The 6 R's

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Mohamed Lahsoumi


The 6 R’s

   No code or architecture  Does not take full
changes advantage of the cloud
Rehosting  Migrate core services  Latency and
easily performance issues
 Easier compliance and after migration
security management  Increased risk after
Mohamed Lahsoumi

 Long-term cost savings  Vendor lock-in

Refactoring   rapidly change to adapt  projects take much
  to new customer longer to start showing
requirements, by business value
adding new features or  requires advanced
modifying existing coding, automation,
functionality and DevOps skills.
 Increased resilience
 cost effective and does  “scope creep” can turn
Replatforming  not require a major a replatforming project
  development project into a full-blown
 It allows the customer refactoring project.
to Start small and scale Managing scope
as needed  Specialized components
 allows applications to require Aggressive
leverage cloud changes to the
capabilities like auto- application, and may
scaling, managed not be worthwhile
storage and data  customer is required to
processing services, invest in basic
infrastructure as code automation that
(IaC), and more provides some level of
flexibility when
operating the system in
the cloud
 Fast way to access a  Switching to a product
Repurchase SaaS-based solution of a different vendor
migration will demand
 identify redundant  application is explicitly
Retire applications phased out
   identify obsolete
   Enables a phased  Complex to manage
approach to  A hybrid model could
Retain modernizing your introduce more silos
workplace. Adopt a and pose challenges
hybrid cloud model by around data
migrating what you can integration, which may
now, and retaining have a knock-on effect
elements of your legacy on reporting and
estate where it makes analytics.
sense.  Clunky for your users,
 Allows you to who may have to use
consolidate your IT multiple logins to access
estate by identifying what they need.
apps that can do the
Mohamed Lahsoumi

same or a better job,

and transferring your
workloads to them
 A staged transition to
the cloud minimizes
disruption for your
users. It also avoids
stretching your IT team
too thinly or diverting
too many resources at

A brief definition :

repurchase,replatform,rehost are all very similar but of course have their minor differences with rehost
you are looking at as close as a one to one migration as possible in this case you are looking to move
quickly with minimal changes with replatform you are still looking at a similar move but also considering
what might provider a small and easy optimization to you performance or usability for example
replacing a server running a database engine with an amazon relation database service instance
(improving performance ) and with repurchase you are looking at places like the aws market place for
ready to run services configured for the cloud that will get you features that your looking for without
requiring you to custom build a solution

refactor :also seen as rearchitecting you look not only at what needs to be migrated but also at how that
particular application might be rearchitected to better utilize the advantages provided by the AWS
(amazon web service) cloud shifting from a traditional architecture to a service oriented architecture for
example could be on way that you refactor your application to move in to the cloud

retire : you still need to identify what component may not need to be migrated but for the purpose of
evaluating but for the purpose of evaluating what will not be needed by both the migrated environment
as well as any retained components once the evaluation is completed the unnecessary pieces are
eliminated and the applicable components are migrated

retain : identifying components that are either not ready or not necessary to migrate often time when
retaining is be used it is important to reconsider if and how your migrated infrastructure and retain
infrastructure will need to communicate and set up the appropriate and secure channels to do so

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