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Interview #1

1. Name of technology coordinator being interviewed.

a. Connie Brantley
2. What is your title?
a. Media Specialist
3. What type of degree is required for your position?
a. Instructional Technology degree with a concentration in media.
4. What are your job responsibilities?
a. Purchase, collect, weed media center collection. Student research.
Maintain card catalog. Shelf/checkout books.
5. How are you meeting the needs of faculty and staff during the transition to
remote learning this semester?
a. Faculty/staff are on site.
6. How are you meeting the remote learning needs of students and parents?
a. Virtual check out from catalog.
7. What are typical daily activities for your job?
a. Checking in/out books, student research assistance, teacher
technology assistance.
8. Do you have a budget that you control? How do you make decisions on
selecting resources for your stakeholders?
a. No. Try to get the newest GA book awards.
9. Have you had an opportunity to impact technology implementation
throughout your school? Would you describe a specific example?
a. No.
10. Does your school have a technology committee?
a. Yes.
11. How are technology decisions made?
a. Through the district technology team then it is funneled down to the
12. What is the best part of your job?
a. Being able to see and help the students with reading.
13. What do you find to be the most challenging part of your job?
a. Motivating high school students to read.
Interview #2
1. Name of technology coordinator being interviewed.
a. Heather Hightower
2. What is your title?
a. 3-5 Instructional Coach/Technology Lab Coordinator
3. What type of degree is required for your position?
a. A teaching certificate with a Masters.
4. What are your job responsibilities?
a. Lead professional development, collaborate with teachers,
technology inventories, maintain technology lab, secure technology
funds for elementary school, roster online computer applications,
attend technology conferences and redeliver, Infinite Campus
building manager,
5. How are you meeting the needs of faculty and staff during the transition to
remote learning this semester?
a. Faculty/staff are on site.
6. How are you meeting the remote learning needs of students and parents?
a. Teachers have had multiple professional development workshops
on Virtual communication techniques emphasizing Google
applications such as Classroom and Meet. School has FaceBook
profile and school website for community updates. Events such as
literacy night are being transitioned to virtual opportunities via these
7. What are typical daily activities for your job?
a. Observations. Plan/Organize/Lead Professional Development.
Maintain technology lab/technology equipment. Run lab classroom.
Teacher support. Data collection/analysis.
8. Do you have a budget that you control? How do you make decisions on
selecting resources for your stakeholders?
a. No.
9. Have you had an opportunity to impact technology implementation
throughout your school? Would you describe a specific example?
a. Yes. We use professional development and the technology lab to
encourage teachers to use them in their instructional practices.
Since the pandemic, we have moved the majority of our work from
paper/pencil to virtual including journals, worksheets, etc.
10. Does your school have a technology committee?
a. Yes.
11. How are technology decisions made?
a. Usually a need is identified by me or to me by a teacher or from the
technology team. From there, we go through the technology team,
the principal (if funding is needed), the technology director, then
assistant superintendent, then superintendent (if necessary).
12. What is the best part of your job?
a. The kids. I love to see their little lightbulbs come on.
13. What do you find to be the most challenging part of your job?
a. Working with teachers that are unreceptive.
Interview #3

Name of technology coordinator being interviewed.

b. Charlie Lindsey
What is your title?
c. Associate Superintendent
What type of degree is required for your position?
d. Masters in Educational Leadership
What are your job responsibilities?
e. Manage day-to-day operations of the school system to include
technology, facilities, transportation, and student information
How are you meeting the needs of faculty and staff during the transition to remote
learning this semester?
f. Faculty/staff are on site.
How are you meeting the remote learning needs of students and parents?
g. Our teachers are using Google Classroom, Google Meets and
Edgenuity (online based learning system)
What are typical daily activities for your job?
h. Everyday brings different challenges, but primarily, system wide
Do you have a budget that you control? How do you make decisions on selecting
resources for your stakeholders?
i. Yes. Technology, Maintenance and Facilities, and Transportation
budgets. We are a small school system, so we try to stay within our
operating budget and make purchasing decisions that are best for
our system while understanding that our needs may change. We try
to involve stakeholders in the purchasing process. We have found
that if this practice is consistent, stakeholder buy-in is better and
thus productivity is maximized.
Have you had an opportunity to impact technology implementation throughout your
school? Would you describe a specific example?
j. Yes. We are moving to a 1:1 learning environment with
Chromebooks. We expect to meet this goal by the end of January
Does your school have a technology committee?
k. Yes.
How are technology decisions made?
l. These decisions are based on need with significant input coming
from school and teacher leaders.
What is the best part of your job?
m. I enjoy the daily challenges. While there are days that are
overwhelming, the majority are pleasing to know that, as a system,
we are making progress towards our goals and expectations of our
students. I am proud to be a part of a team that is focused on
student’s first both in the classroom and in extra-curricular
What do you find to be the most challenging part of your job?
n. Technology changes everyday. I have found that it is getting
increasingly difficult to stay on top of emerging technology norms.
This is challenging with a small staff. I am thankful for teacher
leaders that have risen to the challenge of meeting our students in
ways that we have not been focused on in the past. The current
school year has stretched our resources and required intense
training and a virtual learning/teaching curve. I am fortunate to have
tech savvy teachers in all schools that have really made my job
easier in many ways.

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