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Good night.

Today we will talk about the themes of the kinetic energy chapter of a particle.

The subject that belonged to me is the work of a force.

Presented by Miguel Angel Pinilla Amaya

Teacher: Héctor Augusto Dussan Moreno


The definition of the work of a force possesses a set of things, therefore, it will be specifically fully
talked about the composition of it, so an F force will perform work on a particle only when it
suffers a displacement in the direction of the force. For example, if force F causes the particle to
move along the S path of position R to a new position R' , theoffset is then dR - R - R. As shown
in the figure. The magnitude of dR is dS, the length of the differential segment along the path. If
the angle between the Dr and F queues is Ɵ , then thework performed by F is a scalar amount
defined as:

dU =F∗dS∗cosθ

By product definition point, this equation can also be written as.

dU =F∗dR
Noting that the angle has the following condition 0o ≤ Ɵ < 90o (the angle is greater than or equal
to zero and less than ninety), then the force and displacement have the same meaning, therefore
they will be positive values. But if the angle between those two vectors is between meets this
second condition 90o < Ɵ ≤ 180o (Let the angle be greater than ninety degrees and less than or
equal to one hundred and eighty degrees), then the vectors will have an opposite direction and
result in negative work.

On the other hand the work will be equal to zero (du x 0) if the force is totally perpendicular to
the displacement, because the angle would be ninety degrees, and therefore the cosine of ninety
is 0 and replacing in the equation, dU =F∗dS∗cos (90)we would have the following:

dU =F∗dS∗0 then dU i s 0
It should be noted that the units of work are Julys.


Mechanical engineering is a very extensive field, and this engineering has a lot of applicability such

 Construction.
 Mounting.
 Maintenance.
 Operation.
 Project engineering.
 Intervention, advice and consulting.
 Sales, distribution and after-sales service.
 Research andteaching.

And by linking a few applications of the many that mechanical engineering has with the work topic
of a force, we can identify that, in assembly, maintenance, operation, structural analysis and
material resistance, they have a good relationship with this topic, which I will present in a simple
and concrete way below:

In the motion analysis of a moving car:

In safety matters, a mechanical engineer should know very well, because the crew members of the
car in case of an accident, must be able to safeguard as much as possible the life of these,
therefore, the analysis of the movement under certain conditions of the motor particle must be
demanding, in order to prevent accidents. Therefore, predictions and simulations of the
automobile are made, causing the relationship presented by the application of mechanical
engineering in automobiles and the dynamic principle of working a force of a particle to be very
well blended, because if a car is going down a road, which has degrees of inclination and if it wants
to brake in case of emergency, the force is performed at the time the car brakes and reduces its
speed, it has a downward trajectory and additionally that trajectory and speed at the time of
braking, it is affected, because the trajectory that followed is no longer the same when braking.
Therefore, this dynamic topic is perfectly related in the analysis of the previous situation and
thus, the data generated in simulations can save lives.



The study of solid kinetics is too important for mechanical engineering, because it helps to
understand and analyze the behavior of different situations and phenomena that occur in objects
and composite objects, because, as in mechanical engineering, mechanical systems and
maintenance are handled, speaking in a very general way, kinetics helps to understand the
possible movement of a machine, the phenomena that could occur if something fails or simply the
prediction that the machine could make. Now, in relation to the theme, most machinery presents
movement, which can be performed by an engine, which causes the movement and change of
trajectory of the particle that supports it, that is, the force exerted by the engine causes the
particle to change position, or trajectory, speaking of a machine that presents changes of
position, therefore, the force that is applied to the particle manages to change its trajectory, which
is more or less what speaks the subject of work.

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