respectively. BM229 4D students only brought their own lunchbox during breakfast
with1.65%. The places where BM229 4D students do not go for their breakfast were Menara
SAAS, Dataran Cendekia and Fast Food Centre whereas for lunch were college and Fast Food
Centre. However, for dinner, they ate at Pak Mat Stall, Menara SAAS and Fast Food Centre.

Therefore, we can conclude that BM229 4D students do not like to eat fast food. Apart
from that, most frequent place where they usually went for breakfast, lunch and dinner were
home and Pak Mat Stall.

3.5 The Factors that Influence BM229 4D Students to Eat

The figure and table below this section is shows the students’ eating habits that are influenced by
the timing and their emotions.

3.5.1 Timing

The figure below shows the time when BM229 4D students eat.

Figure 3.3: Time when BM229 4D Students Eat.

The above figure of 3.3 which used bar chart shows the time when BM229 4D students eat.
The time that BM229 4D students prefer to eat when they were hungry, while studying, doing
housework, watching television or movies, listening to music and when they are reading books.
The most time they prefer to eat was when they feel hungry which at 94.12%. Then, followed by
when watched television or movies, while studying and while listening to music which was at
23.53%, 17.65% and 8.82% respectively. Moreover, the less eating time prefer by BM229 4D
students to eat was when they doing their housework and reading books which was at equal
percentage of 2.94%. Therefore, we can conclude that student of BM229 4D students were more
prefer to eat when they felt hungry and do not chose to eat when they were doing housework and
reading books. This was maybe due to the concentration needs when studied and doing

3.5.2 Emotions

The table below shows the different emotions which influence BM229 4D students to eat
different type of foods based on their percentage.

Table 3.8: Different emotions which influence BM2294D Students to eat.

Emotions Feeling Down Happy Feeling Stress Total

No. of % No. of % No. of % No. of (%)

Type of foods Sts. Sts. Sts. Sts.

Rice or noodles 5 12.19 11 21.15 4 10.26 20 15.15

Bread or cakes 5 12.19 6 11.54 3 7.69 14 10.61

Biscuits or cookies 4 9.76 2 3.85 6 15.38 12 9.10

Fruits or vegetables 3 7.32 3 5.77 3 7.69 9 6.82

Fast foods 4 9.76 14 26.92 5 12.82 23 17.42

Junk foods 20 48.78 16 30.77 18 46.15 54 40.91

TOTAL 41 100 52 100 39 100 132 100

The table above shows the different emotions which influence BM229 4D students to eat
different type of foods based on their number of students and percentage. This means that
students were ate depends on their different emotions such as feeling down, stress and happy.
Then, the different types of foods that they prefer to eat was rice or noodles, bread or cakes,
biscuits or vegetables, fast foods and junk foods. Most of the BM229 4D students was prefer to
eat junk foods when they felt down, stress and happy which was at the percentage of 48.78%,
46.15% and 30.77% respectively. Moreover, the students also prefer to eat fast foods when they
felt happy which was 14 students with the percentage of 26.92%. Besides that, students who felt
happy will ate less biscuits or cookies which at only 2 students with the percentage of 3.85%. From the

table also showed us that feeling down, stress and happy will influence the BM229 4D students to eat
fruits and vegetables which was in same number of students which was 3 students.

Therefore, we can conclude that most of the BM229 4D students was influenced to eat more junk
foods when they felt down, stress and happy.


The following conclusions can be drawn from the report.

4.1 It is concluded that the BM229 4D students were rarely skip their breakfast, lunch and
dinner. Majority of the students ate three times per day. Therefore, we can say that, the BM
229 4D students were concern about their patterns of eating habits.

4.2 The findings also indicates that most of the BM 229 4D students follow their eating time
during breakfast, lunch and dinner because they were concern about their health and to avoid

suffering from gastric.

4.3 The report also indicates that majority of the BM 229 4D students were more concern of
taking lunch and prefer to eat rice and noodles. This is probably because by eating rice
and noodles the students feel more satisfied and feel more energetic compared to other food
and besides that, the students were usually active during the day. Thus, they preferred to eat
rice or noodles.

4.5 The findings also suggest that the students were more prefer to eat at home and Pak Mat
stall. They go to such places because it is near to the faculty so it can save their time due to
majority of the lectures was from morning to evening.

4.6 The findings also suggest that the students prefer to cook by themselves probably because
the cleanliness of the food was guaranteed compared with the foods buy from the outside.

4.7 The report also indicates that, the students are not preferred to take fast
food or heavy meals probably because the price of the food is expensive and they may not
have enough money or they have limited budget to buy such kind of food.

4.8 The results also indicate that students prefer to munch while studying to prevent them
from sleepy.

4.9 The findings also shows that the students of BM229 4D have an ideal weight because they
probably took regular exercise and have healthy diet.

4.10 The findings indicate that BM229 4D students have limited budget to purchase supplement
for their daily consumption it may due to the price of the supplements is expensive so the
student could not afford to purchase it.

4.11 The result shows that the majority of BM229 4D students especially male was prefer to
stayed in rented house so that they can eat more and anytime that they want. They have a lot

of choices to eat at anywhere that they desire.

4.12 Therefore, we can conclude that the BM 229 4D were very concerned about their time to
eat and they were not often ate fast food and this shown that they were practicing healthy
eating habits.

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