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What impression of the Filipinos do you get from reading Morga’s description of the type
of food the natives eat? Which particular phrase gives you this impression?

"They prefer meat and fish, saltfish which begin to decompose and smell." This phrase tells
that the type of food natives eat such as meat and fish are rotten. It gives the impression to
us Filipino that the food our ancestors eat are spoiled and it means disgusting.

2. What is Rizal’s purpose in writing an annotation about the food preferences of the English,
Spaniards, and Chinese?

Rizal's purpose in writing an annotation about the food preference if the other country. We
have different culture and native foods that foreigners are not familiar. It shows that
Philippines has it own dish and food.

3. How did Morga portray the Filipinos?

Morga portrays Filipino are scared of these animals and put barriers in order for them nit
to reached. Though he imply that putting that barriers show a fine line between superiority
of the Filipinos between the animals.

4. In Rizal’s subsequent annotation, what does he mean when he says, “Perhaps for the same
reason, other nations have great esteem for the lion and bear, putting them on their shields
and giving them honorable epithets”?

Our ancestor worship and protect the crocodiles, and how like other nations treat lions and
bears, putting them on their shields and giving them honorable epithets because it
represents the culture of our country that should be respected and honored. Also, crocodiles
symbolized physical power. What Rizal wanted to say is that crocodiles are linked to
Filipino culture and identity.

5. In general, what is Rizal’s motive in writing his annotations of Morga’s work? How does
this fits into the aims of other propagandist working for reforms during this time?

Morga wanted to correct Morga's claims about the Philippines that before Morga arrives
and colonizers came in the Philippines, we had our own life. It is important for the
propagandist to be aware the history of the Philippines that before the arrival of Spaniards
so they know what to aim for, what to look for reform. Because back when Spaniards
weren't present, the Philippines already had freedom, the natives had identity. What Rizal
wanted for propagandists was to ask for reform which will bring back.

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