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2500 Pts - Skaven

Name # Mv WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Sv WSv Mgc Cost

Warlock Engineer (1 , 145 pts)
Warlock Engineer 1 5 3 3 3 3 2 4 1 5 - 2 145
Composition: Hero
SA; SiN; Verminous Valour; Level 2 Wizard; Hand Weapon
Warpmusket 1 24" range, S5, move or fire, Armor Piercing, Unstable [15]
Ammunition, Warpstone Weapon.
Doomrocket 1 One use only. May be fired in the Shooting phase or as a stand and [30]
shoot charge reaction; Target and roll 4-10 dice for range in
inches, then place large template. Any model touched takes a S5
hit. If you roll 3 or more 1s for range, roll a D6: 1) Place centre
of template over firer instead, 2-5) Fire in direction of scatter dice
instead, 6) Model beneath impact point takes S5 hit, but rocket
does not go off, roll a 4+ at the beginning of each Skaven shooting
phase to see when it does.
1. Skitterleap 1 {macro Casting5} Cast on the caster (except Vermin Lords) or any [0]
other friendly infantry character within 12". The model disappears
and reappears anywhere on the battlefield, at least 1" away from
enemy models.
2. Warp Lightning 1 {macro Casting6} Magic Missile, 24" Range, D6 Strength 5 hits. [0]
On a 1, the caster is hit instead.
3. Howling Warpgale 1 {macro Casting7} Lasts until the start of your next magic phase. [0]
Flying creatures may not fly. Enemy missile weapons are at -1 to
4. Death Frenzy 1 {macro Casting9} Cast on a friendly unit within 18". The unit is [0]
affected by Frenzy (+2 At instead of +1) until it loses a combat.
The unit takes D6 wounds with no armor save (as if from shooting)
at the end of each friendly turn.
5. Scorch 1 {macro Casting10} Place the small round template within 24". Any [0]
model touched suffers a S4 Flaming hit. Any unit that takes
wounds must take a Panic test.
6. Crack's Call 1 {macro Casting11} Crack appears at caster and runs for 4D6" in [0]
line of sight. Models under the crack must make an Initiative test
or be removed. War machines & chariots are destroyed on a 5+
instead. Buildings collapse on a 5+.

Created with Army Builder® - Copyright (c) 1997-2011 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved. Download it for FREE at http://www.wolflair. com!
Name # Mv WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Sv WSv Mgc Cost
Plague Priest (3 , 329 pts)
Plague Priest 1 5 5 3 4/6 5 2 5 3/4 6 - 2 329
Composition: Hero
SA; SiN; General; Level 2 Upgrade; Hand Weapon; Flail; Frenzy
Plague Furnace 1 - - - 5 6 6 - - - - [150]
Causes D6 S5 impact hits; See p48-49 of the Skaven rulebook; Pushed into Battle; Billowing
Death; Icon of the Horned Rat; Pestilent Blessing; Frenzy; Large Target; Magic Resistance
(2); Unbreakable; Plague Monk Crew
Plague Monk Crew 1 - 3 - 3 - - 3 6/7 - - [0]
Channeling Staff 1 +1 to channeling attempts [15]
Dawnstone 1 Re-roll failed armour saves [25]
1. Pestilent Breath 1 {macro Casting5} Place the flame template in base contact and line [0]
of sight with the wizard. Models touched suffer a Strength 2 hit
with no armor save. If in close combat, one enemy unit suffers D6
hits instead.
2. Bless With Filth 1 {macro Casting7} One friendly unit within 12" has Poisoned [0]
Attacks in close combat. Upgrades existing poisoned attacks to 5+.
Lasts until the end of the next player turn.
3. Wither 1 {macro Casting8} One unit within 12" loses 1 Toughness until the [0]
end of the game.
4. Vermintide 1 {macro Casting8} Place the large round template in base contact [0]
with you, then move it 4D6" away in any direction (it can't cross
water or impassible terrain). Any units touched by the template
suffer 3D6 Strength 2 hits (but not the caster). If in close combat,
one enemy unit in base contact takes the 3D6 hits (as if from
shooting) instead.
5. Cloud of Corruption 1 {macro Casting11} Roll a D6 for each unit within 12". On a 2+ [0]
(enemies), 4+ (friends) or 5+ (Clan Pestilens), they take D6
Strength 5 hits with no armor save.
6. Plague 1 {macro Casting13} Cast on one enemy unit within 18". Each [0]
model must take a Toughness test or suffer a wound with no armor
save. If cast on a unit in close combat, all units fighting will be
affected. After removing casualties, roll a D6: 1) The spell
backfires, your opponent can choose to end it or cause any one
unit within 12" of a plagued unit to be affected by the spell. 2-4)
The spell ends. 5-6) You can choose to end the spell or cause any
one unit within 12" of a plagued unit to be affected by the spell. A
unit cannot be affected twice by this spell in the same phase. Keep
applyying the results of the spell until it ends, or there are no
targets left.
Plague Monks (20 , 215 pts)
Plague Monks 19 5 3 3 3 4 1 3 1/3 5 - 215
Composition: Special
SA; SiN; Musician ; Standard Bearer ; Hand Weapon; Extra Hand Weapon; Extra
Attack: +1 Attacks; Frenzy
Bringer-of-the-Word 1 5 3 3 3 4 1 3 2/4 5 - [17]
Hand Weapon; Extra Hand Weapon; Extra Attack: +1 Attacks; Frenzy
Storm Banner 1 One use only. Activate at the beginning of any player's turn. No [50]
flying movement is allowed, and all missile fire is at -2 to hit. All
shooting attacks that don't use BS need to roll a 4+ on a D6 before
they fire. Roll a D6 at the beginning of each of the following
player's turns - the effects end on a roll of 4+.
Clanrats (22 , 190 pts)
Clanrats 19 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 5+ 6+* 190
Composition: Core
SA; SiN; Musician ; Standard Bearer ; Hand Weapon; Spear; Light Armour; Shield
Clawleader 1 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 5 5+ 6+* [13]
Hand Weapon; Spear; Light Armour; Shield
Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team 2 5 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 5 5+ [70]
SA; SiN; Warpfire Thrower; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour

Created with Army Builder® - Copyright (c) 1997-2011 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved. Download it for FREE at http://www.wolflair. com!
Name # Mv WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Sv WSv Mgc Cost
Clanrats (22 , 190 pts)
Clanrats 19 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 5+ 6+* 190
Composition: Core
SA; SiN; Musician ; Standard Bearer ; Hand Weapon; Spear; Light Armour; Shield
Clawleader 1 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 5 5+ 6+* [13]
Hand Weapon; Spear; Light Armour; Shield
Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team 2 5 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 5 5+ [70]
SA; SiN; Warpfire Thrower; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour
Clanrats (22 , 190 pts)
Clanrats 19 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 5+ 6+* 190
Composition: Core
SA; SiN; Musician ; Standard Bearer ; Hand Weapon; Spear; Light Armour; Shield
Clawleader 1 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 5 5+ 6+* [13]
Hand Weapon; Spear; Light Armour; Shield
Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team 2 5 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 5 5+ [70]
SA; SiN; Warpfire Thrower; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour
Clanrats (22 , 175 pts)
Clanrats 19 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 5+ 6+* 175
Composition: Core
SA; SiN; Musician ; Standard Bearer ; Hand Weapon; Spear; Light Armour; Shield
Clawleader 1 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 5 5+ 6+* [13]
Hand Weapon; Spear; Light Armour; Shield
Ratling Gun Weapon Team 2 5 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 5 5+ [55]
SA; SiN; Ratling Gun; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour
Clanrats (22 , 185 pts)
Clanrats 19 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 5+ 6+* 185
Composition: Core
SA; SiN; Musician ; Standard Bearer ; Hand Weapon; Spear; Light Armour; Shield
Clawleader 1 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 5 5+ 6+* [13]
Hand Weapon; Spear; Light Armour; Shield
Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon 2 5 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 5 5+ [65]
Team SA; SiN; Poisoned Wind Mortar; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour
Clanrats (22 , 185 pts)
Clanrats 19 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 5+ 6+* 185
Composition: Core
SA; SiN; Musician ; Standard Bearer ; Hand Weapon; Spear; Light Armour; Shield
Clawleader 1 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 5 5+ 6+* [13]
Hand Weapon; Spear; Light Armour; Shield
Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon 2 5 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 5 5+ [65]
Team SA; SiN; Poisoned Wind Mortar; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour
Skavenslaves (20 , 66 pts)
Skavenslaves 19 5 2 2 3 3 1 4 1 2 6+ 6+* 66
Composition: Core
SA; SiN; Expendable: All Skaven units automatically pass Panic tests caused by slaves, and
can fire into close combat with slaves; Cornered Rats: If a slave unit breaks from combat, all
units within D6" take D3 (+1 for each extra rank of 5+ slaves) S3 hits, and then the broken
unit is removed; Musician ; Hand Weapon; Sling; Shield
Pawleader 1 5 2 2 3 3 1 4 2 2 6+ 6+* [7]
Hand Weapon; Sling; Shield
Rat Ogres (3 , 138 pts)
Rat Ogres
2 6 3 1 5 4 3 4 3/4 5 - 138
Composition: Special
3 rank/6 horde, Support Att max 3; SA; Mixed units: Missiles hit rat ogres on 1-4,
Packmaster on 5-6.; If there are no Packmasters or Master Moulders in the unit at the start of
a friendly turn the Rat Ogres must test for Stupidity; Can use a Packmasters or Master
Moulders Ld and SiN rule if with the unit of Rat Ogres; Causes Fear; Frenzy; Stomp
×Master Moulder 1 6 5 3 4 4 2 5 2/3 6 6+ [58]
SA; SiN; Verminous Valour; Hand Weapon; Whip; Light Armour
Shock-Prod 1 Two-handed weapon. Ignores armor saves. [25]
Created with Army Builder® - Copyright (c) 1997-2011 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved. Download it for FREE at http://www.wolflair. com!
Name # Mv WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Sv WSv Mgc Cost
Hell Pit Abomination (1 , 250 pts)
Hell Pit Abomination 1 3D6 3 1 6 5 6 4 * 8 - 250
Composition: Rare
D6 impact hits. See p57 for rules.; Warpstone Spikes: Magic Resistance (1), Warpstone
Weapon; Causes Terror; Large Target; Regenerate; Stubborn; Thunder Stomp
Warp-Lightning Cannon (1 , 90 pts)
Warp-Lightning Cannon 1 6 3 90
Composition: Rare
Warp-Lightning Cannon: Warpstone Weapon, as Cannon. Misfire chart: 1-2) Destroyed, 3-5)
Turn to scatter dice and fire a shot 4D6" at maximum strength 6) Cannot fire this turn.
Engineer & Crew 1 5 3 3 3 3 - 3 3 7 - [0]
Doomwheel (1 , 150 pts)
Doomwheel 1 3D6 - - 6 6 5 - * - 4+ 150
Composition: Rare
D6+1 impact hits, Zzap Bolts are a Warpstone Weapon. See p67 for rules. ; Causes Terror;
Immune to Psychology; Large Target
Crew (Warlock & Rats) 1 - 3 3 2 - - 4 2D6 7 - [0]
Total Cost: 2498

Option Footnotes
Extra Hand Weapon +1 Attack. Requires two hands.
Flail +2 Strength in the first round of any combat. Two-handed.
Hand Weapon 6+ Ward Save in combat when on foot and fighting with a shield; no effect if mounted.
Heavy Armour 5+ Armour save.
Light Armour 6+ Armour save.
Musician +1 to combat resolution in a tie. +1 Leadership when attempting to Rally (may not exceed 10).
Poisoned Wind Mortar 6-24" Range, Warpstone Weapon, no armor saves.
Fires like a stone thrower (can fire indirectly if the target is visible to the parent unit, but will scatter twice
as far). Uses small round template. Any model directly under the center takes a wound on 4+; other models
touched take a wound on a 5+.
Misfire table:
1-2) Place the large round template on the team, resolve the attack (all models wounded on 4+), then
remove the team.
3-5) Your opponent can place the template anywhere he likes within 3D6" of the intended target.
6) May not shoot this turn.
Ratling Gun 18" Range, Strength 4, -2 to armor saves, move or fire, Warpstone Weapon.
Fires D6 shots. After you roll, you can choose to add another D6 shots as many times as you like. If you
roll a DOUBLE on any of the dice, the Ratling Gun misfires. When you stop, if the target is in range, roll
to hit.
Misfire table:
1-2) Blam! No shots fired, remove the team from play.
3-5) Roll the Scatter dice. All shots rolled are fired in the direction of the arrow and hit the first target
within range.
6) All shots are only S2, -1 armor save.
This weapon may Stand and Shoot.
Shield +1 Armour save bonus.
Sling 18" Range, Strength 3, Multiple Shots (x2)
Spear Fight in Extra Rank (does not apply if charging); +1 Strength when mounted and charging.
Standard Bearer +1 to Combat Resolution; Standard can be captured if unit Flees.

Created with Army Builder® - Copyright (c) 1997-2011 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved. Download it for FREE at http://www.wolflair. com!
Warpfire Thrower Strength 5, D3 Wounds, -2 to armor saves, move or fire, Warpstone Weapon.
Place the flame template with the narrow end touching the Warpfire Thrower and the large part aimed at the
target (which must be in line of sight).
Roll the artillery dice and move the template that many inches toward the target. All targets touched are
hit automatically.
A unit suffering one or more casualties must take a Panic test.
If you roll a Misfire, roll a D6 -
1-2) the team is destroyed, place the large circular template over the center of the team and resolve hits as
3-5) The team catches fire and runs 2D6" in a random direction, stopping if it comes into contact with
anything, before exploding (use the small circular template) and being removed.
6) May not fire this turn.
This weapon may Stand and Shoot.
Whip Counts as an additional hand weapon if the bearer is in base contact with the enemy. Alternatively, can be
used to make one attack through 1 rank of rat ogres or 3 ranks of giant rats.
Regenerate 4+ Save
Wounds caused by flaming attacks stop regeneration for the remainder of the phase
Stomp 1 automatic hit at creature's strength, Always strikes last
Thunder Stomp D6 automatic hits at creature's strength, Always strikes last

Roster Design Information

Scurry Away! (SA): +1 to the total rolled when determining fleeing distance.
Strength in Numbers (SiN): Units add their current Rank Bonus to their Leadership value for any leadership-based test.

Validation Report
Army Subtype: Skaven Army; Edition: 8th Edition; Game Type: Normal Game
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules
One or more elements of the Roster (×) are subject to the following in-play usage considerations:

Roster Statistics
Casting Dice: 6
Dispel Dice: 4
General's Ld: 6
# Models: 182
Total Characters: 474
Total Core: 1181
Total Magic Items: 160
Total Rare: 490
Total Special: 353
% Characters: 19
% Core: 47.3
% Magic Items: 6.4
% Rare: 19.6
% Special: 14.1

Group Min Max Used

Points of Lords 0 625 0
Points of Heroes 0 625 474
Points of Core 625 Unlimited 1181
Points of Special 0 1250 353
Points of Rare 0 625 490

Created with Army Builder® - Copyright (c) 1997-2011 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved. Download it for FREE at http://www.wolflair. com!

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