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#2020 - 51


Red=new; Blue=carried over from 2018-2019

Goals Activities Outcomes
Coordinated Collection • Assist academic libraries in completing their forms. Accomplished.
Development for Aca-
demic Libraries. Facili- • Review and complete their applications. Accomplished.
tate CCDA for Academic • Encourage CCDA recipients to use the discussion
Libraries program to en- list to network and communicate changes in their The CCDA discussion list and distribution lists
hance academic library individual collection areas. Update subscribers. were updated, and used by SCRLC staff to
collections, increasing communicate program information.
their collective buying • Maintain ongoing records for the program and
power and strengthening publish on SCRLC’s website.
Accomplished. See
regional resources • Hold at least one collection-development related
available to NYS students, learning opportunity—focus on multicultural CD and CCDA#CCDA
educators, researchers, universal design, e.g. is it an accessible resource.
and residents. Rediscovering the Power of Your FirstSearch /
WorldCat Discovery Subscriptions” (one for
publics and one for academics) offered;
“Project Outcome for Academic Libraries: Data
for Impact and Improvement” included CD.
Multicultural/UD to be held in 20-21.

Medical Information • Monitor Electronic Fund Transfer Service activity. Accomplished. UConn moved EFTS to MLA.
Services Program
(MISP). Distribute MISP • Among SCRLC members of all types, promote the
availability of MISP to fund interlibrary loans Promoted via News, consults & field visits.
program funds to improve
access to medical and obtained from NN/LM resource libraries.
health information. • Ensure that NN/LM resource libraries are used Accomplished.
• Fund relevant health-related electronic resources as Due to less use of MISP-ILL, SCRLC had the
feasible. funds to continue Consumer Health Complete.

Interlibrary Loan. • Hold an interlibrary loan users’ /resource sharing An in-person RS users’ group meeting was
Enable library users to group meeting. held on 9/24/19—ILL to the Moon and Back
efficiently and quickly (25 attendees). Eight virtual RS meetings were
obtain material not • Implement regional borrowers'’ card, pending Board held March-June; 45 attended in total.
available in their local approval.
libraries. SCRLC launched the South Central Onsite
Reciprocal Access (SCORA) program to mem-
ber libraries in January of 2020. 3 participants.
• Promote and monitor Bibliographic and Referral BARC use increased 38% prior to COVID-19.
Center (BARC) use.
• Monitor interlibrary loan changes, e.g. TipasaI, ILL changes monitored; nothing new imple-
ILLiad. mented.
• Seek Board approval for revised BARC guidelines. BARC guidelines revisions were approved on
July 12, 2019.

Goals Activities Outcomes

Cataloging Services. • Be a point of contact for help with challenging The digital services librarian provided one
Ensure NYS students, cataloging items. cataloging training session for a historical
educators, lifelong learners, society member.
and residents efficiently
discover materials held by Formalizing of this policy was moved to 2020-
SCRLC libraries. Explore • Formalize our cataloging policy. 2021. It will most likely involving referring or
regional and statewide advertising libraries that can catalog for other
opportunities to improve libraries.
access to materials for these

Delivery. Support the • Explore statewide delivery initiatives, including ELD remained out of reach for additional
efficient and fast delivery of partnership opportunities, e.g. IDS participation for SCRLC members to join. With the new
interlibrary loan materials more SCRLC members; public library systems or contract and tracking, this could change.
among SCRLC members to school library systems using ELD.
benefit NYS students,
educators, lifelong learners,
• Advertise UPS CampusShip to elicit wider As last year, though CampusShip was adver-
and residents via promotion
participation in September and January; update tised and discussed in some of the field visits;
and support of regional and
website. no additional libraries used our account.
statewide delivery service.

Digital Collections Access. • Assess regional digital preservation needs and The Digitization Advisory Committee devel-
Investigate the need for and potential services. Seek funding opportunities if oped and distributed an extensive survey
feasibility of building or sharing available and feasible. about digital preservation needs in our region.
a regional or multi-regional The 22 results represented a wide range of
digital repository that would digital preservation needs. We piloted the
address regional digital Digital Dark Archive Service, a project of the
preservation needs, and would Southeastern New York Library Resources
include original research, Council (SENYLRC), which is based on
non-print regionally-produced Archivematica and Amazon S3. We expect to
work (e.g., digital art, music), offer it for free up to 5 GB for our New York
unique works, datasets, Heritage participants; SCRLC members want-
publications, and other types of ing to use outside of NYH will also be able to
born digital and digitized participate at cost.


Goals Activities Outcomes

Provide high quality and • Conduct CE needs assessment (spring The survey was sent out in early March 2020 and
relevant learning opportunities, 2020). received 35 responses. Due to the onset of the
both face-to-face and pandemic, the Educational Services Advisory
electronically, to meet the Committee elected to not go after additional
current and future needs of replies and continued to plan responsive
regional library workers. programming to meet rapidly changing needs.
• Enlist a diverse group of speakers and
We had a diverse group of workshop and confer-
presenters from underrepresented groups for
ence speakers and will need to continue to priori-
CE offerings.
tize hiring BIPOC speakers.

Used Zoom breakout rooms, polls, and video

• Experiment with new instructional design more effectively.

• Offer a wide variety of educational activities, Accomplished. Offered 97 learning opportunities

both face-to-face and online that meet (primarily online), reaching 1,385 people.
Enhance the accessibility of regional needs and address the emerging
learning opportunities for the realities and demographic trends, including
region. workshops, special interest groups, and
webinars. Carried over to 2020-21. It remains challenging
• Facilitate/Rebrand SIG meetings/ to get activity on the google groups lists, but the
conversations. Zoom meetup were helpful.
• Monitor innovative CE opportunities for our
members and/or their users/members. Accomplished.
• Monitor the Design 4 Learning WebJunction
Use increased throughout the pandemic; module
online training program; encourage members
to use it through the newsletter, D4L blog, links were updated. Primarly from the USA, but
many other countries, e.g. Australia, Nigeria,
and social media.
UAE, Netherlands, Romania.
• Re-visit shared regional experts, e.g., a shad- This turned out not to be the year to try this,
ow program for members to find mentors though we did begin a job coaching program.
within the SCRLC community.
• Offer a series of DEI-related continuing edu- Accomplished (see following).
cation opportunities.

Provide culturally responsive • Offer programs focused on issues of Programs included our annual meeting (strategic
learning opportunities. diversity, social responsibility, etc. planning through the lens of DEI); NYLA ESLN
luncheon on uncovering privilege and addressing
microaggressions; workshops on Digital Census
Preparation; and more informal meetups to dis-
cuss how to advance racial equity in our institu-

Goals Activities Outcomes
Prior to the statewide shutdown in March,
Serve the information • Check in with each hospital member; conduct field visits. half the member hospitals were visited;
needs of regional health • Support medical/health-related electronic resources—review others were reached via phone and Zoom.
care professionals and recommend resources for group purchases. Accomplished—NEJM, Stat!Ref, CHC.
through the provision of
health and medical
• Collaborate with other library systems/councils to offer The ESLN HLSP program managers met
continuing education opportunities and discounted pricing monthly to explore these areas; our MLA
information resources
on electronic resources. course was offered to all Councils.
and services to their
libraries. • Update hospital library/education dept. profiles to better Accomplished in 2018-19 and updated.
understand each member's strengths/weaknesses, hospital
resource sharing and partner networks and new areas of
opportunity for SCRLC involvement and service offerings.
• Promote and ensure that all hospitals are using the
Ongoing—it is challenging to work with IT
electronic resources provided through HLSP and SCRLC. departments; systems change.
. • Serve as back up searcher for hospitals; forward DOCLINE Outreach services librarian performed 15
requests for hospitals without a librarian. literature searches.
• Monitor changes to DOCLINE and assist HLSP members The changeover from UConn to MLA was
with any issues they encounter. problematic for some of our members and
• Review hospital OCLC holdings, both serials and mono- some are still ongoing.
graphic. OCLC review is ongoing—2 hospitals
• Identify and facilitate opportunities for the hospital libraries made 32 union list changes via BARC.
to participate in OCLC. This element needed to be moved to 2020


Goals Activities Outcomes
SCRLC utilizes its • Plan programs and services effectively; report on .Accomplished; the 2019 report was sub-
resources in an effective accomplishments in the annual report. mitted ahead of the deadline.
and efficient manner.
• Support the work of the Board and offer Board
development opportunities. Accomplished. Board orientation was
offered to our new Board members. A
follow-up Q & A was part pf the March
2020 meeting. The annual Board retreat
was held in July 2019, led by Kirby Ed-
SCRLC demonstrates monds.
best practices in
sustainable resource • Promote best practices for green and sustainability
SCRLC continued to participate in the
management, staff programs and initiatives. ReBusiness Partners Program. Held
development, and webinars on conflict management,
workplace wellness. change, productivity and coping with dis-
tractions & two webinars on COVID-19
SCRLC is an innovative and workplace safety.
library organization, • Offer staff development opportunities. Accomplished.
responsive to its • Finalize SCRLC’s Code of Conduct; implement after Accomplished.
membership. Board approval.
Our DEI Plan was shared with NYLA,
• Provide assistance to other library organizations on mat-
DCTC, and more recently with SU’s iS-
ters of diversity, equity, and inclusion. chool.

• Support innovation and program development. Accomplished, e.g. via grants, CE.

Goals Activities Outcomes

To facilitate the provision of • Provide assistance by email, phone, Accomplished.

expertise, advice, training, or field visits, and other means.
referrals in specific areas of library • Offer customized training to member
leadership and operation, or Offered 23 customized training sessions.
customized teaching and services to
members. • Advertise focus group sessions for Held 4 focus groups for the George F. Johnson
members; offer if asked. Library in Endicott.

To facilitate knowledge-sharing and • Develop newsletter items.. 38 Newsletters were distributed.

member collaboration. 31 networking meetings were held; online exhib-
• Hold networking meetings; sponsor
online exhibits; investigate additional its accompanied Women’s Suffrage and Erie
possibilities. Cancel exhibits.
• Explore the offering of grants for RBDB grants were funded; other grant rounds
knowledge-sharing. had to be postponed.
• Explore the Harwood Community Con- Accomplished (looked at Communities + Librar-
versation kit; use if relevant. ies model).
• Develop Communities + Libraries pro-
gram if feasible. Not feasible due to COVID-19.
• Offer a swap and shop to share ideas. Programs that included Swap and Shop ele-
ments included the Resource Sharing Users
Group program; the “NYLA, SCRLC and You
DEI program; the 2019 annual meeting that
focused on sharing ideas about strategic plan-
ning within our institutions; and the meetups.
Incubate innovative information • Review and disseminate information ACITS reviewed current trends data in reports,
technologies and services through technology trends. e.g., Horizon Report, Pew, Center for the Future
SCRLC-sponsored initiatives and of Libraries. SCLRC continued to highlight links
grant opportunities that impact to trends information in our weekly online News.
members and adhere to SCRLC’s
• Offer Dolphin Cove grants, if feasible.
guiding principles. This was not feasible due to COVID-19.


Goals Activities Outcomes
Provide member libraries and library • Collaborate with other library systems ESLN held a retreat for all staff to work on a
systems with effective information and organizations to offer learning strategic plan; NYH, CE, RS, and HSLP staff
services and programs to enable opportunities; support multi-systems’ collaborated closely throughout the year on
them to better serve NYS students, efforts. shared programing and ideas. SCRLC staff also
educators, lifelong learners, and served on five of the six regional school library
residents, anywhere, anytime. systems' advisory councils. The executive direc-
tor served on the NYALS steering committee.

• Support and offer leadership for
Form partnerships with other library collaborative Empire State Library As above. The member engagement librarian
systems and organizations to Network initiatives including the 2020 and E.D. served on the Academic Libraries con-
advance common goals and provide Academic Libraries Conference. ference committee, but the program had to be
support for shared services. canceled.

Promote SCRLC activities as • Enable other Empire State Library Accomplished—the was accelerated during the
appropriate outside the region. Network members to engage with final quarter of the year due to more online op-
SCRLC’s learning opportunities. portunities due to COVID-19.

• Advertise SCRLC’s opportunities and

knowledge sharing communications via
NYLINE and other out-of-region
discussion or distribution lists; enable a
wide-range of library organizations to
subscribe to scrlc-l.
Goals Activities Outcomes

Virtual Reference. Facilitate • Participate collaboratively in NYS virtual Seven SCRLC members participated in Ask
participation in collaborative virtual reference initiatives. Us 24/7 virtual reference via an RBDB-
reference to enable member libraries funded, cost-share.
to provide quality, relevant, and • Evaluate participation in VR services initiatives. Questions asked by regional users: 5,069,
timely information services to NYS up from 3,929 (29% increase); questions
students, educators, lifelong learners, answered by regional librarians: 3,872, up
and residents. from 1,026 (277.3% increase). VR contin-
ues to be important for those using.
Resource Acquisition & Access. • Review the Regional Bibliographic Data Bases Accomplished.
Facilitate and enhance access to and Interlibrary Resource Sharing (RBDB)
information for member libraries and program—develop recommendation to the Board
library systems NYS students, regarding electronic resources.
educators, lifelong learners, and
• Offer RBDB grants to members as funds permit.
residents’ access to information. Accomplished.
• Fund access to electronic resources. Accomplished.
• Provide centralized billing and ordering for Accomplished. SCRLC continued to handle
products of value to regional or statewide FirstSearch subscriptions for libraries
libraries and library systems. unable to use our regional one (Cornell,
• Explore group purchases and discounts for Elmira, Ithaca, and Wells).
members. Ongoing; included conference discounts.
• Market and provide training on the resources.
Accomplished and ongoing through cus-
tomized training and information provided
in the newsletter.

Goals Activities

Facilitate collaboration and • Advocate for and coordinate collaborative Thirteen SCRLC participants added
participation within the region to digitization efforts, including DPLA. 1,846 objects to New York Heritage this
provide a comprehensive digital year bringing the total to 9,715 objects
history of South Central New York (comprising 38,000 files). SCRLC partici-
State. pation grew by 3 to 34 participants.
Provide information and training in • Effect Empire Archival Discovery A SENLRC project, EADC was not ready
the process of digitization, Cooperative (EADC) implementation in for implementation by year’s end. The
standards, metadata, access, and SCRLC region. pricing model is not yet available.
digital preservation.
• Provide information and training in standards
and digitization best practices, software, and Accomplished.
• Update SCRLC’s digitization equipment with Accomplished. The official dedication
monies from legislative grant. will need to wait until 2020-2021.
• Coordinate implementation of standardized Accomplished.
rights statements in NYH for SCRLC.
Act as a regional liaison and • Develop discussions/conversations for NYH Meetups were held March-June; an NYH
advocate for SCRLC members to participants. ESLN SIG will be investigated 20-21.
New York Heritage and Empire State
Digital Network. • Educate member institutions on benefits of NYH is ongoing. NYS pipeline to DPLA
. contributing to NYH and DPLA. was disbanded; testing a distributed
• Coordinate individual and collaborative model was on hold due to staffing.
Promote the rich digital content gen- digitization projects. Accomplished.
erated by SCRLC members through • Coordinate activities and communication within Accomplished.
New York Heritage or other content NYH users group.
As last year, 18 libraries housed the
• Cooperate on the development of a multi- women’s suffrage or Erie Canal exhib-
regional immigration online and traveling ex- its.NYH images appeared in newsletters.
Goals Activities Outcomes
Increase awareness of the role of • Participate with NYLA and other library Accomplished though participation in advoca-
the regional network of libraries systems in statewide advocacy efforts. cy day, communication with legislators, and
and library systems in providing being on NYALS steering committee.
relevant cost-effective resources,
materials, and programs to • Continuing developing within SCRLC a
Developed a job coaching program that 3
students, educators, lifelong support system to help make connections
members have utilized at this point. This is
learners, and NYS residents. (mentoring or coaching) and to build a
an on-going activity.
knowledge infrastructure.
Programs were offered in other regions, in-
• Offer advocacy training, to focus on cluding NNYLN’s Primer on Legislative Visits.
relationship-building to include ideas on how to In the future we plan to offer one focused on
identify whom you should be talking to locally. continual relationship-building.
• Hold in conjunction with the regional public Planned, but canceled due to lack of legisla-
library systems, the September 13 legislative tor participation (it was not an election year).
“thank you” breakfast.
• Encourage support for New York for Better Staff organized a trivia event on their own
Libraries. time. 40 attended an evening trivia event.
• Review and update the Awareness & Advoca-
cy Plan as necessary. Will be updated in 2020-2021.
• Visit legislators—particularly the newly elected
ones—in their home offices. This was not possible—virtual visits will be
investigated for 2020-2021.

Facilitate recruitment into the • Maintain and broaden ties with library schools. The E.D. continued to serve on SU’s
profession. iSchool’s Guiding Council.
• Revamp our internship program to support
Due to the budget, a staff resignation, and
continued digitization work by both graduate
COVID-19, this was not possible.
and undergraduate interns.

• Offer MLS/MLIS internship opportunities.

As above.

• Develop networking opportunities for area The job coaching service helped to meet this
MLS/MLIS students, new librarians, and for objective.
those considering a career in librarianship.
• Populate the listserv for students. It has been challenging to populate the
listserv; as of 2020-2021 we are discussing

Ensure, promote, and facilitate • Offer communications and training; address at This will always be in process because there
cultural competency among meetings of the membership, directors, etc. is always more to do..more training to offer,
regional library workers; increase the DEI Plan and Code of Conduct to revisit
awareness of diversity within the and update. In June a Board-approved Black
organization and membership. Lives Matter statement was posted to the
website (and remains).
• Discuss safe zone training (train the trainer) Held in prior FY, but will need to do more for
and socio-economic aspects as part of the 202-2021.
diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative.
• Complete and present D-E-I plan to the Board Accomplished.
for approval.
Facilitate and promote a diverse
regional library workforce; a com-
ponent of this goal is to improve • Advertise positions (including internships) Accomplished; used the DEI LibGuide to
SCRLC’s recruitment of diverse widely through scrlc-l, library schools, and lists identify BIPOC library associations and ALA
candidates for available positions. that reach out to underserved communities. sections, including ALA’s Black Caucus and
the American Indian Library Association.
• Advertise DEI LibGuide to members, which
includes a list of library-related listservs that Accomplished.
reach underrepresented groups.
• Ensure that regional library organizations have Accomplished via the LibGuide.
access to lists that reach underrepresented
groups. 7

Goals Activities Outcomes

Through networking op- • Maintain frequent communication with members through Visits to SCRLC's virtual spaces totaled
portunities and participa- visits, email, website, chat, phone, weekly newsletter, 136,217 as follows: 45,827 for the SCRLC
tion in regional and etc. website; 603 YouTube views for the 6 webi-
statewide programs and nars produced in the last fiscal year and
services, facilitate rela- (5,587 views including the older archived
tionship-building and ones); 8,704 visits to SCRLC’s 15 Lib-
partnerships among Guides; and 76,099 pageviews of SCRLC
member libraries and member content on New York Heritage. We
library systems. were able to refine this figure to include
views of objects as well as searches within
specific member collections.

• Offer regional networking opportunities for library Held 31 virtual meetups. In-person meetings
workers. presented additional opportunities.
• Conduct site visits; invite members to participate on 43 field visits and consultations were con-
Board and Advisory Committee. ducted; members are always invited.
• Complete and present the updated Communications Plan
to the Board for approval. Moved to 2020-2021.
• Distribute 2018-2019 individualized cost/benefit state-
ments (the “report card”). Move distribution to late fall.

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