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Name____Will Naylor _______________________ Dates: _June 1, 2020 to June 13, 2020


Signature of Internship Student____________________

Signature of Agency Supervisor____________________

Please report on the following topics. Use additional pages if necessary.

1. Provide a record of all experiences you were involved with this period such as meetings,
conferences, training sessions, activities, assignments, and planning sessions. Evaluate those
experiences and provide your reaction to each.

On June 1st, I was working at TreeTop Adventure. While working here, one of the workers taught me how to
b ief g e befo e he en e he co e. D ing he b iefing e ell he g e he follo ing:

The Discovery Course has 19 obstacles, 26 platforms, and 5 ziplines.

You are able to get off at platforms 8, 12, & 18. However, if you get off at platform 8, you cannot
return back onto the course. The other platforms can be used as a break (if you need water).
We demon a e o he g e ho o e he p lle and ho o a ach hem o he cable/ ipline.

*START of Summer Family Adventure* (Week 1)

Also, on this day, it was the first day of Summer Family Adventure. We had a total of 3 large families this
week. I was able to help out at the Beach Olympics. At the Beach Olympics we had a relay race dizzy bat,
one legged race, ships & sailors, over/under with water participants attempted to fill a bucket of water
using a sponge.

On June 2, we had Wacky Water Balloons. During this event we had a water balloon toss, a hot potato game,
and we ended with a water balloon fight. Also, on this day, we had a build your own boat race. We gave the
participants cardboard, saran wrap, duct tape, and pool noodles to build their boat. At the end of timeframe, we
game them to build the boat, we then had a race in Robin Lake, and i ended badl mo of he boa all ank.

On June 4, we held a color run in the morning, unfortunately nobody showed up to this event. After this event, a
fe of in e n en o he Lodge & Spa o he A k an In e n e en , he e g e co ld come and a k an
intern anything. Whether it be directions or suggestions of things to do at the resort. We also held a tie-dying
event, where the guests of Summer Family Adventure could come to the circus tent and tie-dye a shirt. The next
event that took place was a nature hike. I was going to have the privilege of taking guests on the Whippoorwill
Lake Trail (.5-mile hike), however, nobody showed up, so I did the hike myself and it was really pretty.
Towards the end of the day, we had kayak races. This was a lot of fun, because a majority of the Summer
Family Adventure families showed up to participate in the race. We had the participants line up in a row
(starting line) and they had to race to the other end of the lake and back. In the evening, we had a bunch of

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minute-to-win-it games that included cup pong, frisbee bowling, flip cup, and a human hula-hoop toss. We
finished the night with color wars.

On June 5th, I was working at the cottage pool in the morning. I had to open up the pool by 10am. I made sure
the pool and bathrooms were clean, took out the trash and even called housekeeping to come exchange the dirty
towels. Once the pool was open, I had to monitor the guests in the pool area until the regular Pool Attendant
showed up at noon. I had a giant break in my day, during this time I was able to take a hike and good nap before
the end of the week activities that we had for the Summer Family Adventure families. We held a Farewell Luau
for the families who attended this week. At the luau, we had limbo, a hula-hoop contest and relay race where
they had to put on a grass skirt and a coconut bra. We had the dads of the family purposely go last in the relay
race so that we were able to embarrass them by making them have a dance off for a bottle of wine.

*End of Summer Family Adventure* (Week 1 there is no week 2 due to the families cancelling)

On June 6th, I was able to work at bike rentals for the first time since I have been at Callaway. I had a blast
working with a man named Tom. I learned that he was an astronaut and he also witnessed the explosion of the
Challenge pace h le. Tom a kno n a he Teache in Space d ing hi ime a an a ona . Be ide
learning all these amazing things about Tom, I got to help fix bikes (such broken gears, brakes, chains, etc.) and
help rent out bikes to the guests.

On June 8th, I was working at the Lodge & Spa pool in morning till noon. My job during this timeframe is to
ensure that everything is sanitized and clean, the trash is taken out, and the umbrellas are up by 10am. At 10am,
I open the pool up to the guests. I also went to TreeTop Adventure in the afternoon and helped harness people,
spot people on the course, and clean the equipment when it was returned. I was working here till noon when the
pool attendant arrived.

On June 9th, I was working at the Cottage Pool in the morning. I had to make the sure the dirty towels were
taken to laundry and everything was sanitized and cleaned for the guests by 10am. At 10am, I opened the pool
up. I was working here till noon when the pool attendant arrived. I was at TreeTop Adventure in the afternoon.
Ho e e , hile a T eeTop e didn ha e an g e beca e i a o ming. We had o con an l a ch he
radar because of thunder and lightning. If there i h nde o ligh ning, e can end an one p on he co e
because of the cables being metal and if lightning was to strike the cables of the course, it would be a bad day
for the guests on the course. We had storms all day from 2:30pm-5pm when we closed.

On June 12th, I worked at Robin Lake Beach at the Square 1 rentals. It was super busy at the beach on this day.
It was so busy that we sold out of umbrellas and chairs by 11am because we had people who reserved them
online and people who walked up to purchase before 11am. While working at Square 1, I helped people get into
kayaks and paddleboards that were rented. When I helped people get into the kayaks or on the paddleboards, I
had to make sure to give them a quick safety briefing before sending them on their way in the lake. While also
working at Square 1, we rent out putt-putt clubs and balls to the guests to play on the mini-golf course at the
beach. Also, at Square 1, we rented out bikes to a family that came up to us.

On June13th, I got to work at the bike rentals. It was also a crazy day at bikes. We have about 200+ bikes in our
fleet at the resort. On this day, we went through a little over half of our fleet, which is a first for the resort after
reopening because of COVID19. While at bike rentals, I ensured that people had a safety briefing on the bikes,
helped people get onto bikes, suggested trails to take at the resort, and more. It was a really long and productive
day at the resort!

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2. Any problems or surprises encountered during the reporting period.

Unfortunately, the second and third week of Summer Family Adventure got cancelled because no families
signed up. However, the 4th week, we are having 100 families as of right now attending. This is GREAT
news and surprising because all of the interns will have a ton of fun this week and we will be a lot more
involved than during week 1!

3. Positive learning experiences occurring during the reporting period.

A positive learning experience during this time a he fac ha he in e n lea ned ha o ked and didn
work during the first week of Summer Family Adventure. One example is that no one attended the morning
activities that we had scheduled. So, with the new schedule for the 4th week we completely changed it.


4. Progress toward Internship Project

I had a meeting with Shannon on June 6th, where I talked to her about an internship project. She had a
fan a ic idea fo a p ojec . The Lodge & Spa a Calla a doe n ha e an ac i i ie de k o concie ge. If
you were to go to Hawaii and stay at a Marriott, they would have a concierge desk where their would-be
different things for guests to do that week, they would also have brochures of local places or things to do
such as helicopter rides, or hiking. Shannon would like me to bring this to life at Callaway. At this desk or
station we would have weekly activities for guests and brochures of local places such as white water
rafting in LaGrange or the Coca-Cola Museum in Atlanta.

NOTE: Check with University Supervisor about report delivery options. Keep a copy of all documents for
your files.

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Appendix A
Summer Family Adventure Changes

Week 1

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Week 4 Changes

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