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WNRS LVL 1 - Perception

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1. Am I someone you typically connect with? ... 30. What did you think about my first message? ...
2. As a child, what do you think I wanted to be? ... 31. What does my Instagram tell you about me? ...
3. As a child what do you think I wanted to be when I ... 32. What do my shoes tell you about me? ...
grow up?
33. What do you think I'm most likely to splurge on? ...
4. Between the two of us, who seems like the better ...
34. What do you think is the hardest part of what I do for a ...
texter? Explain.
5. Do I intimidate you? Why or why not? ...
35. What reality show do you think I'm most likely to binge ...
6. Do I look kind? Explain. ... watch? Explain.
7. Do I remind you of anyone you know? ... 36. What's the first thing you noticed about me? ...
8. Do I seem like a coffee or tea person - sweetened or ... 37. What subject do you think I thrived at in school and did ...
unsweetened? I fail any?
9. Do I seem like a morning person or a night owl? ... 38. What's your favorite song lyric that comes to your mind ...
from the top of your head?
10. Do I seem like more of a creative or analytical type? ...
Explain. 39. What was your first impression of me? ...
11. Do I seem like someone who would get a name ... 40. What was your first impression of me on Bumble vs ...
tattooed on myself? Why or why not? IRL?
12. Do you think I ever checked an Ex phone for ... 41. WILDCARD: Ask and answer the next question in a ...
evidence? different accent.
13. Do you think I fall in love easily why or why not ... 42. WILDCARD: Create your own question. ...
14. Do you think I'm usually early on time or late to ... 43. WILDCARD: Write down your number one goal for the ...
events. Explain. next month. Compare.
15. Do you think I've ever been fired from a job? If so, ...
what for?
16. Do you think I was popular at school? Explain. ...
17. Do you think I was popular in school? Explain. ...
18. Do you think plants thrive or die in my care? Explain. ...
19. Finish the sentence: Just by looking at you I'd think ...
20. Finish the sentence: just by looking at you I'd think ... ...
21. How many speeding tickets do you think I've gotten in ...
my life?
22. How many speeding tickets you think I've gotten in my ...
23. How would you describe what you think my type is in ...
three words?
24. If Myspace was still a thing what would my profile song ...
25. If you were to buy me a present, knowing nothing ...
about me other than what I look like, what would it be?
26. Make an assumption about me ...
27. On a scale of 1-10, how messy do you think my car is? 1 ...
being the cleanest 10 complete disaster, explain.
28. What about me intrigues you? ...
29. What compliment do you think I hear the most? ...

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