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Unit/Conceptual Focus: Healthy Living - Substance Use, Addictions, and Related Behaviours

Lesson #: 1 Focus: Cannabis Education

Curriculum Expectations: (List overall and specific expectations)
• 1.3 communicate effectively, using verbal or non-verbal means, as appropriate, and interpret information
accurately as they participate in physical activities, develop movement competence, and acquire knowledge and
skills related to healthy living
• 1.5 use a range of critical and creative thinking skills and processes to assist them in making connections, planning
and setting goals, analysing and solving problems, making decisions, and evaluating their choices in connection with
learning in health and physical education
• C1.3 demonstrate an understanding of resilience and related protective and risk factors, and explain how these can
affect choices related to substance use and addictions
• C3.4 describe social factors that may influence substance use (e.g., use of prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco,
chewing tobacco, nutritional supplements, performance-enhancing drugs) or behaviours leading to addictions (e.g.,
gambling; video, Internet, or computer gaming; eating disorders), and explain how decision-making and
communication skills can be used to respond effectively to these influences

Learning Goals: (In student-friendly language)

We are learning to:

● Understand what cannabis is, and how it may be harmful or beneficial to one’s health
● Understand the wide variety of diverse reasons as to why one may choose to consume cannabis
● Improve communication skills and decision-making abilities so that students may be able to respond effectively to
influences related to cannabis use
● Make smart and informed decisions and understand the consequences of our actions
● Deepen our knowledge and understanding about substance abuse

Guiding Questions: (List 2-3 questions that frame student’s learning)

● What is cannabis and how can it be harmful or beneficial to one’s health?

● Why do people use cannabis?

● How can I effectively respond to influences related to cannabis use?

Before: Minds On (Establish a positive learning environment, connecting Materials

to prior learning or experiences, setting the context for learning – can be
warm up/fitness blast specific to game/sport for activity based class)

Time: - Laptop, phone,

10 Minutes ● The class will engage in a Kahoot activity tablet
● This activity contains facts, statistics and general information about -
Marijuana that our students can use as a foundation to assess their own
knowledge prior to engaging in the lesson
Time: During: Action! (Introducing new learning or extending/reinforcing prior Materials
learning, providing opportunities for practice and application for learning)

Activity: Cannabis Chart

20 Minutes
Objectives: - Chart paper or
● As a class create a chart that identifies the diverse amount of reasons blackboard
that people use cannabis (i.e. medical, recreational, religious, etc). - Markers or chalk
● Foster inclusivity and remove the negative lens from certain individuals
who use cannabis by understanding that people have different medical
needs and religious beliefs.
● Understand that using cannabis can have negative health implications as
an addiction.

Activity: Hypothetical Situations

15 Minutes ● As a class come up with various situations where students may be asked - Chart paper or
or pressured to use cannabis (I.e. a party, by an older sibling, in the blackboard
school parking lot, etc). - Marker or chalk
● For each situation have the class work together to determine what to
say, and what to do in these situations.
● Enhance communication skills and decision-making abilities.

Activity: Credibility Worksheet

20 Minutes Objectives:
● Get students to consider the source. Provide them with a scenario or
statement from different sources they may be in contact with (friends, - Worksheet
family, television, government website, etc) attached
● Students will be asked to identify if the statement is fact or opinion, - Pencil/Pen
where the individual got the information, and why do you think that
information was shared
● The students will then be able to make decision on if the source is
reliable or unreliable
● This activity will help students guide their learning and understanding
about drug abuse and how to make sense of the different information
they will be fed throughout their daily lives
Time: After: Consolidation & Connection (Helping students demonstrate what Materials
they have learned, providing opportunities for consolidation and reflection)
10 Minutes - Prepared
Activity: Mock Situation Skits situations/roles to
Objectives: provide the
● Arrange the students into groups of 2-3 and provide them with situations students with for
their mock skits
where they may be asked or pressured to use cannabis.
● Have the students act out different roles. One student should be the one
pressuring others to use cannabis, one student should be the one getting
pressured, and a third student can be a bystander whose role changes
depending on the situation.
● Students will demonstrate their individual learning pertaining to
communication and decision-making skills as they act out the situations.

Assessment Opportunities
● Assessment as learning- By using Kahoot students can assess their understanding of what cannabis is,
how and why people use it, and how it can be harmful or beneficial to one’s health.
● Assessment as learning - By working through the worksheet, students will be able to critically analyse
reliable and unreliable sources and can use that information they gather to add to their toolkit when it
comes to making informed decisions.
● Assessment for learning- By working as a class to create a chart about the different reasons why people
may use cannabis, and by brainstorming ways in which students can respond different situations
regarding influences related to cannabis use, learners and teachers can assess their understanding of the
● Assessment of learning- By having the students create scenarios in which they must display their
communication and decision making skills individually, teachers can evaluate students’ overall grasp of
the material that was taught during the action phase of the class.
Next Steps

● Introduce mental health in relation to substance use

● Discuss other street drugs and potential harms of each
● Identify personal safety within society in relation to substance use

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