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Brave Heart Mitra & Michael Estocado Grade 12 - Unity

Fallacies and Reasoning Examples

1. Inductive Reasoning Sir ongas has given us an activity during
classes therefore he will give another activity
next meeting.

2. Deductive Reasoning All stem students are good in math then

Kenneth is good in math.

3. Non Sequitor Hazel only have an android phone, she must be


4. Ad Hominem You can't judge me because you are not a law

5. Appeal to Authority We should abolish the terror bill. Many famous
personalities, such as actors and celebrities
have publicly stated in social medias their
opposition to it.
6. False analogy Cars cause more pollution than plastics, so if
they are going to ban the plastics they should
also ban the using cars.
7. Bandwagon Argument All my classmates will not submit their
assignments, so I won’t pass too.
8. Begging the Question Mass testing is not needed because covid-19 is
not visible.
9. False Dichotomy If i will not pass my Peta on its due date. I will
face death.
10. Hasty Generalization My cousin drinks cherifer everyday but he is
not growing taller. Therefore cherifer is not
effective vitamin to grow.
11. Post hoc ergo propter hoc After I took a biogesic I was diagnose with
covid-19, therefor the biogesic gave me the
12. Reductio ad absurdum When you lose your pen you can’t write notes.
When you don’t have notes you can’t pass the
exam. Therefore when you lose your pen you
cannot pass the exam.

13. Red Herring In order to win against covid-19 we should first

pass a bill against the terrorist.
14. Argument from Ignorance No one around me is infected by covid-19, it
must have not exist.
15. Emotionalism “Doturtle only gave a pardon to homicide,
Pnay gave a pardon to a case related to drugs,
we all know that drugs destroy the life of
people. Drugs is a bigger deal.”

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