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Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 84 (2017) 144–155

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Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science

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Experimental studies on heat transfer to Newtonian fluids through spiral

Rahul Harishchandra Patil
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pillai Institute of Information Technology, Engineering, Media Studies & Research, New Panvel 410206, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Spiral coils are investigated for flow of petroleum base oils SN70, SN150 and SN300 under isothermal
Received 25 October 2016 steady state and a combination of isothermal steady state & non-isothermal unsteady state conditions
Received in revised form 24 January 2017 for ‘‘Graetz problem”. The experiments were conducted with spiral coils with curvature ratios 0.01568,
Accepted 2 February 2017
0.01778, 0.019, 0.02466, 0.02525, 0.02666, 0.028055, 0.02952, 0.03011, under laminar flow condition.
Available online 5 February 2017
A new dimensionless number R0 number is introduced which is proved by the method of dimensionless
analysis. The Nusselt number is correlated with R0 number for Newtonian fluids based on the experimen-
tal data. A number of correlations are developed for Newtonian fluids under isothermal steady state (total
Heat transfer
Laminar flow
130 tests) and a combination of isothermal steady state & non-isothermal unsteady state conditions
Newtonian fluid (total 154 tests). It is found that R0 number characterizes the heat transfer phenomenon very well and
Spiral coil it also simplifies the correlations on curved coils. The developed correlations are compared with the cor-
relations developed by earlier investigators and are found to be in good agreement. These correlations
can be used for the design of spiral coil heat exchangers.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction work. Dean [4,5] presented the first analytical proof of the exis-
tence of secondary flow in curved coils. The existence of critical
Fluid flow through curvature pipe of path may increase the heat velocity for a fluid flowing in the circular cross-section straight
transfer effectiveness. This concept of heat transfer is experi- pipe was investigated by Reynolds in 1883. After Reynolds, who
mented, investigated and correlated to Newtonians fluids under studied the straight coil flow characteristics Grindley and Gibson
laminar flow at isothermal steady state and combination of [1] were first to notice the difference in straight tube flow and
isothermal steady state & non-isothermal unsteady state condi- curved coil flow. Eustice [2,3] studied the flow in a transparent
tions. Spiral coils are generally used in heat exchangers, electronic ‘U’ tube by injecting a number of coloured dies which flowed along
cooling, chemical reactors, food industry, health industry etc. They with the fluid through the ‘U’ tube. Eustice showed that a different
are compact and their heat transfer rate is high against the straight type of flow existed along with the primary flow when the liquid
tube or helical coiled tubes of same length. In a spiral tube the flowed through the curved pipe. Noble et al. as cited in Kubair
transfer of heat and pressure drop is dependent upon the following and Kuloor [8] studied the spiral coils without considering the rep-
parameters and dimensionless numbers namely; the curvature resentative parameters of the coil. Kubair and Kuloor [8] studied
ratio, the number of turns, the Reynold’s number and Prandtl num- the flow of fluids flowing through the two spiral coils for ‘Graetz
ber. The influence of the above mentioned parameters and dimen- problem’. Their study depicts the influence of the ratio of length
sionless numbers on heat transfer to Newtonian fluids flowing to average diameter of the spiral coil on the heat transfer. The most
through the spiral coils has been described and investigated for important representative geometrical parameter of the spiral coil
the first time. In spiral coils as compared to other curved coils is its curvature ratio. Kubair and Kuloor [11] investigated the two
the variable centrifugal forces are present. These variable centrifu- spiral coils for ‘Graetz problem’ taking into consideration the cur-
gal forces give rise to variable secondary flow occurring through vature ratio of these two spiral coils. This is the only correlation
the whole length of the coil that ultimately increases the heat involving curvature ratio term available for ‘Graetz problem’ on
transfer. The early investigations on curved tubes in general were spiral coils. A comparison of helical coil, straight tube and spiral
focused on experimental rather than the analytic or theoretical coil for heat transfer is experimented by Kubair and Kuloor [9].
The performance of spiral coils was found to be better than either
straight tube or helical coil. The same authors [10] have developed
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0894-1777/Ó 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
R.H. Patil / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 84 (2017) 144–155 145


0 lC
a0 ; b correlation constants Pr Prandtl number ¼ k p
a2; b2 correlation constants Q heat transfer rate (W)
c2; d2 correlation constants q heat flux (W/m)
a3; b3 correlation constants Re Reynold’s number ¼ qv Di =l
c3; d3 correlation constants Recrit:min: minimum critical Reynold’s number
u; e correlation constants Recrit:max: maximum critical Reynold’s number
Cp specific heat at constant pressure (J/kg K) R0 a new dimensionless number ¼ 4mC _ p =pkD
D average diameter of curvature for a spiral (m) t1 inlet temperature of fluid (°C)
Dco maximum diameter of coil (m) t2 outlet temperature of fluid (°C)
Dci minimum diameter of coil (m) Dtlm logarithmic mean temperature (°C)
Di inside diameter of spiral coil tube (m) tp temperature of the inside surface of the spiral coil tube
Do outside diameter of spiral coil tube (m) (°C)
  Dean number ¼ Re ðDi =DÞ t w1 to t w3 outer wall temperatures of the spiral coil tube (°C)
variable curvature ratio v mean axial velocity (m/s)
V volumetric flow rate (m3/s)
Gz Graetz number ¼ mC _ p =kL
hi inside film heat transfer coefficient (W/m2 K)
k fluid thermal conductivity (W/m K) Greek symbols
L tube length (m) D prefix denoting a difference or change
m mass of the fluid (kg) h angle of spiral coiled tube as it advances from centre
m_ mass flow rate (kg/s) (rad)
n number of spiral coil turns l dynamic viscosity (Pa s)
Nu Nusselt number ¼ hDi =k q fluid density (kg/m3)
P pitch of coil (m)

correlations for friction factors under laminar, transition and tur- the Nusselt number and drop in pressure obtained from tubes
bulent flow in spiral coiled tubes for different fluids. Many papers coiled spirally are 1.49–1.50 times higher than the straight tube.
on spiral coils are generally focused on numerical CFD study, sim- A review of fluid flow and heat transfer for curved coils is done by
ulation on various software and then experimentally verifying the Naphon et al. [18]. An extensive review has been done on spiral
results obtained. Laminar flow and heat transfer in wholly devel- coil in literature by Shah [13] and Kakaҫ [21]. A number of papers
oped flow in curved tubes was studied by Zapryanov et al. [12]. and books on curved coils are referred [6,16,17,20,23,27,29,33] in
They have considered the forced convection problems in tubes that the present study. Fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of
are curved in nature, which are generally utilized in various heat spiral coiled tube in constant wall heat flux was investigated by
exchange equipments, cooling, heating systems, chemical reactors, Geun-jong et al. [24]. A numerical analysis for investigation of
heat engines and such and other apparatus, devices and equip- flow and heat transfer characteristics in tubes with spiral heat
ments. Curvature ratio effect on the heat transfer and development exchanger was undertaken by them. Developing laminar flow in
of flow in the spirally coiled horizontal tubes was investigated by spiral coil tubes is investigated by Altac and Altun [25]. They have
Naphon et al. [19]. The results that they predicted for the convec- numerically investigated steady state combined developing flow
tive heat transfer and characteristics of flow were in nice agree- and heat transfer in spiral tube coils. The study on spiral coils
ment with their experiment. Their investigations reveal that the is limited in open literature and there is a need to study the dif-
centrifugal force has an important effect on the enhancement of ferent aspects of fluid flow and heat transfer in spiral coils (see
transfer of heat and drop in pressure. Due to the centrifugal force Table 1).

Table 1
Developed correlations by earlier researchers on spiral and helical coils.

Investigator Curvature ratio Type of flow Regime Correlations developed and notes.
Noble et al. as cited in [8] 0.045 Laminar Graetz Problem Nu ¼ 0:215ðGz0:741 Þ
1200 < Gz < 5000.
Geometrical parameters of spiral coils are not considered
Kubair et al. [8] 0.022–0.031 Laminar Graetz Problem Nu ¼ ½0:27ðL=DÞ  2:3Gz0:6
11 6 Gz < 180
170 < Re < 6000
Nusselt Numbers are calculated at arithmetic mean temperature.
Length, as a geometrical parameter is taken into consideration
Kubair et al. [11] 0.022–0.031 Laminar Graetz Problem Nu ¼ ½ð1:98 þ 1:8ðDi =DÞGz0:7
9 6 Gz < 1000
80 < Re < 6000
20 < Pr < 100
Nusselt numbers are calculated at arithmetic mean temperature.
Effect of curvature ratio on heat transfer is studied
Rainieri et al. [35] 0.06 Laminar Graetz Problem Nu ¼ 1:168ðDe0:47 ÞPr 0:16
12 < De < 280
125 < Pr < 300
Corrugated helical coils were investigated, highly viscous fluids were used
146 R.H. Patil / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 84 (2017) 144–155

2. Materials and methods RTD’s, are used to measure the outside wall surface temperature
of the spiral coiled tubes. The maximum deviation in outside wall
2.1. Experimental set-up & procedure temperature of the spiral coils along the length was found to be
1 °C. Kubair and Kuloor [8,11] had used three thermocouples in
Fig. 1 shows the schematic diagram of the spiral coil with the their experiments, whereas Janssen and Hoogendoorn [38] and
secondary flow pattern. Fig. 2 is a schematic diagram of the set- Pawar et al. [22] had used four thermocouples in their experiment
up. Fig. 3 is the actual view of the experimental set-up and the spi- on helical coils to measure the wall temperature. This justifies the
ral coil-3. The experimental set-up consists of a helical coil heat use of three RTD’s in the present experiment to measure the wall
exchanger, a steam boiler, water tanks, oil tank, gear pump, water temperature. The RTD’s used to measure the wall surface temper-
pump, and stainless steel pipeline fittings and pipeline. The steam ature are placed at the inlet, middle and outlet position on the coil.
pipeline is of size 16 mm and oil circuit pipeline is of size 12 mm. The temperature in the steam chamber is sensed by an RTD and
The instruments used in the experiment are three rotameters of two RTD’s are used to measure the inlet and outlet temperature
range, 0.5–5 LPH, 5–50 LPH, and 50–500 LPH, used as flow indicat- of the test fluid. The RTD’s used are calibrated; their accuracy is
ing devices. The flow rate is measured by collecting a known ±0.1 °C also the temperature indicators used have an accuracy of
amount of fluid in a measuring cylinder fitted on the pipeline for ±0.1 °C The range of experimental conditions used in the study is
known time. Total six RTD’s are used in the experiment. Three given in Table 3. A number of experiments were performed by

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the spiral coil with secondary flow pattern.

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the set-up.

R.H. Patil / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 84 (2017) 144–155 147

Fig. 3. An actual view of the experimental set-up and spiral coil-3 used in the experiment.

employing different oils namely Coconut oil, Soyabean oil, Biodie- The outer wall of the spiral coil is maintained at a constant temper-
sel and Diesel oil. Every oil had its own advantages and disadvan- ature by injecting steam with the help of boiler inside the steam
tages. Coconut and Soyabean oils were cheap but their visibility in chamber for isothermal steady state condition reading. Isothermal
rotameter glass tube became poor after repeated use. Diesel and steady state and non-isothermal unsteady state conditions are the
Biodiesel oil were also economical; their visibility through rotame- boundary conditions to which the outer wall of the spiral coil is
ter was also good but since their flash point was low possibility of subjected. The pressure inside the steam chamber is maintained
fire hazard was always there hence, it was not safe to use these constant to one bar. The temperature of steam inside the steam
oils. Finally SN70, SN150 and SN300 petroleum base oils with high chamber varies from 99 to 101 °C. The fluid which enters the spiral
viscosity and low heat transfer coefficient were chosen for the coil first passes through the isothermal calming section and then
experiment, these oils were also used by different researchers ear- through the heating section of the spiral coiled tubes. Thus the
lier in their work. A number of experiments were performed in velocity profile gets fully developed and the temperature profile
order to check the reproducibility of the readings and it was starts developing at the entrance of the spiral coil. This is the
noticed that the reproducibility was good. A summary of critical ‘Graetz Problem’. After passing through the spiral coil the fluid
Reynold’s number for curved coils is given in Table 4. The critical passes to the heat exchanger where it is cooled to the temperature
Reynold’s number is used to find the transition from laminar flow of the oil in the oil storage tank. The water which is supplied to the
to turbulent flow. In present investigation the correlation proposed heat exchanger for cooling the oil is circulated by the water pump,
by Kubair and Kuloor [8] is used to judge the type of flow; laminar (Kirloskar make) 0.37 kW. After passing through the heat exchan-
or turbulent. The test fluids, petroleum base oils SN70, SN150 and ger the hot water is cooled in the cooling tower to the temperature
SN300 are pumped by a gear pump (supremo make) 2800 RPM, of the water in the water tank i.e., 30–35 °C. A separate galvanized
capacity of 360 LPH. The pump is driven by a motor (Lawkim, God- water tank of 0.2 m3 capacity is provided to supply the feed water
rej make) of 1.5 kW, 1440 RPM using a ‘v’ belt and pulley arrange- to the boiler. Table 2 gives the list of nine spiral coils along with
ment. The oil flows through a stainless steel pipeline and enters the their dimensions used in the experiment. The readings are taken
spiral coil which is placed inside the steam chamber. An isothermal for different flow rates by placing one coil at a time in the steam
calming section whose length is determined by the equation given chamber. About 13–15 readings per coil are recorded. For non-
by Austin and Seader [7] is provided. The length of the upstream isothermal unsteady state condition the wall temperature of the
and downstream isothermal calming section provided was 0.7 m. spiral coil continuously goes on changing with flow rate remaining
The spiral coil is first placed and fitted in the steam chamber. constant. First reading is taken at 60 °C and other readings are
148 R.H. Patil / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 84 (2017) 144–155

Table 2
The physical dimensions of the spiral coils used in the experiment.

Spiral Maximum diameter Minimum diameter Average diameter Pitch of Number of Outer diameter of Inner diameter of Curvature
coil no. of coil Dco of coil Dci of coil D coil P P turns n coil tube Do coil tube Di ratio DDi

1 0.71 0.13 0.42 0.026 12 0.00985 0.008 0.019

2 0.55 0.11 0.33 0.0185 12 0.00791 0.0059 0.01778
3 0.41 0.1 0.26 0.0125 12 0.00591 0.004 0.01568
4 0.52 0.12 0.32 0.0505 4.375 0.00985 0.008 0.02466
5 0.34 0.13 0.23 0.031 4 0.00791 0.0059 0.02525
6 0.21 0.1 0.16 0.0125 4 0.00591 0.004 0.02666
7 0.47 0.098 0.29 0.015 12 0.00985 0.008 0.028055
8 0.32 0.08 0.2 0.0105 9.6 0.00791 0.0059 0.02952
9 0.18 0.09 0.13 0.0075 5.35 0.00591 0.004 0.03011

taken at 70, 80 and 90 °C. For isothermal steady state, after first The technique of dimensional analysis is used to find the partic-
reading second flow rate is selected and second reading is taken ular form of the correlation required. According to Buckingham’s Pi
and so on all the readings are taken. theorem the desired form of correlation is as follows:

2.2. Determination of the coefficient of heat transfer Nu ¼ a0 Gzb0

The constants a0 &b in the above equation are determined by
The thermo physical properties of the fluid are assumed to be using the least square power law fitting technique, depending on
constant along the length of the spiral coil and are found at the the experimental data obtained. A log-log plot of Gz against Nu is
fluid bulk temperature. The properties are taken from Andrew shown in Fig. 4. The trend line on the plot is the curve fitting line
[14]. The heat which is absorbed by the liquid while fluid flowing through the experimental readings, using the least square power
through the spiral coiled tube would be same as the heat passing law fitting technique. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient is
in the pipe from all the directions at right angle to the spiral axis: 0.97351. The following correlation is obtained from the plot:
_ p ðt2  t1 Þ ¼ hi Ai Dt lm
Q ¼ mC ð1Þ
Nu ¼ 2:96 Gz0:545 ð6Þ
Dt lm , is the LMTD temperature and is calculated from the for
2 3 Di
3 6 Gz 6 786; 0:01568 6 6 0:03011; 12 < Re < 6013:
ð D t  D t Þ D
¼4 h i 5;
2 1
Dtlm ð2Þ
ln DDtt21 There is no need of a separate Prandtl number term in the above
correlation when Graetz number is used in the analysis, since
where Prandtl number is already present in the Graetz number and it is
enough to characterize the heat transfer phenomenon in spiral
Dt2 ¼ tp  t 1 coils. This is also confirmed by the various correlations available
Dt1 ¼ tp  t 2 in literature on helical coils. The curvature ratio term is not consid-
ered in the above correlation. Fig. 5 is a log-log plot of DDi against
where tp is the inside surface temperature of the spiral coiled tube
and is calculated by equation given by Kern [15]. The equation is Nu=Gz0:545 . The Pearson’s correlation coefficient is 0.917. The fol-
given below: lowing correlation is obtained from the plot:
2:3q Do Di
tp ¼ tw  log ð3Þ Nu ¼ 0:495 Gz0:545 ð7Þ
2p k Di D
where q (Watts/meter) = Q =L
After determination of Dt lm , hi is calculated by the formula as for
stated below:  
_ p ½t 2  t 1 
mC 3 6 Gz 6 786; 0:01568 6 6 0:03011; 12 < Re < 6013:
hi ¼ ð4Þ D
ðAi  Dtlm Þ
The hydrodynamics of flow and the heat transfer characteriza-
Once inside heat transfer coefficient is known all the unknown tion for curved coils is done in literature by correlating Dean num-
dimensionless numbers are determined since all other data is ber with friction factors and Nusselt numbers respectively. An
already known. attempt is done in the present paper to find the most general form
of correlation involving Dean number for spiral coil geometry. A
3. Results and discussion log-log plot of De against Nu=Pr0:4 is shown in Fig. 6. The trend line
on the plot is the curve fitting line through the experimental read-
Experiments are carried in laminar flow with petroleum base ings, using the least square power law fitting technique. The fol-
oils SN70, SN150 & SN300 on nine spiral coils under isothermal lowing correlation is obtained from the plot, Nu ¼ 0:219De0:639 .
steady state and a combination of isothermal steady state & non-  
Fig. 7. is a log-log plot of DDi against Nu=ðPr 0:4 De0:639 Þ and Fig. 8.
isothermal unsteady state conditions. The thermo physical proper-
ties of the fluids SN70, SN150 & SN300 @ 40 °C are given in Table 5. is a log-log plot of n against Nu=ðPr 0:4 De0:639 DDi Þ. The Pearson’s
The dimensionless Graetz number is defined as:
correlation coefficient is 0.9699. The following correlation is
Gz ¼ mCp=kL ¼ ReðPrÞðDi =LÞðp=4Þ ð5Þ obtained from the plot:
R.H. Patil / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 84 (2017) 144–155 149

Table 3
The experimental conditions.

Coil No. Fluid used Rate of flow (kg/s) Experimental condition

1 Petroleum base oil SN150, SN300 0.0017–0.1 Isothermal
Petroleum base oil SN70 0.0139–0.0739 Non-isothermal
2 Petroleum base oil SN150 0.001902–0.065116 Isothermal
3 Petroleum base oil SN150 0.001879–0.049267 Isothermal
4 Petroleum base oil SN70, SN150 0.001846–0.12445 Isothermal
Petroleum base oil SN70 0.007423–0.082926 Non-isothermal
5 Petroleum base oil SN70, SN150 0.002056–0.109677 Isothermal
Petroleum base oil SN70 0.02222–0.109677 Non-isothermal
6 Petroleum base oil SN70, SN150 0.002444–0.1 Isothermal
7 Petroleum base oil SN150 0.001766–0.079091 Isothermal
8 Petroleum base oil SN150 0.001941–0.082857 Isothermal
9 Petroleum base oil SN150, SN70 0.001935–0.11333 Isothermal

Table 4
Critical Reynold’s number for spiral coils according to the correlations of various investigators.

Coil No. Dco/Di Dci/Di Di/D Ito [28] Kubair and Srinivasan et al. [30], Srinivasan et al. [30], Schmidt [32] Kubair and
Varrier [31] Recrit:min: @ (Dco/2) Recrit:max: @ (Dci/2) Kuloor [8]
1 88.75 16.25 0.019 4448.25 3581.21 4774.95 8351.35 7864.52 5762.08
2 93.22 18.64 0.0177 4352.68 3505.96 4710.03 7936.84 7747.59 5686.10
3 102.5 65 0.0156 4181.78 3367.74 4589.08 5225.68 7532.83 5544.95
4 65 15 0.0246 4862.85 3892.84 5225.68 8606.61 8348.72 6070.54
5 57.63 22.03 0.0252 4903.76 3922.40 5419.53 7469.00 8394.67 6099.31
6 52.5 40 0.0266 4999.99 3991.20 5577.93 6084.47 8501.57 6165.96
7 58.75 36.25 0.0280 5092.88 4056.64 5387.73 6285.49 8603.25 6228.95
8 54.24 13.56 0.0295 5189.14 4123.50 5521.69 8943.38 8707.13 6292.91
9 45 22.5 0.0301 5227.23 4149.69 5856.59 7412.63 8747.83 6317.87

Table 5
Thermo-physical properties of petroleum base oils @ 40 °C.

Base oil m (Pa s) k (W/m K) Cp (J/kg K) q (kg/m3) Flash point °C Pour point °C
SN70 0.011–0.012 0.13 2200 849 190 12
SN150 0.030–0.032 0.1341 2177 850 210 15
SN300 0.058–0.060 0.13 2100 870 200 12

Fig. 4. A log-log plot of Gz vs. Nu used to develop correlation (6) under isothermal steady state condition.
150 R.H. Patil / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 84 (2017) 144–155

Fig. 5. A log-log plot of (Di/D) vs. Nu/Gz0545 used to develop correlation (7) under isothermal steady state condition.

Fig. 6. A log-log plot of De vs. Nu/Pr0.4 used to develop correlation (8) under isothermal steady state condition.

Fig. 7. A log-log plot of (Di/D) vs. Nu/Pr04 De0639 used to develop correlation (8) under isothermal steady state condition.
R.H. Patil / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 84 (2017) 144–155 151

Fig. 8. A log-log plot of n vs. Nu/(Di/D)0378 Pr04 De0639 used to develop correlation (8) under isothermal steady state condition.

 0:378 e
Nu ¼ u½R0  ¼ u½qVD2i C p =kDÞ ¼ u½RePrðDi =DÞe
Di ð12Þ
Nu ¼ 1:014 n0:07 Pr 0:4 De0:639 ð8Þ
where u and e are constants that can be found by performing
for experiments. Fig. 9 is a log-log plot of R0 against Nu. The trend line
is obtained by least square power law fitting method. The Pearson’s
Di correlation coefficient is 0.98082. The following correlation is
3:35 6 De 6 1043; 0:01568 6 6 0:03011; 12 < Re < 6012 obtained from the plot:
Eqs. (6)–(8) are developed for isothermal steady state condition Nu ¼ 0:222R00:646 ð13Þ
in order to compare them with a newly introduced dimensionless
number the R0 number which is proved on the basis of Bucking- for
ham’s Pi theorem. It is observed that the convective heat transfer
coefficient ‘h’ depends on the following variables in the present  
experiment; the mass flow rate of the fluid m, _ the specific heat 117 6 R0 6 18382; 0:01568 6 6 0:03011; 12 < Re < 6013:87
capacity of the fluid C p , the thermal conductivity of the fluid k,
the internal diameter of the spiral coil tube Di and the average
Eq. (13) is compared with Eqs. (6)–(8) and it is found that Eq.
diameter of the spiral coil D. Hence:
(13) deviated least from the experimental data and also from the
_ C p ; k; Di ; DÞ
h ¼ f ðm; ð9Þ correlations of Kubair and Kuloor [8,11] as shown in Fig. 13. The
form of Eq. (13) is simple and it contains less number of variables
The number of variables are six the prime variables selected are
than Eqs. (6)–(8). There is no need of a separate ðDi =DÞ term in the
two namely h and D. The repeating variables selected are four
correlation and R0 number is enough to accurately predict the heat
_ C p ; k&Di Þ there are thus two dimensional groups:
namely ðm;
transfer phenomenon occurring in spiral coils. The oils used in the
p1 ¼ hðm_ a ; C bp ; kc ; and Ddi Þ; p2 ¼ Dðm_ a1 ; C b1 c1 d1
p ; k ; and Di Þ
present experiment are viscous in nature hence a correction is nec-
essary to incorporate, the variation in temperature dependent
wherea; b; c; d; a1; b1; c1&d1, are the exponents of the repeating property relations existing in the experiment. This correction is
variables. After analysis according to Buckingham’s Pi theorem the done by multiplying the right hand side of Eq. (13) by (mb/mw)1/6.
two non-dimensional numbers obtained are Nusselt number The exponent (1/6) is taken from Kuzneltsova as cited in Kakaҫ
Nu ¼ ðhDi Þ=k and, [21]. He has used oils with nearly the same viscosities as in the pre-
! sent experiment. It is to be noted that for viscous oils and for spi-
_ p
4mC qVD2i C p
R0 number ¼ ¼ ð10Þ rals, the viscosity correction is higher than the viscosity correction
pkD kD in helical coils according to Kubair & Kuloor [26]. In Eq. (13) the
effect of characteristic dimensions of the spiral coils excluding
This dimensional number is not available in literature. The role
the curvature ratio is not considered hence, a most general corre-
played by R0 number in convective heat transfer in curved tubes is
lation including the influence of curvature ratio, Prandtl number
similar to the role played by Graetz number in straight tube
and number of turns on heat transfer to a fluid flowing through spi-
convective heat transfer. The two non-dimensional numbers
ral coils under isothermal steady state condition is considered. The
Nu and R0 numbers can be functionally written as, form of correlation as per Buckingham’s Pi theorem is given below:
Nu ¼ u½R0  ¼ u½qVD2i C p =kDÞ
Nu ¼ a2nb2 R0c2 ð14Þ
Synthetically, multiplying the right hand side of Eq. (8) by l The constants a2, b2 and c2 are found by performing experi-
results in the following equation: ments. Fig. 10 is a log-log plot of n against Nu=R00:646 . The Pearson’s
152 R.H. Patil / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 84 (2017) 144–155

Fig. 9. A log-log plot of R0 vs. Nu used to develop correlation (13) under isothermal steady state condition.

Fig. 10. A log-log plot of n vs. Nu/R0 0.646 used to develop correlation (15) under isothermal steady state condition.

correlation coefficient is 0.98012. The following correlation is Nu ¼ 0:225R00:644 ð16Þ

obtained from the plot:
Nu ¼ 0:281R00:646 n0:16 ð15Þ
for 117 6 R0 6 18382; 0:01568 6 6 0:03011; 12 < Re < 6013:87
117 6 R0 6 18382; 0:01568 6 6 0:03011; 12 < Re < 6013:87 To account for the variable property relation the right hand side
of Eq. (16) should be multiplied by (mb/mw)1/6. When the effect of
number of turns of spiral coils is considered the form of correlation
To account for the variable property relation the right hand side
obtained is:
of Eq. (15) should be multiplied by (mb/mw)1/6. In the similar way Eq.
(16) is obtained by considering the combination of isothermal Nu ¼ a3nb3 R0c3 ð17Þ
steady state and non-isothermal unsteady state data points as
The constants a3, b3 and c3 are found by performing experi-
shown in Fig. 11 which is graph of R0 against Nu. The least square
power law fitting method is used to plot the trend line. The Pear- ments. Fig. 12 is a log-log plot of n against Nu=R00:644 . The Pearson’s
son’s correlation coefficient is 0.98118. The following correlation correlation coefficient is 0.98016. The following correlation is
is obtained from the plot: obtained from the plot:
R.H. Patil / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 84 (2017) 144–155 153

Fig. 11. A log-log plot of R0 vs. Nu used to develop correlation (16) under isothermal steady state condition and non-isothermal unsteady state condition.

Fig. 12. A log-log plot of n vs. Nu/R0 0.644 used to develop correlation (18) under isothermal steady state and non-isothermal unsteady state condition.

Nu ¼ 0:286n0:17 R00:644 ð18Þ intense mixing of fluid particles in the spiral coils due to variable
secondary forces present. Fig. 13 is a plot of Re against Nu. The plot
for compares the value of Nusselt numbers obtained by Eqs. (6)–(8),
(13), (15), (16), (18) against the Nusselt number values as pre-
Di dicted by the two correlations proposed by Kubair and Kuloor
117 6 R0 6 18382; 0:01568 6 6 0:03011; 12 < Re < 6013:87 [8,11]. The plot reveals that there is a good agreement between
the values of Nusselt numbers as predicted by developed correla-
It is observed that the exponent of R0 number in Eq. (16) is lower tions in the present experiment and the values of Nusselt numbers
than the exponent of R0 number in Eq. (13), this is because of low predicted by the correlations of Kubair and Kuloor. The values of
values of Nusselt numbers obtained in non-isothermal heat trans- Nusselt numbers as obtained from the correlation of Kubair and
fer condition. To account for the variable property relation the Kuloor [11] are 19.59%, 27.75%, 16.17%, 18.21%, 20.84%, 18.56%,
right hand side of Eq. (18) should be multiplied by (mb/mw)1/6. Heat and 22.16%. These values are all higher than the corresponding val-
exchangers are expected to work on isothermal operating condi- ues as developed by Eqs. (6)–(8), (13), (15), (16), (18) for coil-9.
tions but because of disturbances in flow due to sudden stopping Similar trend is observed in other coils (not shown here). Predicted
or starting the equipment or due to fluctuations in pump speed Nusselt number values by Eqs. (6)-(8), (13), (15), (16), (18) with the
etc. the heat exchanger no longer operates on isothermal condi- experimental values of Nusselt number shows an acceptable range
tion. A combination of isothermal steady state and non- of deviation of ±12%, for coil-9. Similarly, the values of Nusselt
isothermal unsteady state condition exists and a correlation to deal numbers as obtained from the correlation of Kubair and Kuloor
with such a situation is necessary hence the two correlations Eqs. [8] are 13.87%, 2.32%, 13.78, 16.64%, 12.89%, 16.13% and 11%. These
(16), (18) are developed. The differences in Nusselt numbers in values are all lower than the corresponding values as developed by
isothermal and non-isothermal conditions are less because of Eqs. (6)–(8), (13), (15), (16), (18) for coil-9. Similar trend is
154 R.H. Patil / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 84 (2017) 144–155

Fig. 13. A plot of Re vs. Nu for comparison of developed correlations Eqs. (6)–(8), (13), (15), (16), (18) based on present experimental readings (for Re = 12–6013, (Di/D) =
0.01568–0.03011, R0 = 117–18382 with the works of earlier investigators for coil-9.

observed in other coils (not shown here). Eqs. (6)–(8), (13), (15), was negligible, since the calculations indicated that the variation
(16), (18) are also compared with the equation of Rainieri et al. of temperature around the circumference of the spiral coiled tubes
[35] given in Table 2, the equation is for helical coils with corruga- was (0.1 °C). Another possible explanation to neglect the problem
tions. The Nusselt numbers predicted by this equation are less than of thermal oscillations in the present experiment is the existence
all other equations developed on spiral coils. This indicates that of variable secondary flow occurring in spiral coiled tubes. The
spiral coils show better performance than helical coils for the given presence of variable centrifugal force on the fluid in the same spiral
conditions, this is in accordance to the findings of Kubair and coil assists in variable secondary flow due to which the fluid parti-
Kuloor [9]. It is seen from Fig. 13 that the deviations are least for cles tend to get mixed properly thereby increasing the possibility
Eq. (13) which implies that only R0 number is enough to character- of heat and momentum transfer within the fluid to a great extent.
ize the heat transfer phenomenon in spiral coils or curved coils. Also, the contribution of this variable secondary flow in enhancing
There is no need of a separate ðDi =DÞ or Prandtl number or geomet- the rate of momentum transfer is greater in laminar flow. The
rical parameters such as pitch, length or number of turns of the spi- effect of all the factors discussed above is to distribute the temper-
ral coils to be considered in the correlations on spiral coils. The ature of the fluid uniformly around the circumference of the inside
main problem encountered while dealing with ‘Graetz Problem’ tube wall and thus to damp the thermal oscillations. The uncer-
is the uneven distribution of temperature along the circumference tainty in experimental results is calculated by the method of Kline
of the spiral coil wall mainly because of the local heat transfer coef- and Mc Clintock as cited by Holman [34]. In this method the uncer-
ficient which do not decrease continuously with distance along the tainty in results is based on the uncertainty in the primary exper-
length of the spirally coiled tube, but it undergoes cyclic oscilla- imental measurements. The instruments were calibrated in order
tions along the axial distance. The oscillations get damped in fully to meet the specifications by taking repeated trials. The calculation
developed thermal region. This phenomenon was observed by of uncertainty was based on Eq. (3.2) of Holman [34]. The calcu-
investigators such as, Seban and McLaughlin [36], Dravid et al. lated value of uncertainty was ±3% for heat transfer rate (Q), ±5%
[37], Janssen and Hoogendoorn [38], Tarbell and Samuels [39] for inside film heat transfer coefficient (hi), ±5% for Nusselt number
and Akiyama and Cheng [40]. Seban and McLaughlin [36] were (Nu) and ±2.5% for volumetric flow rate (V). The overall effect of
unable to give an explanation for the oscillations. According to Dra- these uncertainties on the correlations developed may be consid-
vid et al. [37] the reason for the occurrence of thermal oscillations ered negligible.
was due to the exposure of the tube wall to alternately hot and
cold fluids because of secondary flow. Dravid et al. [37] have rec- 3.1. Interpretation
ommended their correlation on helical coils for design purpose
by neglecting the effects of thermal oscillations. Janssen and In the present investigation considering the geometry of the
Hoogendoorn [38] and Kubair and Kuloor [8,11] have also coils the effect of Reynold’s number on the Nusselt number of
neglected the effect of thermal oscillations in their correlations. the fluid flowing through coils (1,2,3) is less when compared to
In general thermal oscillations increase because of higher pitch val- their average coil radius. An increase in the curvature ratio
ues of the spiral coiled tube, lower values of curvature ratios, tube increases the heat transfer to the oil because of increase in cen-
material of low thermal conductivity and thin walled tubes trifugal force as the fluid flows through a coil of high curvature
although no quantitative data is available in this respect. In the ratio. The centrifugal force which is the ratio of the product of mass
present experiment while designing the spiral coiled tubes, low of the flowing fluid and the square of the fluid velocity to the radius
values of pitch, higher curvature ratios, high thermal conductivity of spiral coil increases, as the mean radius of the coil decreases.
material and tube of medium thickness was selected so that the Centrifugal force increases the magnitude of secondary flow and
effect of thermal oscillations was minimized in the final correla- also because of the variable magnitude of centrifugal force exists
tions. The effect of thermal oscillations in the present experiment in spiral coils, the particles of the fluid mix intensely which
R.H. Patil / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 84 (2017) 144–155 155

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