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Cover Ready Workout Challenge


Workout Date: June 19, 2018 Total Workout Time: ________________

Front Squat Circuit - 4 round

Sets Reps Weight Notes

Set #1 6
Set #2 6
Set #3 6
Set #4 6

Good Mornings Circuit - 4 round

Sets Reps Weight Notes

Set #1 10
Set #2 10
Set #3 10
Set #4 10

Sled Pull Circuit - 4 round

Sets Weight Distance Notes

Set #1 120.00 mi
Set #2 120.00 mi
Set #3 120.00 mi
Set #4 120.00 mi

GHR (Glute Hamstring Raise) Circuit - 4 round

Sets Reps Notes

Set #1 7
Sets Reps Notes
Set #2 7
Set #3 7
Set #4 7

Walking Lunges Rest: 1:30 minutes

Sets Reps Weight Notes

Set #1 12
Set #2 12
Set #3 12
Set #4 12

Total of 20 steps

Turkish Get Up (First 3 parts, up to hand)

Rest: 30 seconds

Sets Reps Weight Notes

Set #1 4-5
Set #2 4-5
Set #3 4-5

Lay down on the floor. Place the kettlebell next to the shoulder on the side you're working. Roll
to your side and cradle the kettlebell with both hands. The working hand grips the kettlebell, and
the opposite hand covers it. This is your starting position.

Roll onto your back bring the kettle bell with you. Press the bell up, your arm is perpendicular to
the floor, either using one hand or both. Drop the hand not holding the bell with to the floor by
your side. The leg on the same side of the hand holding the kettlebell should be bend at the
knees and the foot grounded.

With the bell on the upper arm, roll towards the opposite elbow and forearm and pick your trunk
up off the ground.

Move from the elbow/forearm to your hand, straightening up your elbow.

Reverse the movement and return back to the ground. Repeat it.

Energy System Work (Cardio)

Rest: --:--

Sets Time Notes

Set #1 00:30:00
30-45 min of Slow Steady Cardio (65-70% of max heart rate, or 130-150 BPM (beats per

Advantages of Steady-state Training:

-Increase general physical preparedness (GPP)

-Decrease delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS)
-Increase heart health
-Decrease stress
-Help maintain healthy joints/muscles
-Increase energy levels
© Copyright 2018 Don Saladino

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