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1ST TERM 2020

Vocabulary 1: Complete the text with the words and phrases below:

rock climbing skateboarding skydiving snowboarding windsurfing

I'm not really interested in everyday activities like soccer, but I love extreme sports. I started going

(1) ROCK CLIMBING years ago with my dad. He took me into the country with him for the first
time one summer when I was eight years old. It took us hours, but when we reached the top of
the mountain we camped there for the night. I'm also good at (2) SKATEBOARDING, and I get
to do it every weekend at my local park. Now, I'm looking for new challenges. I'm going to go
(3) SNOWBOARDING when I go on my winter vacation this year; I already ski well and I want
to try something new. I'm also desperate to try (4) SKYDIVING , but my mom and dad say they
won't let me jump out of a plane until I'm at least 18. My parents say that I can go (5)
WINDSURFING on my summer vacation this year. It's going to be amazing. I can't wait to ride
the waves. Yeah!

Vocabulary 2: Choose the correct options to complete the text.

I've learned all this through bad experiences. It's not that I was completely (6) impatient /
unaware / irrelevant of how important it was to protect my digital devices before. I'd been
warned many times, but I thought something bad was (7) illogical / unusual / unlikely to
happen to me. Of course, I found out I was wrong when my computer got a virus and I lost all
my files forever. Now I realize that it was totally (8) illegal / irresponsible / incapable of me to
ignore what people were saying. It's actually not (9) immoral / unfair / unusual for computers
to get viruses. Just as humans are sometimes (10) unhealthy / impatient / irrelevant,
computers can be too, so they need to be protected.

experiences Click on games and enjoy the activity
Click on Present perfect games

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Grammar 1: Complete the text with the words in parentheses. Use the present perfect
form of the verbs.

Hi, David, I'm so excited! I just opened my presents and my parents (1) have given (give) me a new
smartphone for my birthday. It's the same one you have, but mine’s silver. I can't wait to show you it! This
is my first email! (2) Have you seen (you / see) how many apps you can get online these days? I (3)
haven’t downloaded (not download) any yet but plan to get a lot! I love the camera too. My brother and I
(4) have already taken (already / take) tons of pictures! I'm going to upload them later today. They're so
funny! By the way, what (5) has the teacher given (the teacher / give) us for our math homework? I've

Grammar 1.1 Choose the correct options to complete the speech.

I’d like to talk to you all about using the school computers. You’ve all (1) used / use the internet
before, and I’m sure many of you (2) has downloaded / have downloaded many different
kinds of files and programs. But I want you to be very careful about online security. Although we
(3) haven’t had / hadn’t have any problems (4) yet / now, it’s important that you don’t give
away personal information about yourself. We’ve (5) already / yet had some questions from
parents, and (6) I’ve told / I’ve tell them that the school takes the issue of online privacy very
seriously. Also, please remember to log out as soon as (7) you’ve used finishing / you’ve
finished using the computer. Finally, please don’t leave the computers on after the last
computer class of the day (8) have finished / has finished.

Grammar 1.2 Present perfect progressive

Match the sentence halves.

1. Lewis has been feeling

2 We’ve been looking

3 Harry’s been thinking

4 My mom’s been using

5 They’ve been talking about

6 The man they arrested

7 My brother’s been playing on

8 Jane’s been waiting at the bus stop

3 a. about getting a new computer.

6 b. has been downloading movies and selling them.

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7 c the computer all evening.

1 d sick since Tuesday.

5 e putting CCTV cameras around the school.

8 f for half an hour.

4 g that ATM for years.

2 h for an unusual place to go on vacation.

Grammar 2: Complete the text with the past perfect or past perfect progressive form of
the verbs in parentheses.

I (6) had never thought (never / think) about natural disasters until I visited the ancient Roman
city of Pompeii. In 79 AD, nearly 2,000 years before my
visit, there (7) had been (be) a volcanic eruption that destroyed the city. Letters written by an
eyewitness named Pliny, who (8) had been staying (stay) near there with his uncle at the time, explained
that it had been a normal day until suddenly a cloud had appeared above nearby Mount Vesuvius. When
the local people had first seen the cloud of smoke and ash, they (9 ) hadn’t realized (not realize)
what it was. Pliny explains that on that morning he saw his uncle alive for the last time. After his uncle
(10) had received (receive) a letter from friends who lived near the mountain asking him for help, he had
left by boat to rescue them. He never came back.

Reading 1. Recognize and understand similes


● Look for sentences that compare two things or people.

● Look for comparisons that use as … as, like … and (looked / felt / sounded) as if ….
● Think about what qualities the two things share. Try and build a picture in your mind.

First read the text. Then answer the questions. You have 15 minutes. Use the tips in
the Remember how to box to help you.

Lost at sea

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1 When Kevin woke up, at first he thought he was at home in bed, but then he looked down
and saw that he was in the ocean. All at once he remembered what had happened and came
to his senses. He was still holding on to the piece of wood he’d been holding when the first
wave had flooded the hotel. It was now the only thing keeping him above water, but he was
alone and in the middle of the ocean. He couldn't even see the beach.

2 He started to remember the events from the previous morning. He remembered how he'd
felt the room shake like a washing machine spinning at full speed. It hadn't lasted long, and
nobody was hurt. He hadn't expected anything else to happen. The earthquake had taken
place on another island, so he thought they were safe.

3 After Kevin had gone to the beach 1, he felt less sure. All the water had disappeared. It
was as if the ocean had been in a big bathtub and somebody had pulled the plug. The sand
seemed to go on forever, like a desert. Boats were just sitting there. It was strange, almost

4 He'd been thinking about how unusual it was when he heard a woman screaming. She was
yelling at people to get away from the beach. At first, Kevin had just stood there as still as a
statue, confused about what was going on. Then, he’d seen it in the distance 4: A wall of
water was approaching at full speed. Suddenly, someone screamed, “Tsunami! Run!”

5 He’d made it back to the hotel 3 but then disaster struck. He was pulled under the water
and thrown around like a doll. Kevin was sure he would drown. He'd been unable to even
take a breath before the water had pulled him under. Fortunately, he managed to come up to
the surface. He grabbed a piece of wood that had been torn off the devastated hotel 5 and
he held on to it for his life. Then, he drifted into a deep sleep

Choose true (T) or false (F).

Kevin had been on the beach when the earthquake had taken place. F
The boats that Kevin had seen in the sand had made him feel uncomfortable. F

Kevin had started running immediately after being warned to leave the beach. F
Kevin was near the water when he saw it coming. F

The hotel was destroyed by the wave. F

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Choose the correct answer, A, B, C, or D.

How many similes does paragraph 1

A 0 C 2

B 1 D 3
How many similes does paragraph [5]
A 0 C 2

B 1 D 3

8 In which paragraph is there a simile comparing the effects of a natural disaster to a household

A paragraph 1 C paragraph 3
B paragraph 2 D paragraph 4

In paragraph 3, the writer compares the beach to a desert to show that

______ .
A there were no people on
it C it was silent
B the ocean had gone D it was very hot
In paragraph 4, the writer compares Kevin to a statue to show that
______ .

A he was ready for action C he wasn’t scared

he didn’t
B move D he wasn't listening to the woman


Click on work

Reading 2. Recognize formal and informal writing

First read the text. Then answer the questions. You have 15 minutes. Use the tips in the
Remember how to box to help you.

HOW TO… Recognize formal and informal writing

Formal writing: look for …

● formal greetings and

vocabulary (Dear Mr. /

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Ms. …).

● longer, more complex sentences with full verbs.

● correct spelling and punctuation.

Informal writing: look for …

● informal greetings and vocabulary (Hi, Dad).

● shorter, simpler sentences with contractions (I’ll, don’t).

● abbreviations, exclamation points, and emoticons.

Career advice from Debbie Bento and Alberto Gómez

Hi, Debbie,

I have a problem. I want to be a physical therapist when I graduate, but my dad, who's an
accountant, says it'd be a waste of time. He says I can earn more money in a different job. I
do well at school and I could study anything I want, but my dream is to work with sports
stars! I don't think Dad's going to let me do what I want. He's going to make me go to
college to learn how to make spreadsheets (hojas de cálculo) or something like that!!! ☹
Carla (age 17)

Dear Carla,

Parents and children often have arguments about this issue because parents want the best for their
children. I think it is worth trying to understand his views. Perhaps he thinks you would enjoy studying
a more academic subject, like science or math, for example. However, I have met people with
demanding jobs, such as doctors and lawyers, who wish they had chosen a less stressful job or
something they loved. I think you should talk to him and allow him to explain his opinion to you before
calmly describing to him how you feel.

Hi, Alberto!

Can you give me some information about what it's like to be a movie director? ☺

Dominic (age 14)

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Dear Dominic,

Movie directors have to be good at working with others because they have to work with a big team of
people. Think of all the names you see on the movie credits, and you'll understand what I'm talking
about. When you're a director, you have to take the script (which is the story and dialog that's already
been written for the movie) and bring it to life on the screen. The director's the one who decides what
the movie looks like, but he has to allow the cinematographer and his team to actually shoot the
scene. He also has to make the costume designers and make-up artists understand how he wants the
characters to look; but he has to let them have some creative freedom too.

Choose the correct answer, A, B, C,

or D.

The people who write in an informal style are ______ .

A Carla and Debbie C Carla and Dominic

Debbie and
B Dominic D Alberto and Dominic

Carla's father works with ______ .

A numbers B food C children movies
In her future job, Carla wants to
______ .

A sell products in a
store C treat athletes with injuries

B work in an office D work with spreadsheets

Carla's father feels that if his daughter chooses a different career, she can ______ .

A get paid more C have more free time

B have a better work environment D have a more interesting job

Debbie believes that Carla's father's views are ______ .

A illogical and wrong C logical and correct

B understandable but not definitely

right D old-fashioned and wrong

Choose if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). C

6 Movie directors have to get along with many people. I

7 It's the director who writes the movie script. I
8 The cinematographer is responsible for decisions about how movie scenes should C

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9 The costume designer takes advice from the director about the actors' appearance. I

1 /
0 Directors have to allow other people to make some of the decisions for themselves. I

Writing 1


Write a short article about your favorite sport. Write 10 or more sentences.

Write about:

● how long you’ve played the sport

● when and where you started playing the sport
● why you started playing the sport and why you still like it
● a famous person who plays the sport

Writing 2

REMEMBER HOW TO… Write a formal letter

● Follow the letter-writing rules in this unit.

● Don’t use contractions.

● Use formal words and phrases whenever possible.

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Write a letter applying for one of the following jobs: (a) part-time sales clerk, (b) dog walker, or

(c) babysitter for two young children. Write 10 or more sentences.


why you’re writing and where you saw the job advertised (e.g., newspaper)
why you want the job
why you’re the right person for the job
when you can start working

Remember …

 start and end your letter correctly and use formal language (e.g., I am writing not I’m writing)

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